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Writing 1203

Dear Fellow Student and Teachers,

Have you ever seen a tons of rubbish stranded on a beach when you just arrive
there, or bottles and plastic bags flaw in the ocean? If your answer is yes, I can tell
you that scenario is not the worst condition that we face with right now. According to
the preliminary from U.K scientists, more than fifty percent of beaches have been
polluted. The worst part of pollution comes from beach litter. It is the garbage
thrown consciously or unconsciously by humans. This phenomenon causes a series of
devastation to marine creature. For instance, some birds cannot tell plastic lids from
their food sources, so they will think that is edible, but it’s not. After the lids are
broken down in their digest system, the toxic substances will be emitted and cause
the death of the birds. Furthermore, beach litter will leave a harmful environment to
the offspring of some seaturtles. The plastic bags, lids and the plastic battles are the
killer of them, just to name a few. In my opinion, with the spread of beach litter, it is
just like a chronic disease of the ecosystem. If we just hold the indifferent mindset of
this phenomenon, I have a hunch that this disease will kill our Earth eventually.
To prevent this tragedy happening, our club organizes Beach Cleanup activity.
Based on the propaganda fly, this campaign will be held on June 8 2024, and we will
meet at 6:00 AM at the school gate. You just walk in the school gate, and we well
wait for you at the right side of the security office. After we assemble, you will be
brought to Ivy Beach, the location where we have to clean it up. Last but not least,
you have to bring the gears include gloves, a reusable water bottle, sunscreen and a
hat. You can bring anything else if you have additional requirement. If you want to
join us, sign up at the booth in front of the office of student affair, and follow the
process and provision on the website. There is no deny that we all have obligation to
save our environment, and we are looking forward to your participation and physical



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