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Game rules

1)One gulp

Three bottles are placed in front of you. The respective teachers should pick the botte

And drink the water in one gulp.

2)Drum charades

We are going to call three teachers from Fach team (masters & blasters).

We will show the names of some teachers, the respective teacher called should imitate the given
Teachers name

3) Dare game

we have two boxes with names of both the team members

By this lot the teacher will be selected to choose the Dale-

The teacher who fails to do the given dare, he/she should drink & shot of Bitter guard juice

4) pick nd drop

Three teacher will be called from each team (masters and blasters)

The respective teachers by blowing the balloon should pick the cup & transfer it to the other side.

5) Mystery box

5 Boxes are placed in front of you. These boxes contain some mysterious things.

The teachers will be selected by lot by lot

6) Best duo

we have picked 3 sets of teachers

Each duo would be asked 6 Questions & as per correct answers points will be given.

7) arm wrestling

We have 6 pairs for this game. Each pair will be call by one by one.

Show your strength and win the prize

8) musical chair

We have odd set of teachers.

9) ball passing

All teachers are welcomed

10) treasure hunt

The teachers will be called form team masters and team blasters
The rules will be announced by our class students

11) lemon in the spoon

We have 2 sets of teachers

12) red light green light

We have set of teachers

Start with everyone along the starting line

When we say (green light) everyone should move towards finish line

When we say (red light) the teachers must immediately stop.

If teachers are still moving in (red light) they are eliminated

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