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Test Case Desription

To verify that System admin is able to Delete if there is Existing Commission rules for Cashin
To Verify system admin user able to define Commission rule for Onsite cashin transactions
To Verify system admin user able to define Commission rule for Offsite cashin transactions
To Verify system admin user able to define Commission rule for Default cashin transactions
To verify that System admin is able to Delete if there is Existing Service charge rules for Cashin
To Verify system admin user able to define service charge rule for onsite cashin transactions
To Verify system admin user able to define service charge rule for offsite cashin transactions
To Verify system admin user able to define service charge rule for default cashin transactions
To verify that System admin is able to Delete if there is Existing Discount rules for Cashin
To Verify system admin user able to Waive off Service Charge for onsite cashin transactions
To Verify system admin user able to define Discount rule for offsite cashin transactions
To Verify system admin user able to define Discount rule for default cashin transactions
To verify that System admin is able to Delete if there is Existing Transaction Tax rules for Cashin
To Verify system admin user able to define TransactionTax for onsite cashin transactions
To Verify system admin user able to define TransactionTax rule for offsite cashin transactions
To Verify system admin user able to define TransactionTax for default cashin transactions
To verify that System admin is able to Delete if there is Existing Commission rules for Cashout
To Verify system admin user able to define Commission rule for Onsite cashin transactions with slabbed commission.
To Verify system admin user able to define Commission rule for Offsite cashin transactions
To Verify system admin user able to define Commission rule for Default cashin transactions
To verify that System admin is able to Delete if there is Existing Service charge rules for Cashout
To Verify system admin user able to define service charge rule for onsite cashin transactions
To Verify system admin user able to define service charge rule for offsite cashin transactions
To Verify system admin user able to define service charge rule for default cashin transactions
To verify that System admin is able to Delete if there is Existing Discount rules for Cashout
To Verify system admin user able to define Discount rule for onsite cashin transactions
To Verify system admin user able to define Discount rule for offsite cashin transactions
To Verify system admin user able to define Discount rule for default cashin transactions
To verify that System admin is able to Delete if there is Existing Transaction Tax rules for Cashout
To Verify system admin user able to define TransactionTax for onsite cashin transactions
To Verify system admin user able to define TransactionTax rule for offsite cashin transactions
To Verify system admin user able to define TransactionTax for default cashin transactions
To Verify system admin user able to Modify service charge rule from onsite to offsite for cashout transactions, modify other fi
To Verify system admin user able to Modify service charge rule from onsite to offsite for cashout transactions, modify other fi
To Verify that if there are multiple rules defined for onsite transaction then it should consider the priority rule
To Verify that if there are multiple rules defined for offsite transaction then it should consider the priority rule
To Verify that if the priority rule is deleted then next priority rule should be considered as priority rule
To Verify system admin user able to define service charge for both onsite AND offsite for cashin/cashout transactions
To Verify system admin user able to modify service charge for onsite OR offsite for cashin/cashout transactions
To Verify system admin user able to modify service charge for is not onsite OR offsite for cashin/cashout transactions
To verify user should get "There should be at least one condition" error message if he/she tries to delete all conditions
To Verify user should be able to delete all conditions using overall deletion icon
To Verify user should be able to Define different condition with remote type codition for service charge
To verify that System admin is able to Delete Remote type Service charge rules for Cashin
To verify that System admin is able to Delete Remote type Discount rules for Cashin
To verify that System admin is able to Delete Remote type Commission rules for Cashin
To verify that System admin is able to Delete Remote type Transaction Tax rules for Cashin
To verify that System admin is able to Delete Remote type Service charge rules for Cashout
To verify that System admin is able to Delete Remote type Discount rules for Cashout
To verify that System admin is able to Delete Remote type Commission rules for Cashout
To verify that System admin is able to Delete Remote type Transaction Tax rules for Cashout
ons, modify other fields also.
ons, modify other fields also.

ll conditions

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