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The Person I Admire the Most

Everyone must have one person that they admire

the most. The person I admire the most is my mother,
My mother’s full name is Cherlyn Becada Manguiat.
She is 45 years old. My mother is a teacher in Franciscan
College of the Immaculate Conception. My mother’s
hobby is cooking. She loves to try new recipes that she
got from watching online videos.
My mother is a petite woman. She is only 152cm.
She is a very fashionable woman. I really adore her style.
My mother has a very lovely personality. She can be
strict, but she is mostly understanding to everyone in my
The reason why I admire my mother is because she
is a very hardworking person. She has been taking care of
everyone without complaining. Another reason is
because I really like her cooking. They are all delicious.
I hope that one day I can find a girl like my mother
who is responsible and caring.

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