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I chose a flower to be my sculpture, because just like a flower, our lives have season to bloom.

We all
experience bloom, often without even realizing it. No matter how big or tiny, you are now capable of
things you once deemed impossible. Perhaps earning a college degree was a dream you'd always had,
but the road to getting there made it feel unattainable. Now, though, you're getting ready to pass the
stage. You may have imagined that you would never be able to speak to that person, visit a specific
store, or face a fear, but, yet here you are, doing exactly what fears you.

We frequently neglect to halt, reflect, and express gratitude for our progress. We fail to do the needed
reflection so that we can be pleased with the development we have gone through. I believe that our
tendency to seek pleasure throughout our lives is largely to blame for this. We imagine how wonderful it
would be if our dreams came true exactly as we had hoped, but when we learn that this won't happen
overnight, we become dismayed and frustrated. We rarely give ourselves credit for coming up with the
idea, and we frequently don't feel good about the minor victory we achieved. While we might never
fully get our instant gratification mindsets to go away, we can be realistic with ourselves about our
goals, and we can congratulate our growth. When we can do that, we can be grateful for the voyage,
even if it is slow.

No matter how slowly things go, there is still bloom. You probably go through a similar situation.
Therefore, take a moment to reflect and be pleased of yourself for accomplishing more than you were
doing yesterday rather than feeling frustrated with yourself for failing to reach your goal or doing so
more slowly than you had hoped. Be appreciative of the progress you have achieved with each stage.

We already have such a good base under us that will enable us to keep working toward our goals while
keeping thankfulness for ourselves at the forefront of our minds, even if we stumble and take a few
steps backward.

You have been able to develop into the exact person you are now as a result of all your experiences up
to this point. We all have a long road ahead to go and will never be perfect, which is not the point in the
first place, but we are stronger now than we had ever been. Even if we currently feel helpless or
dejected, we have already accomplished a lot and have all we need to get through this trying period.
You have developed, and you will bloom just like a flower. No matter how depressing, frightening, or
painful your prior experiences may have been, you will use them to drive you ahead. It can be hugely
helpful to take a moment to be thankful for who you are and where you have come from when pursuing
happiness, success, or love. Because of certain experiences, you are strong in your foundation and
prepared to conquer the world, knowing that no matter how long it takes you to get there, your
strength will increase. No matter how long it will take blooming is always there.

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