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11/8/23, 11:51 AM Blank Quiz

Blank Quiz Total points 3/10

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How can reinforcement learning be done if the reward/punishment is not ···/1


It can't be done in this case

Such learning will be called as supervised learning

Such learning will be called an unsupervised learning

The learning will be termed as partial reinforcement

No correct answers

How can a utility function be used in a constraint satisfaction problem? ···/1

a utility function

Correct answer

Correct Answer… 1/9
11/8/23, 11:51 AM Blank Quiz

In Blocks World problem, which is the precondition of MoveToTable(x,y) 1/1


On(x,y) \/ OnTable(y)

On(x,y) /\ Clear(y)

Stack(x,y) /\ On(x,y) /\ Clear(y)

OnTable(y) /\ !OnTable(x)

OnTable(y) /\ Stack(x,y)

Knowledge representation may be done with the help of a knowledge 1/1

graph. What is the content of the nodes of a knowledge graph?

Abstract and real life objects

Real life events and actions

Abstract events and time

Ontological objects… 2/9
11/8/23, 11:51 AM Blank Quiz

A planning graph is levelled off when 0/1

Consecutive states are equivalent

Consecutive actions are same

Consecutive sates become identical

Consecutive levels have same actions

Correct answer

Consecutive sates become identical

A Markov decision process uses Markov property for prediction of next 0/1
state based on present state only. What is the order of this model? If the
next state to be predicted is dependent on present state and past 2 states,
what will be the order of this model?

1 and 3

0 and 2

1 and 2

0 and 1

Correct answer

1 and 3… 3/9
11/8/23, 11:51 AM Blank Quiz

The samples of a disease "X" are tested in a sequence for which the ···/1
probability of being +ve is 'a' and 'b' otherwise. The state is represented by
the row vector {a b}. The transition probability for this experiment is given
by {{0.3 0.7}{0.4 0.6}}. If the present state is given by {0.9 0.1}, what is the
situation in next state?


Correct answer

{0.31 0.69}

A contingency matrix is not a correct way to assess the accuracy. How can 1/1
this opinion be justified?

The sampling may be biased which affects the matrix

The matrix produces few measures which are not correct representations of errors

The contingency matrix focuses on the diagonal elements for accuracy


The role of off diagonal elements is not clear in sampling… 4/9
11/8/23, 11:51 AM Blank Quiz

Why is harmonic mean used to define F-measure in a confusion matrix? 0/1

To minimize the results of erroneous sample data

To minimize the effect of skewness in samples

To balance the accuracy in sample data set

To control the imbalance of precision and recall

Correct answer

To minimize the effect of skewness in samples

An agent is supposed to learn from a set of given samples. The samples 0/1
will enhance the understanding of agent as it goes up through the samples.
Which kind of learning will be preferred by it and why?

Supervised because it learns from the given samples and improves the

Supervised because it learns from the samples after multiple iterations

Unsupervised because it learns form the given samples using similarity measures

Unsupervised because it learns from the samples after each iteration

Reinforcement because the agent learns from the sample data after iterations

Reinforcement because the reward/punishment forces to minimize the learning


Correct answer

Reinforcement because the agent learns from the sample data after iterations

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