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Nama Mahasiswa : Dies Novanda Putra

Nomor Induk Mahasiswa/ NIM : 048255851

Kode/Nama Mata Kuliah : MKWI4201/Bahasa Inggris

Kode/Nama UPBJJ : 41/UPBJJ-UT Purwokerto

Masa Ujian : 2022/23.1 (2022.2)


1) A. Bahasa Informal atau kasual karena percakapan tersebut percakapan sehari-hari.
B. Topik percakapan tersebut yaitu mengenai keadaan cuaca diluar yang dingin.

2) My name is Arsha, I am an accountant staff. I would like tell you about my office. My
office is a room with size about 10 m long and 4 m wide. It is a office with white paint that
covered all the walls. The office is located in Purwokerto. When you enter the room, you will
find a big mirror right across the room. In the morning, it is showered by the the morning sun
light because my office faces the east direction. The room is bright so that the celiling lights
are not needed much during the day. There is a long wooden desk in the middle of the room
with twelve chairs well arranged surround it. It is desk and chairs with white paint . There is
no cubicle in my office and no personal computer are on the table. In one side off the wall,
there is two television. on the ceiling above the table there is a chandelier that is rarely turned
on because there is already sunlight. My office is not too large but it is clean and well
organized. The air is always fresh and cool because there is an air conditioner installed on the
wall. I like my office very much.

3) A. John Doe, manager, purchasing departement

B. All Staff
C. Inform planning to host a baby shower for Ashley Johnson

4) To whom it may concern

I found about Online Summer Course on General English on your website, and it is very
I want to join the online summer course on general English, but I cant find any information
about the course’s fee and schedule on the website.
Would you please give me the information that I need? Also, if you can provide me with
further information, I would be very happy.
Thank ou for your attention. Stay safe and healthy.
Best regards, Dies.

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