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Most of the studies conducted among____

With respect to__, rather than___.

Moreover, the previously studies in the area of ___ is long overdue.

Raising question for previous studies. ( if there really is other intelligent life in the unviverse, why hasn’t
it contacted us )

It appears that there is a need to investigate the adequacy of__. Therefore this study aimd to investigate
more __


School bullying, refers to one or more perpetrators who have greater physical
strength or more social power than their victim and who repeatedly act
aggressively toward their victim.[2][3] Bullying can be verbal or physical.[2][3]
Bullying, with its ongoing character, is distinct from one-off types of peer conflict.
Different types of school bullying include ongoing physical, emotional, and/or
verbal aggression. Cyberbullying and sexual bullying are also types of bullying.
Bullying even exists in higher education. There are warning signs that suggest that
a child is being bullied, a child is acting as a bully, or a child has witnessed
bullying at school.[5][6] Effects on the victims of school bullying include feelings of
depression, anxiety, anger, stress, helplessness, and reduced school performance[7] .
In the past, school bullying happens mainly because of relationship conflicts;
however, today, the existence of the Internet has lead to many more factors,
including: social media and prejudices.
According to Kathleen.S. Berger, the reaseacher points out that the life-span
perspective stresses that human behavior has multiple causes and contexts,
changing in many directions at once, with culture and cohort always influential
(Baltes, Lindenberger, & Staudinger, 1998). Many factors, from the genes set at
conception to a teacher’s momentary reaction, within cultural and historical
systems, cause every episode of bullying, low self-esteem. These reasons are the
main factor leading to bullying from child. Furthermore, Acta Criminological has
developed the definition and causes for bullying, which come from two main
reasons most commonly endorsed by learners for peer victimization were to get
even (retaliation) and because bullies want to show how tough they are (showing
off). It reflects on an essential aspect of peer victimization, namely that bullying is
not always the result of provocation by the victim. Although these studies provide
a foundation for understanding the bullying problem, the previous research in the
area of peer bullying is long overdue and inadequate. Moreover, those studies may
not appropriate or are hardly cases of modern era as internet and social has
developed relentlessly. Therefore, a question remains whether these reasons come
from other parties such as parents, race, internet, or teachers instead from peers or
It appears that there is a need to investigate the adequacy of factor leading to
school bullying in future era. Therefore, this study aims to investigate.

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