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Hooghly Institute of Technology, 1st Internal Test 2020-2021

Program – DCE, Semester – 4TH , Course Name – Irrigation Engineering, Full Marks –20, Time – 45 minutes

Answer all questions and submit in single pdf file.

1. Recall the correct answers for the following questions: (2X4)

A. Simon’s gauge is not a recording type raingauge. (True/False)
B. Coffee is not a cash crop. (True/False)
C. The first watering after sowing of crop is called _________________.
D. The dam whose stability is determined solely by its own weight is called __________ dam.

2. If the field capacity of a soil is 40% and permanent wilting point is 20%, determine the optimum water
percentage required for maximum yield, considering 80% readily available moisture. (4)

3. Write short notes on: Bandhara Irrigation, Forces acting on gravity dam (3x2)

4. Compare sprinkler and drip irrigation. (2)

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