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Episode 6: En el camino (On the Road)

Words to Know in Advance

combinar combine
organicé (organizar) I organized
viaje de mis sueños my dream trip
saludaba y sonreía I waved and smiled
como si estuviera loco as if I were crazy/insane
rocas amarillas yellow rocks
lata de sardinas canned sardines
aventurero adventurer
diario de viaje travel diary
coche train car
ordené (ordenar) ordered
papas fritas French fries
me emocioné I got excited
paisaje landscape
respiré (respirar) I breathed
caminé junto I walked alongside
viajero traveler
1. After reading the title and word list, what do you think this story will be about?
2. Look at the episode picture and at this one below. What do they evoke? Can you
think of other means of transportation?

3. Why do people choose a particular means of transportation?

Listening Comprehension

1. [0:29] What did Fabián imagine while reading books as a child?

2. [3:13] What did Fabián decide to do when he finished Kerouac’s book?
3. [4:02] What did he have to do to really start living the adventure?
4. [5:00] How did Fabián react when people got on the train? How did they react?
5. [6:40] What did Fabián see when looking out of the window on the train?
6. [8:30] Why did Fabián have to eat so slowly?
7. [10:19] What did Fabián start writing and why?
8. [11:37] Why did the man Fabián meet think he was crazy?
9. [14:05] Why did Fabián get so excited when he went back to his seat?
10.[15:06] What did Fabián do when he arrived in New York?

Post-Listening Comprehension

1. How did On the Road influence Fabián’s life?

2. What was Fabián’s opinion on traveling?
3. How did his train adventure turn out to be? Why did he feel it was so different
from the book?
1. Do you think it is important to be adventurous in your life? Why or why not?
2. What is your favorite book? Has it influenced your life as much as On the Road
influenced Fabián’s? Tell us more!
3. Have you ever thought about traveling completely on your own? Do you know
anyone who has done it?

Other Interesting Stuff

● What are some advantages and disadvantages of traveling by train? If you don’t
know where to start, do it here!
● Traveling opens up your mind. Do you think it’s important to remember what
you see when you travel? What about starting your own travel journal? Not sure
how to do it? Check this out.

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