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Travel, Tourism and Place

1. "Hit the road" - Meaning: To start a journey or trip.

Example: We should hit the road early if we want to reach the beach before sunset.
2. "Wanderlust" - Meaning: A strong desire to travel and explore new places.
Example: Her wanderlust led her to visit over 20 countries in the past year.
3. "Off the beaten path" - Meaning: To go to less touristy or less traveled places.
Example: We decided to explore the countryside and get off the beaten path for a more authentic experience.
4. "A tourist trap" - Meaning: A place or attraction that is overly expensive or not as enjoyable as it seems, often targeting
Example: That restaurant near the Eiffel Tower is a total tourist trap; the food is overpriced and not very good.
5. "In the middle of nowhere" - Meaning: In a remote or isolated location.
Example: Our campsite was in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by forests and mountains.
6. "Travel light" - Meaning: To pack only the essentials and not carry too much luggage.
Example: When backpacking through Europe, it's essential to travel light to make it easier to get around.
7. "Jet-set lifestyle" - Meaning: A glamorous and luxurious way of living that involves frequent air travel.
Example: Celebrities often lead a jet-set lifestyle, hopping from one exotic destination to another.
8. "Home away from home" - Meaning: A place where you feel as comfortable and relaxed as you do in your own home.
Example: The cozy cabin in the mountains became our home away from home during the winter holidays.
9. "To have itchy feet" - Meaning: To have a strong desire to travel and explore new places.
Example: After working in the same office for years, he developed itchy feet and decided to take a sabbatical to travel.
10. "Bucket list" - Meaning: A list of things or places one wants to experience or visit before they die.
Example: Visiting the Great Wall of China is at the top of my bucket list.
11. "Cultural exchange" - Meaning: The mutual sharing of customs, traditions, and ideas between different cultures.
Example: Participating in a homestay program is a great way to engage in cultural exchange with local families.
12. "To be on cloud nine" - Meaning: To be extremely happy and delighted.
Example: After winning the travel contest, she was on cloud nine, planning her dream vacation.
13. "Get lost" - Meaning: A playful way to tell someone to explore a place or find their own way around.
Example: When you visit the city, be sure to get lost in the charming old town's winding streets.
14. "Land of the midnight sun" - Meaning: A place located so far north that it experiences nearly continuous daylight in the
Example: During the summer months, parts of Alaska become the "land of the midnight sun."
15. "Travel broadens the mind" - Meaning: Traveling and experiencing different cultures can enhance one's understanding
of the world.
Example: They believe that travel broadens the mind and encourages personal growth.
1. "Birds of a feather flock together" - Meaning: People with similar interests or characteristics tend to associate with each
Example: Sarah and John became fast friends in college because they both loved hiking and outdoor activities. Birds of
a feather flock together.
2. "A wolf in sheep's clothing" - Meaning: Someone who appears harmless or friendly but is actually deceitful or
dangerous. Example: Be cautious when dealing with the new employee. He may seem nice, but he could be a wolf in
sheep's clothing.
3. "Burning the midnight oil" - Meaning: Working late into the night or putting in extra effort to complete a task.
Example: She's been burning the midnight oil to prepare for her upcoming exams.
4. "The apple of someone's eye" - Meaning: Someone's favorite or most cherished person.
Example: Emily is the apple of her grandfather's eye; he adores her above all his other grandchildren.
5. "A chip on one's shoulder" - Meaning: A person who is easily offended or harbors a grudge.
Example: Ever since he lost the game, he's had a chip on his shoulder and won't talk to anyone.
6. "A penny for your thoughts" - Meaning: A polite way of asking someone what they are thinking or feeling.
Example: You look deep in thought. A penny for your thoughts?
7. "The black sheep" - Meaning: The family member or person who is seen as different or troublesome in a group.
Example: Mark always felt like the black sheep of his family because he pursued a career in the arts, while his siblings
chose more traditional professions.
8. "The ball is in your court" - Meaning: It's your turn to make a decision or take action.
Example: I've done everything I can to help you. Now the ball is in your court, and you need to make a choice.
9. "To give someone the cold shoulder" - Meaning: To intentionally ignore or be unfriendly to someone.
Example: After their argument, Sarah gave her coworker the cold shoulder for a week.
10. "To be an open book" - Meaning: To be transparent and honest about one's thoughts and feelings.
Example: He's easy to talk to because he's an open book, and you always know what he's thinking.
11. "To have a heart of gold" - Meaning: To be very kind, generous, and caring.
Example: Despite his tough exterior, he has a heart of gold and is always willing to help others in need.
12. "To be in someone's shoes" - Meaning: To understand and empathize with someone else's perspective or situation.
Example: Before you judge her actions, try to put yourself in her shoes and consider what she's been through.
13. "To have a finger in every pie" - Meaning: To be involved in many different activities or projects.
Example: Maria is so busy; it seems like she has a finger in every pie in town, from volunteering to running her own
14. "To see eye to eye" - Meaning: To agree with someone or have the same opinion.
Example: They rarely see eye to eye on political matters, which often leads to heated debates.
15. "To break the ice" - Meaning: To initiate a conversation or activity to make people feel more comfortable in a social
Example: At the party, she told a funny joke to break the ice and get everyone laughing and talking.
Technology and Innovation
1. "Cutting-edge" - Meaning: The latest and most advanced in technology or innovation.
Example: This smartphone features cutting-edge technology, making it one of the most advanced devices on the market.
2. "In the digital age" - Meaning: The current era characterized by widespread use of digital technology and the internet.
Example: In the digital age, online communication has become a fundamental part of our daily lives.
3. "The information superhighway" - Meaning: The internet, often used to refer to the rapid flow of information and data
Example: The information superhighway has transformed how we access and share information.
4. "A game-changer" - Meaning: Something that significantly alters or revolutionizes a particular field or industry.
Example: The invention of the smartphone was a game-changer, as it transformed the way we communicate and access
5. "To be on the same wavelength" - Meaning: To have a shared understanding or agreement about a topic or idea.
Example: They work well together because they're on the same wavelength when it comes to project goals.
6. "To be in the driver's seat" - Meaning: To be in control or have the power to influence a situation or outcome.
Example: With their innovative technology, the company is in the driver's seat in the competitive market.
7. "To reinvent the wheel" - Meaning: To unnecessarily create or do something that already exists or has been done before.
Example: Trying to design a new type of doorknob is like reinventing the wheel; the traditional one works perfectly fine.
8. "To think outside the box" - Meaning: To approach a problem or task with creativity and innovation, going beyond
conventional thinking.
Example: The best solutions often come from thinking outside the box and exploring new ideas.
9. "To be a tech-savvy" - Meaning: To be knowledgeable and skilled in using technology and digital devices.
Example: She's very tech-savvy and can troubleshoot most computer issues on her own.
10. "To be plugged in" - Meaning: To be well-connected to technology or the digital world.
Example: The younger generation is always plugged in, constantly checking their smartphones and social media
11. "To be a guinea pig" - Meaning: To be the first person or group to test a new product or technology. Example: The early
adopters of the new software were essentially guinea pigs, helping to identify and fix bugs.
12. "To be at the forefront" - Meaning: To be at the leading edge or forefront of a particular field or industry. Example: The
company is at the forefront of renewable energy technology, developing innovative solutions for clean energy.
13. "To get with the program" - Meaning: To adapt to new technologies or changing circumstances.
Example: If you want to stay competitive in this industry, you need to get with the program and embrace digital
14. "To be a double-edged sword" - Meaning: Something that has both advantages and disadvantages.
Example: The internet is a double-edged sword; it provides us with a wealth of information but also poses security and
privacy risks.
15. "To be ahead of the curve" - Meaning: To be more advanced or innovative than others in the same field.
Example: The company's commitment to research and development has kept them ahead of the curve in the industry.
Learning and Education
1. "Hit the books" - Meaning: To study or start learning.
Example: I need to hit the books if I want to pass my upcoming exams.
2. "A steep learning curve" - Meaning: A situation or task that is difficult to learn and requires a lot of effort.
Example: Learning to play a musical instrument can have a steep learning curve, especially for beginners.
3. "The three R's" - Meaning: The basics of education, traditionally reading, writing, and arithmetic (math).
Example: In elementary school, students focus on the three R's as a foundation for further learning.
4. "To be a bookworm" - Meaning: Someone who enjoys reading and spends a lot of time doing so.
Example: Sarah is a real bookworm; she's always buried in a book.
5. "To pass with flying colors" - Meaning: To succeed or excel in a test or examination.
Example: Mary studied hard and passed her final exams with flying colors.
6. "To be a know-it-all" - Meaning: Someone who acts as if they know everything and is often annoying or arrogant about
Example: John is a know-it-all who rarely listens to others' opinions.
7. "To be a teacher's pet" - Meaning: A student who is a teacher's favorite or who seeks to gain the teacher's approval.
Example: Sarah always sits in the front row and participates in every class; she's such a teacher's pet.
8. "To learn the ropes" - Meaning: To acquire the basic knowledge or skills needed for a particular job or activity.
Example: After a few weeks on the job, I began to learn the ropes and felt more confident in my role.
9. "To be a quick study" - Meaning: Someone who learns new information or skills easily and quickly.
Example: Jane is a quick study; she picked up the new software in no time.
10. "To be a hard nut to crack" - Meaning: Someone who is difficult to understand or teach.
Example: The professor found the concept challenging to explain to the class; it was a hard nut to crack.
11. "To go back to the drawing board" - Meaning: To start over and reevaluate a plan or idea that has not been successful.
Example: The marketing campaign didn't yield the expected results, so we'll have to go back to the drawing board.
12. "To be in one's element" - Meaning: To be in a situation or environment where one feels comfortable and skilled.
Example: When he's on stage performing, he's in his element and exudes confidence.
13. "To read between the lines" - Meaning: To understand a deeper or hidden meaning in what someone is saying or
writing. Example: It's essential to read between the lines of the text to fully comprehend the author's message.
14. "To get a crash course" - Meaning: To receive a brief, intensive training or introduction to a subject or skill.
Example: I had to get a crash course in website design to complete the project on time.
15. "To be a sponge" - Meaning: To absorb or learn information quickly and eagerly.
Example: Children are like sponges; they can pick up new languages effortlessly.
Environment and Sustainability
1. "Green thumb" - Meaning: A person who has a natural talent or skill for gardening or taking care of plants.
Example: My neighbor has a green thumb; her garden is always full of vibrant flowers and healthy vegetables.
2. "Reduce, reuse, recycle" - Meaning: A mantra promoting environmentally responsible practices to minimize waste.
Example: We should follow the principle of "reduce, reuse, recycle" to reduce our environmental impact.
3. "To be in hot water" - Meaning: To be in trouble or facing difficulties, often due to one's actions affecting the
Example: The company was in hot water after it was discovered they were dumping chemicals into the river.
4. "To be on thin ice" - Meaning: To be in a risky or precarious situation.
Example: If we continue to ignore environmental issues, we'll be on thin ice when it comes to the future of our planet.
5. "To throw in the towel" - Meaning: To give up or quit, often used in the context of environmental or sustainability
Example: Despite the challenges, we should never throw in the towel when it comes to protecting our natural resources.
6. "To have a green agenda" - Meaning: To prioritize environmental concerns and sustainable practices.
Example: The new government has a green agenda that focuses on reducing carbon emissions and promoting clean
7. "To tread lightly" - Meaning: To be mindful of one's impact on the environment and take steps to minimize harm.
Example: When hiking in a national park, it's important to tread lightly, respecting nature and leaving no trace.
8. "The straw that broke the camel's back" - Meaning: A small, seemingly insignificant event or action that triggers a
larger problem or crisis.
Example: The deforestation of the last remaining rainforest could be the straw that broke the camel's back in terms of
climate change.
9. "To put your money where your mouth is" - Meaning: To take action or make a financial contribution to support a
cause you believe in, such as environmental conservation.
Example: If you're passionate about the environment, you should consider putting your money where your mouth is by
supporting eco-friendly businesses.
10. "To clean up your act" - Meaning: To improve one's behavior or actions, often in the context of reducing environmental
Example: The company decided to clean up its act by implementing more sustainable production methods.
11. "To be a drop in the ocean" - Meaning: To have a minimal impact or contribution to a much larger issue or problem.
Example: While individual actions can make a difference, sometimes it can feel like our efforts are just a drop in the
ocean of environmental challenges.
12. "To be a breath of fresh air" - Meaning: A person or thing that is refreshing, positive, or provides a new perspective on
environmental issues.
Example: The young activist is a breath of fresh air in the climate change debate, bringing new energy and ideas to the
13. "To go off the grid" - Meaning: To live in a self-sufficient and sustainable manner, often by using renewable energy
sources and minimizing environmental impact.
Example: The family decided to go off the grid and live in a remote, eco-friendly cabin in the woods.
14. "To plant the seeds of change" - Meaning: To initiate actions or ideas that will lead to positive and lasting environmental
Example: By teaching children about conservation, we are planting the seeds of change for a more sustainable future.
15. "To take one for the team" - Meaning: To make a personal sacrifice for the benefit of a larger group or the environment.
Example: By choosing to bike to work instead of driving, she was willing to take one for the team and reduce her carbon

Things and Objects

1. "In the blink of an eye" - Meaning: Very quickly or in a very short time.
Example: The thief disappeared in the blink of an eye, and nobody could catch him.
2. "To be a piece of cake" - Meaning: Something that is very easy to do or accomplish.
Example: The math exam was a piece of cake; I finished it in no time.
3. "To be the tip of the iceberg" - Meaning: A small, visible part of a much larger issue or problem.
Example: The pollution in the river is just the tip of the iceberg; the real problem lies upstream.
4. "To be a dime a dozen" - Meaning: Something that is very common and easy to find.
Example: Vintage records used to be valuable, but now they're a dime a dozen in thrift stores.
5. "To have a sweet tooth" - Meaning: To have a strong liking for sweet foods and desserts.
Example: My sister has a sweet tooth; she can't resist a piece of chocolate cake.
6. "To be a mixed bag" - Meaning: Something that has a variety of different qualities or characteristics, both positive and
Example: The new restaurant's reviews are a mixed bag, with some customers loving it and others having complaints.
7. "To be a catch-22" - Meaning: A situation in which you are trapped by contradictory rules or conditions.
Example: I can't get a job without experience, but I can't get experience without a job. It's a catch-22.
8. "To hit the nail on the head" - Meaning: To describe or identify something exactly and accurately.
Example: When he said that the project needed more funding, he hit the nail on the head.
9. "To have one's heart in the right place" - Meaning: To have good intentions, even if the results are not always
Example: He may make mistakes, but he has his heart in the right place and genuinely cares about helping others.
10. "To be a rolling stone" - Meaning: To be constantly moving or changing, often referring to a person who has a nomadic
Example: My cousin is a rolling stone; he's lived in five different countries in the last two years.
11. "To keep one's nose to the grindstone" - Meaning: To work hard and stay focused on a task or project.
Example: If you want to succeed in your career, you need to keep your nose to the grindstone and put in the effort.
12. "To be the salt of the earth" - Meaning: A person who is humble, kind, and morally good.
Example: Despite his wealth, he remains the salt of the earth, always helping those in need.
13. "To be a hot potato" - Meaning: A controversial or difficult issue or topic that is passed from person to person.
Example: The issue of taxation is a hot potato in politics, with various opinions on how to handle it.
14. "To be a can of worms" - Meaning: A situation that, once opened or addressed, leads to more complicated and
problematic issues.
Example: When they started investigating the corruption, they realized they had opened a can of worms that went deeper
than they had expected.
15. "To be on the same page" - Meaning: To have a mutual understanding or agreement about something.
Example: Before we proceed with the project, we need to ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding our goals
and objectives.
Hobbies and Leisure
1. "To be a couch potato" - Meaning: A person who spends a lot of time sitting and watching TV, often being lazy or
Example: Instead of being a couch potato all weekend, why not go for a hike or engage in a physical activity?
2. "To hit the gym" - Meaning: To go to the gym for exercise or workouts.
Example: I hit the gym every morning to stay fit and healthy.
3. "To be a bookworm" - Meaning: A person who enjoys reading and spends a lot of time doing so.
Example: He's a bookworm and can often be found with his nose in a book.
4. "To be a people person" - Meaning: A person who enjoys socializing and being around others.
Example: She's a people person, always looking for opportunities to meet and connect with new friends.
5. "To get a kick out of something" - Meaning: To find enjoyment, excitement, or amusement in doing something.
Example: I get a kick out of solving challenging puzzles; it's a great way to relax.
6. "To be a workaholic" - Meaning: A person who is addicted to working and finds it difficult to relax or take time off.
Example: My boss is a workaholic; he's at the office even on weekends.
7. "To be a breath of fresh air" - Meaning: Something or someone who is refreshing, positive, or provides a new
Example: Taking a walk in the park is a breath of fresh air after a long day at the office.
8. "To be a jack of all trades" - Meaning: Someone who is skilled in many different areas or has a wide range of talents.
Example: Sarah is a jack of all trades; she can fix a car, cook gourmet meals, and even play musical instruments.
9. "To have a blast" - Meaning: To have a great time or enjoy oneself immensely.
Example: We had a blast at the music festival, dancing and singing along with our favorite bands.
10. "To be a night owl" - Meaning: A person who is more active and alert during the night and stays up late.
Example: I'm a night owl; I get my best work done when everyone else is asleep.
11. "To take a rain check" - Meaning: To decline an invitation or offer but express a willingness to accept it at a later time.
Example: I can't make it to the movie tonight, but can I take a rain check and join you next week?

12. "To be in one's element" - Meaning: To be in a situation or environment where one feels comfortable and skilled.
Example: When she's on the dance floor, she's in her element, moving with grace and confidence.

13. "To be a fair-weather friend" - Meaning: A friend who is supportive only when things are going well but disappears
during tough times.
Example: John was a fair-weather friend; he was there during good times but abandoned us when we needed help.
14. "To be a party animal" - Meaning: A person who loves parties and social gatherings and attends them frequently.
Example: Mike is a real party animal; he never misses a chance to go out and have a good time.
15. "To have a hobby horse" - Meaning: To have a favorite pastime or interest that one is passionate about.
Example: Her hobby horse is collecting rare stamps from around the world.
History, Ancient Culture and Tradition
1. "To be history buffs" - Meaning: People who have a strong interest in history and enjoy learning about the past.
Example: My grandparents are history buffs and love visiting museums and historical sites.
2. "To stand the test of time" - Meaning: To last for a long time and remain relevant or valuable over the years.
Example: The classic novel "Pride and Prejudice" has stood the test of time and is still widely read today.
3. "To be a relic of the past" - Meaning: Something that is outdated or no longer in common use.
Example: The old rotary phone is a relic of the past; most people use smartphones now.
4. "To be as old as the hills" - Meaning: Something that is very old or has been around for a long time.
Example: The family heirloom has been in our family for generations; it's as old as the hills.
5. "To be set in stone" - Meaning: Something that is unchangeable or firmly established, often referring to traditions or
Example: The rules of the ceremony are set in stone and cannot be altered.
6. "To be an old hand" - Meaning: Someone who is experienced or skilled in a particular area due to many years of
Example: She's an old hand at woodworking, having crafted furniture for decades.
7. "To be steeped in history" - Meaning: A place, object, or tradition with a deep and rich historical significance.
Example: The ancient castle is steeped in history, with tales of knights and royal events.
8. "To turn back the hands of time" - Meaning: To go back in time or return to an earlier period, either literally or
Example: The museum's exhibits allow visitors to turn back the hands of time and experience life in the 19th century.
9. "To be a thing of the past" - Meaning: Something that used to exist but is no longer relevant or in use.
Example: Sending letters by postal mail has become a thing of the past with the rise of email and messaging apps.
10. "To be ancient history" - Meaning: Something that is long over and no longer important or relevant.
Example: The conflict that occurred years ago is ancient history; people have moved on.
11. "To rewrite history" - Meaning: To change the way historical events are described or understood.
Example: Some historians argue that it's essential to rewrite history to include marginalized perspectives.
12. "To be a blast from the past" - Meaning: Something or someone that reminds you of a past time or era.
Example: Seeing that old car on the street was a real blast from the past.
13. "To follow in the footsteps of" - Meaning: To continue a tradition, career, or path that someone else has already
Example: He decided to follow in the footsteps of his grandfather by becoming a doctor.
14. "To be lost in the mists of time" - Meaning: To be so far in the past that the details and specifics are unclear or forgotten.
Example: The origins of this ancient festival are lost in the mists of time, and there are many different stories about its
15. "To keep the flame alive" - Meaning: To preserve and maintain a tradition or cultural practice from the past.
Example: The community works hard to keep the flame of their traditional dance alive by passing it on to younger
Future and Aspiration
1. "To shoot for the stars" - Meaning: To set high goals or aim for great success.
Example: She's determined to shoot for the stars and become a renowned scientist one day.
2. "To have big dreams" - Meaning: To have ambitious goals or plans for the future.
Example: As a child, he had big dreams of becoming an astronaut and exploring space.
3. "To have one's sights set on something" - Meaning: To have a specific goal or target in mind.
Example: After finishing college, she had her sights set on starting her own business.
4. "To pave the way for" - Meaning: To create opportunities or make preparations for future success.
Example: His groundbreaking research paved the way for significant advancements in the field of medicine.
5. "To keep one's eye on the prize" - Meaning: To stay focused on achieving a particular goal or aspiration.
Example: Despite facing challenges, she always keeps her eye on the prize and works hard to achieve her dreams.
6. "To be a pipe dream" - Meaning: An idea or plan that is unrealistic or impractical and unlikely to be realized.
Example: Building a house on the moon might be a pipe dream with our current technology.
7. "To make one's dreams come true" - Meaning: To achieve one's long-held aspirations or desires.
Example: Winning the championship was a dream come true for the young athlete.
8. "To take a leap of faith" - Meaning: To make a decision or take a risk without having complete information or certainty
about the outcome.
Example: Starting his own business required taking a leap of faith, but it turned out to be a successful venture.
9. "To be on the horizon" - Meaning: Something that is expected to happen or become available in the near future.
Example: The new technology on the horizon promises to revolutionize the way we live and work.

10. "To set the wheels in motion" - Meaning: To initiate a process or take the first steps toward achieving a goal.
Example: The team set the wheels in motion for the upcoming project by conducting initial research and planning.
11. "To be a long shot" - Meaning: Something that has a low probability of success or a slim chance of happening.
Example: Winning the lottery is a long shot, but some people still try their luck.
12. "To map out one's future" - Meaning: To plan and make a detailed outline of one's goals and aspirations.
Example: In high school, she started to map out her future, deciding on her college major and career path.
13. "To be in the cards" - Meaning: Something that is likely to happen or is destined to occur.
Example: Their engagement had been in the cards since they first met, and they finally got married last month.
14. "To see the light at the end of the tunnel" - Meaning: To have hope or optimism about overcoming a difficult situation
and reaching a positive outcome.
Example: After years of hard work, he finally sees the light at the end of the tunnel in terms of his financial struggles.
15. "To build castles in the air" - Meaning: To have unrealistic or impractical dreams or plans that are unlikely to be
Example: She often spends her time building castles in the air rather than focusing on achievable goals.
Health and Well-Being
1. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" - Meaning: Eating healthily can help prevent illness.
Example: She believes in the saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away," and makes sure to have fruit with her
2. "To be in tip-top shape" - Meaning: To be in excellent physical or mental condition.
Example: After months of training, he's now in tip-top shape for the upcoming marathon.
3. "To be a picture of health" - Meaning: To appear extremely healthy and fit.
Example: Despite her age, she looks like a picture of health, with glowing skin and a strong physique.
4. "To be on the road to recovery" - Meaning: To be getting better after an illness or injury.
Example: Thanks to the medical treatment, he's on the road to recovery and should be back to his normal self soon.
5. "To take a turn for the worse" - Meaning: To deteriorate or become more serious, often used when describing a health
Example: After the accident, the patient took a turn for the worse, and the doctors are concerned.
6. "To be a pain in the neck" - Meaning: To be annoying or troublesome.
Example: Dealing with all the paperwork for the insurance claim has been a real pain in the neck.
7. "To be on cloud nine" - Meaning: To be extremely happy and elated.
Example: After receiving the good news, she was on cloud nine and couldn't stop smiling.
8. "To be on the mend" - Meaning: To be recovering from an illness or injury.
Example: He's on the mend after the surgery and should be back to work in a few weeks.
9. "To be fit as a fiddle" - Meaning: To be in excellent physical condition and health.
Example: Despite his age, he's fit as a fiddle and goes jogging every morning.
10. "To have a clean bill of health" - Meaning: To be declared free of illness or health issues by a medical professional.
Example: After a thorough examination, the doctor gave her a clean bill of health.
11. "To be under the weather" - Meaning: To be feeling unwell or slightly sick.
Example: I won't be able to make it to the meeting today; I'm feeling a bit under the weather.
12. "To be a pain in the backside" - Meaning: To be annoying or troublesome, similar to "a pain in the neck."
Example: Dealing with the computer issues at work has been a real pain in the backside.
13. "To be as fit as a flea" - Meaning: To be very healthy and in excellent physical shape.
Example: At 70 years old, he's as fit as a flea and enjoys hiking and playing sports.
14. "To be on one's last legs" - Meaning: To be extremely tired, worn out, or close to exhaustion.
Example: After the long hike, I was on my last legs and could barely walk.
15. "To be on a health kick" - Meaning: To be actively pursuing a healthier lifestyle, including diet and exercise.
Example: She's on a health kick and has been eating more vegetables and going to the gym regularly.
Entertainment and Media
1. "To be in the limelight" - Meaning: To be the center of attention, especially in the media or public eye.
Example: After winning the award, the young actress found herself in the limelight of Hollywood.
2. "To steal the show" - Meaning: To outshine or attract the most attention in a performance or event.
Example: The comedian's hilarious jokes truly stole the show at the comedy festival.
3. "To be a box office hit" - Meaning: A movie or production that is very successful in terms of ticket sales or viewership.
Example: The latest superhero film was a box office hit, breaking records for opening weekend sales.
4. "To be a nail-biter" - Meaning: Something that is suspenseful and keeps people on the edge of their seats.
Example: The thriller movie was a real nail-biter; you couldn't predict what would happen next.
5. "To be glued to the screen" - Meaning: To be so engrossed in watching something on TV, a computer, or a mobile device
that it's hard to stop.
Example: During the World Cup, fans were glued to the screen, watching every match with excitement.
6. "To hit the silver screen" - Meaning: To be shown in movie theaters, typically referring to a film's release.
Example: The highly anticipated film is set to hit the silver screen next week.
7. "To be a page-turner" - Meaning: A book that is so engaging and exciting that it encourages readers to keep turning the
Example: The novel was a real page-turner; I couldn't put it down until I finished it.
8. "To make a cameo appearance" - Meaning: To make a brief or unexpected appearance in a film or TV show.
Example: The famous musician made a cameo appearance in the movie, much to the delight of fans.
9. "To break the fourth wall" - Meaning: In theater or media, when a character or performer acknowledges the audience or
steps out of the fictional world.
Example: In the TV series "House of Cards," the main character Frank Underwood often breaks the fourth wall by
speaking directly to the audience.
10. "To get the show on the road" - Meaning: To start an event or performance, or to begin a journey or project.
Example: It's time to get the show on the road and begin the concert.
11. "To be a one-hit wonder" - Meaning: A person or group that achieves great success with one single work but is unable to
repeat it.
Example: The band had a hit song in the '80s, but they turned out to be a one-hit wonder and couldn't replicate their
12. "To roll out the red carpet" - Meaning: To give someone a lavish and extravagant welcome or reception.
Example: The city rolled out the red carpet for the visiting dignitaries, with a grand reception and ceremonies.
13. "To fall for a song and dance" - Meaning: To believe a convincing or elaborate story or performance, often with
deception or manipulation involved.
Example: He fell for their song and dance about the benefits of the investment, only to realize it was a scam.
14. "To take a rain check" - Meaning: To decline an invitation or offer but express a willingness to accept it at a later time.
Example: I can't join you for dinner tonight, but can I take a rain check and go out next week?
15. "To be on the same wavelength" - Meaning: To have a shared understanding or agreement about a topic or idea.
Example: In a creative brainstorming session, it's essential for the team to be on the same wavelength to generate
innovative ideas.
Art and Culture
1. "To be a work of art" - Meaning: To describe someone or something as exceptionally beautiful or well-crafted.
Example: The bride looked like a work of art in her wedding gown.
2. "To paint the town red" - Meaning: To go out and have a lively and enjoyable time, often involving entertainment and
Example: After their exams, the students decided to paint the town red to celebrate.
3. "To be a picture is worth a thousand words" - Meaning: A visual image can convey complex ideas or emotions more
effectively than words.
Example: The photograph of the children's smiling faces after the charity event was a perfect example of a picture being
worth a thousand words.
4. "To be in the spotlight" - Meaning: To be the center of attention or under close scrutiny, often in a positive sense.
Example: The artist is in the spotlight at the art gallery's opening night.
5. "To steal someone's thunder" - Meaning: To take attention or praise away from someone, especially when they were
expecting to be celebrated.
Example: Her announcement about the promotion stole his thunder at the company meeting.
6. "To be a drop in the ocean" - Meaning: To have a minimal or insignificant impact in the context of a much larger issue.
Example: Donating a single dollar to a massive charity like UNICEF might feel like a drop in the ocean.
7. "To be music to one's ears" - Meaning: Something that is pleasant or delightful to hear.
Example: Hearing the applause from the audience was music to the actor's ears.
8. "To be a labor of love" - Meaning: A task or project that is done out of love and passion, often despite the effort required.
Example: Restoring the old, historic building was a labor of love for the local community.
9. "To be a Renaissance man/woman" - Meaning: A person who has expertise or skill in a wide range of fields or interests,
like the diverse talents of the artists of the Renaissance period.
Example: She's a true Renaissance woman, excelling in both science and the arts.
10. "To be the apple of one's eye" - Meaning: To be someone's most cherished or beloved person.
Example: Her granddaughter is the apple of her eye, and she dotes on her every chance she gets.
11. "To be a chip off the old block" - Meaning: A person who is very similar in personality, traits, or talents to their parents
or family.
Example: The young musician is a chip off the old block, inheriting his father's musical skills.
12. "To be like comparing apples and oranges" - Meaning: To compare two things that are so different that it's not a fair or
meaningful comparison.
Example: Comparing the two movies is like comparing apples and oranges; they belong to different genres.
13. "To put on a show" - Meaning: To give a performance, often for entertainment or to impress others.
Example: The children put on a show for their parents, acting out a play they had rehearsed.
14. "To make a scene" - Meaning: To behave in a dramatic, disruptive, or embarrassing way in public.
Example: When her order was incorrect at the restaurant, she made a scene and demanded to see the manager.
15. "To be a diamond in the rough" - Meaning: A person or thing with great potential or value but in need of refinement or
Example: With some training and guidance, the young artist could be a diamond in the rough.
Business and Economics
1. "To be in the black" - Meaning: To be profitable or have a positive financial balance.
Example: The company worked hard to cut costs and is finally in the black after years of losses.
2. "To be in the red" - Meaning: To be operating at a loss or having a negative financial balance.
Example: The restaurant is in the red and needs to increase sales to cover its expenses.
3. "To cut corners" - Meaning: To reduce costs or take shortcuts in order to save money, often at the expense of quality or
Example: Some companies cut corners by using cheaper materials, which can lead to product defects.
4. "To be on the same page" - Meaning: To have a shared understanding or agreement about a topic or plan.
Example: It's crucial for the team to be on the same page to achieve their project goals.
5. "To think outside the box" - Meaning: To think creatively or come up with innovative solutions, often by looking
beyond conventional or traditional methods.
Example: The marketing team needs to think outside the box to develop a unique advertising campaign.
6. "To make ends meet" - Meaning: To have just enough income to cover one's basic expenses.
Example: After paying rent and bills, he struggles to make ends meet with his low-paying job.
7. "To be on a shoestring budget" - Meaning: To have very limited financial resources or operate with minimal funds.
Example: When starting their business, they operated on a shoestring budget to keep costs low.
8. "To be on the cutting edge" - Meaning: To be at the forefront of innovation and using the latest technology or ideas.
Example: The tech company prides itself on being on the cutting edge of software development.
9. "To throw in the towel" - Meaning: To give up or quit, often in the face of challenges or difficulties in business.
Example: After years of struggling to compete, the small restaurant decided to throw in the towel and close its doors.
10. "To be a cash cow" - Meaning: A product, service, or business that generates a steady and significant income.
Example: The company's flagship product has been a cash cow, providing a reliable stream of revenue for years.
11. "To make a killing" - Meaning: To make a substantial profit or achieve great financial success.
Example: Investing in that startup early on allowed him to make a killing when it was acquired by a larger company.
12. "To have one's finger in every pie" - Meaning: To be involved in many different activities or projects, often with the
aim of financial gain.
Example: He's a serial entrepreneur with his finger in every pie, from tech startups to real estate.
13. "To strike while the iron is hot" - Meaning: To take advantage of an opportunity when it's at its peak or most favorable.
Example: The company decided to launch their new product now, striking while the iron is hot in the market.

14. "To be on shaky ground" - Meaning: To be in a risky or unstable situation, often with uncertain prospects.
Example: The company's financial situation is on shaky ground, and they need to make changes to survive.
15. "To be a win-win situation" - Meaning: A situation or deal that benefits all parties involved, with no losers.
Example: The merger of the two companies proved to be a win-win situation, with increased profits for both.
Food and Cuisine
1. "To be a piece of cake" - Meaning: Something that is very easy to do or accomplish.
Example: Making scrambled eggs is a piece of cake; even beginners can do it.
2. "To be in a nutshell" - Meaning: To summarize something briefly and concisely.
Example: The chef's secret recipe for the sauce can be explained in a nutshell: it's a combination of spices and cream.
3. "To be a hot potato" - Meaning: A controversial or difficult issue or topic that is challenging to deal with.
Example: The issue of genetically modified foods is a hot potato in the world of agriculture and nutrition.
4. "To spill the beans" - Meaning: To reveal a secret or confidential information.
Example: He promised not to spill the beans about the surprise party, but he couldn't keep it a secret.
5. "To be the bread and butter" - Meaning: Something that is a primary source of income or a staple in one's diet.
Example: The family's bakery business is their bread and butter, providing their main source of income.
6. "To be in a pickle" - Meaning: To be in a difficult or challenging situation.
Example: When the oven broke on Thanksgiving day, they found themselves in a real pickle.
7. "To be a couch potato" - Meaning: A person who spends a lot of time sitting and watching TV, often being lazy or
Example: After a long day at work, all she wanted to do was be a couch potato and watch her favorite shows.
8. "To be the cream of the crop" - Meaning: The best of the best, referring to high-quality or superior items or people.
Example: The chef's signature dish is considered the cream of the crop in the restaurant's menu.

9. "To be as cool as a cucumber" - Meaning: To remain calm and composed in a stressful situation.
Example: Despite the unexpected delays, she stayed as cool as a cucumber during the event.
10. "To have one's cake and eat it too" - Meaning: To want or expect to have all the benefits of a situation without any of
the disadvantages.
Example: She wants to work part-time and earn a full-time salary, but you can't have your cake and eat it too.
11. "To spice things up" - Meaning: To make something more interesting or exciting, often by adding variety or change.
Example: The chef decided to spice things up by adding a new exotic dish to the menu.
12. "To be in a fine kettle of fish" - Meaning: To be in a difficult or troublesome situation.
Example: When their car broke down in the middle of nowhere, they found themselves in a fine kettle of fish.
13. "To be the salt of the earth" - Meaning: A person who is humble, kind, and morally good.
Example: The local farmer is the salt of the earth, always ready to help neighbors in need.
14. "To have a finger in every pie" - Meaning: To be involved in many different activities or projects.
Example: She's a multitasker and has a finger in every pie, from her career to volunteering and hobbies.
15. "To be as easy as pie" - Meaning: Something that is very easy to do.
Example: Following the recipe for homemade apple pie is as easy as pie; anyone can do it.
Society and Social Issues
1. "To be a social butterfly" - Meaning: A person who is very sociable and enjoys socializing with many people.
Example: Sarah is a social butterfly; she's always attending parties and events.
2. "To be on the same wavelength" - Meaning: To have a shared understanding or agreement about a topic or idea.
Example: In the meeting, the team was on the same wavelength and quickly reached a consensus.
3. "To be a thorn in one's side" - Meaning: Someone or something that constantly annoys or bothers another person.
Example: The noisy construction next door has been a thorn in our side for months.
4. "To be the elephant in the room" - Meaning: An obvious and uncomfortable issue that everyone is aware of but avoids
Example: The topic of budget cuts was the elephant in the room during the staff meeting.
5. "To be on cloud nine" - Meaning: To be extremely happy and elated.
Example: After receiving the good news, she was on cloud nine and couldn't stop smiling.
6. "To give someone the cold shoulder" - Meaning: To intentionally ignore or snub someone, often as a form of social
Example: After their argument, he gave her the cold shoulder and wouldn't speak to her.
7. "To be a wolf in sheep's clothing" - Meaning: Someone who appears friendly or harmless on the surface but is actually
deceitful or malicious.
Example: He seemed like a kind neighbor, but he turned out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing when he stole from the
8. "To be a social justice warrior" - Meaning: A person who is passionately dedicated to promoting and fighting for social
justice and equality.
Example: She's a social justice warrior, constantly advocating for the rights of marginalized communities.
9. "To break the ice" - Meaning: To initiate or start a conversation or interaction in a social setting, especially to make
others feel more comfortable.
Example: At the networking event, he tried to break the ice by asking about people's interests and hobbies.
10. "To have a chip on one's shoulder" - Meaning: To have a persistent attitude of defensiveness or resentment.
Example: He always seems to have a chip on his shoulder and is quick to argue with anyone who disagrees with him.
11. "To be a red flag" - Meaning: A warning sign or indicator of a potential problem or issue.
Example: His history of dishonesty is a red flag for anyone considering doing business with him.
12. "To be on the same page" - Meaning: To have a shared understanding or agreement about a topic or plan.
Example: It's essential for the team to be on the same page to achieve their project goals.
13. "To be a sore spot" - Meaning: A sensitive or contentious issue that can lead to disagreement or conflict.
Example: Discussing politics with her can be a sore spot; it's best to avoid the topic.
14. "To be a level playing field" - Meaning: A situation in which everyone has an equal opportunity and no one has an
Example: In a fair society, we should strive for a level playing field where all individuals have the same chances for
15. "To be in someone's shoes" - Meaning: To understand and empathize with another person's perspective or experiences.
Example: Before passing judgment, it's important to try to put yourself in someone else's shoes and consider their point
of view.
Music and Entertainment
1. "To hit the right note" - Meaning: To do or say something that is well-received or appreciated by others.
Example: The comedian's jokes hit the right note with the audience, and they were in stitches with laughter.
2. "To steal the show" - Meaning: To outshine or attract the most attention in a performance or event.
Example: The talented young pianist stole the show at the music competition with her incredible performance.
3. "To be music to one's ears" - Meaning: Something that is pleasant or delightful to hear.
Example: Hearing the birds singing in the morning is music to my ears, a sign of a beautiful day.
4. "To be in the limelight" - Meaning: To be the center of attention, especially in the media or public eye.
Example: After releasing her hit album, the pop star found herself in the limelight of the music industry.
5. "To blow one's own trumpet" - Meaning: To boast or brag about one's achievements or abilities.
Example: He can't stop blowing his own trumpet about his skills as a guitarist.
6. "To face the music" - Meaning: To accept the consequences of one's actions, often in a challenging or difficult situation.
Example: After making a mistake during the live performance, the actor had to face the music and apologize to the
7. "To be a one-hit wonder" - Meaning: A person or group that achieves great success with one single work but is unable to
repeat it.
Example: The band had a hit song in the '90s but turned out to be a one-hit wonder, unable to replicate their success.
8. "To march to the beat of one's own drum" - Meaning: To do things in one's unique way, often regardless of what others
think or expect.
Example: She's known for marching to the beat of her own drum and pursuing her creative passions.
9. "To be a tough act to follow" - Meaning: Something or someone that sets a high standard and is challenging for others to
compete with or surpass.
Example: The opening band was so fantastic that the main act found it a tough act to follow.
10. "To be on the same wavelength" - Meaning: To have a shared understanding or agreement about a topic or idea.
Example: The band members are on the same wavelength when it comes to their music style and vision.
11. "To steal the thunder" - Meaning: To take attention or praise away from someone, especially when they were expecting
to be celebrated.
Example: Her surprise announcement stole the thunder from her colleague's presentation.
12. "To be on cloud nine" - Meaning: To be extremely happy and elated.
Example: After receiving the award, the actress was on cloud nine and thanked her fans for their support.
13. "To change one's tune" - Meaning: To alter one's opinion, attitude, or behavior, often in response to new information or
Example: The critic changed his tune after seeing the artist's latest work and praised it highly.
14. "To be a blast from the past" - Meaning: Something that reminds you of an earlier time or era, often with nostalgia.
Example: Listening to the classic rock song was a blast from the past, bringing back memories of the '70s.
15. "To have a face for radio" - Meaning: A humorous way to say that someone's appearance may not be suitable for
television or film but is fine for radio or voice work.
Example: He often jokes that he has a face for radio but a voice for podcasts.
Family and Parenting
1. "To be a chip off the old block" - Meaning: A person who is very similar in personality, traits, or talents to their parents
or family.
Example: The young artist is a chip off the old block, inheriting his mother's artistic talent.
2. "To wear the pants in the family" - Meaning: To be the dominant or decision-making authority in a household.
Example: While her husband is easygoing, she wears the pants in the family and makes most of the important choices.
3. "To be in the family way" - Meaning: To be pregnant.
Example: She announced that she's in the family way and expecting her first child.
4. "To be a family man/woman" - Meaning: A person who values and prioritizes their family above all else.
Example: He's a family man, always making time for his spouse and children despite his busy career.
5. "To be a homebody" - Meaning: A person who prefers to stay at home and is content with domestic life.
Example: Ever since they had kids, they've become homebodies, enjoying quiet evenings at home.
6. "To bring up (or raise) a family" - Meaning: To care for and nurture children through the process of growing up.
Example: They worked hard to bring up their family in a loving and supportive environment.
7. "To be like two peas in a pod" - Meaning: Two people who are very similar in appearance or behavior, often used to
describe siblings or close family members.
Example: The twins are like two peas in a pod; it's hard to tell them apart.
8. "To give someone a piece of one's mind" - Meaning: To express one's thoughts or opinions strongly and candidly, often
when upset or annoyed.
Example: After their children misbehaved, the parents gave them a piece of their mind about their behavior.
9. "To have a skeleton in the closet" - Meaning: To have a hidden or embarrassing secret that one does not want others to
know about.
Example: Little did she know, her uncle had a skeleton in the closet involving a past scandal.
10. "To be a mother hen" - Meaning: Someone, often a woman, who is overly protective and caring, especially toward
younger family members or friends.
Example: She's a real mother hen, always worrying about her children's safety and well-being.
11. "To be the apple of one's eye" - Meaning: To be someone's most cherished or beloved person.
Example: Her grandson is the apple of her eye, and she adores spending time with him.
12. "To cut someone off at the knees" - Meaning: To prevent someone from succeeding or achieving their goals.
Example: By withholding financial support, they cut their son off at the knees and forced him to become financially
13. "To tie the knot" - Meaning: To get married and commit to a lifelong partnership.
Example: After years of dating, they decided to tie the knot and have a beautiful wedding ceremony.
14. "To bring home the bacon" - Meaning: To earn the income or financial support needed to sustain a family.
Example: He works long hours to bring home the bacon and provide for his wife and children.
15. "To be a family tree" - Meaning: A visual representation of a family's ancestral history, showing the relationships
between generations.
Example: The family gathered to create a family tree, documenting their heritage for future generations.
Job/Work and Study
1. "To burn the midnight oil" - Meaning: To work late into the night or early morning hours, often to meet a deadline or
complete a task.
Example: During the exam week, she had to burn the midnight oil to prepare for her tests.
2. "To hit the ground running" - Meaning: To start a new job or task with great energy and enthusiasm.
Example: He joined the new company and hit the ground running, immediately taking on challenging projects.
3. "To have one's work cut out" - Meaning: To have a difficult or challenging task ahead.
Example: With the upcoming project deadline, she has her work cut out for her.
4. "To go the extra mile" - Meaning: To make additional effort or do more than what is expected or required.
Example: He always goes the extra mile at work, often staying late to ensure everything is perfect.
5. "To be a desk jockey" - Meaning: Someone who works primarily in an office or at a desk job.
Example: He used to be a construction worker, but now he's a desk jockey in the corporate world.
6. "To be a jack of all trades" - Meaning: Someone who is skilled in many different areas or tasks.
Example: She's a true jack of all trades, excelling in both marketing and graphic design.
7. "To be a white-collar worker" - Meaning: A person who works in an office or professional job.
Example: Most of the employees in the tech company are white-collar workers.
8. "To be a blue-collar worker" - Meaning: A person who works in manual or industrial labor, often involving physical
Example: The factory employs many blue-collar workers who assemble products on the assembly line.
9. "To climb the corporate ladder" - Meaning: To advance in one's career by moving up through the hierarchy or ranks in
a company.
Example: Over the years, she worked hard and climbed the corporate ladder, eventually becoming a vice president.
10. "To pull one's weight" - Meaning: To contribute one's fair share of effort or work in a group or team.
Example: It's important for everyone to pull their weight on the project to ensure its success.
11. "To have one's back against the wall" - Meaning: To be in a difficult situation with limited options or resources.
Example: With the company's financial troubles, the CEO had his back against the wall, trying to save the business.
12. "To be a desk potato" - Meaning: A humorous play on "couch potato," referring to someone who spends long hours
working at a desk.
Example: After spending the whole day at the office, he often feels like a desk potato.
13. "To be a paper pusher" - Meaning: Someone whose job involves a lot of paperwork and administrative tasks.
Example: The administrative assistant is a dedicated paper pusher, managing documents and schedules.
14. "To be at the end of one's rope" - Meaning: To be in a situation where one is out of patience, options, or resources.
Example: After weeks of job hunting with no success, he was at the end of his rope.
15. "To have a steep learning curve" - Meaning: Something that is difficult to learn or requires a significant amount of
effort and time to understand.
Example: The new software had a steep learning curve, and it took the employees a while to become proficient in using

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