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Porter Governor:

Construction and working: The porter governor is the modification of the Watt governor having
central dead mass attached with the sleeve. There are two arms AP and BP each having ball at the one
end, other end of the each arm is hinged on the spindle as shown in the figure 4 (a). There are two links
BD and AC, one end of each link is attached with the sleeve and other end of each link is attached with
the ball as shown in the figure 4 (a). The dead mass moves up and down on the spindle. This additional
downward force increases the speed of revolution which is required to enable the balls to move to any
pre determined level. We consider the forces acting on one-half of the governor as shown in Fig. 4 (b).

Derivation of the height of the Governor:

m = Mass of each ball in kg,
w = Weight of each ball in Newton = m.g,
M = Mass of the central load in kg,
W = Weight of the central load in Newton = M.g,
r = Radius of rotation in meters,

h = Height of governor in metres ,

N = Speed of the balls in r.p.m .,
ω = Angular speed of the balls in rad/s,
ω = 2π N/60 rad/s,
Though there are several ways of determining the relation between the height of the governor (h) and the
angular speed of the balls (ω), yet the following two methods are important from the subject point of
1. Method of resolution of forces ; and
2. Instantaneous centre method.
Method of resolution of forces
Fc = Centrifugal Force acting on the ball in Newton = m ω2r
T1 = Force in arm in Newton
T2 = Force in Link in Newton
α = Angle of inclination of the arm to the vertical axis of the spindle
β = Angle of inclination of the link to the vertical axis of the spindle
First of all let consider the forces acting at D
T2 cos β = W / 2, = Mg / 2 ……………………………………..(1)
Now let consider the forces acting at B, following forces are acting on B
i. Weight of the ball (w)
ii. Centrifugal Force Fc acting on the ball
iii. Force in arm T1
iv. Force in link T2
On resolving these forces in vertical direction
T1 cos α = w + T2 cos β ,
on putting the value of T2 cos β from equation (1)
T1 cos α = mg + W / 2
T1 cos α = mg + Mg / 2 ……………………..(2)
Now on resolving all these forces in horizontal direction
T1 sin α + T2 sin β = Fc ,
T1 sin α + (Mg / 2 cos β) sin β = Fc
T1 sin α + (Mg/2) tan β = Fc
Or T1 sin α = Fc - (Mg/2) Tan β ………………(3)
On dividing equation (3) by equation (2)
T1 sin α / T1 cos α = Fc - (Mg/2) x Tan β / (mg + Mg/2)
Tan α x (mg + Mg/2) = Fc - (Mg/2) x Tan β
mg + Mg/2 = Fc / Tan α - (Mg/2) [Tan β / Tan α ]
On putting, Tan β / Tan α = K and r / h = Tan α
mg + Mg/2 = m ω2 r x h / r – (Mg / 2) x K
mg + Mg / 2 x (1+K) = m ω2 h


……………… .(5)
Taking, g common

Because g = 9.81 m/sec2 and ω = 2π N/ 60
If, lengths of the arm and link are same then, Tan α = Tan β, thus K= 1, now equation (4) can be written

If frictional force F is acting between the spindle and sleeve then

On multiplying by g in numerator and denominator in equation 8, the equation 8 can be written as

If Tan α = Tan β, then equation 10 can be written as


Positive ( + ) sign is used if the sleeve moves in upward direction at the time when speed of the governor
Negative (-) sign is used if the sleeve moves in downward direction when the speed of the governor
Terms related to governor:
Stability: A governor is said to be stable when there is one radius of rotation of the balls for each
speed which is within the speed range of the governor. Instability results in hunting or oscillating due
to over correction. Excessive stability results in a dead-beat governor or one that does not correct
sufficiently for load changes.

Sensitiveness: Consider two governors A and B are running at the same speed. If this speed increases or
decreases by a certain amount, the lift of the sleeve of governor A is greater than the lift of the sleeve of
governor B. It is then said that the governor A is more sensitive than the governor B. In general, the
greater the lift of the sleeve corresponding to a given fractional change in speed, the greater is the
sensitiveness of the governor. It may also be stated in another way that for a given lift of the sleeve, the
sensitiveness of the governor increases as the speed range decreases. This definition of sensitiveness
may be quite satisfactory when the governor is considered as an independent mechanism.
But when the governor is fitted to an engine, the smaller the change in speed from no load to the
full load, the more sensitive the governor will be. According to this definition, the sensitiveness of the
governor shall be determined by the ratio of speed range to the mean speed. The smaller the ratio more
sensitive the governor will be
So Sensitiveness = N2- N1/ N
Where, N1 = Minimum equilibrium speed
N2 = Maximum equilibrium speed
N2 – N1 = Speed range from no load to full load.
N = N2 + N1/ 2
Isochronisms: A governor is said to be Isochronous when equilibrium speed within the working range
is constant for all radii of rotation of the fly balls by neglecting friction.
Hunting: A governor is said to be hunt if speed of the engine fluctuates continuously above and below
mean speed. This is caused by too sensitive governor which changes the fuel supply by large amount
when a small changes in speed of rotation.

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