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Deep Learning: Test

Name: Omar Mouaddine

Student 37743

1. First of all AI is here to reduce the manual input, and replace repeatable tasks, to bridge the gap a
big explanation should be opened about the benefits and risks of AI, and talk spesificaly about the
positive impacts, many people will see that as a scary future but it will make life easier, and prepare
people to interact with AI, by making trainnings and promote a proactive attitude toward lifelong
learning through collaborations and digital platforms.

2. Machine learning is limited because the models in the use now are not inteligent, It might take
advance beyond computationnal models and symbolic logic to achieve true understanding and

3. DL use neural networks, ML make machines learn form data, Ai mimics human behaviour and

4. Supervised does training models with labeled data like facial recognition app, on the other hand
unsupervised discover patterns in unlabeled data like fake news detection or anomaly detection on
cybersecurty, reinforcement learns through trial and error through rewards and penalties like
many AI games.

5. Bias in ML is just like teaching a robot to recognize animales by only a cat and a dog, he might not
understund other animales, to solve this problem we show the robot more animals so it can learn,
and keep regular check if the model is fair for all animales.

6. High quality data is crucial for ML as relevance to the problem at hand, accuracy in capturing real-
world scenarios, completeness to prevent missing components, diversity to manage a range of
circumstances, and consistency to ensure steady learning patterns, all this characteristics increases
machine learning models robustness and effectiveness.
7. The conceepet of overfitting is when the model learns the training data very well but suffers with
new data, and on the other hand the underfitting concept is when its easy for a model to
understund the data but cant gasp the complexity, To avoid this issues we use validation data before
to check if the model fits without overfitting or underfitting, if its not keep adjusting the model till it

8. Ethically, developing and deploying AI is like building a good friend with fairness, transparency
privacy, accountability and more, it might be risks like privacy concern, Bias, confusion or luck of
understanding. To fix this we need to address this, teach AI from various perspectives, secure data,
explain how AI works, and educate people about AI. It's about making AI trustworthy and respectful,
like a digital mate.

9. Cloud platforms like AWS, AZURE, GOOGLE CLOUD and more, they provide space to build, develop
and deploy AI and run smoothly with high efficiency and scalability, It is a virtual space where AI
solutions and data is stored securely, and applications are launched

10. ANN is like a team group chat, team members receive information, check it, add personal bias, and
decide to speak based on a rule, in layers input, hidden, output. It takes a collaborative effort to
convert input into an output conversation.

11. Using DL for cat breeds is similar of training a clever friend. You show them a lot of pictures of cats
with breed names, they recognize patterns and can later identify the breed of a new cat image Its
just like having a sharp eyed friend who can easily identify cat breeds.

12. Consider a neural network to be a team sport. The input layer is where players prepare, the hidden
layers are where the game is planned, and the output layer is where the winning goal is scored. It's
all about collaboration: the beginning, the strategy, and the end result.

13. Transfer learning is similar to a friend transferring knowledge. It enables a model to apply knowledge
from one activity to another, saving time and frequently enhancing performance.

14. Deep learning model training is similar to organizing a large event. It necessitates strong machines
(computational cost), a diverse guest list (data requirements), and fine-tuning minutiae to achieve
the desired ambiance (hyperparameter adjustment). It takes a delicate balancing act to get the
model to perform optimally.
15. Unlike supervised (direct instructions) or unsupervised (self-discovery) learning, reinforcement
learning is similar to coaching in that it guides a model through rewards and corrections.

16. The type of learning on this case is reinforcement learning, because the robot learns to move
to a green tile for a reward and avoid red tiles for a penalty, so the robot is the agent and the
green tiles and red tiles are the environment, as we know reinforcement learning involves an
agent learning to interact with an environment by performing actions and receiving rewards
or penalties based on the outcomes of those actions.

17. Deep Learning revolutionized many industries, and still has a huge potential to revolutionize
many more, such as healthcare where DL could be used to detect deseases with high accuracy
by analyzing medical images like MRI ans XRAYS. For finance DL could be used to detect fraud
behavor in a transaction or identity patterns, also it could be used to predict crypto prices like
ALGO, or stock prices. And DL for manufacturing it could be used to optimize the process of
production increasing efficiency and reducing down time.

18. Responsible Ai is for devlopping and deploying AI, it involves designing AI systems which are
safe, transparent, and respect privacy

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