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重庆八中高 2024 级高二(下)入学适应性考试

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟时间将试卷上的答案转 涂到
第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 L5 分,满分 7.5 分)
听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最 佳选
项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题 和阅
1. What did Daisy do yesterday?

A. She bit the fence. B. She lost a toy. C. She dug a hole.

2. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Colleagues.

B. Teacher and student.

C. Interviewer and interviewee.

3. What is the woman going to do?

A. Sign up for yoga classes. B. Form a club. C. Count her steps.

4. Where are the speakers?

A. In a taxi. B. At a subway station. C. At a bus stop.

5. What does the man suggest the woman do?

A. Focus on her work. B. Go to a clinic. C. Have healthy food.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个 选项
中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个 小题,
每小题 5 秒钟。听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。
6. What is Bard?

A. A teacher. B. A student. C. An editor.

7. What will the woman do in the evening?

A. Look after a baby.

第 1 页/共 24 页
B. Pay a visit to Mike.

C. Take Bard to his aunt’s.

听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。
8. What is the woman probably doing?

A. Asking for advice. B. Reading a map. C. Having a meeting.

9. Which place will the woman visit first?

A. Purple Mountain. B. 1912 Bar Street. C. The Confucius Temple.

听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。
10. How soon will the man’s flight take off?

A. In one hour.

B. In two hours.

C. In three and a half hours.

11. What does the woman think of reading at the airport?

A. Ifs relaxing. B. It’s impractical. C. It’s interesting.

12. Why does the man go back to China?

A. To buy presents.

B. To spend spring break.

C. To get together with the family.

听箫 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。
13. Why does the woman need a job?

A. To earn money. B. To gain experience. C. To kill time.

14. What should the woman do if she takes the job?

A. Sort goods. B. Do the home delivery. C. Buy supplies.

15. What can wd learn about the woman?

A. She has no time for after-class activities.

B. She works hard at college.

C. She will graduate soon.

16. When does the shop open in the morning?

A. At 8:00. B. At 8:30. C. At 9:00.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。
17. What is Shu Lin’s Grandpa?

A. A magazine. B. A book. C. A painting.

18. What became a hot discussion at the London Book Fair in 2022?

第 2 页/共 24 页
A. The number of Chinese books.

B. The way to tell Chinese stories.

C. The method of illustrating books.

19. What kind of Chinese element can people find in Shu Lin’s Grandpa?

A. Ink painting. B. Classical dances. C. Traditional clothes.

20. How many Chinese publishing companies took part in the book fair in 2022?

A. About 900. B. About 600. C. About 60.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分)
第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C^ D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Jim Thorpe is one of the greatest athletes of all time. He had amazing athletic abilities and was well-known

during his lifetime, yet that did not make Thorpe a stranger to adversity.

Thorpe was an American Indian from Oklahoma who developed his extraordinary athletic skills in his youth

through hard labor. It was also in his youth that he learned to endure hardship brought upon by racial prejudice.

Many would say his childhood was not easy. He grew up poor and at age 9, his twin brother passed away and a few

years later he lost both of his parents.

But that did not stop him from doing what he loved and pursuing his dreams. Nothing seemed to stop him, not

even stolen shoes. Just hours before Thorpe was going to compete in the 1912 Olympics, somebody stole his shoes.

Thorpe improvised by getting shoes out of the garbage. The shoes were two different sizes. He wore an extra pair

of socks on one foot to even them out.

He still went on to win two gold medals — winning each event he competed in except for one, the javelin (标

枪).The javelin was the only event he didn’t win, probably because he had never competed in that event before. It is

interesting to note that Thorpe had tried to throw the javelin once before in the Olympic trials. At the time, he didn’t

know that he could throw it with a running start He threw it standing still and was placed second.

At the Olympics, he also took part in the decathlon (十项全能运动). He finished first in two events, third in

four events, and fourth in two more. Thorpe ended up finishing third in the world. He was undoubtedly a

dominating force that couldn’t be stopped and just kept on going.

I think Paul Dughi said it best, “It’s hard to imagine now that pro athletes get paid millions of dollars just to

wear a particular brand of shoes. For Jim Thorpe, it didn’t matter what kind he wore.”

1. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 mean?

A. The adversity Thorpe met with led to his success.

第 3 页/共 24 页
B. Thorpe’s success was no guarantee of a better life.

C. Thorpe’s career brought him both gains and losses.

D. Thorpe suffered many hardships despite his success.

2. Why did Thorpe wear more socks on one foot?

A. To prevent the toot from injury. B. To make the shoe fit the foot.

C. To stop the shoe from being stolen. D. To show his problem-solving skills.

3. Which of the following words can best describe Jim Thorpe?

A. Loyal and enthusiastic. B. Genuine and creative.

C. Tough and strong-minded. D. Selfless and good-tempered.

【答案】1. D 2. B 3. C




【1 题详解】

词句猜测题。根据第二段“Thorpe was an American Indian from Oklahoma who developed his extraordinary

athletic skills in his youth through hard labor. It was also in his youth that he learned to endure hardship brought

upon by racial prejudice. Many would say his childhood was not easy. He grew up poor and at age 9 his twin

brother passed away and a few years later he lost both of his parents.(索普是来自俄克拉荷马州的美洲印第安人,


苦难。许多人会说他的童年并不容易。他出身贫寒,9 岁时双胞胎兄弟去世,几年后他失去了双亲)”可知,


难:根据划线句前面的 yet 表转折意义可知,划线部分的意思是“虽然索普后来有所成就,但却经历了很

多苦难”。故选 D。

【2 题详解】

细节理解题。根据第三段的“The shoes were two different sizes. He wore an extra pair of socks on one foot to

even them out.(鞋子有两个不同的尺寸,他一只脚上多穿了一双袜子来平衡)可知,两只鞋大小不一,因此

索普多穿袜子就是为了让鞋合脚。故选 B。

【3 题详解】


韧不拔的性格。第三段的“But that did not stop him from doing what he loved and pursuing his dreams. Nothing

seemed to stop him, not even stolen shoes.(但这并没有阻止他去做他喜欢的事情,去追求他的梦想。似乎没有

第 4 页/共 24 页
什么能阻止他,甚至是偷来的鞋子)”正是对他坚韧不拔性格的刻画。由此可知,tough(坚韧的)和 strong-

minded(意志坚定的)是对他最准确的描述。故选 C。

It isn’t just the beauty of vast natural wonders like the Grand Canyon that can take your breath away. You can

find awe in everyday things. A new research, published in the journal Emotion, found that older adults who took

“awe walks” felt more positive emotions in their daily lives.

In the study, 52 older adults aged 60 to 90 were divided randomly into two groups. They were told to take at

least one 15-minute walk each week for eight weeks. Volunteers in the “awe group” were instructed in how to

inspire awe as they walked. “We asked them to try to see the world with fresh eyes—to take in new details of a leaf

or flower, for example,” Sturm says. For example, one participant from the awe group wrote about “the beautiful

fall colors and how the leaves were no longer crunchy(嘎吱响) underfoot because of the rain”—the wonder that

small children feel as they embrace their expanding world. However, people in the other group were less focused

on the world around them. One participant wrote, “I thought about our vacation in Hawaii next Thursday.”

In addition, participants were asked to take selfies(自拍) in the beginning, middle, and end of each walk.

Researchers found that participants who took awe walks showed a “small self”, in that they filled less of their

photographs with their own image and more with the background scenery. “When we feel awe, our attention shifts

from focusing on ourselves to focusing on the world around us, ” Sturm says. “ Awe affects our social relationships

because it helps us to feel more connected with the world, universe, and other people.”Their smiles also grew

broader by the end of the study. “We analyzed the intensity of their smiles in the selfies, and participants who took

awe walks displayed greater smiles over time than those who took control walks. The former reported greater

positive emotions in general, including more joy and gratitude.”

Participants in the control group took more frequent walks than those people in the awe group, the researchers

discovered. But walking more didn’t result in positive changes in emotional health or in the way their selfies were

taken. This suggests that the results were mainly due to experiencing awe, and not just in spending time exercising.

4. What were participants in the “awe group” required to do in Paragraph 2?

A. To take a walk each week.

B. To focus on their inner world.

C. To collect leaves after the rain.

D. To explore with childlike curiosity.

5. What can we see in the selfies from the awe walks?

A. Close-up images with wide smiles.

第 5 页/共 24 页
B. More attention on themselves.

C. Simply the background scenery.

D. Small figures with bigger smiles.

6. What can we know from the last paragraph?

A. Experiencing awe counts.

B. More walks, more joy.

C. Exercises can benefit us.

D. Awe comes with walking.

7. Which of the following can be the best title?

A. Awe Walks Promote Your Physical Fitness

B. Experiencing Awe Does Wonders for Everyone

C. Awe Walks Improve Your Positive Emotions

D. Frequent Walks Contribute to Emotional Health

【答案】4. D 5. D 6. A 7. C


【导语】本文是一篇说明文,介绍一项有关 awe walk(敬畏步行)的研究,研究表明怀敬畏之心行路有利于产


【4 题详解】

细节理解题。根据第二段的第五句“For example, one participant from the awe group wrote about “the beautiful

fall colors and how the leaves were no longer crunchy(嘎吱响)underfoot because of the rain”—the wonder that

small children feel as they embrace their expanding world. (比如,敬畏步行组的一名参与者描写了“秋天美丽


感受到的那样。)”可知,研究人员要求敬畏步行组怀着孩子般的好奇心探索路程。故选 D 项。

【5 题详解】

细节理解题。根据第三段的第二句“Researchers found that participants who took awe walks showed a ‘small

self , in that they filled less of their photographs with their own image and more with the background scenery.( 研究


用背景风景填充。)”和倒数第三句“Their smiles also grew broader by the end of the study.(研究结束时,他


微笑。所以他们的自拍照中,可能显示的是小身形,但是面带灿烂微笑。故选 D 项。

【6 题详解】

第 6 页/共 24 页
推理判断题。最后一段的最后两句“But walking more didn’t result in positive changes in emotional health or in

the way their selfies were taken. This suggests that the results were mainly due to experiencing awe, and not just in

spending time exercising.(但是多走路并不会对情绪健康或者自拍方式产生积极的影响。这表明,结果主要


锻炼。由此可知,作者在最后一段想传达的是,心怀敬畏才是真正产生影响的。故选 A 项。

【7 题详解】

主旨大意题。结合全文,文章主要介绍一项有关 awe walk(敬畏步行)的研究,尤其是根据第一段的“A new

research published in the journal Emotion, found that older adults who took ‘ awe walks’felt more positiveemotions

in their daily lives.(发表在《情感》杂志上的一项新研究发现,那些“敬畏步行”的老年人在日常生活中感

受到更多的积极情绪。)”和最后一段“Participants in the control group took more frequent walks than those

people in the awe group, the researchers discovered. But walking more didn’t result in positive change: in

emotional health or in the way their selfies were taken. This suggests that the results were mainly due to

experiencing awe, and not just in spending time exercising.(研究人员发现,控制组的参与者比敬畏组的参与者


验敬畏,而不只是在花时间锻炼。)”可知,敬畏步行有利于促进积极健康情绪。所以 C 项“敬畏步行能促

进积极的情绪”最适合作为本文标题。故选 C 项。

Can you imagine someone hunting you down with a gun? Most of us would be terrified. So, it’s no surprise

that that’s how animals respond, too.

Orcas, a species that have been systematically hunted- even with machine guns-dramatically decreased in

number in the twentieth century. These so-called “killer whales” hunted the same fish that fishermen prized and

were therefore seen as competition. Consequently, killer whales began avoiding certain locations and routes. But

while North America largely banned their killing in the 1970s, they continue to be hunted in Greenland to this day.

Elephants also have to deal with human hunters. Ivory poachers( 象牙偷猎者)have greatly reduced the African

elephant population, which used to cover the entire continent. The ivory trade was banned in 1990, but animal

habitats and food supplies have still declined. In Kenya, the human population has increased four times over the

last 40 years while the elephant population declined by four-fifths.

This has caused the elephants to adopt unique responses to people. For instance, elephants are terrified of the

spear-waving Maasai, an ethnic group of Kenya and Tanzania who have often hurt elephants when trying to protect

their own cattle.

So once in an experiment by a group of zoologists, when elephants living close to the Maasai were presented

第 7 页/共 24 页
with three different T-shirts, one belonging to a Maasai, another to a different local and one to a researcher, they

only reacted with fear to the Maasai shirt, literally smelling the danger.

However, neither elephants nor killer whales commonly show anger and hate for people. In fact, elephants are

generally friendly to humans. And the only instances of killer whales harming a person occurred when the whales

were kept in a water cage. Orcas have even been reported to aid humans in need, protecting them from other


8. Why are killer whales often hunted?

A. They are hugely profitable.

B. They harm people’s interests.

C. They threaten fishermen’s safety.

D. They compete with other wildlife for food.

9. What does the underlined word “This” in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A. Less illegal ivory trade.

B. The decline of food supplies.

C. Elephants’ traveling to other continents.

D. The population change of humans and elephants.

10. Why is the experiment mentioned?

A. To prove humans’ influence on animals.

B. To show the defensive nature of the Maasai.

C. To illustrate the cleverness of the wild animals.

D. To highlight the urgency of animal conservation.

11. What’s the best title of this text?

A. Fierce Animals Can Feel Frightened Too

B. Animal Kingdoms Are Sounding an Alarm

C. Animals Are Trying to Fit in Human World

D. Human Actions Have Shaped Animal Consciousness

【答案】8. B 9. D 10. A 11. D



【8 题详解】

细节理解题。根据第二段的句子“These so-called ‘killer whales’ hunted the same fish that fishermen prized and

were therefore seen as competition.(这些所谓的‘虎鲸’捕食的是渔民们珍视的同种鱼类,因此被视为竞争

第 8 页/共 24 页

会被人们猎杀。故选 B 项。

【9 题详解】

词义猜测题。划线单词 this 所在的句子是一个承上启下的句子,所以 this 指的是上文提到的内容,而上一

段的最后一句“In Kenya, the human population has increased four times over the last 40 years while the elephant

population declined by four-fifths.(在肯尼亚,在过去的 40 年里,人口数量增加了 4 倍,而大象的数量减少了

5 分之 4)”说的是人口的增加和大象数量的减少,由此可知,This 代指人类和大象的数量变化。故选 D 项。

【10 题详解】

推理判断题。根据第四段的句子“For instance, elephants are terrified of the spear-waving Maasai, an ethnic

group of Kenya and Tanzania who have often hurt elephants when trying to protect their own cattle.(例如,大象害


和第五段“So once in an experiment by a group of zoologists, when elephants living close to the Maasai were

presented with three different T-shirts, one belonging to a Maasai, another to a different local and one to a

researcher, they only reacted with fear to the Maasai shirt, literally smelling the danger.(因此,在一组动物学家的

一次实验中,当生活在马赛人附近的大象看到三种不同的 T 恤时,一件属于马赛人,另一件属于不同的当

地人,一件属于研究人员,它们对马赛人的 T 恤只表现出恐惧,实际上是嗅到了危险)”可知,大象害怕马

赛人的 T 恤,是因为它们嗅到了危险。所以实验的目的是为了证明人类对动物的影响。故选 A 项。

【11 题详解】

主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第一段“Can you imagine someone hunting you down with a gun? Most of us

would be terrified. So, it’s no surprise that that’s how animals respond, too.(你能想象有人拿着枪追杀你吗?我们


的行为已经影响了动物对人类的感知。所以用 D 项“Human Actions Have Shaped Animal Consciousness(人

类的行为塑造了动物的意识)”作为文章的题目与文章主题相符。故选 D 项。

It’s no surprise that Jennifer Senior’s insightful magazine cover story “I love My Children, I Hate My Life” is

arousing much chatter — nothing gets people talking like the suggestion that bringing up a child is not a completely

fulfilling, life-enriching experience. Rather than concluding that children make parents either happy or miserable,

Senior suggests we need to redefine happiness: instead of thinking of it as something that can be measured by

moment-to-moment joy, we should consider being happy as a past-tense condition. Even though the day-to-day

experience of raising kids can be extremely hard, Senior writes that “the very things that in the moment damage our

moods can later be sources of intense content and delight.”

第 9 页/共 24 页
The magazine cover showing an attractive mother holding a cute baby is hardly the only Madonna-and-child

image on newsstands this week. There are also stories about newly adoptive — and newly single — mom Sandra

Bullock, as well as the usual “Jennifer Aniston is pregnant” news. Practically every week features at least one

celebrity mom, or mom-to-be, smiling on the newsstands.

In a society that so persistently celebrates procreation (繁衍), is it any wonder that admitting you regret having

children is equivalent to admitting you support kitten-killing? It doesn’t seem quite fair, then, to compare the

regrets of parents to the regrets of the children. Unhappy parents rarely are encouraged to wonder if they shouldn’t

have had kids, but unhappy childless folks are bothered with the message that children are the single most

important thing in the world: obviously their misery must be a direct result of the wide-open baby-size holes in

their lives.

Of course, the image of parenthood that celebrity magazines like US Weekly and People present is hugely

unrealistic, especially when the parents are single mothers like Bullock. According to several studies concluding

that parents are less happy than childless couples, single parents are the least happy of all. No shock there,

considering how much work it is to raise a kid without a partner to lean on; yet to hear celebrities tell it, raising a

kid on their “own” (read: with round-the-clock help) is a piece of cake.

It is hard to imagine that many people are stupid enough to want children because it looks so fantastic — most

adults understand that a baby is not a haircut. But it is interesting to wonder if the images we see every week of

stress-free, happiness-enhancing parenthood aren’t in some small, subconscious way contributing to our own

dissatisfactions with the actual experience, in the same way that a small part of us hoped getting a part of the way

celebrities live might make us look just a little bit like them.

12. Jennifer Senior suggests in her article that raising a child can bring ________.

A. very temporary delight

B. great enjoyment in progress

C. happiness in one’s memory

D. concern over love and hatred

13. Paragraph 2 is intended to show that ________.

A. celebrity moms are a permanent source for gossip.

B. single mothers with babies deserve greater attention.

C. news about pregnant celebrities is entertaining.

D. having children is highly valued by the public.

14. According to the passage, those childless folks________.

A. are less likely to be satisfied with their life

第 10 页/共 24 页
B. are largely ignored by the media.

C. fail to fulfill their social responsibilities.

D. are constantly exposed to criticism.

15. Which of the following can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A. Having children contributes little to the glamour of celebrity moms.

B. Celebrity moms have influenced our attitude towards child raising.

C. Having children intensifies our dissatisfaction with life.

D. We sometimes neglect the happiness from child raising.

【答案】12. C 13. D 14. D 15. B



【12 题详解】

细节理解题。根据第一段的“Senior suggests we need to redefine happiness: instead of thinking of it as

something that can be measured by moment-to-moment joy, we should consider being happy as a past-tense

conditionEven though the day-to-day experience of raising kids can be extremely hard, Senior writes that “the very

things that in the moment damage our moods can later be sources of intense content and delight.”.(Senior 建议,我



Senior 写道:“正是那些心绪沉重的时刻,日后可能会成为我们快乐的来源。)”可知,Jennifer Senior 在她的

文章中建议抚养孩子可以带来记忆中的幸福,故选 C。

【13 题详解】

主旨大意题。根据第二段的“The magazine cover showing an attractive mother holding a cute baby is hardly the

only Madonna-and-child image on newsstands this week. There are also stories about newly adoptive – and newly

single – mom Sandra Bullock, as well as the usual “Jennifer Aniston is pregnant” news. Practically every week

features at least one celebrity mom, or mom-to-be, smiling on the newsstands.(在杂志封面上,一位迷人的母亲



有一位明星妈妈或准妈妈在报摊上微笑。)”可知,本段主要展示的是公众非常重视生孩子。故选 D。

【14 题详解】

推理判断题。根据第三段的“unhappy childless folks are bothered with the message that children are the single

most important thing in the world: obviously their misery must be a direct result of the wide-open baby-size holes

in their lives(不但是那不幸福的没有孩子的人却为类似这样的信息所困扰:“孩子是世上唯一最可珍惜的东

第 11 页/共 24 页

选 D。

【15 题详解】

推理判断题。根据最后一段的“But it is interesting to wonder if the images we see every week of stress-free,

happiness-enhancing parenthood aren’t in some small, subconscious way contributing to our own dissatisfactions

with the actual experience, in the same way that a small part of us hoped getting a part of the way celebrities live

might make us look just a little bit like them.(但有趣的是,我们想知道,我们每周看到的无压力、提高幸福



响了我们对抚养孩子的态度。故选 B。

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)

根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空格的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选 项。
Want a relaxing but fun challenge at home? ____16____ Puzzles have been around for more than 250 years

and the challenge of working out where each piece goes and carefully recreating the scene on the box lid can keep

you busy for hours, days or even weeks.

Puzzles come in a huge range of sizes and difficulty levels. For beginners, a 100-piece puzzle is usually a good

starting point.____17____ Try grouping pieces with the same colours or design because they will probably go in

the same area once the puzzle takes shape.

____18____ Those pieces are easier to find because they have a straight side. Stay patient as you search

through and try to make it fit together. You may not find any connecting pieces for ages but then several may

suddenly appear.

For a real test, puzzles that have 1,000 pieces or more are a tough task and it’s best to complete them with

friends or family if you can. Choosing a scene that interests you, such as a favourite film, sport or location, can help

keep you interested and determined to work to the final piece. You can get fun educational puzzles, too.


Some of the best places to pick up puzzles are charity shops. They’re often on sale for less than €5. Once you

have completed a puzzle it’s nice to exchange it with a friend. ____20____ You just upload an image, such as a

family scene, and they will make a puzzle from it and post it to you. It makes lovely and unusual present.

A. So others can have a go.

B. You can’t beat a good puzzle.

C. Some companies make personalised puzzles.

第 12 页/共 24 页
D. However, a good start doesn’t always lead to a good result.

E. Most people like to start by getting the four edges of a puzzle laid out.

F. It can get you used to sorting out how the shapes, patterns and colours go together.

G. For example, you may try a map of the world, historical timelines or the periodic table.

【答案】16. B 17. F 18. E 19. G 20. C



【16 题详解】

根据下文“Puzzles have been around for more than 250 years”(拼图已经有 250 多年的历史了)可知,此空

要引出本文主旨——拼图。B.You can’t beat a good puzzle.(一个好拼图再好不过了。)引起下文,故选


【17 题详解】

根据下文“Try grouping pieces with the same colours or design because they will probably go in the same area

once the puzzle takes shape.”(尝试将相同颜色或设计的碎片分组,因为一旦拼图成形,它们可能会出现在

相同的区域。)可知,此处将拼图的技巧。F. It can get you used to sorting out how the shapes, patterns and

colours go together.(它可以让你习惯把形状、图案和颜色组合在一起。)中讲述拼图的技巧,符合段意,

引起下文,故选 F。

【18 题详解】

根据下文“Those pieces are easier to find because they have a straight side.”(这些部分比较容易找到,因为

它们有一个直边。)可知,they 指的是拼图的四个边角;E. Most people like to start by getting the four edges

of a puzzle laid out. (大多数人都喜欢先画出拼图的四边。)选项中的“four edges”对应上文所说“they

have a straight side”,引起下文,故选 E。

【19 题详解】

根据上文“You can get fun educational puzzles, too. ”(你也可以得到有趣的益智谜题。)可知,此段讲述

拼图的种类,G.For example, you may try a map of the world, historical timelines or the periodic table. (例如,

你可以尝试世界地图、历史时间表或元素周期表。)承接上文继续说拼图的种类,故选 G。

【20 题详解】

根据下文“You just upload an image, such as a family scene, and they will make a puzzle from it and post it to


知,此处讲述个性定制的拼图。C.Some companies make personalised puzzles.(一些公司制作个性化的拼

图。)引起下文,符合段意,故选 C。

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第 13 页/共 24 页
第一节 完形填空(共,15 个小题,每题 1 分,满分 15 分)
I am a guide at the California Academy of Sciences. Weeks ago, I was ____21____ with a lovely family at the

Academy’s Swamp exhibit. Their young son was ____22____ by the swallow and asked many questions about it.

As the family was leaving, I asked the boy if he would like a sticker to put on his shirt. He ____23____ chose a

swallow sticker. The boy’s younger brother spent time ____24____ all the sticker choices before choosing a

butterfly. The boy who had chosen first said softly to his father, “I didn’t see the frog sticker.” His father

immediately ____25____ the boy to ask me for a second sticker. The boy said, “No, I’m happy with what I have.”

I was ____26____. Such grace, gratitude and ____27____, all from an eight-year-old boy. Too often, we

____28____ to be happy with what we have and in our forgetfulness, we spread the ____29____ of discontent.

I recently purchased my first laptop computer. In discussions with the _____30_____, he said, “Within two

years, you’ll probably want a new one anyway.” Why would I want a new one, if my _____31_____ one was

working? Perhaps, “_____32_____” is the key word. I won’t _____33_____ need a new laptop in two years but I

“will probably want one”. I may want _____34_____ things, but I don’t need them. What I do desperately need is

the peace of mind. I need to _____35_____ each of my sudden urges to purchase or possess as either “want” or


21. A. seeing B. visiting C. leaving D. staying

22. A. trapped B. called C. stuck D. fascinated

23. A. quickly B. slowly C. deliberately D. casually

24. A. going about B. going by C. going for D. going through

25. A. demanded B. forced C. urged D. persuaded

26. A. satisfied B. astonished C. pleased D. thrilled

27. A. wisdom B. patience C. concentration D. respect

28. A. used B. tried C. pretended D. forgot

29. A. concept B. assumption C. infection D. benefit

30. A. cashier B. host C. salesman D. waiter

31. A. broken B. old C. favorite D. fragile

32. A. want B. need C. hope D. mind

33. A. obviously B. specially C. simply D. necessarily

34 . A. spare B. suitable C. shiny D. similar

35. A. recognize B. identify C. prove D. access

【答案】 21. B 22. D 23. A 24. D 25. C 26. B 27. A 28. D 29. C 30. C 31. B 32. A 33. D

34. C 35. B

第 14 页/共 24 页



【21 题详解】

考查动词词义辨析。句意:几周前,我和一个可爱的家庭一起参观了学院的沼泽展览。 A. seeing 看见;B.

visiting 参观;C. leaving 离开;D. staying 停留。根据下文中的“ with a lovely family at the Academy’s Swamp

exhibit.”可知,作者与一个家庭在一个展览会中,由此可判断,此处指的是“参观”符合语境。故选 B 项。

【22 题详解】

考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们的小儿子对燕子很着迷,并问了很多关于它的问题。 A. trapped 困住;B.

called 呼叫;C. stuck 陷入;D. fascinated 使着迷。根据下文中的“ and asked many questions about it.”可知,

小男孩问了很多问题,说明他被迷住了。故选 D 项。

【23 题详解】

考查副词词义辨析。句意:他很快选了一个燕子贴纸。 A. quickly 快速地;B. slowly 慢慢地;C. deliberately

故意地; D. casually 随意地。根据下文中的“ The boy’s younger brother spent time ___4____ all the sticker

choices before choosing a butterfly.”可知,他的弟弟花了好长时间才选了一个蝴蝶粘贴画,由此来衬托小男

孩“快速地”购买。故选 A 项。

【24 题详解】

考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:男孩的弟弟在选择蝴蝶之前花时间浏览了所有的贴纸选择。 A. going about

处理; B. going by 经过; C. going for 选择,袭击; D. going through 经历,浏览。根据下文中的“ all the

sticker choices before choosing a butterfly”可知,小男孩儿的弟弟购物前“浏览”所有的粘贴画。故选 D 项。

【25 题详解】

考查动词词义辨析。句意:他的父亲立即催促男孩向我要第二张贴纸。A. demanded 要求;B. forced 强迫;

C. urged 催促;D. persuaded 说服。根据语境和生活常识可知,此处指的是小男孩的父亲让他快点去买。故

选 C 项。

【26 题详解】

考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我大吃一惊。 A. satisfied 满意 的
;B. astonished 惊讶的; C. pleased 高兴

的;D. thrilled 激动的。根据下文中的“ Such grace, gratitude and ____7____, all from an eight-year-old boy. ”

可知,一个 8 岁的小男孩有如此智慧,作者感到惊讶。故选 B 项。

【27 题详解】

考查名词词义辨析。句意:这样 的
优雅、感恩和智慧,都出自一个八岁的男孩。 A. wisdom 智慧; B.

第 15 页/共 24 页
patience 耐心; C. concentration 集中; D. respect 尊敬。根据与此空并列的“ grace, gratitude and”可知,此

处指的是“智慧”。故选 A 项。

【28 题详解】


播了不满的情绪。 A. used 使用; B. tried 尽力; C. pretended 假装; D. forgot 忘记。根据下文中的“ and in

our forgetfulness”可知,此处是我们“忘记”了应满足于自己拥有的。故选 D 项。

【29 题详解】

考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。 A. concept 概念;B. assumption 假设;C. infection 传染;D. benefit 益处。

根据语境和下文中的 spread 可知,此处表示的是对不满情绪的“传染”。故选 C 项。

【30 题详解】


的。” A. cashier 收银员; B. host 主人; C. salesman 销售员; D. waiter 服务员。根据上文中的“ I recently

purchased my first laptop computer.”可知,在购物时,应该与“销售员”讨论。故选 C 项。

【31 题详解】

考查形容词词义辨析。句意:如果我的旧设备正常工作,我为什么要一个新的? A. broken 折的;B. old 旧

的,老的; C. favorite 最喜欢的; D. fragile 脆弱的。结合语境以及上文中的“ Why would I want a new

one…”可知,此处与上文中的 new 相对应。故选 B 项。

【32 题详解】

考查名词词义辨析。也许,“想要”是关键词。句意:A. want 想要;B. need 需要;C. hope 希望;D. mind

思想。根据下文中的“ I won’t ____13____ need a new laptop in two years but I “will probably want one”. ”可

知,人们购物时,不一定“需要”而是“想要”,所以“想要”是问题的关键。故选 A 项。

【33 题详解】

考查副词词义辨析。句意:两年后我不一定需要一台新笔记本电脑,但我“可能会想要一台”。 A.

obviously 明显地; B. specially 特别地; C. simply 仅仅; D. necessarily 必要地,必然地。根据下文中的“ I

may want ____14____ things, but I don’t need them. ”可知,我可能“想要”但是我们不一定“需要”,由此

可知,此处应是表达“不一定地”。故选 D 项。

【34 题详解】

考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我可能想要闪亮的东西,但我不需要它们。A. spare 业余的;B. suitable 适合

的;C. shiny 闪亮的;D. similar 相似的。根据上文“ need a new laptop in two years ”可知,我们可能想要一

些“鲜亮的”、新的东西。故选 C 项。

【35 题详解】

第 16 页/共 24 页
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我需要把我突然想要购买或拥有的冲动区分为“想要”或“需要”。 A.

recognize 认出;B. identify 辨别;C. prove 证明;D. access 进入。根据语境以及下文中的“ either “want” or

“need”.”可知,此处应该是“区别,辨别”需求与要求。符合语境。故选 B 项。

第二节 语法填空(共 10 个小题,每题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

Chen Wei was eating at a restaurant when ____36____ (interrupt) by a scream, while Zhang Tao ____37____

(choke) on some ____38____ (stuff). His desperate friends were discussing ____39____ they should send him to

the hospital immediately or give him some first aid. Chen ran to him immediately and preformed the Heimlich

manoeuvre. With the help of Zhang’s friends, Chen was able to help Zhang ____40____ his feet. Then he did the

Heimlich manoeuvre, the food was instantly forced out.

【答案】36. interrupted

37. was choking

38. stuff 39. whether

40. to




【36 题详解】



从句谓语动词中含有 be 动词时,可以省去从句主语和 be 动词,interrupt 与句子主语 Chen Wei 之间为被动

关系,interrupt 用过去分词形式。故填 interrupted。

【37 题详解】


此处为谓语动词,while 连接的并列句,前句中使用过去进行时态,此处也为过去进行时态,且与主语之

间为主动关系,主语是单数。故填 was choking。

【38 题详解】


此处为名词作宾语,stuff 意为“东西”为不可数名词。故填 stuff。

【39 题详解】


第 17 页/共 24 页
子结构可知,此处为连词引导的宾语从句,从句中不缺少主语和宾语等,但句意不完整,根据空后的 or 可

知,此处表示“是……还是……”为 whether…or…。故填 whether。

【40 题详解】


语 help sb. to one’s feet 意为“帮某人站起来”符合句意。故填 to。

In addition to seeing spectacular mountain peaks and forests, one of their highlights was being able to see many

different creatures, including deer, mountain goats, and even a grizzly bear and an eagle. From Edmonton, the train

headed southeast across the great Canadian Prairie. They did not anticipate ____41____ (witness) such an open

country, which was ____42____ they were truly amazed.

【答案】41. witnessing

42. why



【41 题详解】


anticipate doing sth. (期望做某事),主动,witness 用动名词一般式作宾语。故填 witnessing。

【42 题详解】



“为什么、……的原因”符合句意。故填 why。

Digital screen time before bed can have a negative impact on the quality of your sleep. A European study

found being exposed to blue light ____43____ (substantial) keeps you mentally stimulated, which tends to throw

off the body’s biological clock. Much ____44____ (expose) to blue Light weakens the production of melatonin.

Melatonin is ____45____ causes sleepiness and helps you relax before bedtime. Suppression of melatonin can

cause you to stay up later and sleep less than you normally would.

【答案】43. substantially

44. exposure

45. what

第 18 页/共 24 页



【43 题详解】


体的生物钟。分析句子结构可知,此处为副词作状语修饰谓语动词 keeps,substantial 的副词为 substantially

意为“大幅地,大量地”。故填 substantially。

【44 题详解】

考查名词。句意:过多暴露在蓝光下会削弱褪黑素的产生。分析句子结构可知,此处为名词作主语 ,

expose 的名词为 exposure,且空前有 much 修饰,为不可数名词。故填 exposure。

【45 题详解】


语从句,从句中缺少主语,结合句意可知,此处指的是事物。故填 what。

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)
第一节应用文写作(满分 15 分)
46. 因担心感染 COVID-19,人们疯狂囤积医药物资。此现象引发了你班激烈的过论。请你根据提示写一篇


40%认为有必要 60%认为没有必要

1 .病毒传染快,感染几率大 1 .占用资源,造成恐慌

2 .医药可能出现短缺 2 .救治一定会得到保障






Now, COVID-19 not only appears in China, but also in many countries and regions of the world. People are

frantically stocking up on medical supplies for fear of contracting COVID-19. Such behavior brought out a heated

discussion in my class.

40% believed it is necessary because the virus spreads quickly, the chances of infection are high and there may

第 19 页/共 24 页
be a shortage of medicine, while 60% hold the belief that it is unnecessary. They insisted that this behavior takes up

resources and produces panic, and medical treatment will be guaranteed.

In my opinion, at this particular time, we should have faith in the ability of government to solve problems,

especially livelihood issues. Meanwhile, we should trust the medical workers on the front lines of the epidemic,

whose expertise has given us a new understanding of the virus and boosted our confidence in defeating it. As many

Chinese say, “come on China”.


【导语】本篇书面表达属于图表作文。因担心感染 COVID-19,人们疯狂囤积医药物资。此现象引发了你班




认为:believe/hold the belief that→think





原句:In my opinion, at this particular time, we should have faith in the ability of government to solve problems,

especially livelihood issues.

拓展句:In my opinion, since we are at this particular time, we should have faith in the ability of government to

solve problems, especially livelihood issues.

【点睛】[高分句型 1] They insisted that this behavior takes up resources and produces panic, and that medical

treatment will be guaranteed.(运用了 that 引导宾语从句)

[高分句型 2] 40% believed it is necessary because the virus spreads quickly, the chances of infection are high and

there may be a shortage of medicine while 60% hold the belief that it is unnecessary. (运用了 because 引导原因状


第二节 读后续写(满分 25 分)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的文章。

On the first day of school, I stared in awe at the huge buildings. This high school was definitely bigger than

the one I had previously attended.

This was my second year of high school, but my first year of school in St. Louis. I had decided the night

before that I would be much happier in a new school if I made friends that were so-called “popular”. Getting in

with the right group of people would make my life a whole lot better. I even bought a new outfit and had my hair

第 20 页/共 24 页
styled just so the first day would be perfect.

Scared, yet anxious to begin my new life, I walked up the stairs to the front door. The halls were packed with

kids yelling and laughing and telling stories of their summer adventures. My first class was geometry, but where

was that?

I was standing in the hall looking confused, when a short, blond girl wearing glasses came up and asked, “Are

you new? You look lost. Do you need help? My name is Diane. What’s yours?” Even though she seemed a bit

strange, definitely not the kind of person I wanted to be associated with, I decided to answer her anyway. I was,

after all, lost.

After exchanging names. I followed her up the stairs and down a hallway on the right, making polite

conversation the whole way. When we reached my room she said, “Well, here you are. Welcome to JFK, and I hope

your day goes all right.”

I said thanks and waved good-bye. Once inside the classroom, I saw one big group of people huddled around

someone who seemed to be telling some sort of story. I walked over and got close enough to overhear. All eyes

were glued to the guy in the middle of the circle who was wearing a letter jacket covered with patches. I decided

that this guy was popular, so I managed to get a seat right next to him. I said, “Hi, my name is Lisa and I’m new

here.” He said, “Johnny.”

注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右:


At the end of the class, I turned to him and asked, “I’m not sure where my next class is, could you help me?”








Just at that time, someone came up and tapped me on the shoulder.





第 21 页/共 24 页



【答案】One Possible Version:

At the end of the class, I turned to him and asked, “I’m not sure where my next class is, could you help me?”

With a frown, he looked at me and then said a quick no, turned back to his friends, and walked out of the

classroom. As they were walking out I heard him say, “Did you guys see that new girl trying to get into our group?

That outfit was too strange.” They all laughed and some of them turned around and stared at me. My face hot with

shame, I stood stock-still, not believing what had just happened.

Just at that time, someone came up and tapped me on the shoulder. It was Diane. Like a ray of sunshine, the

big smile on her face swept away my gloom. I struggled to hold my feelings back and told her what I had

encountered. A gleam of concern in her eyes, she said she was sorry and offered to find my next class. At that

moment I realized how wrong I was in wanting to only be friends with popular people. Maybe I shouldn’t decide

whether a person is worth being my friend or not by their reputation, but by who they are.


【导语】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了作者高中第二年是在圣路易斯 的

Diane,Diane 给作者指路。结果作者因为穿着被班上的同学嘲笑,Diane 也对作者表示了关心,作者也感



① 由第一段首句内容“下课的时候,我转向他问:‘我不知道下节课在哪里,你能帮我吗?’”可知,第


② 由第二段首句内容“就在那时,有人走过来拍了拍我的肩膀”可知,第二段可描写 Diane 帮助作者以及




① 走出:walk out of/step out of

② 融入:get into/fit into

③ 抑制:hold back/restrain


① 奇怪的:strange /odd

② 担心:concern /worry

第 22 页/共 24 页
【点睛】[高分句型 1] My face hot with shame, I stood stock-still, not believing what had just happened.(运用了

what 引导的宾语从句)

[高分句型 2] Maybe I shouldn’t decide whether a person is worth being my friend or not by their reputation, but by

who they are. (运用了 whether 引导宾语从句)

第 23 页/共 24 页
第 24 页/共 24 页

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