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20 câu đố vui tiếng Anh

Đây là 20 câu đố vui bằng tiếng Anh mà Hieuhoc sưu tầm được. Đa số những câu đố này thuộc thể loại đố mẹo
và chơi chữ nên các bạn cần suy nghĩ theo hướng sáng tạo một chút, không quá khó khăn để tìm ra đáp án
đâu. Thêm nữa là các bạn có thể thu thập kha khá từ vựng cho vốn tiếng Anh của mình, một công đôi việc, còn
chờ gì nữa mà không tham gia nào. Chúc các bạn có những giây phút thư giãn bổ ích.

1. What key does not lock the door?

2. Where does June come before May?
3. What is the best place to put the cake in?
4. Why is the letter A like twelve o'clock?
5. What is the difference between a soldier and a young girl?
6. Which can you keep after giving it to your friend?
7. What is it that was tomorrow and will be yesterday?
8. What comes twice in a moment, once in a minute and never in a hundred years?
9. What is it that larger the more you take from it?
10. Which letter of the alphabet goes round Great Britain?
11. When I eat, I live but when I drink, I die. What am I?
12. Why is the letter T like an island?
13. What word becomes shorter by the addition of a syllable?
14. What belongs only to you, and yet is used more by others than by yourself?
15. What goes up when the rain comes down?
16. What goes up but never comes down?
17. Which travels at greater speed, heat or cold?
18. Which 2 letters of alphabet have eyes?
19. Which 4 letter would frighten a thief?
20. Which can you keep after giving it to your friend?

Xem đáp án

1. A music key
2. In the dictionary
3. In the mouth.
4. Because it is in the middle of day
5. One powders the face and the other faces the powder.
6. The promise
7. Today
8. letter M (What comes twice in a moment, once in a minute and never in a hundred years?)
9. A hole
10. letter C (the sea)
11. Fire
12. Because it is in the middle of water
13. The word short become shorter by the addition of a syllable
14. Your name
15. An umbrella.
16. Smoke, your age.
17. Heat, because you can catch cold.
18. A and B, because you say: ABCD (AB see D).
19. O, I, C, U (oh, I see you)
20. Your word.

Câu 1-10
1) What part of the body has the most rhythm? (The eardrums)
2) A farmer combined 2 compost heaps with 3 others. How many compost heaps does he have? (One)
3) Who succeeded the first Prime Minister of Australia ? (The second)
4) Why was Karl Marx buried at Highgate Cemetery in London? (Because he was dead)
5) What odd number becomes even when beheaded?(Seven...(s/even))
6) Why is the letter E like London? (Because E is the capital of England)
7) What lives on its own substance and dies when it devours itself? (A candle)
8) "The beginning of eternity
The end of time and space
The beginning of every end,
And the end of every place." (The letter "e")
9) "I never was, am always to be,
No one ever saw me, nor ever will
And yet I am the confidence of all
To live and breathe on this terrestrial ball." (Tomorrow)
10) "At night they come without being fetched,
And by day they are lost without being stolen." (Stars)
To see keys, hightlight some space at the end of each riddle.

Câu 11-20
11) Who is closer to you, your mom or your dad? (Mom is closer because dad is
12) What is the poorest bank in the world? (The river bank)
13) What month do soldiers hate? (March)
14) What clothing is always sad? (Blue jeans)
15) Why is an empty purse always the same? (There is no change in it.)
16) What has four wheels and flies? (A garbage truck)
17) Why are dogs afraid to sunbathe? (They don't want to be hot-dogs.)
18) Why shouldn't you lose your temper? (No one else wants it.)
19) What kind of running means walking? (Running out of gas)
20) What stays hot even if put in a refrigerator? (Pepper)
Câu 21-30
21) What can't be used unless broken? (Eggs)
22) What makes opening piano so hard? (All the keys are inside.)
23) What two words contain thousands of letters? (Post office)
24) What do you get if you cross stereo and fridge? (Very cool music)
25) What has nothing but a head and a tail? (A coin)
26) Why is 10 x 10 = 1000 like your left eye? (It's not right.)
27) What did the big chimney say to the little chimney while working? (You are too young to smoke.)
28) How do we know the ocean is friendly? (It waves.)
29) Why should we never ask balloons for advice? (They are full of hot air.)
30) What has three hands but only one face? (A clock)
Câu 31-40
31) Which can move faster, heat or cold? (Heat, because you catch cold)
32) What weather do mice and rats fear? (When it is raining cats and dogs)
33) Who always drives his customers away? (A taxi driver)
34) Who will be your real friend, a poor friend or a rich one? (A poor friend, because a friend in need is a
friend indeed)
35) Why did the banker keep looking up at the sky? (To see if there is any change in the sky)
36) What is the longest word in the English language? (Smile, because there is a mile between the beginning
and the end of it)
37) Why is the letter E so important? (Because it's the beginning of everything)
38) Why is the letter R absolutely necessary to friendship? (Without it, a friend will become a fiend)
39) What can you tell from Peter's record card with extremely poor grades? (He didn't cheat.)
40) What has four fingers and a thumb but no flesh and bone? (A glove)
Câu 41-50
41) Who goes around all day in a car with his bag full of money? (A bus conductor)
42) Mouse fell of a 1000-step stair and was not hurt. Why? (He fell off the last step.)
43) Who works only one day in a year but never gets fired? (Santa Claus)
44) What do your drop when you need it and take back when you don't? (An anchor)
45) What is higher without a head than with a head? (A pillow)
46) When can you have something and nothing at the same time in your pocket? (When there is a hole in it)
47) Where can you always find money? (In the dictionary)
48) "Railroad crossing, look out for the cars." Can you spell it without any R's? (I-t)
49) Why do fish live in water? (Cats can't swim.)
50) What kind of party do prisoners like? (A going-away party)
Câu 51-60
51) Which has more legs, a cow or no cow? (No cow. A cow has only four legs but no cow has more
52) What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty? (A blackboard)
53) Why are grandpa's false teeth like stars? (They come out at night.)
54) What word is pronounced wrong, even by the best of scholars? (The word: wrong)
55) What will make more noise in your house than a dog? (Two dogs)
56) What are two things people never eat before breakfast? (Lunch and supper)
57) Why did the man throw a bucket of water out the window? (He wanted to see the waterfall.)
58) Why did the man throw the butter out the window? (He wanted to see the butterfly.)
59) Why did the man put the clock in the safe? (He wanted to save time.)
60) What has a neck, but no head? (A bottle)
Câu 71-80
71) What are the 3 important rings in life? (Engagement ring, Wedding ring, and suffering)
72) A man rode into town on Tuesday. Two days later he rode home on Tuesday. How is this possible? (His
horse's name is Tuesday.)
73) Why did the student take a ladder to school? (Because he/she was going to high school!)
74) Why did the tomato blush? (Beacuse it saw the salad dressing!)
75) What are the two strongest days of the week? (Saturday and Sunday. All the others are weak (week) days.)
76) What do you call a bear without an "ear"? (BBBBBBB)
77) What is the difference between the capital of Russia and a calf's mother? (One is Moscow, the other is a
cow's Ma.)
78) What's the difference between a TEACHER and a CONDUCTOR? (A teacher TRAINS the MIND and a
conductor MINDS the TRAIN.)
79) What do you call a fish that only cares about himself? (Selfish)
80) What's a minimum? (A very small mother!)
Câu 81-90
81) Why can't a bicycle stand on its own? (Because it's two-tired (too tired))
82) What's got a wave but no sea? (My hair)
83) Where does a boxer who weighs 135 kilograms sit on a bus? (Wherever he wants to.)
84) What is the word that everybody always says wrong? ("Wrong")
85) What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it? (Short)
86) What's the longest word in the dictionary? (Rubber-band -- because it streches.)
87) How many seconds are there in one year? (Twelve. January second, February second, March second... )
88) What did the doctor say when the invisible man called to make an appointment? (Tell him I can't see him
89) What has teeth but can't bite? (A comb)
90) What a bee says when it gets in the hive? (Hi Honey! I'm home!)
Câu 91-100
91) What flowers have two lips? (Tulips)
92) They travel all over the world but end up in the corner, what are they? (Stamps)
93) What is the difference between a jeweler and a jailor? (A jeweler sells watches. A jailer watches cells.)
94) What's a teacher's favorite nation? (Expla-nation)
95) What's the most colorful state of U.S.A.? (Color-rado)
96) How many letters are there in the alphabet? (Eleven -in "the alphabet")
97) Which months have 28 days? (All 12 months!)
98) What do you call your father-in-law's only child's mother-in-law? (Mom!)
99) What 11-letter English word does everyone pronounce incorrectly? (Incorrectly)
100) If you drop a yellow hat into the red sea, what does it become? (Wet!)

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