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Nama : Achmad Al Hafidz

NIM 2398010782

SEL.12.2-T5-4 Ruang Kolaborasi

Amatilah situasi berikut: Seorang guru hendak mereview kosakata buah-buahan yang telah
dipelajari pada pertemuan sebelumnya. Ia merencanakan untuk melakukan permainan
‘Memory Games’ dengan menyiapkan kartu gambar sebanyak 12 pasang (24 lembar kartu).
Peserta didik dibagi menjadi dua kelompok. Pada 24 kartu tersebut terdapat 6 jenis buah-
buahan yang telah dipelajari peserta didik. Pada permainan itu, 24 kartu tersebut akan disusun
dan disimpan secara terbalik. Peserta didik harus mencari sepasang kartu yang memiliki
gambar yang sama. Caranya, dengan memilih dua kartu dan membalikkannya sambil
menyebutkan gambar yang terdapat pada kartu tersebut. Kelompok yang mendapat pasangan
kartu terbanyak adalah pemenangnya.

Worksheet 5.4

Deskripsi Kegiatan
(awal, inti dan akhir):

Tahapan Kegiatan Classroom Language

Starting the lesson - Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah Hiwabarakatuh
- Good morning students !
- How are you today ??
- What day is today ?

- Have you had breakfast this morning ?

- who is not present today, Let’s check the attendance
- Are you ready for the lesson ?
- Before going to our lesson, let’s pray together, led by the class
Giving instructions to Ok students, please take your seats ! stop talking be quiet.and
organize classroom pay attention to me. Are you ready for our lesson today ??
Giving instructions to Today we are going to practise our vocabulary by doing a
organize activity game called “Memory Games” a teacher will divide the class
into two groups. So the rules of the game are :
1. A teacher shuffles the cards and place them face down on
the table.
2. The first student from group 1 chooses two cards and flips
them over.
3. If the cards have the same picture, the student keeps the
cards and gets another turn.
4. If the cards have different pictures,the student flips them
back over and it becomes group 2’s turn.
5. The game continues untik all the cards have been matched.
6. The group wih the most pairs of cards at the end of the
game is the winner.
Have you understood the rules ?, is there anything you don’t
understand ? any question ??
Telling classroom rules to Keep going until all the cards have been matched. And make
discipline students sure you don’t cheat !
Giving feedback Good job! You got a pair!, you did it !
Closing the lesson - Do you have ay questions ?
- Ok students, that’s all for today, and don’t forget to study at
home and always maintain your health.
- See you tomorrow. Wassalamualaikum wr.wb
- Good afternoon!

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