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NOTATION This notation section defmes symbols used in this volume covering beams, one-way slabs,

footings, pile caps, columns, two-way slabs, and their reinforcement. Words in parentheses such as
"(Flexure)" or "(Shear)" indicate portions of this handbook in which symbol is used. depth of equivalent
rectangular stress block, in. (Flexure) length for column section considered rigid (one half slab thickness)
or length of rigid column section at beam end (square column with boxed capital), in. (Two-way slabs)
factor for computing K,, in-' depth of equivalent rectangular stress block for balanced conditions, in.
(Flexure) immediate deflection at midspan, in. (Deflection) immediate deflection due to dead load, in.
immediate deflection due to dead load and live load, in. immediate deflection due to live load, in. f, (1 -
0.590) / 12000, ft-kip / in', a coeffcient for computing reinforcement area A,y. (Flexure) f, (i - d'/ d) i
12000, fi-kip í in', a coefficient for computing reinforcement area A :s (Flexure) aiooo l,ooo( 1 -:)( 1-5) --
c( 1 -:) ' a coefficient for computing reinforcement area A', when compression reinforcement does not
yield. (Flexure) f, (1 - hf i 24 I 12000, fi-kip i in', a coefficient for evaluating flange effects on moment in T-
beams (Flexure) any area, in2 b t / n = effective tension area of concrete for crack control, in2 per bar
(Reinforcement) b t / n' = effective tension area of concrete for crack control in case bundled bars are
used, in2, per bar bundle (Reinforcement) loaded area, in2 the area of the lowest base of the largest
úustum of pyramid, cone, or tapered wedge contained wholly within the support and having for its
upper base the loaded area, and having side slopes of 1 vertical to 2 horizontal, in2 area of individual bar,
in2. (Reinforcement) area of concrete at cross section considered, in2 (Flexure) area of critical shear
section = bod (Twoway slabs) = area of core of spirally reinforced column measured to outside diameter
of spiral = area enclosed by outside perimeter of concrete cross section = gross area enclosed by shear
flow path, in2 = minimum area of tension reinforcement A, to keep neutral axis low enough for
compression reinforcement to reach yield strain under factored load conditions, in2 (Flexure) = area of
reinforcement in brackets or corbel resisting factored moment = gross section area of column cross
section, in2 (Shear) = area of shear reinforcement parallel to flexural tension reinforcement, in2 (Shear) =
area of tension reinforcement to resist force N,, on brackets, in2 (Shear) = area enclosed by centerline of
the outermost closed transverse torsional reinforcement, in2 = area of non-prestressed tension
reinforcement, in2 (Shear, Two-way slabs) = area of compression reinforcement, in2 (Flexure ) =
minimum amount of flexural reinforcement, in2 = area of tension reinforcement in tension zone required
to counterbalance compressive force in overhanging portion of flanges in flanged section, in2 (Flexure) =
area of bar or wire from which spiral is formed, in2 (Columns) = total area of longitudinal reinforcement
in cross section, in2 = area of tension reinforcement required to counterbalance compressive force in
web or steam of flanged section, or in concrete alone in beams reinforced in compression, in2 (Flexure) =
area of larger bars in a bundle, in' (Reinforcement) = area of tension reinforcement required under
factored load conditions for a rectangular beam with tension reinforcement only, in2 (Flexure) = area of
steel per ft of slab width, in2 (Twoway slabs) = area of smaller bars in the bundle, in2 (Reinforcement) =
area of tension reinforcement required under factored load conditions to counterbalance compressive
force contributed by compressive reinforcement, in2 (Flexure) = maximum area of tension reinforcement
at which depth of stress block a will be equal to or smaller then flange thickness h, (Flexure)

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