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Nama: Endang Ersa Nurcahya

NIM: 050927293
Kode/Mata Kuliah: MKWI4201/Bahasa Inggris
Kode/Nama UPBJJ: 90/Layanan Luar Negeri
Masa Ujian: 2023/2024 Ganjil (2023.2)

. a. Bahasa kasual (casual style). We can be identified from the use of idiomatic language in
the sentence “I feel like my toes are starting to go numb.” And using pruning on the words
“what’s and that’s”. Also using colloquialism.
b. They talked about “the weather” that was happening at that time.

. Today is my first day working at a new company. After a long time, I decided to resign from
the old company. My office is in the city center, closer to my apartment. I only need to walk
15 minutes to get there. Apart from saving transportation costs, I can also exercise by
walking. After arriving at the office, there are many things that words cannot express. I get
a very spacious and comfortable work space here. This room is also designed very
attractively and uses walls painted in colors that are pleasing to the eye. Looks like I will
really feel at home here, even feel very ready to work overtime.

. a) John Doe, Manager, Purcashing Departement

b) to All Staf
c) To inform that they are planning to host a baby shower for Ashley Johnson
before she leaves on maternity leave.

Subject: Online Summer Course

Dear General English Course Staff

Thank you for the course information that I have received. I am interested in taking a course this
summer. If you don't mind, May I receive details of the fee and schedule of activities for this


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