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5 Controllers


Introduction to controllers, Need for Control, Proportional (P), Integral (O and Derivative (D) control acions; PL PD
and PID cantrol systems in parallel form; (Numerical approach), Feed forward anticipatory control, Manual tuning of
PID control, Ziegler-Nichols method, Applications: Electro-Hydraulic/Pneumatic Control, Automotive Control

o Accuracy To avoid waste, enhance quality and

5.1 Introduction production rates, and preserve comfort in
factories, accuracy is a must
5.1.1 Need for a Control System Feedback control system is used in control system
that uses information from measurements. Feedback
- Control systems are one of he most important
control system measure the output
components of our rapidly evolving technology.
Every area of the industry is in some way connected - According to feedback there are two types of
to the control system. feedback control systems:

Everything needs to be controlled in space 1. Positive feedback

technology. power systems, transportatlon systems, 2. Negative feedback
robotics, machine tool control, and so on. As a result, The positive feedback increases the value of the
these are essentially control systems. input but in a negative feedback, the feedback is used
When properly controlled, these baslcally provide to decrease the value of the input
the desired responses The negative system work as stable but to stable
It's worth noting that a control system's input and positive feedback system PID is always used in
output must have a mathematical link between them. feedback control of industrial processes.
A linear control system exists when the input and
PID is acontroller takes in consideration the present,
output of the system are linearly proportionate, the past, and the future of the error. A proportional
otherwise it is referred to as a non-linear system. integral derivative controller( PID) is a method of
control systems are required in process plants or the control loop feedback.
structures for three main reasons: Plant or process - This method is consist of three controllers
safety- The plant or process must be safe to use.
Controllers In Control Loop
o The higher the requirement for automated Feedback Method
controls and safety mechanism, the more
complicated or risky the plant or process. 1. Proportional controller (P-Contraller)

o Stability The plant or processes should run

2. Integral controlier (1- Controllar)
smoothly, reliably, and consistently, with no
unexpected shutdowns. 3.Dervative contoller (D-Controller)

Fig. C5.1:Controllers in Control Loop Feedback Method

Mechatronics (SPPU)
Comparison of desired or set point valuc with tual
5.2 PID
value or feedback process value done.
PID controllers are available in various applications Multiplication of resulting error with proportlonal
for industrial process control. constant to get the output.
About 95% of the closed loop control systems of If the error value is zero, then thís controller ulput
industrial automation field use PID controllers is zero.
As a feedback controller, it produces the control Controllor
Set point Output
output at desired levels. Before microprocessors, PID
control was implemented by the analog electronic
Process Bias
PID controllers are used by the microprocessors. vaniable
Programmable logic controllers also have the inbuilt
PID controller instructions. Fig.5.2.2
PID controllers are flexible and trustworthy; these
This controller needs biasing or manual reset when
are traditionally used in process control used alone
Because it is not possible to reaches the steady state
It gives steady operation but always maintains the
Plant y0
Process steady state error.
Speed of the response is increased when the
proportional constant K, increases.


Working of PID Controller

Simple ON-OFF controller has only two control
Set point


states that are fully ON or fully OFF. These

controliers have low cost. Time
These controller used for limited control application
where these two control states are sufficient for P Kpe+ Po
control objective. Where, K Proportional gain between error and
Due to the limitations of ON/ OFF controller, the controlled output
oscillating nature controller used. and so that PID
P Controller output with no error (%)
controller controls the oscillating nature.
PID controller decides the output such as there is Proportional Band
zero error between process variable (PV) and set
he range of error to cover the 0% to 1000
point/ desired output by closed loop operations. controlleroutput is called the proportional band
PID has three basic control behaviors' that are 100
Proportional band =
shown below. K
5.2.2 P-Controller n proportional mode if error is zero then the oupa
is a constant equal to P
Proportional (P) controller gives output which is rom
Correction of K, percent is added or subtracted
proportional to current error e (t).
P for every 1% of error.
Mcchatronles (SPPU) 5-3

Taking derivative on both slde

Value of K,given = 0.15%
Therefore in 1 second

Erors (%) K -0.15/s

K = - 0.15s-1
Fig. 5.2.4

Advantages di(-0.15s) (-30%)

Very few number of

2. System is simple and

cheap. a
459% persecond

- Disadvantage: Controller output for constant error

disturbances, the system takes
1. If there are sudden
time to stabilize. P K E, dt P(0)

for speed control

Ex. 5.2.1 An Integral controller is used

within a range of 10 to 15 rpm. The Ep is constant so we can write

with a setpoint of 12 rpm
constant K =-0.15%
controller output is 22% initially. The P
K ep + P (0)

per percentage error.

controller output per second
the controller output So after 2 second we find
speed jumps to 13.5 rpm, calculate
after 25 for a constant
ep SPPU: May 17, 8 Marks P (0.15) (30%) (2)+22 =31%
Soln. contro
from setpoint is Ex. 5.2.2: A proporional controller is used to
Deviation of the controller
temperature within 50°C to 130°C with a set point of 73 5°C
calculated by the formula
controller output.The
E S-P The set point is maintained with 50%
which causes
Where, E =
Error offset error is comesponding to load change
proportional gain is 2 find the %
S Setpoint of variable 55% controller output. I the
P Process variable controller output if the temperature is 61°C.

Percentage error Ep calculate by using SPPU: Dec. 18, 10 Marks

Where, Pmax

Maximum process variable

100 Soln.
Proportionalgain = 2=K,
Pmin Minimum process variable Set point = 73.5°C
In thus example 55%
Set point S 12
Consider set point e = 0
Process variable P = 13.5

Pmax15 Given, P = 50% ate =0

Range min 10
but temperature = 61°C
12 13 100o
Ep15-10 So error at 61°C is
-30% e 61-73.5 -12.5°C
The rate of controller output change is P
IK+ P]+error
P() = K JE,dt+P(0) 2%x (-12.5) + 50%+55
P 80%
Mechatronics (SPPU) 5-4
= Steady state error
Ex. 5.2.3 : For the close loop system figure shown transler
function of control system. Stepinput R(s) 5
R (s) =
Ramp input
System with proportional controller obtain.
(a) the system type Parabolainput R (s)
(b) the steeady state error for step input and ramp input.
C(s) For step input
Fig. P. 5.2.3

lim sT6OJ
a) The system type, = lim 1
G() = K Ge (s) = K, s(s+1)
* s01s(s+1)JJ
For ramp input
s(s+1) s+5
System type is "1". e lims7+G
Note: Control system type depends on number of free s
at denominator. In above equation at denominators two"s
are available because "s" so type system.
= lim
For example,
1) G(s) +3 1 1
ims+[K, (s+ 1)] Kp

Given example at denominator there is no free 's' at

So highest value of K, gives smaller steady state
So type of system is "0" error but gives greater instability.

(2) Gle) 5 1-Controller

s6+1 5.2.3
Ingiven example at denominator there is only one -To overcome the imitation of proportional controller
free 's.
where always exists an offset between the process
Free's' not part of first or second order component so variable and set point, l-controller is used. It
Type of system is 1'
provides needed action to reduce the steady state
18(s+6) error.
(3) G(s)=+75+12s (+7s+ 12)
In given example at denominator there is only two
It integrates the error value over a period of timetil
free 's' error value reaches to zero.
Type of system is 2 It decides the value to final control device at whicn
error becomes zero.
) The system steady state errors Integral control decreases its output when negative
vote: error takes place.
limits the speed of response and affects stability o
1+G(s ()
R the system.
S04 Kaouledy
Pt L
Mechatronles (SPPU)
Speed of the response increased by decreasing
Integral galn K, dK,ey
Error Proporlonal
Sol point uAu





.0 ---- p Gain 5, I gain = 0.01

p Gain = 2,1 gain = 0.01

Gain 2,I gain = 0.005
-p Gain =2, I gain = 0.002 Fig. 5.2.6

- In integral controller if the erro is zero, the output
stays fixed at a value equal to what it was when the

(b) error is zero.

If theerror is not zero, then output increases or
decreases at a rate of K, percent per second for every
Fig. 5.2.5

error also goes on 1% of error

In Fig. 5.2.5, steady state
decreasing as the gain of the I-controller decreases.
5.2.4 D-controller
Pl controller is used specifically when high speed
response is not required. University Question
In Pl controller, 1-controller output is
limited to disadvantages
- Q. Discuss, in detail, the advantages and
some extent range to beat the integral up conditions of adding derivative tem to the proportional term.

where integral output goes on increasing still at zero SPPU-Dec. 16

error state, because of nonlinearities in the plant behavior of

The capability to forecast the future
Mathematically integral control mode expressed as error don't have I controller.
Therefore, it gives response to the set point change.
P) KJe,,+P (0) D-controller overcomes this problem by predicting
future behavior of the error.
where, Its output controlled by rate of change of error with
P (0) Controller output at integral action respect to time, multiplied by derivative constant
starts It gives the quick start for the output so that it
Percentage of integral factor needed increasing system response.
K =

every percent of error. In Fig 5.2.7, reaction of D controller is extra,

in following form after compared to Pl controller and as well settling time
Same equation can be written
output is decreased.
taking derivation of both side.
S-6 Controllers
Mechatronics (SPPU)
Sel point Proportiona out



L (a)
Reterence sipnai Time

Fig. 5.2.8
K= 1K, 1. K1
K 0.5
1. It never improves the steady-state error.
810 12 14 16 18 20 2. It produces saturation effects and also amplifies the
b) noise signals produced in the system.
Fig. 5.2.7
It increases the faithfulness of system by 5.2.5 Proportional Integral (P) Control
compensating phase lag caused by 1-controller. System
- Increasing the derivative gain and speed of response.
The block diagram of the unity negative feedback
So that by combining these three controllers, we get closed loop control system along with the
the desired response for the system. proportional integral controller is shown in
Derivation controller action responds to the rate at Fig. 5.2.9.
which the error is changing that is the derivative of
the error.

P(= K dt C(s)

In derivative control mode, if error is zero, mode

provide no output. If the error is constant in time
then it provides no output.
-f the error is changingwrt time, the. mode
contributes an output of Kp percent for every 1%. Fig. 5.2.9
per second rate of change of error sign of output
The proportional integral controller produces
depends on error negative or positive. If error or
output, which is the combination of outputs
positive output also positive.
proportional and integral controllers.
The major advantage of a derivative controller is
that it improves the transient. response of the u( K,e (t)+ K, Je(t) dt
system. Apply Laplace transform on both sides

U) =

(SPPU) S-7 Cntrollers
K The blsck diagy am of the unity negative
closed loop proportional derivative control
system is
E (s)
function of proportional shown in Fig 52.11
Therefore, the transfer

integralcontrolleris K,

proportional Integral controller is used to
decrease tho steady
state error without affecting the
stability of the control system.
Here controller output
error is zero.
is fixed at specific value when

zero then integral term increases

- Fig 5.2.11
If the error is not
on positive or negative value of controñer produces
or decreases depend The proportional derrvative
error. output, which is the
combinstion of the oatpots o
proportiona! and derivative controlers.

ut K,e().x,
Apply Laplace transform on both

U) {K K,5) E (5)

Therefore, the transfer fanction of the
response derivative controller is K, + K s
Amode P-mode
The proportional
derivative coatreller is used to
node controi system withot
P-mode response
improve the stability of
affecting the steady state error.

Fig. 5.2.10

reduce ofset
Proportional mode alone not capable to
eliminate the
in error so integral mode used to
proportional offset.

5.2.6 Proportional Derivative (PD) Control Dervatve


University Questions
for the
for the control signal, u,
Q. Derive the equatlon in parallel Time
Proportlonal plus Derivative (PD) controller Proportiona
detail, the advantages
and response
form. Discuss, in to the
Derivalive tem
disadvantages of adding a Fig. 5.2.12
Proportlonal tem.
SPPU- 16 May

control with neal diagram and Derivative control is combined with

Q. Explain Derivation -
controller can not be used
equation. Why derivatlive 17 mode to reduce oscillations.
Tach Kasatedgu
Mechatronics (SPPU) 5-8

Therefore, the transfer finetion of the proportional

Derivative control is anticipate the linear change in K
error by extra summing output to the proportional integral derivative controller is Kp+ K, s.
The proportional integral derivative controller ie
Advantages used to improve the stability of the control System
1. Easy to stabilize and to decrease steady state error.
2. Faster response than just P controller PID climinate offset from proportional mode.
Disadvantage lt also provides fastest

Can amplify high frequency noise Controller variable increases quickly and return
suddenly to original value with less oscillation.
5.2.7 Proportional Integral Derivative (PID)
Control system
University Question
Time (s)
Q. Derive the equalion for the contro! signal, u, for the
Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller.
Discuss, in detail, the acvantages and disadvantages
of adding derivative tem to the proportional tem.
SPPU-May 16
Derivative açtion mode
The block diagram of the unity negative feedback
closed loop control system along with the
proportional integral derivative controller is shown
in the following Fig. 5.2.13.

Time (s)

Fig. 5.2.14

Process independent : The best controller
the specifics of the process can not be modeled
to a "reasonable" solution when tuned for
Fig. 5.2.13
2. Inexpensive: Most of the modern
controllers are
The proportional integral derivative controller PID
produces an output, which is the combination of the 3. Can be tuned without a great amount of experience
outputs of proportional, integral and derivative required
(= Kp e ()+ K, Je () dt+ K,de[)
dt 1. Not optimal for the problems
- Apply Laplace transform on both sides 2. Can be unstable unless tuned properly
3. Not dependent on the process
tHunting (oscillation about an operating pony

Els Kp Ks 5. Derivative noise amplification

f Tarpled
Mechatronles (SPPU) 5-9 Controllers

action of the PID controller can be explained by the

Parallel PID Controller
5.2.8 parallel connection of the P,1 and D elements shown
in Fie, 5.2.15 Block diagram of the PiD controller
Unlvarslly Questlons

o. Using a sullable
block dlagram explaln the working of G) K,1
PID control in parallol
forn. SPPU-Dec. 16, May 18

o. of the proporlional Integral

Derlve the transfer lunction
Derivative (PID) controller in parallel form. Where K, is the proportional gain, T, is the integral
SPPU-Dec. 16 time constant, T, is the derivative time

diagram explain the working of K, T, is the

a. Using a suitable block
PID control in Parallel
form. Also, list industrial
Tis theintegral gain and K
derivative gain.
applications where in such control could be used.
SPPU-Dec. 18 The "three term functionalities are highlighted
definitions are:
below. The terms K,. T, and T,
specifications with
Q. Discuss the significance of transient overall
of the PID The proportional term : providing an
respect to assessment of performance error signal
SPPU-May 19 control action proportional to the
through the all pass gain factor
configuration of PID
Fig. 5.2.15 shows the parallel steady state errors
PID is preferred - The integral term : reducing
controller. In general, this type of compensation by an
Parallel PID, output of one through low frequency
over series one because in
controller does not affect the output of other. This integrator.
parameters improving transient response
allows freedom to control The derivative term:
compensation by a
independently. through high frequency
-A typical structure of a
PID control system is differentiator.
Overshoot Settling Steady-state
Parameter Rise time
in Fig. 5.2.15.
used to generate the
time eno
The error signal elt) is Smal Decrease
actions, with Decrease Increase
proportional, integral, and derivative change
summed to form
the resulting signals weighted and Increase Decrease
the plant model. K Decrease Increase
the control signal u(t) applied to significanty

Mnor Minor No efiect in

decrease decrease theory

Erorinput oulput


Fig. 5.2.15:A structure of a PID control system

signal to the multivariable
- where u(t) is the input
is defined as Fig.5.2.16
processes, the error signal elt)
r{t) is the reference input Tp are usually tuned
et) r{t) - ylt), and
These three variables Kp .T and
signal. within given ranges. Therefore, they
are often called
structure is also known as
A standard PID controller the tuning parameters of the
This principle mode of
the "three-term" controller. Tech nledge
Mechatronics (SPPU) -10
By proper choice of these tuning parameters a
controller can be adapted for a specific plant to For parallel PID controller
obtain a good behaviour ofthe controlled system
G) K,1 TS
The time esponse of the controller output is
t TTST5G, ()
Je () dt Ts
0.5 x 2.5xs*+ 2.5
T 2.5 s s(s+1)
Using this relationship for a step input of eft). 1.25s 2.5s1
ie e(t) = d{t). the step response r{t) of the PID
controller can be easily determined. One has to 1.25 s2.5 s+ 1
observe that the length of the arrow KPTD of the D
action is only a measure of the weight of the d
K2.5 s (s+ 1)

impulse. s125s2.5s+
r 2.5s(s+1)
1.25 s2.5s+1 12.5 25s1
D oction Dction D acton 1 action s (s+1) s(s+1)
This is a type "2" system
P action P action
(b) Steady state error for unit step input
Unit step unit R(s)
(a) (b)
Fig. 5.2.17: (a) Step response of PID ideal form,
(b) Step response of PID real form
1+C. R)
(According to final value theorem)
Application : PID control applied to an electro- lim
pneumatic brake system (12.5s2+25s+1
s (s+ 1)
Ex. 5.2.4: Fig. P. 5.2.4 given a system having a transfer
function. G (s)=s(s+1 cStability analysis for close loop transfer functions
A PID Controller isused with the following specification.
Cs) GS
R(S) 1tG(s) H(s)
Derivative time constant = 0.5 s
Integral time constant =2s Here H(s) =
1and sign is positive
Proportional gain = 25
So Cis
Evaluate 1+G(s)
(a) system type
CIs 12.5s+255 1)/sis+1)
(b) Steady state error for step input R(s) 12.5s+25s +1

(c) Stability of the system s (s+1)
Controler CCS 12.5s+25s+ 1
C(s) ss+12.5s2+ 25s+1
CN 12.Ss+25s5-=1
Fig. P.5.2.4

Mcchatronlcs (SPPU) 5-11 Controllers

So characterlstics equatlon can be written as

Ex. 5.2.5:A PI controllar has a galn K, 2 and an integral
s+ 13.5s2+25s+ 1
action rate K, = 0.02 porsonal. The initial output is assumed
Routh array table is as follows to bo zoro, The graph of the errors signal is given in figure.

s1 25 Find the value of the controller output att = 70 sec.

s213.5 1

s 13.5x25-1x1
13.5 24.92 0

24.92 x1-13.5x0 +10

20 70
change in Time-
System is stable because there is no sign
Fig. P.5.2.5
the first column of Routh away.
Soln.: Tine domain equation for Pl controller is
5.2.9 Serial PID

another combination of control mode used for

It is
PKge+K,K) edt
industrial application
Given Kp 2
It uses serial modes proportional, derivative and
integral mode. K= 0.02
It is a complex but powerful mode of controller.
P 2e+2x0.02 Jedt
- The analytic expression is 0

P=K,eptKp K Je, dt+ K, Ko P,(0) P 2e+0.04 edt

Errors percent

e 10%

t 20 sec
P. 0

Theat [t= 70 sec]

P 2e+ 0.04 edt
Proportional 70
Derivative 2x 10+0.04 10 dt
Integral 20
20+0.4 [20

Combined sction 20 0.4 [70-20]40%

in series fom
Therefore P 40%
Fig. 5.2.18

Tech ladedga
Mechatronics (SPPU) 5-12


20 70

1 2 3 (seconds)

20 Fig. P. 5.2.7(a)
Divide the graph in 3 parts
0 to 1 sec
Fig. P. 5.2.5(a)
1 to 3 sec
Ex. 5.2.6 : An Integral controller is used for speed control 3 to 5 sec
with a set polnt of 12 rpm within a range of 10 to 15 rpm. The sec
) O to 1
controller output is 22% initially. The constant K = - 0.159%
ep 1%
controller output per second per percentage emor. If the
speed jumps to 13.5 pm, calculate the controller oulput after c 1% /sec
2 sec. for constant ep. SPPU: May 18. Marks 8
Two conditionst0 andt=1
Controller output is 22% at t = 0
Po = 22% ep 0
K -0.15% Ce=
dt 1%
pbmaxmin 5-10-306 According to parallel PD formula
The rate of controller output change Is then given by P Kp p+Ku dt tPo
d Ke, = (-0.15 S*) (- 30%) 4.5 S-1% . Pi =
10 x0+0.5 x0 + 20 = 20
4.5 Percent per second t
ep 1%6
The controller output for constant crror will be
found as 1% /sec

P K, Je, dt P(0) P Kp p*K» de

Since e, is constant, P = Ke« * P (0)
10x1 0.5x1 20 30.5S
1) 1 to 3 sec
After 2 seC P 4.5 x2 + 22 31%
Ex. 5.2.7: Fig. P. 5.2.7(a) shows an error versus lime
graph. Sketch the PD controller (parallet form) output with
respect lo time. Assume Kp 10/s, Kp= 0.5 %s and 0
Po 20% SPPU May 19. 10 Marks

Mechatronics (SPPU) 5-13 Controllers

Fig. P. 5.2.8 shows an error time graph

P K p K dt +P Ex. 5.2.8:
the PD controller output w.r.t. time Kp = 5% (sec and

Ps = 10x1+1x0+20 30%

3 ep 1%
dee 0
dt Time (seC)
P Kg ep+Ko d+Po
P4 10x 1+1x0+20 30%
i) 3 to 5 sec Fig.P. 5.2.8

e 1d-0.5% Equation for serial PID

P Kp ep+ Ko
P Kep+K,Ko
Divide graph in 3 parts
Ps (10 1)- (0.5x 1)+20 Oto 1 sec
29.5 1 to 3 sec
3 to 5 sec

ep 0 () 0 to 1 sec

- 0.5 6 sec epat wherea = 1%

Kp a+ P.
P K,(at)+ Kp
P K,- KoP a 1%
5t+2.5+ 30
P = (10x0)+ (0x-0.5)+ 20 = 20
P =
So output of PD controller at each time
condition are: therefore t 0»Pm 32.5 %t =1 »P=
20. Pz = 30.5, Ps = 30,
Pi ) 1 to 3 sec
P 30, Ps = 29.5, Pa 20 ep 1

der constant errors]
dt 0
P KEp+ K,Ko d+P

P2 5+5 (0.5) x0+30

20 Pa 35%
I) 3 to 5 sec

25 2.5%

5(0.5t+ 2.5)+2.5+ 30
Trne 2
Pa 2.5t+ 45
Fig.P. 5.2.7t6)
.t= 3 P= 37.5 %
Teh **
Mechatronics (SPPU) 5-14 ontrollers
t 4P 35 % P Kp C+K,KJ e dt +Kp K dt
= 17.5 %
t5Ps 0
. Controllers output response. 0

P 10x0+(10 x 2) J Odt +
(10 x 0.5 x 1)+0

C 1%

= 1%/sec
Jep dt 0.5
Fig. P. 5.2.8{a) P 10x 1+ 10 x2x 0.5 + 10 x 0.5 x1+0
Ex. 5.2.9: Fig. P. 5.2.9 shows an erors time graph. Sketch = 25%
the Pl controller (serial fom) output w.r.t time. Assume (i) 1 to 3 sec
Kp10, K = 2, Ko = 0.5 and P = ie. the controllers
output is zero when the eTors is zero
ep 1%
SPPU-May 15. May 16. 10 Marks
dt 0

Jep dt = 0.5
2 3 10x1+ 10x2x0.5+ 10x0.5+0 =20%
Fig. P. 5.2.9 t-3
Soln.: Divide the graph in 3 parts 1%
0 to 1 sec;1 to 3 sec; 3 to 5 sec dep
dt 0
i) Oto 1sec
ep 1%
Jep dt = 2.5
dt 1%/sec P = (10x1)+ (10x2x 2.5) + (10x0.5) +0
60 %
Jep dt 0.5
(iil) 3 to 5 sec
Two conditions t=0 and t=1
ep 0
1=- 0.5 % sec

1% sec1 Je dt 2.5

Jepdt 0
P (10x1)+(10x2 x2.5) + (10x0.5x0.5) +*0
10+ 50 -2.5 57.5%
According to formula

Mechatronlcs (SPPU) S-15

Cp P 5(0.5 +003 t)+ 5x0.5x (05 0.61)+ Po

dc -0.5 % sec P 57.15 %

ep dt= 3.5
P 51.25%

P (10x0)+(10x2x3.5)+ (10x0.5x -0.5)+0

= 0+ 70 -2.5 67.5




Contoler osto

Fig. P.5.2.10ta)
Ex. 5.2.11 : Fig. P. 5.2.11(a) shows as eror time graph
= 5.
Sketch the PD controler op wrt tme. Assune K
Tume- Ke = 0.5 and Po 30% (ie. controller op when error is
Fig. P.5.2.9(a) zero.) SPPU: May 18, Dec. 19. 10 Hdarks
The equation of error ise 0.5t +0.03t.
Ex. 5.2.10 :
of the
Kp 5, Ko 0.5 and p(0) = 50%, sketch the graph
controller output vs time for a proportional plus
controller (in seres fom) fromt 0 tot =2 sec.
SPPU: Dec. 16, 10 Marks
dep Fig.P.5.2.11(a)
P ke,+k,ko dPo -(1)

sec Soln.
Time givent=0 tot = 2

Equation for serial PD is

k, 5,

k 0.5,

Po 50%
Given data
ep 0.5t+ 0.03 t2
R, 5
Taking derivative of both side
K 0.5
Po 30% [controller output where error is 0]
Find value of p at both condition

t 2
Tech aamlelgi
Mechatronics (SPPU)
Divide graph in 3 parts
1. 0 to 1 sec.
2. 1 to 3 sec.
3. 3 to 5 sec.
1. 0 to 1 sec. 20
Where e =1 [from graph)
If consists e in terms oft
For slop between 0 to 1 sec.
3 6
et t time
1 [slope of line]
d Fig.P. 5.2.11(b)

P K,e,+K, Ko d+P 5.3 Applications of PID Controllers
5x1+5x 0.5 x 1+ 30
of Applicationsi
PID Controllers have Wide Variety
5+2.5+ 30 37.5 Manufacturing Industry. Some of them are Listed as
2. 1 to 3 sec Follows:

t 2 1. PID control is used in automatic car steering when it

is integrated with Fuzzy Logic
2. In movement detection system of modern
0 (slope of line is zero] seismometer
d 3. Inwater/oil level monitoring in tanks
de 4. Head positioning of a disk drive
PaK,+K, K
5. Automated inspection and quality control
= 5x1+5x0.5 x0 + 30 35
6. Manufacturing process control: CNC machine tools
3. 3 to 5 sec
7. Chemical process control: flow control, temperature
t 2 control
ep 1 8. Automatic control of material handling equipments
9. Automatic packaging and dispatch
Islopeof line 10. To ensure safety during manufacturing operations.

Slope is negative becomes line moving down

5.4 Tuning Methods of PID Controller
P =
Ke+ K, Ko d+Po PID controller must be tuned to suit with dynamics
of the process to be controlled.
Designers give the default values for P, I and D terms
= 5+(-1.25) +30 33.75 and these values not given the desired performance
so it leads to volatility and slow control performance
30 and t= 0
Different bypes of tuning methods are developed to
P 37.5 at t=1
tune the PlD controllers and need notice from the
P2=35at t=3 operator to select most excellent values o
proportional, integral and derivative gains.
P 33.75 at t=5
Te t tith>
Mechatronlcs (SPPU)
5-17 Controllers
PID terms can cause the process to be
-Any ofthe very - Add an integral control to eliminate the steady-state
unstable, or slow to control, if not correctly set error
Nowadays control using digital controllers have - Adjust each of P, 1
until you obtain a desired
& D

automatic auto-tune functions. overall response referring to the able shown

previously to find out which controller controls what
For the period of the auto-tune period the PID
controller controls the process and measures the
It is notnecessary to implement all three controllers
rate of change, overshoot and response time.

(P,1& D) into a single system. For example, if a Pl

This is based on the Zeigler-Nichols method of controller gives a good enough response, then you
calculating controller term values.
don't need to add D control to the system. Simple is
When the auto-tune period is finished the P, &D

values are stored and used by the PID controller.
5.4.3 Process reaction curve technique
5.4.1 Trial and Error Method
- tuning technique. It generates response
It is open loop
When when a step input is applied to the system. At
first, we
- It is easy method of PID controller tuning.
controller is working, we can tune the controller. required to apply some control output to the system
values manually and then record response curve
this method, initial we have to set and K
(K,) ill By using curve we can calculate slope,
dead time, rise
to zero and increase proportional value
of P,I
system reaches to oscillating behaviour. time of the curve and at last substitute values
PID terms.
(K) so and D equations to find the gain values of
When it is oscillate, adjust Integral term
oscillations stop and at last regulate to get fast
100 Process vakue
90 Manipulated value
5.4.2 PID: Stepwise Procedure for Manual 70
Tuning 50
University Questions
damped inherently.
|Q. A second order system is under
Discuss the step by step procedure for manual
of the system 200
of a PID controller so that the behavior 50 100 150

becomes that of a critically damped one. Time (sec)

SPPU-Dec. 15
Q.The open loop response of a second order system is
slow and oscillatory. Discuss, in detail, the step by step 5.4.4 Ziegler and Nichols Tuning Method
procedure Ior manual tuning of a PID controller so that
closed loop response of this second order
system If amathenatical model of the plant can be created,
resembles that of a critically damped
system, which is different design approaches for calculating controller
capable of accurately tracking a
reference unit step parameters that match the closed-loop system's
SPPU-Dec. 18 transient and steady-state specifications can be used.
PID control. SPPU Dec. 19 However, if the plant is so complex that obtaining a
Q. Explainmanual tuning of mathematical model is dificult, an analytical approach
determine what
- Obtain an open-loop response and to PID controller design is not viable. Then we'll have to
needs to be improved rely on experimental techniques to PID controller
the rise time
Add a proportional control to improve tuning
the overshoot
Add a derivative control to improve

Ted Lavatedi
F Mechatronics (SPPU)
According to Ziegler and Nichols, the values of KT
and Ta should be set using the formula provided in
Table 5.4.1.
Table 5.4.1
Fig. 5.4.2
Type of Kp T T4
Based on the transient response characteristics of
particular plant, Ziegler and Nichols developed criteria
for deriving values of the proportional gain KP, integral
time Ti, and derivative time Td. Engineers on-site
determine the settings of PID controllers or tune PI
09 0.3
controllers by conducting tests on the plant Such rules
offer a set of Kp. Ti, and Ta values that will ensure the PID 12
2L 0.5 L

system's stability. The resultant system, however, may

have a significant maximum overshoot in the step Notice that the PID controller tuned by the first
response, which is undesirable. method of Ziegler- Nichols rules gives
A succession of fine tunings is required until an
acceptable outcome is achieved. We get the plant's
G() Kp1+TTs
reaction to a unit-step input experimentally, as shown in
Fig.5.4.3. There are no integrators or dominating
complex- conjugate poles in this plant. If the response to
a step input has an S-shaped curve, this approach is T
appropriate. Experimentation or a dynamic simulation
0.6 S

of the plant can be used to create step-response curves. Thus, the PID controller has a pole at the origin and
double zeros at

u(t) c(l)

Fig.5.4.3: Unit-Step response of a plant 5.5 PID Controlapplied to an Electro

ctt Pneumatic Brake System
Tangent line at
inlection point
The braking system is one of the most essenal
systems that ensures the safe operation of cars moving
on highways. The majority of commercial vehicles, such
as buses and trucks, are equipped with an air brake that
transmits energy via compressed air. The performance
L delay ime of a traditional air brake is hampered by a substantal
L T= time conslant
Fig. 5.4.4:S-shaped response curve time lag. An electro-pneumatic braking sys
modulates the air pressure in the brake system using a
Afirst-order system with a transport lag can thus to
electronic signal, which has been demonstrated
approximate the transfer function C(S)/U{s) as follows with
drastically minimise the time lag associated
-Ls er
traditional air brake systems. The use of a PID controue
to regulate air pressure in an electro-pneumatic
Mechatronles (SPPU) 5-19

Front sorvice Parking brake

brake chanbers Conlrolvalvts PRearservice and sprin9
brake charibers

roloaso valvo | vatve
Treadle valve

Storage reservoirs
Air compressor

Fig.5.5.1: General layout of a 2-axle

commercial vehicle air brake system

Compressor, storage reservoir, treadle valve (brake Brake chambers, push rods, slack adjusters, S-cams,
application valve), brake lines, relay valve, and quick brake pads, and brake drums make up the mechanical
release valve are all part of the pneumatic subsystem. subsystem. The axles are where the foundation brakes
The pneumatic subsystem is divided into two circuits:
are placed. The S-cam foundation brake is shown in
the primary circuit applies brakes to the rear wheels,
Fig. 5.5.1 and is commonly utilised in current air brake
while the secondary circuit applies brakes to the front
systems in India. Compressed air enters the brake
wheels. These two circuits are found in most treadle
valves used in air braking systems. The primary circuit chamber and works against the diaphragm. producing a
is activated by pedal power and sends pressurized air to force that causes the push rod to move. The push rod
the rear brake chambers (i.e, rear wheel brake rotates a splined shaft via the slack adjuster as it moves.
chambers) through the relay valve. The primary circuit A cam in the shape of a S is installed on the opposite end
is activated by pedal power and sends pressurized air to
of the splined shaft. The S-profile cam's rests on the
the rear brake chambers i.e, rear wheel brake
ends of two brake shoes. The brake shoes are pushed
chambers) through the relay valve. Under ypical
outward when the S-cam rotates. The brake shoes are
working circumstances, compressed air from the
primary circuit activates the secondary circuit. The pushed outward by the rotation of the S-cam, causing
rapid release valve supplies pressurized air to the front the brake pads to make contact with the braking drum.
brake chambers (ie., brake chambers on the front The revolving drum decelerates as a result of this
wheels) when the secondary circuit is triggered. The motion. When the driver lets go of the brake pedal, the
benefit of using a dual circuit treadle valve is that partial air in the brake chamber is drained, and the push rod
braking is still feasible if one of the circuits fails.
strakes back into the braking chamber, turning the S-
Po des c0Controler u) System b.act
C(s G(s) cam in the opposite direction. The brake is now released
since the contact between the brake pads and the brake
drum has been broken.

Fig. 5.5.2: Schmatic representation of the

closed loop system with feed back
Tech Kasnledgi
Mechatronics Controllers
(SPPU) 5-20

form. Discuss, In dotail, tho advantagos and

Review Questions of adding a Dorivativo tom to
disadvantages 10
Proportional tem.
1. Explain the Need for a Control System
5. Using a suitable block diagram oxplaln th0 working of
2. Explain Pl controller with block diagram.
series fomm.
PID control in parallel and
3. What are the applications ot PID Controller.
6. Explain stepwise proceduro for manual tuning
4. Derive the equation for the control signal, u, tor the
Proportional plus Derivative (PD) controller in parallel

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