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Pressmud - India's New Source of Compressed Biogas

GS III : Agriculture

India is exploring the potential of Pressmud, a residual byproduct of sugar production, as a
valuable resource for generating green energy.

The focus is on creating Compressed Biogas (CBG) from Pressmud, aligning with sustainable
energy practices and contributing to India’s efforts in renewable energy production.

• Understanding Compressed Bio-Gas (CBG)

1. Renewable and Environmentally Friendly Fuel:

CBG is a gaseous fuel derived from the anaerobic decomposition of organic materials.

It is produced through Biomethanation or anaerobic digestion, breaking down various organic

sources like agricultural waste, animal manure, food waste, sewage sludge, and other biomass

2. Composition of Biogas:

The resulting biogas consists mainly of methane (usually exceeding 90%), along with carbon
dioxide, traces of hydrogen sulfide, and moisture.

3. Conversion to Compressed Biogas:

Purification steps are employed to eliminate impurities like carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and
moisture from the biogas.

The purified methane gas is then compressed to a high pressure, typically around 250 bar or

4. Significance of “Compressed” in CBG:

The term “Compressed Biogas” reflects the compression of purified methane to high pressures,
enhancing its energy density and making it a more practical and efficient fuel source.

• Pressmud: A Valuable Resource for CBG Production

Pressmud, also known as filter cake or press cake, is a residual byproduct in the sugar industry.

1. Recognition in Green Energy Production:

Acknowledged as a valuable resource for generating green energy, particularly through the
production of Compressed Biogas (CBG).

2. Production Process:

Generated through anaerobic digestion, a process where bacteria break down organic matter in
the absence of oxygen.

Yield of pressmud typically ranges from 3-4% by weight, based on the sugarcane processed in a

3. Advantages of Pressmud Utilization for CBG:

a. Consistent Quality and Simplicity: Offers consistent quality and is simpler to source compared to
other feedstocks.

b. Supply Chain Simplification: Eliminates complexities associated with feedstock supply chains,
particularly in comparison to agricultural residue.

c. Lower Feedstock Quantity and Cost: Requires less feedstock quantity for higher conversion
efficiency, and the cost is lower (Rs 0.4-0.6 per kilogramme) compared to alternatives like
agricultural residue and cattle dung.

4. Challenges in Pressmud Utilization:

a. Escalating Prices and Competition: Faces challenges such as rising prices and competition for
usage in various industries.

b. Storage Complexities: Gradual decomposition poses storage challenges, necessitating

innovative solutions.

c. Competition in Other Sectors: Sought after in sectors like animal feed, bioenergy production,
and agricultural soil amendments, leading to availability constraints or increased costs for specific
• India’s Pressmud Production Landscape: Fiscal Year 2022-23

1. Total Sugar Production:

In the fiscal year 2022-23, India’s sugar production amounted to 32.74 million tonnes.

2. Pressmud Generation:

This sugar production resulted in the generation of approximately 11.4 million tonnes of pressmud.

3. Sugarcane Growing States:

a. Major Contributors: Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra stand out as the primary sugarcane-
growing states, collectively contributing around 65% of India’s total sugarcane cultivation area.

b. Key States: Other significant sugarcane-producing states include Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and
Bihar, all playing a vital role in shaping India’s sugarcane production landscape.

4. Geographic Distribution:

Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra, with their substantial sugarcane cultivation, play a pivotal role in
the overall sugar and pressmud production scenario, reflecting the geographical concentration of
these industries.

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