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Embarking on my deployment at Silliman University Elementary School was an enriching

journey that opened doors to a realm of educational experiences I had yet to explore. Mrs.
Gladys Campoy, my cooperating teacher, played a pivotal role in shaping my understanding of
effective teaching and classroom dynamics.

From the moment I stepped into Mrs. Campoy's classroom, I sensed an atmosphere of warmth
and dedication. Her passion for teaching radiated through her interactions with students,
creating a positive learning environment. As I observed her engaging teaching methods and
innovative approaches to pedagogy, I couldn't help but feel inspired by her commitment to
fostering a love for learning.

One of the most valuable aspects of my deployment was the opportunity to actively
participate in classroom activities under Mrs. Campoy's guidance. She encouraged me to take
on various roles, from assisting in lesson planning to leading small group discussions. This
hands-on experience allowed me to apply theoretical knowledge gained in my studies to real-
life teaching scenarios, deepening my understanding of the teaching profession.

Throughout my deployment, Mrs. Campoy became more than a cooperating teacher; she
became a mentor. Her constructive feedback and guidance fueled my professional growth.
The regular reflective discussions we engaged in allowed me to critically assess my teaching
practices, identify areas for improvement, and celebrate small victories. This mentorship
proved invaluable in shaping my teaching philosophy and approach.

As I conclude my deployment at Silliman University Elementary School, I am filled with

gratitude for the enriching experience it provided. Mrs. Gladys Campoy's mentorship, coupled
with the vibrant learning environment at the school, has undoubtedly influenced my
perspective on education. I leave with a renewed passion for teaching, armed with practical
insights, and a deep appreciation for the profound impact educators can have on the lives of
their students. The journey at Silliman University Elementary School, guided by Mrs. Campoy,
has been a transformative chapter in my educational pursuits.

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