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1. A client reports a vague feeling of apprehension and states, “I feel scared.” He also has
an increased pulse rate and blood pressure. Which of the following diagnoses is most
appropriate in this situation?
A. Anxiety
B. Fear
C. Ineffective coping
D. Disturbed sleep pattern

2. When caring for a client with panic level anxiety, the psychologist should consider which
expected outcome to be a priority? (Short term and dapat realistic )
A. The client will discuss his concerns for 10 minutes, three times a day.
B. The client will verbalize a decreased level of anxiety by the end of the hospitalization.
C. The client will verbalize a decreased level of anxiety within 2 hours.
D. The client will state the name and dose of the anxiolytic medication.

The family members of a patient just diagnosed with personality disorder receives an
orientation from the psychiatrist about the nature of the said disorder.

3. The client exhibiting mistrust, guardedness, and restricted affect is showing signs of
which personality? (Defense mechnism: Projection)
A. Antisocial personality disorder
B. Dependent personality disorder
C. Narcissistic personality disorder
D. Paranoid personality disorder

4. The axis II diagnosis of a client is schizoid personality disorder. Which approach should
the psychologist plan to use when interacting with this client? (Aloof; has problem in
maintaining relatioships ---- reality based)
A. Helpful and nurturing
B. Matter-of-fact and calm approach
C. Light and playful
D. Warm and friendly

5. A client diagnosed with paranoid personality disorder needs information regarding

medications. Which psychological intervention would assist this client in understanding
prescribed medications?(paranoid- one-one lang dapat, pag group, feeling niya lalasunin
A. Ask the client to join the medication education group
B. Provide one-on-one teaching in the client’s room.
C. During rounds, have the physician ask if the client has any questions.
D. Let the client read the medication information handout.
6. When caring for a client with schizoid personality disorder, the psychologist primarily
focuses on which of the following?
A. expanding the client’s interest in objects and things
B. increasing the client’s ability to experience pleasure
C. increasing solitary activities
D. improving the client’s functional relationships

7. Which defense mechanism is being used by a paranoid client who blames others for
problems he is experiencing?
A. projection
B. Displacement (chaneling of anxiety)
C. Rationalization (reasoning out)
D. Intellectualization (reasoning out, detailed &refences ; ex. Reporter)

8. When working with a client with paranoid personality disorder, the psychologist will find
that the client most often resorts to which one of the following defense mechanisms?
A. denial
B. projection
C. sublimation
D. repression

9. When assessing the client with a diagnosis of schizoid personality disorder, you will find a
pervasive pattern of detachment from social relationships and, additionally, which of the
A. extreme anger when sufficiently provoked by others
B. a restricted range of emotional expression with others
C. seeking approval from no more than two other persons
D. more than the average interest in sexual activity with strangers

10. You are assigned to a client with schizotypal personality disorder. Your assessment
would likely reveal which of the following behaviors? (may mga magical thinking)
A. seeks attention and engages in erratic behavior
B. withdrawn and engages in odd, eccentric behavior
C. overtly psychotic and experiencing hallucinations and delusions
D. active participation in activities with other clients and staff

11. A client has a diagnosis of schizoid personality disorder. When assessing client, the
psychologist should expect that the client’s behavior would be: (Aloof)
A. Rigid and controlling
B. Dependent and submissive
C. Detached and socially distant
D. Superstitious and socially anxious
The Psychologist has just been informed that a new client on the unit has a diagnosis
of schizophrenia, paranoid type. (not intact ang neurotransmitter; mataas ang dopamine,
hostile sila)

12. Based on this limited information, the psychologist knows that she will need to address
which basic need first?
A. Esteem and recognition
B. Love and belonging
C. Physiologic integrity
D. Safety

13. When assessing a client with paranoid schizophrenia, which findings should be the
psychologist’s immediate concern?
A. Immobility, clanging, altered sleep patterns, and difficult family relationships.
B. Problems with role-functioning, peculiar mannerisms, and decreased social competence.
C. Stressful life events, altered sleep patterns, fatigue, and hostility.
D. Paranoid delusions, increased suspiciousness, and hostility.

14. When interacting with a client with a schizophrenic disorder, the psychologist should
remember to:
A. avoid interactions whenever possible.
B. have an intensive 1-hour counseling sessions twice a day.
C. speak loudly and clearly.
D. use brief, simple statements. (direct to the point)

15. An 18-year-old man is admitted to the inpatient unit with a diagnosis of schizophrenia.
As the psychologist approaches him, she notices that he is grimacing and talking to the wall.
The psychologist’s first action should be to: (Encouraging description of perception [ERP])
A. ask him if he is hearing voices.
B. ask him to walk in the hall.
C. engage him in conversation.
D. have him placed in seclusion

16. The client states, “I am low, how low can you go, I’m going to get married. Yeah, I’m
going to marry Bill. I’ve got lots of bills to pay after that last spree!” Which observation is
the psychologist likely to document about this client?
A. Circumstantiality was noted.
B. Disorientation was noted.
C. Flight of ideas was noted.
D. Speech patterns using word salad was noted

A newly admitted patient with schizophrenia tells you that her dead grandmother sits in a
chair in her room and tells her when it is safe to leave the room.

17. Using therapeutic communication, what is the psychologist’s best response to the
A. “If your grandmother is dead, she cannot be in your room”
B. “Your grandmother must have been very special to you”
C. “You don’t feel safe here?”
D. “We are here to help you. You don’t need your grandmother for protection.”

18. Which of the following illustrates a common symptom of schizophrenia?

A. During a discussion of the loss of significant people in her life, the client is laughing
uncontrollably. (Inappropriate affect)
B. The admission history describes the client’s affect as appropriate and the mood as
C. The client has strong feelings about a decision to go to supervised housing.
D. The client is an active participant in verbal groups on the unit.

19. A client with schizophrenia states, “The TV screen is constantly communicating with
me.” Which of the following would the psychologist document?
A. Delusions of grandeur
B. Ideas of influence
C. Ideas of reference
D. Looseness of association

20. The belief expressed by the client that an alien is creating sores on his body with a laser
is classified as a (n):
A. Hallucination
B. Neologism
C. Ideas of reference
D. Delusion (fixed false belief)

21. If a client were experiencing negative symptoms of schizophrenia, the GP would expect
to see: (kulang kulang, mga dapat niyang sabihin, di niya nasasabi)
A. Flat affect and little speech
B. Rigid posture
C. Excessive purposeless movements
D. Inappropriate laughter

Micalyn, a new psychologist assigned in the psychiatric unit is ever conscious of the ethico-
moral concerns that affect the performance of her duties in the said unit.

22. Maria has been in a comatose state for the past 8 months as a result of an automobile
accident. Although doctors have told her husband, Reuben, that there is no brain function,
Reuben insists that she is showing responses. Which of the following stages of grief is
Reuben experiencing?
A. Bargaining
B. Anger
C. Denial /shock/disbelief
D. Depression

23. A client recently lost his spouse. Which behavior indicates that the client is going
through normal stage of grieving?
A. The client starts using chemicals
B. The client becomes an overachiever
C. The client shows signs of hyperactivity
D. The client shows a loss of warmth when interacting with others

24. A female client, who has been told by her physician that she has untreatable metastatic
carcinoma, tells the psychologist that she believes the physician has made an error, she
does not have cancer, and she is not going to die. The psychologist evaluates that the client
is experiencing the stage of death and dying known as:
A. Anger
B. Shock (di niya matanggapa ang katotohanan) /denial/ disbelief
C. Bargaining
D. Acceptance

25. Immediately after the death of their 3-year-old son the psychologist would be most
therapeutic by asking the parents:
A. “Do you feel ready to consent to an autopsy?”
B. “Have you made a decision about organ donation?”
C. “Would you like to talk about how you will tell your other children?”
D. “Can I be of some help with any practices that are important to you?”

26. A client reports a vague feeling of apprehension and states, “I feel scared.” He also has
an increased pulse rate and blood pressure. Which of the following diagnoses is most
appropriate in this situation?
A. Anxiety
B. Fear
C. Ineffective coping
D. Disturbed sleep pattern

27. When caring for a client with panic level anxiety, the psychologist should consider which
expected outcome to be a priority?
A. The client will discuss his concerns for 10 minutes, three times a day.
B. The client will verbalize a decreased level of anxiety by the end of the hospitalization.
C. The client will verbalize a decreased level of anxiety within 2 hours.
D. The client will state the name and dose of the anxiolytic medication.
The family members of a patient just diagnosed with personality disorder receives an
orientation from the psychiatrist about the nature of the said disorder.

28. The client exhibiting mistrust, guardedness, and restricted affect is showing signs of
which personality?
A. Antisocial personality disorder
B. Dependent personality disorder
C. Narcissistic personality disorder
D. Paranoid personality disorder

29. The axis II diagnosis of a client is schizoid personality disorder. Which approach should
the psychologist plan to use when interacting with this client?
A. Helpful and nurturing
B. Matter-of-fact and calm approach
C. Light and playful
D. Warm and friendly

30. A client diagnosed with paranoid personality disorder needs information regarding
medications. Which psychological intervention would assist this client in understanding
prescribed medications?
A. Ask the client to join the medication education group
B. Provide one-on-one teaching in the client’s room.
C. During rounds, have the physician ask if the client has any questions.
D. Let the client read the medication information handout.

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