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Teaching of Aural Oral Notes (TEST 1) (23/5/2023)

Class 19/4/2023

Aural – Relating to the ear or the sense of hearing

Oral – Utterance in words or the sense of speech

Communication – A two-way process of information exchange between two or more people that
involves a sender, a message, a medium, a channel, a receiver and a response.

Encoding – The process of turning thoughts into communication.

Decoding – the process of turning communication into thoughts.

Proficiency Formula
(F)luency + (A)ccuracy = (P)roficiency

World Englishes – The different varieties of English and English-based creoles developed in different
region of the world.

Inner Circle
(Native Speakers)

Outer Circle (ESL)

Eg. Malaysia,

Expanding Circle
(EFL) Eg. Japan,
Assimilation – Induviduals or groups of different heritage are absored into the dominant culture of a

Imitation – An induvidual observes and replicates another’s behavior

Low Frequency Vocabulary – Words that uncommonly occur in language (E.g., Gnarl, wreath, gnaw)

Prescriptive Grammar (Formal)

Specifies how a language should be used and its grammar rules is strictly followed

Descriptive Grammar (Informal)

Specifies on how a language, its structure and rules are actually used in daily life

Discourse – Knowing when and where to use formal and informal language.

Transactional Language (Formal)

The use of linguistic abilities to communicate knowledge, skills and information.

Interactional Language (Informal)

The usage of language to interact emotionally in order to maintain a social relationship.
Class 3/5/23

Grammar in Communication
Grammar is essential for effective communication as it provides a systematic structure and rules
that govern how words and sentences are used to convey meaning.

Content-Based Learning
A study of both language acquisition and subject matter. Learners study the language through
meaningful content.


Exposes students to a large amount of language Some content may be considered as too
through authentic texts and relevant content. challenging for students, may cause delay in
language learning.

Supports contextualized learning. Students may fall short on language fluency and

Differentiated Learning
- Tailoring instructions and lessons to meet individual needs
- Grouping students based on their ability, shared interest

3 Element to differentiate
Content – What the students need to learn
Process – Activities in which the student engages
Product – How the students will carry out the process


Accommodate each student’s needs more Lesson takes more time to prepare.

Fosters opportunities for peer teaching and Teachers will become burdened, due to various
ownership for their own learning. types of activities needed in order to
accommodate everyone.
ELT Methodology

Communicative Language Teaching

- Emphasizes interaction as bot means and the ultimate goal of a study.
- Learners practice by interaction with one another and the teacher, the study of authentic
texts and the use of target language in the classroom.
- Communicative activities include real-life communication, focusing on content, not form.
E.g., Roleplay, storytelling, presentations.

Silent Ways
- Teacher should be silent as much as possible in the classroom but the students are
encouraged to produce as much as language as possible.
- Students work with resources and solely responsible for what they learn.
- Students becomes autonomous and co-operative

- An approach where the students learn in a safe and relaxed environment, created by
teachers, in order for the students to feel positive and interested.
- Comfortable environment, judgement-free, peripheral learning, the increase of music and art
integrated in teaching and learning process
E.g., Students discussing a song, a poem. Speaking from personal experience

Audio Lingual Approach

- Emphasizes on learning grammatical and phonological structure, especially for speaking and
listening before reading and writing
- Uses dialogue as a main form of language presentation and drills as the main training
Techniques – substitution, completion, transformation, repetition, inflection,

Community Language Learning

- Involves students working together to develop the skills of a language they would like to
- Reinforce the communication between learners
- Group-interest learning
E.g., group work, presentation
Grammar-Translation Method
- Students learn grammar rules by rote and practice the rules by doing grammar drills and
translating sentences to and from the target language.
e.g., teacher say something in native language, students translate it back in target language, with
grammar structure in mind.

Total Physical Response

- Teaching language or vocabulary concepts by using physical movement to react to verbal
e.g., Simons says, group singing, charades

Direct Method
- A method of teaching which aims at introducing the English language directly to the
- Teacher transfers meanings directly in the target language through demonstrations and
visual aids
- Grammar is taught inductively.
e.g., reading aloud, speaking practice, Q and A exercises. Listening activities, visual support

Class 10/5/23
Multiple intelligences
Sensitivity and capability to examine the bigger picture and tackle deep questions such as about life;
an ability to look beyond sense to explain phenomena

The ability to identify, classify and manipulate elements of the environment, object, animals or plants

Having an understanding and appreciation for the rules and functions of a specific language.

The ability to appreciate and produce musical skills like sounds, rhythms, lyrics and patterns.

Bodily kinesthetics
The capacity to manipulate objects and use a variety of physical skills
The ability to analyse situations or problems logically, identify solutions and easily solve
logical/mathematical operations.

Ability to understand and appreciate our innermost feelings

Ability to understand and interact effectively with others

The concept of being able to successfully perceive and derive insight from visual data.

Principles of teaching Speaking


1. Take account of the student as a person.

2. Reduce anxiety by moving from easy to more difficult task/lesson
3. Maintain a careful balance between accuracy and fluency
4. Provide a good model for students to imitate
5. Provide appropriate stimuli for eliciting speech.
6. Vary interaction modes.
7. Give clear instructions.
8. Monitor student activity.
9. Teacher made sure to have adequate preparation for class.
10. Handle errors sensitively and effectively.

Class 17/5/2023
Types Of Drills

Completion Drill
Teacher reads the beginning of a sentence and students finish it

Communicative Drill
The type of response in controlled but the student provides their own content or information.
Example: Teacher: Where did you go last week? Student: Answer according to their experience.
Integrative Drill
Two short sentences should be combined into one.
Example: I have a pen. The pen is red (I have a red pen.)

Expansion Drill
The teacher breaks down the line into several parts, students repeat what the teacher said, and
teacher will add another part to the sentence. students will repeat the combined sentence.

Meaningful Drill
Language control is still provided but the students are required to make meaningful choices when
carrying out practice.
Example: Student given a picture, in order to practice the use of preposition, they are required to
describe the location of the items in the picture, based on their preposition.

Chain Drill
The teacher will start a question and ask the first student, then the student will ask the person next
to them, and the process continues.

Replacement Drill
The same as substitution but involves a replacement.
Example: Students replace a noun with a pronoun
I like YOGA / I like IT, Baseball and soccer are my favourite / They are my favourite sports

Chorus Drill
Teacher asks the whole class to repeat the model together.

Substitution Drill
Used to practice structures or vocabulary items. Practice one or more words change during the drill.

Question and Answer Drill

Using questions as prompts (Controlled). Students provide the answer in a very controlled way.

Repetition Drill
A teacher says a model and students repeat it.

Transformation Drill
Students are given a structure to be transformed.
ELT methodology
Multiple intelligences

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