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Dear Giang,

I hope this email finds you well. I'm writing to let you know that we've moved to a
house in the countryside, The first thing I want to say is that I absolutely love it
here. There are so many advantages to living in the country. The air is so clean and
fresh, the scenery is breathtaking and he pace of life is much slower. I can't believe
I used to spend all my time cooped up in an apartment, surrounded by noise and
pollution. However, there are a few things I would change about living in the
country. For one, it can be a bit lonely at times. I do miss having my friends and
family close by. Also, the internet connection isn't as good as it was in the city,
which can be frustrating at times. During the transportation to my new home, there
were also a few bad luck things that happened to me. I accidentally dropped a
heavy box of books, and they all came crashing down. Thankfully, I wasn't hurt,
but a few of my favorite books were damaged. Since I have to go back to the city
to say goodbye to my neighbors, can I invite you to come with me? and can you
give me 1 night's sleep at your house?
Please let me know if you're available. I have to take a bus to return city now. I
look forward to receiving your reply.

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