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ex. 1

a. We can see the consequences of a forest fire. The long-term effects of

forest fires can be far-reaching and complex, impacting the environment,
wildlife, and even human communities.
b. We can see the pollution caused by a factory. The long-term effects of
forest fires can be air and water pollution, soil contamination, health and
economic effects
c. We can see spillage from a tanker. The long-term effects of forest fires
can be environmental and economic damage, human health risks and
social impacts

ex. 2
Ozone Layer Depletion - Threatens life on Earth by exposing us to harmful UV
Dumping of Hazardous Waste - Causes severe contamination of soil, water, and
air, posing health risks.
Urban Smog - Harms respiratory health and contributes to air pollution in cities.
Overuse of Fertilizers and Pesticides - Leads to soil degradation, water
contamination, and harms ecosystems.
Acid Rain - Damages forests, soil, and aquatic life, impacting ecosystems.
However, the importance of these issues can vary depending on various factors,
including geographical location, personal experiences, and expertise in
environmental sciences.

Urban Smog:

Solution: Improving public transport to reduce the reliance on private cars, thus
decreasing air pollution in cities.
Dumping of Hazardous Waste:

Solution: Stricter legislation regarding waste disposal to enforce proper

handling and disposal of hazardous waste materials, preventing contamination
of soil and water sources.
Overuse of Fertilizers and Pesticides:

Solution: Promoting alternative methods of growing crops, such as organic

farming practices, to reduce the dependency on chemical fertilizers and
pesticides, thereby minimizing environmental damage.
Ozone Layer Depletion:

Solution: Encouraging people not to use aerosols or other products containing

CFC gases, as these contribute to ozone layer depletion.
Acid Rain:

Solution: Implementing obligatory use of alternative energy sources to reduce

emissions of pollutants that contribute to acid rain, such as coal-fired power

ex. 3
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. True
6. False

ex. 4
1 quotation
To paraphrase, the Aldous Huxley quote implies that ignoring or neglecting
facts does not negate their existence or validity.
2 quotation
Gunther Grass's quote implies that the statistics reflecting environmental issues
already reveal the future consequences we'll face due to problems like pollution,
overpopulation, and desertification.

Urban Smog: These quotations speak to this problem well, highlighting the fact
that air pollution in cities has negative impacts on human health and the
environment even in the face of efforts to ignore or minimize it.
Dumping of Hazardous Waste: These quotes highlight that ignoring the reality
of hazardous waste dumping doesn't make its environmental impact disappear.
Overuse of Fertilizers and Pesticides: The quotes emphasize that disregarding
the overuse of chemicals in agriculture doesn't nullify its detrimental effects on
soil quality, water contamination, and ecosystem disruption.

ex. 5
Based on the title "Oil Against Caribou", it's likely that the article will discuss a
conflict involving the extraction or using of oil resources and its impact on
caribou, likely referring to a specific species or population of these animals.
Probably “conflict” will appear in a discussion
“Breeding ground” could refer to the natural habitats or specific regions
“Crude oil”- to describe the type of oil being extracted or processed
“Well-paid jobs” - the economic benefits or employment opportunities provided
by the oil industry
“Toxic waste dumping” - the environmental hazards posed by the oil industry

Not each prediction, but mostly yes

1. A
2. C
3. D
4. B
5. B
6. A
7. C

ex. 6
1. The phrase “live by subsistence” likely refers to a lifestyle where people
rely on the basic necessities obtained directly from their environment for
2. This means that this area is especially defenseless to development
3. Because it promises economic growth and job opportunities, wealth to
other Alaskan communities
4. The traditional life will be destroyed if the oil company destroys the
habitat of the caribou

ex. 7
trekked - to walk a long distance, usually over land such as hills, mountains, or
odyssey - a long, exciting journey
access - reaching a place
refuge - (a place that gives) protection or shelter from danger, trouble,
dubbed - to give something or someone a particular name
soaring - rising very quickly to a high level
marshy - always wet, boggy
stunted - prevented from growing or developing to the usual size
explodes into vibrant reds and yellows - is suddenly covered
in bright red and yellow
smothered - to cover something completely with a substance
primal - very basic, or relating to the time when human life on Earth began
migrate - when birds, fish, or animals migrate, they travel from one place to
another at the same time each year
bitter - extremely cold
dominate - to control or have power over someone or something
precariously - in a way that is likely to fall, be damaged, fail
snaking - to move along a route that includes a lot of twists or bends
unblemished – unspoiled

stark – clear, evident, obvious
impact – effect, influence, impression
majestic – great, awesome, dignified
raid – attack, assault
count – depend
intense – strong, powerful, potent
fundamental – basic, foundational

ex. 8
The author begins by mentioning the vast amount of oil that is located beneath
the caribou feeding grounds. Second, the riches that drilling would provide is
mentioned, along with how it would significantly raise the standard of living for
thousands of local residents and employees.
I would prioritize environmental conservation and sustainable practices over
short-term economic gains. Protecting sensitive habitats and wildlife like the
caribou is crucial for biodiversity, ecosystem health, and the well-being of
indigenous communities reliant on these environments.

ex. 9
1. Global warming
2. Wetlands
3. Smog
4. Emissions
5. Dumping
6. Desertification
7. Renewable energy
8. Biodegradable
9. Greenhouse effect
11.Ozone layer
14.Toxic waste

ex. 10
2. oil spill –a man-made disaster
3. pollutant – detrimental to the environment
4. atmosphere – the significant aerospace surrounding the earth
5. sheep – sheep are not an endangered species
6. refined – because the others refer to something untreated
7. fertiliser –it makes things grow
8. organic – the other three are negative synonyms of one another

ex. 11
1. Acid rain
The region's forests suffered extensive damage due to exposure to acid rain
2. Nuclear power
Some countries rely heavily on nuclear power to meet their energy needs,
despite concerns about its safety
3. Fossil fuels
The excessive burning of fossil fuels contributes significantly to global carbon
4. Healthy risks
Smoking is known to pose severe health risks, including lung cancer and heart

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