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Frequency Table
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid kurang 10 33,3 33,3 33,3
cukup 3 10,0 10,0 43,3
baik 17 56,7 56,7 100,0
Total 30 100,0 100,0

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid kurang 11 36,7 36,7 36,7
cukup 3 10,0 10,0 46,7
baik 16 53,3 53,3 100,0
Total 30 100,0 100,0

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid kurang 11 36,7 36,7 36,7
cukup 5 16,7 16,7 53,3
baik 14 46,7 46,7 100,0
Total 30 100,0 100,0

Peran_Nakes * Motivasi
kurang cukup baik Total
Peran_Nakes kurang Count 9 0 1 10
% within Peran_Nakes 90,0% ,0% 10,0% 100,0%
% of Total 30,0% ,0% 3,3% 33,3%
cukup Count 0 3 0 3
% within Peran_Nakes ,0% 100,0% ,0% 100,0%
% of Total ,0% 10,0% ,0% 10,0%
baik Count 2 2 13 17
% within Peran_Nakes 11,8% 11,8% 76,5% 100,0%
% of Total 6,7% 6,7% 43,3% 56,7%
Total Count 11 5 14 30
% within Peran_Nakes 36,7% 16,7% 46,7% 100,0%
% of Total 36,7% 16,7% 46,7% 100,0%

Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2-
Value df sided) sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 33,661a 4 ,000 ,000
Likelihood Ratio 30,733 4 ,000 ,000
Fisher's Exact Test 24,712 ,000
Linear-by-Linear Association 15,500b 1 ,000 ,000
N of Valid Cases 30
a. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is ,50.
b. The standardized statistic is 3,937.
Chi-Square Tests
Exact Sig. (1-
sided) Point Probability
Pearson Chi-Square
Likelihood Ratio
Fisher's Exact Test
Linear-by-Linear Association ,000 ,000
N of Valid Cases

Symmetric Measures
Asymp. Std.
Value Errora Approx. Tb
Interval by Interval Pearson's R ,731 ,127 5,670
Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation ,725 ,127 5,569
N of Valid Cases 30
a. Not assuming the null hypothesis.
b. Using the asymptotic standard error assuming the null hypothesis.

Symmetric Measures
Approx. Sig. Exact Sig.
Interval by Interval Pearson's R ,000c ,000
Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation ,000c ,000
N of Valid Cases

c. Based on normal approximation.

Pengetahuan * Motivasi

kurang cukup baik Total
Pengetahuan kurang Count 9 0 2 11
% within Pengetahuan 81,8% ,0% 18,2% 100,0%
% of Total 30,0% ,0% 6,7% 36,7%
cukup Count 1 2 0 3
% within Pengetahuan 33,3% 66,7% ,0% 100,0%
% of Total 3,3% 6,7% ,0% 10,0%
baik Count 1 3 12 16
% within Pengetahuan 6,3% 18,8% 75,0% 100,0%
% of Total 3,3% 10,0% 40,0% 53,3%
Total Count 11 5 14 30
% within Pengetahuan 36,7% 16,7% 46,7% 100,0%
% of Total 36,7% 16,7% 46,7% 100,0%

Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2-
Value df sided) sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 22,602a 4 ,000 ,000
Likelihood Ratio 24,587 4 ,000 ,000
Fisher's Exact Test 20,384 ,000
Linear-by-Linear Association 13,741b 1 ,000 ,000
N of Valid Cases 30
a. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is ,50.
b. The standardized statistic is 3,707.

Chi-Square Tests
Exact Sig. (1-
sided) Point Probability
Pearson Chi-Square
Likelihood Ratio
Fisher's Exact Test
Linear-by-Linear Association ,000 ,000
N of Valid Cases

Symmetric Measures
Asymp. Std.
Value Errora Approx. Tb
Interval by Interval Pearson's R ,688 ,133 5,022
Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation ,685 ,135 4,977
N of Valid Cases 30
a. Not assuming the null hypothesis.
b. Using the asymptotic standard error assuming the null hypothesis.

Symmetric Measures
Approx. Sig. Exact Sig.
Interval by Interval Pearson's R ,000c ,000
Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation ,000c ,000
N of Valid Cases

c. Based on normal approximation.

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