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This is to certify that the project work entitled “RECOMBINANT


AGRICULTURE” is the Bonafide Record of work done by :---------

, Exam No: ___________under the guidance of Dr. H. Sekhar Babu

and Mr.V. Raja Sekhar, Post Graduate Teachers in biology in partial

fulfillment of the requirement for the award of 12th standard during the

Acadamic Year 2022-2023. This project is absolutely genuine and does

not indulge in plagiarism of any kind. The references takes in making

this project have been declared at the end of this report.



I, the undersigned, -----------------, Exam No ___________

of std XII, hereby declare that the project work entitled



Department of Biology, Saratha International Sr. Sec. School ,

Gobichettipalayam, is my own work and has been carried out under the

supervision of Dr. H. Sekhar babu and Mr. V. Raja Sekhar, Post

Graduate Teachers in Biology, of Saratha International Senior

Secondary School.


The successful completion of any task would be incomplete without

mentioning the name of those persons who helped us to make it possible.

I thank my God for providing me with everything that I required in

completing this project.

It is our humble pleasure to acknowledge our deep sense of gratitude to our

Biology teacher, Dr. H. Sekhar babu and Mr. V. Raja Sekhar, Post
Graduate Teachers in Biology for his valuable support, constant help and guidance
as well as for providing necessary information regarding this project without
which thie project would have not come forth.

We also register our sense of gratitude to our beloved principal

Mrs.Beulah Amos for her encouragement, and for providing me library
references, and computer lab for inetrnet reference etc., that has made this project

I would like to express my gratitude towards my parents for their kind co-
operation and ecouragement which helped me in the completing of this project.

We also thank our School Management for encouraging us during the


My thanks and appreciations also go to my classmates in developing the

project and to people who have willing helped out with their abilities.

We would like to convey our sincere thanks to the CBSE Board for giving
us this opportunity.

Serial No. Content Page No.

1. Introduction

2. Applications of recombinent DNA

technologies in medicine
i. Production of vaccines.
ii. Commercial and
pharmaceutical products.
iii. Genetic engineering .
3. Applications of recombinent DNA
technologies in agriculture
i. Production of stress tolerant
ii. Increasing the yield of crops .
iii. Production of
biopharmaceuticals from
4. Conclusion

5. Bibliography

In the past century, the recombinant DNA technology was just an imagination that desirable
characteristics can be improved in the living bodies by controlling the expressions of target
genes. However, in recent era, this field has demonstrated unique impacts in bringing
advancement in human life. By virtue of this technology, crucial proteins required for health
problems and dietary purposes can be produced safely, affordably, and sufficiently. This
technology has multidisciplinary applications and potential to deal with important aspects of
life, for instance, improving health, enhancing food resources, and resistance to divergent
adverse environmental effects. Particularly in agriculture, the genetically modified plants have
augmented resistance to harmful agents, enhanced product yield, and shown increased
adaptability for better survival. Moreover, recombinant pharmaceuticals are now being used
confidently and rapidly attaining commercial approvals. Techniques of recombinant DNA
technology, gene therapy, and genetic modifications are also widely used for the purpose of
bioremediation and treating serious diseases.

Recombinant DNA technology is playing a vital role in improving health conditions by

developing new vaccines and pharmaceuticals. The treatment strategies are also improved by
developing diagnostic kits, monitoring devices, and new therapeutic approaches. Synthesis of
synthetic human insulin and erythropoietin by genetically modified bacteria and production of
new types of experimental mutant mice for research purposes are one of the leading examples of
genetic engineering in health. Likewise, genetic engineering strategies have been employed to
tackle the environmental issues. It offered new opportunities for innovations to produce a wide
range of therapeutic products with immediate effect in the medical genetics and biomedicine by
modifying microorganisms, animals, and plants to yield medically useful substances.

Biotechnology which is synonymous with genetic engineering or recombinant DNA (rDNA) is a

process that uses the scientific research on DNA for practical applications.While the structure of
DNA was first determined in 1953, it was to take another two decades before scientists had the
means to generate recombinant DNA. Embedding the gene of interest into the genome of the
host is not as simple as it sounds.Recombinant DNA technology is a technique that alters the
phenotype of an entity (host) when a genetically modified vector is introduced and incorporated
into the genome of the host. Thus, the process entails introducing a foreign fragment of DNA
into the genome containing the desired gene. This particular gene that is introduced is referred to
as the recombinant gene and the technique is known as the recombinant DNA technology. This
project aims to through light on the applications of rdna technology in medicine and agriculture.

Biotechnology uses living cells to develop or manipulate products for specific purposes, such as
genetically modified foods. Biotechnology is thus linked to genetic engineering and emerged as
a field in its own right at the beginning of the 20th century in the food industry, which was later
joined by other sectors such as medicine and the environment. Karl Ereky coined the term
biotechnology to describe that merging of biology and technology. He is the “Father of
Biotechnology”. Dr. Pushpa Bhargava is the “Father of Modern Biotechnology”


Year 2020 - Biotechnology innovations lead the fight against the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

Year 2013 - The first bionic eye is produced in the US giving hope to blind people worldwide.

Year 2010 - A group of researchers from the J.Craig Ventere Institute creates the first synthetic

Year 1998 - A draft of the human genome map is created that locates more than 30,000 genes.

Year 1997 - Scientists introduce the world to Dolly the sheep, the first clone of a mammal.

Year 1983 - The first genetically modified (transgenic) plant is presented.

Year 1969 - An enzyme is synthesized in vitro for the first time in history.

Year 1953 - Biologists James Watson and Francis Crick describe the double helix of DNA.

Year 1943 - Canadian scientist Oswald Theordore Avery discovers that DNA is the carrier of

Year 1928 - Scottish bacteriologist Alexander Fleming discovers the antibiotic use of

Year 1919 - Hungarian agronomist Karl Ereky coins the term biotechnology


The development of insulin, the growth hormone, molecular identity and diagnostics, gene
therapies and vaccines such as hepatitis B are some of the milestones of biotechnology and its
alliance with genetic engineering.


The revolution of the new smart materials hand-in-hand with biotechnology has only just begun.
Soon we could have self-healing concrete, plants that change colour when they detect an
explosive, clothing and footwear made with synthetic spider web, etc.


In addition to the genetically modified foods mentioned above, thanks to biotechnology

products such as WEMA have been created, a type of crop resistant to droughts and certain
insects that may prove essential in fighting hunger in Africa.


Through bioremediation processes, very useful for ecological recovery, the catabolic properties
of microorganisms, fungi, plants and enzymes are used to restore contaminated ecosystems.


Red biotechnology: This is the health branch and responsible, according to the Biotechnology
Innovation Organization (BIO), for the development of more than 250 vaccines and medications
such as antibiotics, regenerative therapies and the production of artificial organs.

Green biotechnology: It is used by more than 13 million farmers worldwide to fight pests and
nourish crops and strengthen them against microorganisms and extreme weather events, such as
droughts and frosts.

White biotechnology: The industrial branch works to improve manufacturing processes, the
development of biofuels and other technologies to make industry more efficient and sustainable.

Yellow biotechnology: This branch is focused on food production and, for example, it carries
out research to reduce the levels of saturated fats in cooking oils.

Blue biotechnology: This exploits marine resources to obtain aquaculture, cosmetics and health
care products. In addition, it is the branch most widely used to obtain biofuels from certain
Grey biotechnology: Its purpose is the conservation and restoration of contaminated natural
ecosystems through, as mentioned above, bioremediation processes.

Gold biotechnology: Also known as bioinformatics it is responsible for obtaining, storing,

analysing and separating biological information, especially that related to DNA and amino acid


The benefits of biotechnology are tangible, but at the same time some warn of its possible
adverse effects on the environment, health and ethics. The advantages of BIO are as follows:

• It reduces CO2 emissions by 52 %, optimises the use of water and reduces waste and
chemical processes thanks to techniques such as recombinant DNA.
• It improves medical diagnosis, reduces infection rates, minimises the side effects of
medications and favours progress in developing countries.
• It favours healthy and sustainable agriculture. It provides more nutritious, toxin and
allergen free food. It limits the use of pesticides and chemicals.


• The proliferation of laboratory foodscould end crop diversity. It may also affect the
balance of ecosystems.
• The risks include unforeseen allergies, poisoning of living organisms and modified
bacteria escaping from a laboratory.
• Cloning, the modification of the human genome and assisted reproduction are matters of
ethical debate and social controversy.
Recombinant DNA technology had made it possible to treat different diseases by inserting new
genes in place of damaged and diseased genes in the human body. It has brought many
revolutionary changes in the field of medicine and introduced such methods of treating diseases
and delivering the drug which were just imaginary.


A recombinant vaccine is a vaccine produced through recombinant DNA technology. Vaccines are live
attenuated or modified pathogens given to an individual to trigger immunity against antigen. By
recombinant dna technology, antigen producing gene and plasmid combined, rDna formed and used as
vaccine or insert into another host where immunogenic antibodies produced will be used as vaccine.Viral
vaccines prepared through it probably includes HIV, hepatitis B. Herpex,mouth and foot diseases. For
example, hepatitis B vaccine producing due to expression of rDna in yeast cell that multiplies and
produce HB antigen.

The chemical and pharmaceutical industry is involved in processing organic and inorganic raw
materials into chemical products, as well as producing pharmaceutical raw materials. Only a
fraction of the products manufactured by chemical companies can be sold as finished products.
Most of these products are supplied to the textile, construction and automaking sectors for
industrial processing.

Insulin is a hormone produced by β-cells of islets of Langerhans of pancreas. It was
discovered by sir Edward Sharpey Schafer (1916) while studying Islets of Langerhans.
Insulin is a peptide hormone produced by pancreas and is a central regulator of
carbohydrates and fat metabolism in the body. Insulin hormone is a dimer of a A- chain
and a B-chain which are linked together by a disulphide bond.

The first product developed by genetic engineering was human insulin. It can be
produced by using recombinant DNA technology. The gene responsible for producing
human insulin protein is isolated. A plasmid is isolated from a bacterial cell. Special
restriction enzymes are used to cut the plasmid. The gene for insulin is inserted into the
plasmid. This process is called recombinant technology. The bacterial DNA now
contains the human insulin gene and is inserted into a bacteria. When the bacterial cells
reproduce, the human insulin gene is also reproduced in the cells and produces protein
by transcription and translation process.
The gene for human growth hormone (hGH) is isolated from human pituitary gland.
Insertion of whole hGH gene into plasmid vector and cloning into E.coli results into
production of biologically inactive hormone because bacteria can translate the region of
gene that are not translated in human thereby producing a prehormone containing an
extra 26 aminoacids which might be difficult to remove.
Hence the segment of gene that codes for the first 24 aminoacids of hormone is
constructed chemically from blocks of nucleotide.

Interferon are group of proteins that interfere with virus multiplication or replication.
When any virus gets entered cell infected cell or tissue releases interferon that spread to
nearby cells and stop viral protein synthesis. Due to interference ability can use cure
cancer e.g hairy cell leukemia. By rDna, we become capable of making this protein.
Alpha component of which have role in curing lymphoma and myelogenous leukemia.

Antibiotics are antibacterial substances produced by some microbes (bacteria,
actinomycetes and fungi) as secondary metabolites. Antibiotics inhibit the growth and
multiplication of bacteria by inhibition of either the synthesis of cell wall, proteins etc..
The first natural antibiotic discovered was Penicillin discovered by Alexander Fleming
(1928). It was isolated from the fungus Penicillium notatum by Alexander Fleming. He
had observed that Penicillium produced a diffusible substance that killed the bacteria

Production of antibody occur in the presence of specific or foreign antigen particle. Our
blood contains several antibody serum derived from different antigenic molecule.
Further with isolating and culturing procedure, these specific lymphocytes are cultured
in-vitro, known as monoclonal antibodies. They are monospecific and protein in nature.

But disadvantage of these specific antibodies is their instability in culture environment.

This problem is overcome by Hybridoma technology. B-cells (have ability to generate
antibodies) are fused with myeloma cells (cancerous cells) of same isotype, resulting
hybrid cells.


Molecular diagnostics is a collection of techniques used to analyze biological markers
in the genome and proteome, and how their cells express their genes as proteins,
applying molecular biology to medical testing. In medicine the technique is used to
diagnose and monitor disease, detect risk, and decide which therapies will work best for
individual patients, foreword and in agricultural biosecurity similarly to monitor crop
and livestock disease, estimate risk, and decide what quarantine measures must be taken.
By analysing the specifics of the patient and their disease, molecular diagnostics offers
the prospect of personalised medicine.These tests are useful in a range of medical
specialties, including infectious disease, oncology, human leucocyte antigen typing
(which investigates and predicts immune function), coagulation, and
pharmacogenomics—the genetic prediction of which drugs will work best. They overlap
with clinical chemistry (medical tests on bodily fluids).
Gene therapy is a technique which involves the replacement of defective genes with
healthy ones in order to treat genetic disorders. It is an artificial method that introduces
DNA into the cells of the human body. The first gene therapy was successfully
accomplished in the year 1989.
Gene therapy is used in the replacement of genes that cause medical ill-health.
The method generally destroys the problem causing genes.
It helps the body to fight against diseases by adding genes to the human body.
This method is employed to treat diseases such as cancer, ADA deficiency, cystic
fibrosis, etc.

Artificial blood is a product made to act as a substitute for red blood cells. While true
blood serves many different functions, artificial blood is designed for the sole purpose of
transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body. Depending on the type of
artificial blood, it can be produced in different ways using synthetic production,
chemical isolation, or recombinant biochemical technology. Development of the first
blood substitutes dates back to the early 1600s, and the search for the ideal blood
substitute continues. Various manufacturers have products in clinical trials; however, no
truly safe and effective artificial blood product is currently marketed. It is anticipated
that when an artificial blood product is available, it will have annual sales of over $7.6
billion in the United States alone.

DNA fingerprinting is a procedure that shows the hereditary cosmetics of living things.
It is a strategy for finding the distinction between the satellite DNA areas in the genome.

The human genome consists of innumerable small noncoding sequences which are
inheritable and repeatedly present. They can be separated from the bulk DNA as satellite
upon performing density gradient centrifugation and thus known as satellite DNA. They
can be categorized into either microsatellites or microsatellites depending on the length,
base composition and tandemly repetitive units. These satellite DNAs show
polymorphism and this polymorphism is the basis of DNA fingerprinting. The repeat
regions can be divided into two groups based on the size of the repeat - variable
number tandem repeats (VNTRs) and short tandem repeats. These repeats act as
genetic markers and every individual inherits these repeats from their parents. Thus,
every individual has a particular composition of VNTRs and this is the main principle of
the DNA fingerprinting technique.

Alec Jeffreys developed this technique in which he used satellite DNAs also called
VNTRs (Variable Number of Tandem Repeats) as a probe because it showed the high
level of polymorphism.
Following are the steps involved in DNA fingerprinting:

Isolating the DNA.

Digesting the DNA with the help of restriction endonuclease enzymes.

Separating the digested fragments as per the fragment size by the process of

Blotting the separated fragments onto synthetic membranes like nylon.

Hybridising the fragments using labelled VNTR probes.

Analysing the hybrid fragments using autoradiography.

• Used in identification of criminals.
• For child parentage establishment..
• Helpful for deduction of racial group.
Cloning is a technique scientists use to make exact genetic copies of living things.
Genes, cells, tissues, and even whole animals can all be cloned. Some clones already
exist in nature. Single-celled organisms like bacteria make exact copies of themselves
each time they reproduce.
On July 5, 1996, Dolly the sheep—the first mammal to have been successfully cloned
from an adult cell—is born at the Roslin Institute in Scotland. Dolly was cloned from a
cell taken from the mammary gland of a six-year-old Finn Dorset sheep and an egg cell
taken from a Scottish Black face sheep.


❖ Researchers at the University of Alberta in Canada found the bacterium that produces
methane, and in 2009, they created a line of cattle that produces 25% less of the smelly
gas than the average cow. This is important because methane from cows is a major
source of the greenhouse gases causing global warming.
❖ AgResearch, a company owned by the New Zealand government, engineered a cow to
produce milk without one of the proteins that many people are allergic too, known as β-
lactoglobulin. The milk also contained more casein, a nutritious protein found in milk.
❖ The first genetically modified plant (GMP) was a tobacco resistant to antibiotics in 1983.
In 1996, the first genetically altered crop, a delayed-ripening tomato was commercially
released. In the year 2003, the estimated global area of GM crops for was 67.7 million
❖ Salmon have been engineered to grow larger and mature faster and cattle have been
enhanced to exhibit resistance to mad cow disease.
Plants are modified from last two decades. By using conventional breeding Plant breeders
perform selection and cross those selected plants to get new varieties recombinant DNA
technology allow the breeders to get crops with improve yield stress tolerant plant and disease
resistant plants. This comes under the criteria of modern breeding Desire identified, isolated ans
inserted into other plant to obtain desire characteristics. This gene can be gene is taken from two
different species. There are many transgenic crops which are being produced commercially
Recombinant DNA technology remove the barriers of taking gene only from same specie.rDNA
technology has three main types of applications in agriculture. Norman Ernest Borlaug is the
“father of modern agriculture” and the father of the green revolution.


It is very likely that we are now eating a greater proportion of genetically engineered foods such
as corn, potato, soybean, canola, and so on. Because corn crops are more susceptible to insect
attack, most corn crops are genetically modified to withstand insect attack. Another advantage
of genetically modified corn is that pesticides are not used to kill the insects, resulting in more
natural and clean corn yields. Potatoes have also been genetically modified to resist insects and
viruses. A few potatoes are also engineered to be resistant to browning that occurs when the
potatoes are packed. Genetically modified canola oil is widely used in cooking, and the seeds
can be fed to animals. The majority of genetically modified canola oil is herbicide resistant,
allowing farmers to easily control weeds
Golden Rice is a variety of rice (Oryza sativa) produced through genetic engineering to
biosynthesize beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, in the edible parts of the rice. It is
intended to produce a fortified food to be grown and consumed in areas with a shortage
of dietary vitamin A. Vitamin A deficiency causes xerophthalmia, a range of eye
conditions from night blindness to more severe clinical outcomes such as keratomalacia
and corneal scars, and permanent blindness. It also increases risk of mortality from
measles and diarrhea in children.

Another form of modified rice was also generated to help combat iron deficiency, which
impacts close to 30 percent of the world population. This GM crop was engineered by
introducing into the rice genome a ferritin gene from the common bean, Phaseolus
vulgaris, that produces a protein capable of binding iron, as well as a gene from the
fungus Aspergillus fumigatus that produces an enzyme capable of
digesting compounds that increase iron bioavailability via digestion of phytate (an
inhibitor of iron absorption). The iron-fortified GM rice was engineered to overexpress
an existing rice gene that produces a cysteine-rich metallothioneinlike (metal-binding)
protein that enhances iron absorption.

The GMO pink pineapple was developed to have pink flesh by increasing the levels of
lycopene. Lycopene is naturally found in pineapples, and it is the pigment that makes
tomatoes red and watermelons pink.


Herbicide tolerant plants are plants whose growth and development are not significantly
affected by herbicides used on the weeds growing around them. Farmers use a number of
these plants.
All plants have a natural ability to tolerate some specific herbicides. Some, like various
herbicide tolerant canolas, have been genetically modified to tolerate herbicides. That is,
scientists have developed new strains of plants that are not affected by a specific
Recombinant DNA technology allows the plant breeders to produce the herbicide
tolerant plants. Because some plants are are kill by herbicides which grow near these
plants. The common example is Roundup herbicide which grow near some plants and
block the enolpyruvateshikimate phosphate synthase enzyme pathway by producing
glyphosate The glyphosate block the pathway of EPSP synthase and kill the plants There
are many plants species which are killed by this herbicide.Plant breeders take gene from
those plants which have resistant towards this herbicide and manipulate those plants by
inserting herbicide tolerant genes.Soyabean and cotton are two important crops which
are being improved by modifying EPSP gene.


Insect tolerant plants can be produced through recombinant DNA technology.Before this
technology insecticide and pesticide sprays are used,but these sprays are not echo
friendly because they have adverse effects on crops as well as on environment.Insect
resistant plants are modified by introducing Bt gene in the these plants Bt gene is
isolated from bacillus thuringeinsis. Bacillus thuringeinsis have Bt gene which is
responsible for releasing cry proteins. When any insect eats leaves of plant the cry gene
releases a toxin and the crystalline form of toxin binds in the intestinal wall of insect By
this binding pores create in the intestine of insect and in this way the whole digestive
system destroys. Cotton,maize,rice,cabbage,cauliflower and other crops are being
manipulated with Bt gene.
Abiotic stress such as high temperature,salinity.acidic environment are not suitable for
plants. Some plants cope up with this environment but some die due to unfavourable
conditions. Recombinant DNA technology plays a vital role for making stress tolerant
plants. Genes are taken from those plants which can survive in these conditions and get
back inserted into the plant to make it stress tolerant.Some plants are modified by
recombinant DNA technology which can survive in high amount of almunium.


Disease resistant plants are made from recombinant DNA technology Foreign genes are
inserted into plant to save it from the bacterial, viral, fungal infections. First the desire
gene is selected and inserted into suitable vector. Tobacco plant is modified by inserting
foreign genes to protect it from tobacco mosaic virus. Different enzymes.proteins are
secreted as a defense mechanism in plants.
Fruit ripening is another major issue in the agricultural sector. Fruit ripening can be
delayed using genetic engineering. To delay the ripening of the fruit, it is best to store it
in cold temperatures, preferably in freezers. To delay the fruit ripening with genetic
engineering, the enzyme ACC oxidase catalyzes the oxidation of ACC to ethylene, the
final step in the ethylene biosynthetic pathway. Down regulation of the ACC oxidase
gene via anti-sense technology results in suppression of ethylene production, delaying
fruit ripening.

We know that plants can withstand a certain temperature, and that if the temperature falls
below that threshold, the plant dies. For example, a normal seed plant can withstand
temperatures as low as -1 degrees Celsius; however, if the temperature drops below -4
degrees Celsius, the plant freezes and dies. We can use genetic engineering to change the
genes of plants so that the seed plant can withstand negative temperatures, giving the
plant the ability to withstand even harsh climatic conditions.


Plant breeders improve the quality and yield of crops through recombinant dna
technology.Tomatoes are soften very quickly with the polygalacturonase and pectinase enzyme.
Due to overcome this problem the antisense RNA is prepared using recombinant DNA
technology. The RNA is complementary to the mRNA.This will result in this slow ripening due
to slow translation rate to make their quality better. Yield can be improved by introducing
photosynthetic gene. By this starch is stored in the tubers not in leaves and plant yield is
more.Ethylene is a hormone which is responsible for ripening of fruit. Recombinant DNA
technology introduces ethylene producing gene this result in the delayed fruit ripening Vitamin
A deficiency can also be treated by increasing production of beta carotene.

Important biopharmaceuticals are prepared through recombinant technology.Drugs therapeutic

proteins.Foreign genes are inserted into the plants and the seeds that the plant produce will
contain the therapeutic proteins. Many infectious diseases, cancer can be cure by therapeutic
proteins Recombinant DNA technology is efficient mean to transfer the desire gene for
production of desire product or protein. Edible vaccines are also prepared by recombinant DNA
technology.Desire antigenic proteins are selected from the other plants or organism and inserted
into the fruits like tomato,banana. These fruits then immunized the patients with susceptible
disease. Production of secondary metabolites is also performed by recombinant DNA
technology.Sometimes expression of a gene is increased and due to overexpression the
metabolite is released into the medium Arabidopsis plant is improved by inserting foreign genes
and polyhydroxy butyrate is released by Arabidopsis in the chloroplast PHB is then extracted
from this plant. PHB is a biodegradable plastic it is further can be used for different purposes.


• Recombinant DNA technology is not only an important tool in scientific research, but
has also resulted in enormous progress in the diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases
and genetic disorders in many areas of medicine.
• Thus Recombinant DNA technology is beginning to significantly alter the practice of
medicine by providing new diagnostic and therapeutic agents and revealing molecular
mechanisms of disease.


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