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9/21/23, 11:02 PM Laboratory Simulation

Student: Kim john Bolarde

Apply what you have learned

Which feature is present in animal cells, but absent in plant cells?

Why was a stain added to the human epidermal cells from the cheek smear prior to
microscopic observation?

The stain was used to add contrast and make the cells easier to view.
The stain preserved the cells to allow for microscopy.

Lab wrap-up
Place the steps to obtain a human cheek cell (buccal) smear in the correct order.

Step 1 : Using a sanitized toothpick gently scrape the inside of the cheek
Step 2 : Smear the scrapings onto a clean, dry slide
Step 3 : Add a single drop of stain to slide
Step 4 : Cover with coverslip

Correctly labeled animal cell

Correctly labeled human epidermal cell (microscope view) 1/2
9/21/23, 11:02 PM Laboratory Simulation 2/2

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