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Lesson 33

List of Grammar Points:

1 Imperative & Prohibitive forms

2 Uses of Imperative and Prohibitive forms

3 と よみます
と かいて あります

4 X は Y と いう いみ です

5 S Plain form と いって いました

6 S Plain form と つたえて いただけませんか


1. Imperative & Prohibitive forms:

Imperative : めいれいけい
Used to force a person to do something.

Prohibitive : きんしけい (Called as negative form of めいれいけい)

Used to command a person not to do something.

In this lesson we are going to see plain imperative and Prohibitive

forms which are least polite and often used in traffic signs and in
informal conversations.

Group 1:
Dictionary form Imperative: Prohibitive:
めいれいけい きんしけい

Change the final う Add “な”to the

sound to え sound dictionary form
いうーto say いえ いうな
のむーto drink のめ のむな
かくーto write かけ かくな
すわるーto sit すわれ すわるな
いくーto go いけ いくな
まつーto wait まて まつな

Group 2:
Dictionary form Imperative: Prohibitive:
めいれいけい きんしけい

Replace る with ろ Add “な”to the

dictionary form
みるーTo see みろ みるな
たべるーTo eat たべろ たべるな
ねるーTo Sleep ねろ ねるな
おきるーTo wake up おきろ おきるな
でるーto go out でろ でるな

Group 3:

Dictionary form Imperative: Prohibitive:

めいれいけい きんしけい
くるーTo see こい くるな
するーTo eat しろ するな

Verbs such as わかる、できる、ある does not have imperative or

prohibitive forms.

2. Uses of Imperative & Prohibitive forms:

• The plain imperative and prohibitive forms are informal and

rude command forms.
• It is very important to know the specific situation in which
one can use these expressions.

2.1 Used by a man senior in status or age to someone who is

his junior.
By a parent to a child.

2.2 Used among male friends. よ is often attached at the end
of the sentence to soften the tone.

2.3 Used by men senior in age and status to a group of people
in places like factories or during fire, earthquake or any
other emergency when there is no time to be polite.

2.4 Used when giving commands in group trainings, physical

education classes, club sports activities and so on..

2.5 Used when cheering during sports events. These forms can
also be used by women in such cases.

2.6 Used in road signs and slogans where impact is required


3. と よみます
と かいて あります:

This pattern is used for quoting,

How it is read or pronounced (と よみます)
Quoting what is written. (と かいて あります)

3.1 と よみます – “It is read as”

3.2 と かいて あります – “It is written”

かいて あります – It is written by someone


4. X は Y と いう いみ です:

This pattern expresses X means Y or as for X, it means Y.

Particle と is used when quoting the meaning of X.

To ask the meaning for X, we use X は どう いう いみ ですか。

What does X mean?

5. S Plain form と いって いました:

Indirect quotation : It is used when indirectly quoting third

person’s words to listener. He said, she said or Tanaka san said...

Direct quotation : Uses the exact words the person said, and it is
placed inside quotation marks 「」


Direct quotation:

Indirect quotation :


Direct quotation:

Indirect quotation :

3. 先生 は 何と 言って いましたか。
What did the sensei say?

かんじ の しけん は 来週 の 火曜日だ と いって

Sensei said that kanji test is next Tuesday.

4.ささき さん は 東京 は きれいだ と いって いました。

Sasaki san said that Tokyo is beautiful.

5.田中さん は かいぎ に しゅっせき できない と

いって いました。
Tanaka san said he could noy attend the meeting.

と 言います、と 言いました ― facts, quote.
ごはん を たべる まえに いただきます と 言います。
“A mere description of the facts”

と 言っていました - Spoken, more preferred when you want to say

what someone else said.
“Focus on the content of the quoted part.”

6. S Plain form と つたえて いただけませんか:

• Verb つたえる means to convey a message.

• て form いただけませんか from lesson 26 is used when politely
asking someone to do something.
• Together, this grammar pattern is Polite form of asking
someone to convey a message for us.


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