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Artificial Intelligence

**True or False Questions**

*Advice: Open Lectures when you read questions*

Lecture 1

1. True or False: The science of making machines that think and act like people is
the definition of Artificial Intelligence.
2. True or False: a more suitable title for the course could be "Computational
3. True or False: The term "rational" is used in a specific, technical way in the context
of decision-making, referring to maximizing pre-defined goals.
4. True or False: Brains are described as modular in comparison to software, making
them easy to reverse engineer.
5. True or False: brains are to intelligence as wings are to flight.
6. True or False: Lesson learned from the brain suggests that memory (data) and
simulation (computation) are key to decision making.
7. True or False: An agent, is an entity that perceives and acts.
8. True or False: A reflex agent thinks about the consequences of its actions and
selects actions based on a model of the world.
9. True or False: AI can currently perform tasks like playing tennis and driving safely
along the highway.
10. True or False: Multi-task learning in AI can involve detecting cars, pedestrians,
signs, lights, curbs, lanes, crosswalks, etc., in a self-driving car.

Lecture 2
1. True or False: Artificial Intelligence has not been extensively used in the
healthcare sector.
2. True or False: Surgical navigation using AI provides real-time guidance for patient-
specific support.
3. True or False: The modeling-inference-learning paradigm has four pillars:
modeling, inference, learning, and choosing the appropriate technique for each
4. True or False: Modeling is the process of approximating real-world problems
using informal mathematical objects called models.
5. True or False modeling means that the model is identical to the problem in formal
games like Chess, Go, or Sudoku.
6. True or False: The task of inference involves constructing a full model to answer
questions about it.
7. True or False: Computational complexity is always a concern in inference,
especially for games like Go, requiring approximations.
8. True or False: Learning, in the context of the provided content, involves turning
an abstract model family into a concrete model through data collection.
9. True or False: the term "paradigm" refers to a specific AI programming language.
10. True or False: The process of learning in AI involves constructing a full and
detailed model of the world.
11. True or False: In the modeling-inference-learning paradigm, choosing and
applying the appropriate technique for each problem is not emphasized.
12. True or False: Computational complexity is mentioned as a potential concern for
some models during the inference process.
13. True or False: Machine learning is described as a process of turning a concrete
model into an abstract model family.

Lecture 3

1. True or False: A rational agent is expected to operate autonomously, perceive its

environment, persist over a prolonged time period, adapt to change, and pursue
2. True or False: According to the second view of AI, "augmented intelligence"
involves creating tools that maintain a human in the decision-making loop, similar
to adaptive cruise control or auto-complete in search engines.
3. True or False: Reflex agents typically use machine learning to predict outputs
given inputs.
4. True or False: Reflex-based models, such as linear classifiers and deep neural
networks, have computations that are feed-forward, and they do not consider
alternative computations.
5. True or False: Machine Learning is the field of study that gives the computer the
ability to learn without being explicitly programmed.
6. True or False: In supervised learning, the task is to learn a mapping from inputs
to outputs, and the output is also known as the label, target, or response.
7. True or False: Unsupervised learning involves trying to "make sense of" data
without any corresponding outputs, often grouping similar data samples together
and identifying patterns.
8. True or False: Reinforcement Learning is about exploring the environment with
an agent that aims to minimize its defined reward.
9. True or False: In reinforcement learning, the system or agent has to learn how to
interact with its environment, and this interaction can be encoded by means of a
policy that specifies which action to take in response to each possible input.
10. True or False: Extending reflex agents to planning agents involves using
predictions to choose actions and minimize the expected loss.
11. True or False: Reward hacking in machine learning refers to optimizing the
reward function given to the machine, which may not capture various constraints
or preferences.
12. True or False: The "alignment problem" refers to the potential discrepancy
between what we ask our algorithms to optimize and what we actually want them
to do for us.
13. True or False: Inverse reinforcement learning is an approach that involves
explicitly specifying a reward function rather than letting the machine infer the
reward by observing human behavior.
14. True or False: AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) is the primary goal of AI
15. True or False: Reflex agents in AI typically involve backtracking and considering
alternative computations in their decision-making process.
16. True or False: "augmented intelligence" is focused on emulating and exceeding
human behavior at certain tasks.
17. True or False: Reflex-based models, such as deep neural networks, are
particularly challenging for inference due to their complex computations.
18. True or False: In supervised learning, the task involves learning a mapping from
outputs to inputs, and the input is also known as the label, target, or response.
19. True or False: Unsupervised learning is primarily concerned with learning
mappings between inputs and outputs.
Lecture 4

1. True or False: State-based models in AI involve modeling the state of a world and
transitions between states triggered by actions.
2. True or False: Search problems, Markov decision processes, and adversarial
games are all examples of state-based models.
3. True or False: In variable-based models like Sudoku, the order of filling squares
doesn't matter in the evaluation criteria.
4. True or False: State-based models provide procedural solutions, specifying step-
by-step instructions on how to go from one state to another.
5. True or False: Constraint satisfaction problems, such as Sudoku and scheduling,
fall under variable-based models with hard constraints.
6. True or False: Bayesian networks are examples of variable-based models with soft
dependencies, like tracking cars from sensors.
7. True or False: The motivation for logic in virtual assistants is the need to digest
homogeneous information and reason superficially with that information.
8. True or False: A good virtual assistant should be able to remember what you told
it, answer questions that require drawing inferences, and interact using natural
9. True or False: Virtual assistants, unlike typical machine learning-based systems,
are fixed functions and do not adapt.
10. True or False: With the emergence of large language models (LLMs), systems
like ChatGPT have become well-known for their hallucinations, whereas logic-based
systems are 100% internally consistent.
11. True or False: Logical AI and Statistical AI are mutually exclusive, and one cannot
complement the other.
12. True or False: GPU, TPU, and WSE are examples of hardware tuned for AI
13. True or False: Deep Learning refers to machine learning using a single layer of
simple, adjustable computing elements.
14. True or False: Deep learning systems have surpassed human performance on
some vision tasks since 2011.
15. True or False: In the context of variable-based models, soft dependencies refer
to constraints that must be strictly followed.
16. True or False: State-based models are particularly suitable for tasks with
uncertainty, such as those involving an opponent working against you.
17. True or False: Virtual assistants, unlike machine learning-based systems, do not
need to adapt to different types of information and questions.
18. True or False: Logic and machine learning are described as complementary to
each other in building AI models.
19. True or False: The emergence of large language models has eliminated the need
for logic-based systems in AI development.

Lecture 5

1. True or False: The link provided (Lecture 5 Attendance W5) directs to a form for
attendance registration.
2. True or False: A search problem in AI consists of a state space, a successor
function (with actions and costs), a start state, and a goal test.
3. True or False: A solution to a search problem is a sequence of actions that
transforms the goal state to the start state.
4. True or False: Search problems can be considered as models in the field of
artificial intelligence.
5. True or False: The size of the world state for a scenario with agent positions (120),
food count (30), ghost positions (12), and agent facing (NSEW) is
6. True or False: The number of states for pathing in the scenario described is 120.
7. True or False: The number of states for eat-all-dots in the scenario described is
8. True or False: The state space for the problem of Eat-All-Dots includes the (x, y)
location and dot Booleans.
9. True or False: A solution to a search problem involves a sequence of actions that
transforms the goal state to an intermediate state.
10. True or False: The number of states for pathing in the scenario described is equal
to the number of agent positions (120).
Lecture 6 (open lecture to see the photos)

1. True or False: State space graphs in search problems consist of nodes

representing abstracted world configurations, with arcs representing successors
(action results).
2. True or False: In a state space graph, each state occurs only once, and it can be
practically built in memory for large search problems
3. True or False: Search trees in AI are "what if" trees of plans and their outcomes,
with the start state being the root node.
4. True or False: Nodes in a search tree show states, but they correspond to entire
paths in the state space graph.
5. True or False: For most problems, it is always possible to build the entire search
tree in memory.
6. True or False: Each node in the search tree corresponds to an entire path in the
state space graph.
7. True or False: The size of the search tree is typically smaller than the state space
graph due to repeated structure
8. True or False: In tree search, the fringe is a set of partial plans under
consideration, and the goal is to expand as many tree nodes as possible.
9. True or False: In a tree search, the exploration strategy involves determining
which fringe nodes to explore.
10. True or False: The quiz question about the size of the search tree is hypothetical,
and the answer is not explicitly provided in the content.
11. True or False: Tree search involves expanding potential plans (tree nodes) and
maintaining a fringe of partial plans under consideration
12. True or False: The main question in tree search is which fringe nodes to explore,
and it involves considerations of the expansion and exploration strategy.
13. True or False: The state space graph and search tree in AI are constructed both
on demand, and as little as possible is constructed to optimize efficiency.
14. True or False: Fringe nodes in tree search correspond to entire paths in the state
space graph, and exploration involves determining the shortest path.
15. True or False: The quiz question about the size of the search tree provides a
specific scenario with nodes like S, G, a, b, and d.
16. True or False: In a state space graph, each state may occur multiple times to
represent different paths leading to the same configuration.
17. True or False: The tree search example involves actions like "N", "E", and weights
such as 1.0 to represent different successors.

Lecture 7(open lecture to see the photos)

1. True or False: Depth-First Search (DFS) expands nodes in a breadth-first manner.

2.True or False: In Depth-First Search (DFS), the strategy is to expand the deepest
node first.
3.True or False: DFS is guaranteed to find an optimal solution.
4.True or False: Breadth-First Search (BFS) expands the shallowest node first.
5.True or False: The implementation of BFS uses a LIFO stack
6.True or False: DFS is complete if the maximum depth is finite.
7.True or False: BFS time complexity is O(b^s), where s is the depth of the
shallowest solution.
8.True or False: BFS is optimal even when costs are associated with actions.
9.True or False: Depth-First Search (DFS) is guaranteed to find the least cost path.
10. True or False: The space complexity of BFS is O(b^s).
11True or False: Breadth-First Search (BFS) expands nodes in a depth-first manner.
12. True or False: DFS uses a FIFO queue for implementation.
13. True or False: DFS can process the entire search tree even if it's infinite.
14. True or False: BFS is guaranteed to find a solution if one exists.
15.True or False: The number of nodes in the entire tree in DFS is O(b^m).
16.True or False: BFS expands nodes in a left prefix of the tree
17.True or False: DFS may find a solution faster than BFS in certain scenarios.
18. True or False: Breadth-First Search (BFS) has a space complexity of O(b^s).
19.True or False: DFS is optimal for problems with uniform action costs.
20. True or False: BFS may be less memory-efficient compared to DFS.
Lecture 8(Open lecture to see the photos)

1. True or False: Depth-First Search (DFS) always guarantees finding the optimal
2. True or False: Iterative Deepening combines the space advantage of DFS with the
time advantage of BFS.
3. True or False: Uniform Cost Search (UCS) finds the least-cost path in terms of the
number of actions.
4. True or False: UCS explores nodes with increasing cost contours.
5. True or False: Informed Search uses heuristics to estimate how close a state is to
a goal.
6. True or False: A heuristic is a function designed to underestimate the distance to
a goal.
7. True or False: Greedy Search expands the node that seems farthest from the goal.
8. True or False: A* Search orders nodes by the sum of the backward cost and the
heuristic estimate.
9. True or False: A* Search is guaranteed to find the optimal solution.
10. True or False: Combining UCS and Greedy, A* Search orders nodes by the sum
of the path cost and the heuristic estimate.
11. True or False: A* Search uses an admissible heuristic to ensure optimality.
12. True or False: Admissible heuristics break optimality by trapping good plans on
the fringe.
13. True or False: A heuristic is admissible if its estimated cost is greater than the
true cost to a nearest goal.
14. True or False: A* Search expands nodes mainly toward the goal but also hedges
its bets to ensure optimality.
15. True or False: Iterative Deepening is considered wastefully redundant in terms
of computation.
16. True or False: UCS explores nodes in all directions equally, ensuring balanced
17. True or False: A* Search may expand some nodes that are not part of the
optimal path.
18. True or False: Greedy Search is a guaranteed optimal search algorithm.
19. True or False: The heuristic used in A* Search must be pessimistic to ensure
20. True or False: A* Search is more computationally efficient than UCS due to its
heuristic guidance.
21. True or False: In A* Search, the priority queue is based only on the heuristic
22. True or False: Iterative Deepening works by repeatedly running BFS at increasing
depth limits.
23. True or False: UCS guarantees finding the optimal solution even when edge costs
are negative.
24. True or False: Admissible heuristics slow down bad plans but may outweigh true
25. True or False: A* Search is complete only if the heuristic used is admissible.
26. True or False: Greedy Search may lead to suboptimal solutions due to its focus
on local optimality.
27. True or False: Informed Search algorithms are designed to provide an exact
solution quickly.
28. True or False: A* Search's time complexity is exponential in the effective depth
of the search space.
29. True or False: Iterative Deepening is often used when memory is limited, and
one cannot afford to store the entire search tree.
30. True or False: A* Search is a uniform-cost algorithm, exploring nodes with the
same priority.

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