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How Customers Feel When Brands Promote Business Using Contests

Contests as a marketing strategy can elicit various emotions and responses from customers:

1. Excitement: Customers often feel excited when a brand hosts a contest. The opportunity to win
prizes or recognition can be thrilling, and it increases engagement.

2. Engagement: Contests encourage customer interaction with the brand. Customers may actively
participate by sharing content, creating submissions, or referring friends, which fosters a sense of

3. Connection: Contests can build a stronger bond between the brand and its customers. Customers
may feel a sense of community and belonging, particularly if the contest is centred around shared
interests or values.

4. Trust: A well-executed contest can enhance a brand's credibility and trustworthiness. Customers
who see transparent and fair contest rules are more likely to trust the brand.

5. Frustration: If the contest rules are unclear or the entry process is complicated, customers may
become frustrated. Unfair practices or hidden terms can also lead to negative emotions.

6. Anticipation: Customers may eagerly anticipate the results of the contest. The waiting period can
create a sense of excitement and anticipation.

7. Satisfaction or Disappointment: Winning or losing the contest can lead to feelings of satisfaction
or disappointment. Brands should manage these emotions well to maintain a positive customer

In conclusion, how customers feel when a brand promotes its business using contests depends on
various factors, including the contest's fairness, transparency, and the emotional experience it
provides. Brands that create engaging and fair contests can foster positive emotions and build
stronger connections with their customers.

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