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The first week of student teaching at Silliman University Elementary School has been a

transformative immersion into the world of education. As I stepped through the doors of the
school, a blend of anticipation and eagerness accompanied me, marking the commencement
of a pivotal chapter in my journey toward becoming an educator.

The school's vibrant atmosphere and the warm welcome from both faculty and students set
the tone for an enriching experience. The diverse and dynamic nature of the classroom
became immediately apparent, presenting both challenges and opportunities for growth.
From the outset, I recognized the importance of adapting to the unique dynamics of the
school environment and embracing the rich tapestry of backgrounds and personalities among
the students.

Collaborating with my cooperating teacher, who has graciously welcomed me into their
classroom, has been an invaluable aspect of this initial week. Their wealth of experience,
guidance, and open communication have provided me with a deeper understanding of the
school's culture and the intricacies of effective teaching.

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