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Apple Strudel

Apples peeled. cored and sliced 360g

Lemon juice 10 mls

Granulated sugar 120g

Raisins 10g

Orange zest grated 10g

Ground cinnamon 1 ml

Filo pastry sheets 3

Clarified butter, melted 100 mls

Ground almonds 10 g


Toss the apples with the lemon juice and half the sugar in bowl. Stand for 30 minutes and then
remove liquid

Gently combine the drained apples with the raisins, orange zest, cinnamon and remaining sugar.

Prepare the filo pastry by laying one sheet out onto a piece of greaseproof paper or clean cloth.
Brush lightly with the melted butter and sprinkle with ground almonds, place the next sheet on
top and repeat until all 3 sheets are completed.

Place half the apple mix along the long edge of the dough. Using the paper to assist the rolling
of the dough, roll until filling is tight.

Place stem side down onto baking sheet brush surface with melted butter and bake at 375C until
brown approx 18- 20 minutes

Dust with icing sugar if required.

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