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One Topic Argumentative Essay ................................................................................................................... 4
1. Some people believe that children can learn effectively by watching TV and they should be
encouraged to watch TV both at school and at home. To what extent you agree or disagree? ............. 4
2. Some people believe that free social service should be made compulsory for high school students.
Do you agree or disagree? ........................................................................................................................ 5
3. Some people think that to ensure a happier society, there should be only a small difference in the
earnings between the poorest and the richest members. To what extent do you agree or disagree? ... 6
4. The number of TV programs is growing day by day. Some people say that it is good as it gives
people more choices, while others say it affects the quality of TV programs. Discuss both and give
your opinion. ............................................................................................................................................. 7
5. Tobacco should be treated as illegal like other drugs. Smoking has not a single positive issue but lots
of negative effects and therefore, it should be banned. .......................................................................... 8
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the above statement. ..................................................... 8
Two Topic Argumentative Essay ................................................................................................................... 9
1. Business & cultural exchange between countries is increasing and this is thought to be a positive
development by some. However, others believe that it might lead to loss of identity. Discuss both
views and give your opinion. .................................................................................................................... 9
2. Some people say that traveling abroad is necessary to get knowledge about other countries, while
others suggest that TV and the internet can also help people know about foreign countries. Discuss
both views and give your own opinion. .................................................................................................. 10
3. Fossil fuels coal oil and natural gases are the main sources in many countries but some countries
the use of alternative sources of energy wind energy solar energy are encouraged. to what extent do
you think it is a positive or negative development. ................................................................................ 11
4. Nowadays, some employers think that formal academic qualifications are more important than life
experience or personal qualities when they look for new employees. Why in this case? Is a positive or
negative development? .......................................................................................................................... 12
5. Scientists agree that people are damaging their health by eating too much junk food. Some people
think that the answer to this problem is to educate people. Others think education will not work.
Discuss both views and give your opinion. ............................................................................................. 13
OPINION BASED EASSY................................................................................................................................ 14
1. Some people think that children should not be given toys as they distract them in their studies,
whereas others believe that toys always help them in their education. Discuss both views and give
your own opinion .................................................................................................................................... 14
2. Some people choose private health care centers rather than public service centers what is your
opinion? .................................................................................................................................................. 15

WhatsApp No. 01956-165432

3. Some people think that the best way to succeed in life is to get a university education, while others
disagree and say that it is no longer true nowadays. Discuss both views and give your own opinions. 16
4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television has destroyed communication
among friends and family. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. ..................... 17
5. Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. To what
extent do you agree or disagree ............................................................................................................. 18
Discuss Both Views...................................................................................................................................... 19
1. In some countries online shopping is the gradually replacing in store shopping some people say
that this a positive trend while others argue that it is leading negative impacts discuss both views and
give your opinion. ................................................................................................................................... 19
2. Recently most of the people showing their interest to migrate in cities rather than villages and
towns. ..................................................................................................................................................... 20
Discuss both sides and provide your conclusion. ................................................................................... 20
3. Some people feel that the effects of advertising are positive for individuals and businesses, while
others think they are negative. Discuss both sides and give your opinion. ........................................... 21
4. Human activity has had a negative effect on plants and animal all over the world. Some people
think that it too late to do something about it. other think that there is still time to take effective
action. discuss both sides and give your opinion.................................................................................... 22
give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
experience............................................................................................................................................... 22
5. It has become very common for people to borrow money. Most people have a credit card, a
mortgage and often they will buy car on credit as well. Is this a good idea or is it too risky? .............. 23
Discuss both views and give your own opinion. ..................................................................................... 23
Cause and Effect base writing essay ........................................................................................................... 24
1. Too much outdoor lighting is a problem in many cities nowadays. ................................................... 24
What are the causes and negative impacts of light pollution in cities? ................................................. 24
2. In many countries, financial crimes involving identity theft is increasing. What are the causes of this
trend, and what effect does identity theft have on the victims involved? ............................................ 25
Give reasons for your answer, and provide ideas and examples from your own experience................ 25
3. Nowadays many people complain that they have difficulties getting enough sleep. What problems
can lack of sleep? What can be done about lack of sleep? .................................................................... 26
4. In recent years, some countries have experienced very rapid economic development. This has
resulted in higher standards of living in urban areas but not in the countryside. ................................. 27
What problems could this cause? How could these be reduced? .......................................................... 27
5. Obesity in children is a serious problem in a number of countries. ................................................... 28
What are the causes of obesity in children?........................................................................................... 28
Discuss the possible alarming effects of this problem in the future. ..................................................... 28

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Advantages and Disadvantage base writing essay ..................................................................................... 29

1. Nowadays governments are investing more in public transport such as buses and trains rather than
in building new roads. ............................................................................................................................. 29
Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? .................................................................................. 29
2. In some countries, secondary schools provide students with an opportunity to learn skills such as
cooking, basic repairs, drawing and woodwork. What are the advantages and disadvantages of
teaching such non-academic classes in school? ..................................................................................... 30
3. In many countries women are allowed to take maternity leave from their jobs during the first few
months after the birth of their baby. Do advantages outweigh disadvantages? ................................... 31
4. International tourism has brought enormous benefit to many places. At the same time, there is
concern about the impact on local inhabitants and the environment. .................................................. 32
5. Many students choose to study at colleges and universities that are far away from the places where
they grew up. Do the benefits outweigh the drawbacks? ...................................................................... 33

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One Topic Argumentative Essay

1. Some people believe that children can learn effectively by watching TV and they
should be encouraged to watch TV both at school and at home. To what extent you
agree or disagree?

It is true that some television programmes have been recognised as an effective method of learning
because the audio-visual information can attract students’ attention and engage their interest. In
my opinion, I understand the educational value of watching TV, but I do not agree that increasing
screen time is a good idea.

There are three main reasons why I argue against that viewing more TV can help young people
learn more effectively. Firstly, too many screen hours can interfere with students’ study, and they
may not be able to concentrate on academic curriculums, a problem which can lead to poor grades.
Secondly, children also do not have spare moments to participate in practical activities that
enhance hands-on abilities, such as planting, painting and carving. These activities can promote
brain development, which will further boost the effectiveness of learning. Finally, pupils may
spend several hours sitting in front of the box every day, and they are not willing to play games
and do sports with peers; as a result, they may suffer obesity, bad eyesight or fatigue. Because of
this, they do not have enough energy to cope with the demands of schooling and lose self-
confidence gradually.

On the other hand, although I acknowledge that some informative television programmes may
have positive influences on young people's study, this information can only be the complement
that they have learned at school. The main advantage of television programmes is that children are
exposed to a world of knowledge. However, sometimes the knowledge is too complex for children
to understand, and it cannot meet children’s demands at different age range. For example, a foreign
language channel can help teenagers improve their foreign language abilities slightly, but it is too
difficult for young kids who are without any foundation of foreign languages to understand it.
Therefore, it is a waste of time for those young kids to watch it. I believe that students should
spend most of their time on school courses, because those courses are more scientific and
systematic, which can lead them to progress gradually and to learn effectively.

To sum up, my view is that extensive screen viewing will have an adverse impact on children’s
academic performance and their health; hence, parents and teachers should impose restrictions on
children’s video viewing, rather than endorse this habit. (Band Score 7.5)

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2. Some people believe that free social service should be made compulsory for high
school students. Do you agree or disagree?

Many people think that free social services such as transportation and wifi are necessary. I strongly
agree with this, as it is an important issue that can help improve the public's quality of life,
especially high school students. This essay will discuss several reasons that will back up this

Free access to these services can help more children pursue higher education. As it is now seen
that the high cost of education restricts many parents to send their children to high school.
Expensive textbook prices and transport fares are two examples. These factors can be overcome
by giving free access to the library and public transport. Free access to these services will
significantly reduce the price needed to be paid by parents. Therefore, this can lead to more parents
enrolling their children on high school.

Moreover, making other services like wifi available for free will help students as well. Some
students might not have access to the internet, this factor limits their ability to perform well at
school. Giving free wifi can contribute to their performance at school as they now have the
resource to help them finish their school assignments.

In addition, the internet helps students do research and increase their knowledge.

In conclusion, I believe that it is mandatory for the government to provide free social services for
high school students. As a start, several public services can be made available for free.
Furthermore, the government can make small steps until all social services are free for high school
students. (Band Score 7)

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3. Some people think that to ensure a happier society, there should be only a small
difference in the earnings between the poorest and the richest members. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?

Reducing the distinction of the salaries of rich and poor members of society is considered by some
people to be an effective way of achieving happiness. I completely disagree with this point of view
and I believe there are other methods to provide happiness and satisfaction for people.

To begin with, eliminating the gap between all members might be detrimental to societies. Firstly,
if people in all professions received the same wages, this would lead to laziness and individuals
would instead pursue easy careers instead of demanding ones. For instance, people trying to
become doctors or engineers to receive high salaries can instead work part-time in any industry
and still get paid a high salary. Secondly, reducing the disparity among different social class may
create a boring culture in the society. Which means that competition among individuals to become
rich may disappear because all people get the same income regardless of the job they are doing.

On the other hand, there are several ways to produce a more enjoyable life, as government plays a
vital role in this changing society. To be precise, governments can provide more job opportunities
to ensure an equality in a more positive way and in many cases, poor people can become rich by
working hard and demonstrating their talents. Moreover, a happy society highly depends on the
services that governments provide for their citizens. For example, if all countries provided free
education and health care for their population, its people would become happier.

In conclusion, closing difference between rich and poor individuals cannot make society happy,
however, I firmly believe that free education and health care are the most effective way to increase
social happiness. (Band Score 8)

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4. The number of TV programs is growing day by day. Some people say that it is good
as it gives people more choices, while others say it affects the quality of TV programs.
Discuss both and give your opinion.

The world of television gained popularity in 1990 with few channels to spread awareness among
people. With better programs, some channels became the preferred choice in a household.
Therefore, in this essay, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of more choices being
offered and their impact on the quality of content.

The foremost benefit of having more choices in content telecasted is that it leads to healthy
competition. With better script, actors and theme, the programs compete to survive over others.
This gives the viewer a lot of option to choose based upon his interest. For example, for children,
many cartoon programs are available, similarly, people who are interested in sports, have the
option to watch live games.

But, having more choices has adversely affected the quality of the content in the telecasted
programs. To beat the competition, a certain part of the program contains inappropriate and
misleading words and actions to attract the audience. For instance, many abusive words, or scenes
showing riots are telecasted which might affect someone adversely. Such parts of programs are
infused to generate interest in the public. However, it impacts our society, especially our
youngsters, who learn the wrong words. Hence, such content reduces the quality and reputation of
TV programs.

To bring the conclusion about the discussion, I feel, the number of programs and channels must
be optimised to offer content of all interest. With capping their numbers, we could have equal
competition among all interest groups with standardized rules of the things that should not be
telecasted. (Band Score7)

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5. Tobacco should be treated as illegal like other drugs. Smoking has not a single
positive issue but lots of negative effects and therefore, it should be banned.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the above statement.

Nowadays, a lot of people especially the youth smoke a lot and this has resulted in many tobacco-
related illnesses such as lung cancer. For that matter, I totally agree to a greater extent than tobacco
should be treated as illegal like other drugs because it causes a lot of harm than good to society.
The essay below will delve into this issue at length.

First and foremost, smoking tobacco has become a trend, especially among young people, and this
has caused many diseases related to it. For instance, a study conducted in Hong Kong in 2018,
showed that 89% of the youth smoked tobacco despite the fact that campaigns had been done to
discourage them from smoking. Moreover, the same study proved that about 56% of deaths during
the same year were due to smoking. Therefore, I agree to a larger extent than tobacco must be
illegalised because it brings more harm to people's health.

Furthermore, the smoke from tobacco is another contributing factor to air pollution. It does not
end there but non-smokers are also forced to breathe polluted air which at times causes allergy
reactions. For instance, a Chinese researcher, Jone Leo, discovered that most people smoke in
public spaces without considering the next person. About 34 out of 50 people he observed did not
show any remorse even when children around them started to sneeze and cough because of the
smoke. Thus, I support the idea that tobacco should be treated as illegal as other drugs the reason
being that some smokers are inconsiderate.

In conclusion, smoking has a lot of negative effects on society. Therefore, I strongly agree that
tobacco should be illegalized like other drugs because it causes a lot of diseases and air pollution.
The essay above has discussed these and other issues in depth. (Band Score7.5)

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Two Topic Argumentative Essay

1. Business & cultural exchange between countries is increasing and this is thought to
be a positive development by some. However, others believe that it might lead to loss
of identity. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

An often debated topic is whether exchanging trade and lifestyle between multiple countries is a
positive or negative development towards the identity of one's nation. Both sides of the argument
with be discussed in this essay before the conclusion is reached. In my opinion, I firmly believe
that professional and ethical exchange between states helps in positive growth towards nations

On the one hand, there are several factors that show swapping work and ethnic lifestyle between
communities are vital for the kingdom. First and foremost, switching of work from the other
provinces not only helped financially but also helps in the development of the kingdom's people
by generating more employment for them. Moreover, Cultural exchange also helps in identifying
the cultural value of one's province into multiple territories. For example, in 2016 a movie which
was created by me and my few friends got selected in the Germany Film festival as a result, we
got multiple projects from them which helped me in creating various employment for people in
my state.

On the other hand, swapping cultural values between the countries is not a good idea thus,
sometimes it may impact the identities also. Significantly, exchanging of work between territories
has an adverse effect on employment and economical values. As, Nowadays Animation companies
in India are more focused on getting work done from abroad in order to get more TRPs and fame
in the industry which as a result they are generating less employment for native families.

In conclusion, switching of trade and lifestyle between kingdoms plays an important role in the
growth of the countries, unless only when organization take care of local communities. In my
opinion, we should exchange business and cultures between countries. (Band Score 7.5)

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2. Some people say that traveling abroad is necessary to get knowledge about other
countries, while others suggest that TV and the internet can also help people know
about foreign countries. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

A discussion on how to gain knowledge regarding foreign countries has always been a permeative
and immanent discussion among intellectuals. While some people propound that visiting them is
the best way, others believe that those information are accessible on websites and applications. In
my own opinion, I agree that witnessing personally is the best technique in educating oneself. My
essay shall shed light on both perspectives and I shall see forth my point of view.

On the one hand, experience is the best teacher. Due to this reason, mankind must learn to get out
of their comfort zones and explore the world in different aspects. In order to acquire relevant details
of other nations, one is expected to step foot in that certain place and to have personal contact with
other nationalities as well as to observe facts and events relating to their customs. For example,
some ethnic groups have a tradition that mandating women to build houses for their husbands out
of the mud. This kind of practice is not easily acceptable, however, someone might understand it
more if witnessed and communicate with them in person. For this reason, personal experience is

On the other hand, social media plays a huge role in moulding not only our minds but also our
personalities to the point of being able to know everything and anything under the sun in just one
click. For instance, a student wants to learn about Igorot Tribe, he will be able to learn knowledge
with the use of Google. In addition, images that showcase other nations' beliefs are also available
on Youtube and can be virtually learned. Thus, watching television and other sites is a practical
method of learning that everybody can achieve.

In conclusion, acquiring skills and gathering significant details about foreign lands is best achieved
through travelling. However, not all people can afford the time, energy and expenses of going
abroad. Either way, let us not forget that at the end of the day, what really matters was the fact that
we learn. (Band Score 8)

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3. Fossil fuels coal oil and natural gases are the main sources in many countries but
some countries the use of alternative sources of energy wind energy solar energy are
encouraged. to what extent do you think it is a positive or negative development.

It is undeniable that usage of conventional energy like coal, oil and natural gases has become a
norm across the world. On the other hand, some countries are trying to adopt alternative sources
of energy which in my opinion is a positive development since it is pollution-free and cheap.

One of the main reasons why I think the utilisation of renewable energy is a positive trend is Eco
friendly. This is because solar and wind energy is produced with the help of sun and wind and
these do not emit hazardous pollutants into the air, which causes global warming, unlike fossil
fuels. To illustrate, most European countries like Finland and Denmark are on the top list of
pollution-free countries due to gradually shift from fossil fuels to alternative sources of energy.
For example, a recent study by the BBC news revealed that these countries generate 80% of their
energy from the wind turbine and solar panel farm. Apart from them, they have a successful
campaign for using cars on batteries and cycles for commuting, which do not contribute to any

Profoundly cheap installation is another positive impact of adopting alternative sources. To

elucidate, for the extraction of fossil fuels needs huge manpower, big machinery and expensive
tools for drilling, whereas, green energy requires a low amount for the installation of wind turbine
and solar panel. Take Bangladesh, as an example, where the government of Bangladesh has
installed solar and wind turbine in certain parts of its cities despite having low funds, resulting in
the fastest growing economy in the world.

In conclusion, although it is true that utilisation of fossil fuels is expeditiously accelerating, I think
the alternative source of energy like solar and wind should be encouraged because they are cheap
and Eco friendly and do not cripple the environment. (Band Score 6.5)

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4. Nowadays, some employers think that formal academic qualifications are more
important than life experience or personal qualities when they look for new
employees. Why in this case? Is a positive or negative development?

These days, when looking for potential employees, many companies claim that academic
credentials outweigh personal qualities and experience in life. This might result from subjective
perspectives of employers and can do more harm than good to their own enterprises.

To begin with, this situation might stem from the appreciation of the employers towards intelligent
candidates since a clever mind is usually associated with excellent working aptitude. Therefore,
most employers choose to look into the candidates’ degree as there is virtually nothing else that
can assess one’s intellectual ability more accurately than a degree. Furthermore, academic results
can also help the employers to define whether a candidate is hard-working. This is because a
student does not only need a brilliant mind but also has to go through a laborious process of
studying to achieve high scores in college. For instance, for optimal study results, that one has to
listen to every lecture in class, read additional materials and keep practicing over and over again
before examinations. Because of such qualities of a degree, it is deemed plausible why many
employers prioritize qualifications over other criteria.

However, despite the mentioned merits of academic qualifications, the employers can incur dire
consequences if they do not take other elements into consideration during the recruiting process.
Firstly, the companies may lose their opportunity to hire competent workers if they underrate the
importance of personal qualities and experience. To be specific, one might not have a good record
of academic results because they invest their time to perfect their communication skill, which can
help them to build sustainable rapport with customers, thus increase revenues for the company
they are working for. On the other hand, the employers can also run the risk of hiring inept
employees as high performance in academic context does not always promise high performance
in the work environment. Every year, there are an excessive number of employees who could not
fulfil the company requirements because of lack of practical knowledge even though they have an
excellent degree. Therefore, it is detrimental to assess one’s working ability based merely on their
academic performance.
In conclusion, although academic qualifications can have certain values, it should not be regarded
as the only and the most important factor to select the best workers. (Band Score 7.5)

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5. Scientists agree that people are damaging their health by eating too much junk
food. Some people think that the answer to this problem is to educate people. Others
think education will not work. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

These days, the fact that most people have a tendency to consume an enormous amount of junk
food is alarming as it can put their health into jeopardy in the future. Thus, it is imperative to
take some serious actions to prevent this from continuing. While some people are of the opinion
that education should be considered a key to tackle the problem, others hold the belief that
education is unlikely to be effective. Although I partly side with the former, this essay will
discuss both views.

Firstly, many people, especially the young, may underestimate the impacts that junk food can
exert on their bodies. It is evident that an excessive consumption of junk food may lead to some
kinds of diseases such as obesity, or even diabetes. Accordingly, if individuals are educated
about junk food’s dire consequences, they are more likely to refrain themselves from taking it. In
fact, nowadays, education may take place in many forms such as presentations, or pictures which
will be far more effective than the traditional way of learning.

However, there are some people who try to neglect junk food’s negative effects. One of the
reasons lies in the fact that it is faster and more convenient to eat junk food than to prepare a
meal. Besides, junk food is assumed to be delicious and reasonably priced. Moreover, the
immediate detrimental impacts of junk food are not manifest; as a result, people will find it not
urgent to start caring for their health. For these reasons, although individuals are educated about
ways to protecting themselves by putting an end to this pernicious eating habit, some of them
still cannot resist its temptation.

In conclusion, apart from education, collaborative efforts among government, schools and
individuals might be the optimal choice for this issue. (Band Score 6)

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1. Some people think that children should not be given toys as they distract them in
their studies, whereas others believe that toys always help them in their education.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion

Toys are divided into different types, which are both encouraging and sticking too much so
children's development by playing with toys affects to development of education. In this essay, I
completely describe that using playthings during school ages has advantages outweigh

On the one hand, childhood is an important period for learning something new and toys are the
main factor for children because a fundamental of study should start from simple to expert. I
would rather agree with this mention because learning should be step by step not at all children
can fast learn about something new. For example, if you want children to understand
mathematics, A-math is a good choice for teaching about plus or minus numbers. Moreover,
children can concentrate on their work and are interested. Therefore, parents should consider this
before making a purchase.

On the other hand, getting too involved with something is definitely bad, and so are toys. Due to
making children would not do anytime except playing toys. Consequently, unhealthy for them
because do not move their body for a long time. For instance, a research study shows that, on
average, a child spends five hours a day in playful activities, whereas only 2.5 hours in study.
Consequently, it leads to poor academic performance.

To conclude, in my opinion, if children are given toys, they spend more time playing than
studying and cannot do anything without favorite toys. However, they can learn better in this
playing period compared to the actual academic classes. (8 Band)

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2. Some people choose private health care centers rather than public service centers
what is your opinion?

In today's, world public is spending more money on private health care centres than public
centers because the infrastructure and the services provided by them are faster compared to
public health care moreover patients in government hospitals are huge in number so it's also
time-consuming. In the further paragraph, I'll be discussing which service is best and the reasons
for it.

To start in the private sector the doctors who treat the patients are well experienced and also
treatment is done via appointments so there will be less number of patients additionally the
doctor will spend some time to get know our problems in-depth for instance if we go into a
government hospital for a check-up then we need to wait for hours in order to meet the physician
but on the other hand, if we need to meet a private physician we have to book for the
appointment before and go at the time allotted to us in this process we won't waste time.

In contrast, private organisations charge more fees in order to meet the physician furthermore the
doctors there tell us to get diagnosed with certain check-up which is unwanted next to make a
surgery or even operation the bills reaches skys the service charges of this industry is very high
while compared to any other industry today.

To conclude in my point of view for a general health problem like cold and cough or fever then
it's better to visit a normal specialist but if the issue is serious then it's better to visit a private
hospital because they don't take days to diagnose.
(7 Band)

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3. Some people think that the best way to succeed in life is to get a university
education, while others disagree and say that it is no longer true nowadays. Discuss
both views and give your own opinions.

Before a few generations ago there is a belief that to become successful in life, it is necessary to
have tertiary education. In contrast, nowadays people have comprehended that having a degree is
not an essential thing to be successful in life. In my today's essay I am going to discuss this.

Before the novice technology boom most parents are keen on earning a university degree for
their children to be successful. They thought that having tertiary education is the paramount
achievement of life and it will automatically direct the next generation to their goals. In fact,
most of the countries provided free university education, which tends to drive most of the parents
into that idea. For instance, Asian countries like Sri Lanka, India provide free tertiary education
to the pupils who possess higher results in secondary education and many people believe that it is
a privilege. Nevertheless, parents directed their children to get advice and take them as examples
of those who were selected to the university as role models.

On the other hand, the whole globe is directed to self-employment and freelancing trend with
emerging technology. Because of this young generation can gain knowledge any time by
accessing the web. Namely, numerous resources can be found by using the internet which can do
self-study in most popular areas such as Programming and digital marketing. By referring to
these materials nowadays adolescents are becoming entrepreneurs by establishing business
ventures. To elaborate, in my country there is a group of youngsters who have established a
software company after their secondary education, which is running successfully and serving so
many business ventures by their products.

To sum up, getting a university degree is not an overwhelming achievement to become

successful in life. Besides, university life gives everyone unforgettable experiences in life, which
can not be achieved from anywhere. (8 Band)

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4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television has destroyed
communication among friends and family. Use specific reasons and examples to
support your opinion.

Some people believe that today's communication between friends and relatives has been made
worse by television. In this essay, I will discuss this topic taking into account reasons in support
and against this belief.
Firstly, in almost any family there is that one person that spend the majority of his time in front
of television, zapping through the channels and avoiding any contact with the other family
members. This habit can ruin not only our relationship with our parents or our siblings, but also
with our friends. Because of television, these people avoid going out and spend some time doing
some valuable activity with other people of their age. The consequences are obviously not good.
Isolation, loneliness and laziness cane make a person's life much more sad and difficult.
Socialize is one of the most fundamental things to do, especially when we are young, the age in
which we should make our most important friendships.

On the other hand, I don't believe that television only can be blamed for this condition that some
people unfortunately live. I grew watching television, but this never prevented me from also
going outside and play with my friends in the park. I think that family's role is very important in
educating, especially the young, to not spend too much time in front of a screen, because our
time is precious and we should spend it doing valuable activities with valuable people.

Finally, I believe that television cannot be considered as an evil instrument that make us lazy and
lonely people. If used well, TV could be also instructive, so it depends from us how we use it.
We should be able to understand if are watching too much television and consequently wasting
too much time of our life. (7.5 Band)

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5. Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every
subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree

Nowadays, education has become an egalitarian environment, in which everyone has the same
rights and the same opportunities. Some argue that it should be maintained the equal of the
genders in each lecture of universities. Personally, I totally disagree with this statement.

It is clear to note that the same amounts of man and woman students have some advantages.
Firstly, this action can be shown off an egalitarian society, in which everyone has the same
careers and the same power. For example, the woman can study for civil engineering as well as
the man. Secondly, the sustainability of the equal of the genders will improve the efficiency of
the study. If the class has many male, for example, the woman who attends this class will feel

However, the situation does more harm than good. It can be explained by many reasons. Firstly,
It is so difficult to maintain the class that has equal numbers of male and female. The especially
lecture only for male, for example, building up or fixing the electric equipment, then it is not
interesting with the female. Secondly, the student chooses the subjects that they are really
interesting to study than follow the guidelines of the universities. That is the reason why the
student feel uncomfortable if they will study the subject that they do not want to.

In conclusion, equal numbers of male and female in the subjects of universities is a great idea.
But in my opinion, it is so difficult to make it real. (6.5 Band)

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Discuss Both Views

1. In some countries online shopping is the gradually replacing in store shopping

some people say that this a positive trend while others argue that it is leading
negative impacts discuss both views and give your opinion.

There is no doubt, individuals enjoy to do shopping either way online shopping or offline.
However, some people believe that only internet shopping is the best way but on the opposite
side, some say it has a bad impact. In this essay, I will discuss both views and in my perspective,
visiting markets is more convenient than others.

To begin with, there are a plethora of reasons why markets is preferable. First of all, when
customer visit for shopping in the market they can actually experience the product which they
will be going to purchase ,therefore, they would have more satisfaction . Secondly, individuals
can get personalized recommendation from workers because when people are in a shopping mall
they get easily fumbled and they not able to choose one particular thing which they want
actually. Take an example of a survey conducted in India in 2010 which shows that majority of
people pleased with having face to face shopping.

On the other side, although, shopping malls have more benefits, one cannot ignore the drawbacks
of this as well. Indeed, visiting shopping centers is totally time-consuming and they may forget
actually purpose. For example, in a big bazaar, people who distracted by the different king of
attraction of things. Thereby, a lot of money spent by them on the product which they do not
need. in this way, actual purpose forgetting by them. At the same time, individuals are not able to
compare the brand which is best for them or not.

In conclusion, cyber shopping has been impacting everyone lives in both ways are negative as
well as positive. But in my view, offline shopping Centre better instead of others (Band Score 7)

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2. Recently most of the people showing their interest to migrate in cities rather than
villages and towns.
Discuss both sides and provide your conclusion.

It has been argued by many that there is a rising trend among people to shift towards the cities
instead of living in the towns and the villages. The city has more attraction because of an
increased job opportunities and more availability of the civic facilities, whereas the town and
villages are closer to the nature and simpler. In my opinion, I think that in this advanced era
migration towards cities is unavoidable as everyone wants to have a comfortable one.

On the one hand, every country has a rising trend to develop cities into business hubs and
industrial empires. Firstly, it will create more jobs for the individuals. Secondly, building of the
housing societies is increasing tremendously to provide shelter to the incoming families.
Furthermore, facilities like parks, hospitals, schools, markets, shopping complexes and other
recreational facilities are also made available in the cities. All these things attract more public
towards such places and increase the migration from the suburbs. For instance, according to a
recent research published the UK magazine of international affairs, there is an increase of 70% in
the population of the London and Leeds in the last 10 years.

On the other hand, the towns and villages are close to the natural resources. Firstly, there is less
pollution due to increased number of trees and fields. Secondly, pure food items like milk, fresh
vegetables and crops are available to the villagers. Moreover, due to the hustle free, people are
more closely connected to each other. All this makes living easier and free from worries. For
example, the inhabitants of the Switzerland prefer to live in the smaller towns rather than the big

To conclude, I think that it's a need of hour to lead a life which is comfy and fulfilling the basic
requirements of a human being, but it does not mean that the movement towards the cities should
increase. So, it's the responsibility of the state to distribute the resources to small places and
uplift them to create new centres of excellence. (Band Score 7.5)

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3. Some people feel that the effects of advertising are positive for individuals and
businesses, while others think they are negative. Discuss both sides and give your

It is clear that advertising has developed and widely used lately. However, it is thought that there
are some drawbacks for advertising, I believe it has many benefits for people and businesses. In
this essay, I will discuss both views and show my opinion.

On the one hand, advertising has some negative impacts. One of which is that it affects personal
judgment about a certain product. To illustrate, advertisements aim to stress on the bright side of
any product neglecting its advantages which, as a result, may lead to misleading the consumers.
Another reason is that some types of advertising can be misused as a ploy. For example,
Telemarketing, which has spread upon the evolution of cellphones, is being used by dishonest
companies who entice their victims with slick prices and delusive offers. Such companies
acquire bad reputation among people which, accordingly, may lead to their failure and
sometimes exposure to legal liability.

On the other hand, I think that advertising has many positives in favour of people and businesses
as well. This is because people now get to know where to find whatever they need easily and
rapidly by using advertisement. Moreover, competition between several companies of the same
service through offers and discounts pours into individual’s interests. Advertising has brought up
huge opportunities for unknown companies and businesses, especially, minor projects, to be able
to introduce themselves to their local communities and sometimes globally. Hence, their profits
might increase which helps the country’s economy flourish.

Overall, although advertising affects personal judgment and can be deceptive in some cases and
may end whole business, I wholeheartedly agree that it helps to decrease prices of services and
increase the profit of companies. (Band Score 7.5)

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4. Human activity has had a negative effect on plants and animal all over the world.
Some people think that it too late to do something about it. other think that there is
still time to take effective action. discuss both sides and give your opinion.
give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge or experience.

There is a contentious debate among the people arguing about human activity that is harming the
diversity of various plants and animals all over the world. Some think that it is now too late to do
something while other think that there is still time to implement an effective action. This essay
will discuss the possible reasons to support the answer with appropriate examples. Furthermore, I
opine that it is too late to take any action toward the conservation of certain species.

To begin with, the mass excavations performed by mining companies to extract fossil fuels are
one of the major reasons for the extinction of various species of animals and plants. Hence, the
animals are responsible for maintaining the wildlife ecosystem and plants were the basic needs to
sustain life at all the levels which also acted as the medicine for nearby living tribal peoples. For
instance, uncontrolled coal mining in West Bengal has led to the damage to Elephant Corridors.
Initially, The Corridor was the densest forest which was the source of and was the most preferred
place for Elephants to breed. The decline in more than half of its population was recorded in the
previous year which was surveyed by the Government of India. This up-rooted place will never be
used to serve the population of the elephants in future.

On the other hand, there is hope for reproducing ancient plants and animals again by performing
scientific research on the genes of various species. One of the technology referred to as
Hydroponics is used to grow various kinds of vegetables. As an experiment, this technology is
quite successful to fulfil the requirements of people living in urban areas which excludes the
intervention of the human a wildlife environment. For example, Europe is known for its artificial
forests as there was mass deforestation in the previous decade. Now with the advent of new
technology, the German began to grow the vegetables for themselves as the government has
imposed strict rules on forest resources.

In conclusion, I opine that it is impossible to regenerate the historical animals and plant species
because technology is not that advanced to replicate the plant species on the basis of genes even
in a suitable environment. (Band Score 6 )

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5. It has become very common for people to borrow money. Most people have a credit
card, a mortgage and often they will buy car on credit as well. Is this a good idea or
is it too risky?
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

The borrowing to fund has become much easier as compared to the past. Nowadays, there are
many banks, the institution which calls people to lend capital on the mortgage. Some people
consider it as a risky trade, while others have a positive view about it. In my opinion, it is not bad
to have a good deficit until and unless you are able to manage it effectively.

To begin with, many people consider taking loans, as a risky business. The reason for that is, there
have been many cases, in which, and individuals are not able to repay these loans on time and had
face pessimistic consequence. For instance, one of my friends had a handsome job with good salary
of Rs 50,000/-, so banks were offering him the loans, so my he took the total loan of Rs 2 Lakhs
which was having monthly due of Rs 35,000/- and suddenly he met with an accident and his job
was lost and ultimately he was in big liability as he was not able to repay it on time. Therefore,
from the above example, we can say that, buying things on credit, can be a dangerous thing to do.

On the other hand, having a mortgage is not at all a bad thing. If you are able to use that debt or
allowance for the right purpose with the proper planning and are able to earn profit from it, then it
helps you to grow. For example, I started my work in 2017, for that I acquired a mortgage of Rs
25 Lakh, as my field was of construction and things happened as planned and by working hard I
was able to earn good profit from my work, so at this moment of time, I am able to pay my loans
as well as I am able to earn profit and also able to grow my work. To sum up, getting the credit is
not a risky, if you have the proper plan and are using that credit to earn capital.

To conclude, In my opinion, taking a credit is considered risky or not, depends on many factors
like, for, what you are using that fund for, if you have any plans to use that fund wisely and a plan
to repay it back. Ultimately, if you consider all the above factors, acquiring a loan is not a risky
thing to do. (Band Score 9)

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Cause and Effect base writing essay

1. Too much outdoor lighting is a problem in many cities nowadays.

What are the causes and negative impacts of light pollution in cities?

In the modern world, it is true that the excessive outdoor lighting is causing numerous negative
effects on people who live in urban areas.

Advertising companies, for example, in order to boost the sales of their latest products, they put
advertisements on streets, buildings, skyscrapers and even highways. With strong lighting effects
on the advertisements, it may have detrimental impacts on drivers, citizens and pedestrian alike.
Another major cause is waring signs on roads and streets, as cities have a higher car accident rate
compared to town and village, it is necessary for governments and authorities to put warning
signs on and avoid more casualties. However, these signs reported by the driver will reflect light
during raining day and cause further accidents.

For the causes mentioned above, in terms of negative impacts for this phenomenon. Not only
drivers on highway, but also citizens live nearby the building or skyscraper will harm their eyes
easily because the lighting pollution. Furthermore, members of the city rarely have an
opportunity to appreciate the stars and the planets since only the brightest celestial objects are
visible. Finally, animals may be attracted to the light emitted from cities and this may interfere
with their migration routes and breeding patterns. For example, my city is full of white birds
called egrets which never seem to sleep as a result of the light pollution.

In conclusion, lighting pollution has a variety of causes and have severe consequences for both
humans and animals nowadays, and we should take steps to reduce it. (Band Score 8.5)

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2. In many countries, financial crimes involving identity theft is increasing. What are
the causes of this trend, and what effect does identity theft have on the victims
Give reasons for your answer, and provide ideas and examples from your own

In this technological, cybercriminals pose a threat against internet users by endangering their
victim's financial security. A wide variety of reasons simplifies their unethical act, like the
relaxation of law and lack of knowledge of people. In this essay, some of the causes and examples
will be discussed.

Thanks to the technological revolution, nowadays the number of tasks that can be done via the
internet has increased to a great extent. Gone are the days that individuals need to go to banks and
confirm their identity to access their bank account. These days, installing some bank related
application on cell phones enables users to manage their accounts at the home or at work just by
entering a few-digit password. But it is a two-edged swerved, as easy this way is for customers, if
they do not use some security application, any knowledgeable cyber-thefts can hack their account
and steal their money. That is why it seems to be necessary that any client must be taught to
improve the safety of their accounts. Take the old customers as an example, since they have a
lower level of knowledge related to this issue they are simple aims for criminals. On these
occasions, people may lose all of their storage in a second, and as a direct result of this, they can
not handle their life costs especially when they are retired and have no other source of income.

On the other coin’s side, high ranking officials must make stricter laws in order to deprive the
lawbreakers of committing crimes. Maybe higher fines or putting criminals in solitary cells tackle
these antisocial people from using some bugs and weak structure of some bank-related
applications. If harsher punishments were set for these kinds of crimes, black-hat hackers would
not be encouraged to break passwords and transfer other client’s money to their accounts.
Moreover, the government have to supervise on banks services and other financial organs and ask
them to improve the protection level of these kinds of applications. These companies should
introduce some firewall programs to detect all the fishing programs and stop them otherwise
ordinary individuals accounts will be too weak to tolerate strangers attracts and they easily will be
accessible. (Band Score 6)

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3. Nowadays many people complain that they have difficulties getting enough sleep.
What problems can lack of sleep? What can be done about lack of sleep?

At present, the sleeping pattern has been changed a lot. Many people grumble that they did not get
regular sleep. There are a few reasons why people have issues with a lack of sleep. However, some
solution that can be taken by a person to improve their sleep.

The predominant cause of this view that people are more involving in busy schedules such as work,
study, and many other things. To exemplify this, people are doing work in a double shift to earn
extra money that creates more burden in their life, they do not get proper time for sleep. Some
students take their study course more seriously as compared to other students. Especially, in the
examination, many students get pressure on them and do hard work to gain top position in the
class. All these lead to stress and anxiety that obviously affect their sleep routine. Moreover, spend
more time on social media. Nowadays, youngster and adult are busy on Instagram, Facebook, and
youtube. At night, more use cellphone effect on their eyes. For example, in scientific research,
people who use smartphone or laptop in a dark room has a negative impact on eyes and that makes
them awake more instead of sleep.

There are several ways to overcome disturbing sleep pattern. First, I feel that one of the best
methods is doing exercise, yoga, and meditation. If a person does one of them for 15-20 minutes
then it helps them a lot to get enough sleep at night. Therefore, this relieves anxiety and stress
which is why they get proper sleep. Second, maintain a healthy diet, people should eat dinner 2 to
3 hours before going to bed that causes the digestive system to rest which helps to get asleep.
Finally, the youngster should stop watching smartphone before bedtime. They should watch at
least one hour before bed.

To conclude, sleep is a necessity for all of us. People sacrifice their sleep to achieve something in
their life. They should maintain proper sleep that leads to a healthy life. (Band Score 7.5)

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4. In recent years, some countries have experienced very rapid economic

development. This has resulted in higher standards of living in urban areas but not
in the countryside.

What problems could this cause? How could these be reduced?

Boosting the national economy is something every government aims for, but there are some
problems that can arise with it. Life standards in the cities have seriously increased as a
consequence of the development, leading to a bigger gap between urban and rural populations. I
strongly believe this is an issue governments should attend to as it can provoke major levels of
inequality among citizens.

Superficial analysis might support the idea that economic improvements are always positive.
However, there are some issues that need to be addressed. Firstly, due to these developments city
life becomes significantly more expensive, leading to a bigger socio-economic gap between urban
and rural people. For example, the chances of countryside youngsters attending prestigious
universities will severely be affected as students fees will probably increase. As a consequence,
graduates will not have the same work opportunities. In addition, high standards of life might
attract more people to urban areas, increasing pollution with overcrowded cities.

The government is the main responsible for attending to this matter and there are some clear actions
that can be taken to avoid increasing economic inequality. On one side, subsidies and financial
benefits can be given to the poor for them to have the same opportunities as the rest of the
population. For example, university scholarships and transport free passes can be implemented so
the economy does not become a reason for not accessing top education. On the other hand,
governments should also encourage the rural way of life, probably by offering incentives and
investing in quality infrastructure. If life in the countryside is also attractive, fewer people might
consider moving to the city.

In summary, although economic development is a clear goal for any government, rural areas
should not be left behind for those improvements. In order to avoid inequality between urban and
regional areas, governments should invest and promote life in the countryside and give everyone
the same opportunities. (Band Score 6.5)

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5. Obesity in children is a serious problem in a number of countries.

What are the causes of obesity in children?
Discuss the possible alarming effects of this problem in the future.

Obesity is perceived as an unhealthy over weight condition occurs only in adult life. However, in
recent years the number of children suffering from obesity has grown significantly all across the
globe. This essay sheds some lights on various agents behind the obesity in adolescents and their
weighty effects.

To begin with, it is medically proven that imbalanced diet and a sedentary lifestyle are two major
factors that causes fatness in the minors. First of all, children, enjoys consuming unhealthy high
calorie fast foods and aerated drinks, which are full of harmful lipids, amino acids and sugar. With
the ease of availability, they tend to repeatedly consume such junk food and become stout.
Additionally, most of the youngsters have a very lethargic lifestyle unlike earlier days. For
instance, they spend most of their time on computer games or indoor activities than sports or any
physical exercise.

As a consequence, they suffer from numerous physical and mental health problems which should
be addressed the earliest possible. Firstly, obesity results due to incorrect functioning of the human
body and contribute to the risk of developing some chronic illnesses. For example, as body fat
percentage increases, the person’s metabolism worsens, which in turn may result in diabetes or
heart diseases. Secondly, overweight children are very unhealthy and often suffer from stress and
tiredness. This lessens their work efficiency and results in lower productivity. To illustrate, an
obese needs to put more effort to complete a task than a person with normal BMI.

To summarize, obesity is a chronic health issue that affects a large youngster nowadays. It’s mainly
caused by an inactive lifestyle and eating disorders and results in acute health problems and loss
of productivity.

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Advantages and Disadvantage base writing essay

1. Nowadays governments are investing more in public transport such as buses and
trains rather than in building new roads. Do the advantages outweigh the

In this era, transportation has become a key factor for day-to-day activity. The government are
investing more and more in public transports such as buses and trains. However, the advancement
of highways and public roads is declining every day. In this essay, we will discuss which factor
has the upper hand.

Firstly, it is a good sign that government is investing in buses, trains and metros, this has increased
the revenue of the nation. Secondly, the cost of travelling is cheap compared to the other means of
personal transit like a car, bike, etc. Finally, the area connectivity is so good that people can travel
anywhere, anytime. For example, In India new railways are launched, it is called "Express
movement", it covers the distance of 500kms in just 3 hours, which is humanly impossible in a
personal vehicle and road connectivity. Adding to this point, the development has also resulted in
less pollution and less traffic.

On the other hand, people say that roadways are not being funded by national bodies, it is true in
most of the countries. There are many scraps road with so many potholes and cracks, it becomes
difficult for the public to go out with their own vehicles. Most of the internal business affairs are
conducted through roadways. For example, the movement of petroleum products, agricultural
products, etc. The underdevelopment has also affected these businesses.

Overall, every means of transport play a very important role in every demographics of the world.
However, I would say the development of society transport over roadways is beneficial because it
increases income for the national bodies to run the nation and this income will directly or indirectly
help in the improvement of roads as well.

In conclusion, people should make use of the facilities provided by the parliament and by doing
this we are encouraging the development of the country. Definitely road movement is also
important but the advantages of parliament developed transport outweigh the advantages of roads.
(Band Score 7.5)

WhatsApp No. 01956-165432

2. In some countries, secondary schools provide students with an opportunity to learn

skills such as cooking, basic repairs, drawing and woodwork. What are the
advantages and disadvantages of teaching such non-academic classes in school?

It is a controversial issue about secondary education whether teaching non-cognitive skills are
essential or not for students. In my point of view of this issue, it has merits and demerits.

One advantage of acquiring practical techniques is often useful in case of emergency. Especially,
in terms of a big-scale earthquake would occur, people are forced to live by themselves not relying
on top-notch home appliances and technologies. In Japan, during Kobe Earthquake which occurred
in 1995, over ten thousand people kept evacuating from their houses and living in a shelter for
several weeks. In such inconvenient life situations, cooking, repairing and DIY which students
used to learn in their secondary school would be helpful

However, one of the main disadvantages of teaching practical skills in schools is affected on a
shortage of labour force in the educational field. Teachers have to be familiar with these skills in
addition to major academic subjects. According to an international investigation, it reports that
some teachers overwork more than 100 hours in 1month caused their amount of work is too much,
teaching classes, attending faculty meetings, and checking out each student’s homework. From
thinking about the recent hard work, it does not make sense for teachers to prepare for the extra

In conclusion, learning about daily life skills through a class has positive and negative effects, but
the importance of learning these skills would outweigh the disadvantages because of the
development of the perception of reality in children. To reduce a teacher’s workload, it needs to
collaborate with local communities and companies as an instructor instead of educational
institutions. Creating new educational opportunities for students would broaden students'
knowledge and also improve teachers' work-life balance. (Band Score 7)

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3. In many countries women are allowed to take maternity leave from their jobs
during the first few months after the birth of their baby. Do advantages outweigh

In many nations, maternity leave has gradually been considered an appropriate measure for the
welfare of female employees. However, some people believe that this action has some drawbacks,
while I think this measure is beneficial for mothers and their newborn babies.

On the one hand, the maternity leave policy does have some negative impacts on companies. It is
because the company needs to either get their colleagues to fill this position or hire new staff to
ensure the daily operations are not impaired. However, it is hard to make the staffing adjustment.
Meanwhile, the companies are required to offer paid maternity leave to new mothers. Although
extensive cooperation can afford it, a smaller company with only a few workers cannot compete.
Furthermore, it is a significant challenge regarding new mothers. To be precise, when mothers
return to work, they will not be up-to-date with recent developments in the enterprises.
Consequently, it may affect their careers to some extent.

On the other hand, the advantages of leaves of absence from works temporarily due to childbirth
are more critical and should be taken into consideration. First and foremost, this measure is
beneficial to mental and physical health both for mothers and infants. Giving birth is considered a
challenging moment that takes females many physical and emotional energies. Hence, women
need adequate time to have a rest for recovering. Moreover, mothers who take extended leave are
allowed to spend much quality time with their newborns, which positively impacts early child
development. Specifically, a new baby does not have an excellent immune system. Therefore,
breastfeeding is recommended as the best source of nutrition and hydration for babies. Hence, give
birth leave is vital for new mothers.

In conclusion, despite some demerits of this action, I believe pros are overshadowed cons. (Band
Score 7)

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4. International tourism has brought enormous benefit to many places. At the same
time, there is concern about the impact on local inhabitants and the environment.

It is undeniable that foreign travel is a growing industry these days and thus international tourism
has brought many benefits to local places. However, various negative matters stem from this too.
There are disadvantages and advantages on both sides which we will discuss here.

On the one hand, possibly one of the main negative majors is the increase in travel worldwide
affects not only the natives but also the surroundings. For example, the more tourists in one place,
the more populated in that area. It might not seem a massive issue but unfortunately, it is the locals
who suffer the most. This is because, in order to provide proper facilities to visitors, the residents
get less basic needs of water and food. Furthermore, with the rise of population, the likelihood of
public places being filled up with trash.

On the other hand, it helps in creating different employment opportunities for a wide range of
people, for instance, hotel staff, tour guides, crafty shops and so on. For example, more travelers
consequently result in an increase in the purchase of local art and goods which leads to a huge
inflow of money. And the income from tourism supports the country’s financial needs which can
be used to invest in infrastructure. In addition, the promotion of the local traditions and culture
increase as the visitors take photos and post them on social media.

In conclusion, there are no doubt that foreign travelling gives a variety of positive benefits
despite its many disadvantages. It can also seem that the number of advantages associated
with tourism easily outweighs the other. (Band Score 8.5)

WhatsApp No. 01956-165432

5. Many students choose to study at colleges and universities that are far away from
the places where they grew up. Do the benefits outweigh the drawbacks?

At present, it has become a problem that the owners of copyright materials lose money because
their materials are freely available on the internet. While there might be people of the opinion that
this is a good thing, I strongly believe that it's an inappropriate sort of thing and condemn such an

I see two significant problems, such as copyright infringement can lead to. First of all, every usage
of copyright materials should be paid. This is because the owner of such a property invested his
time and efforts to create the material and to ignore his copyright means robbing his money.
Consequently, if society allows such a kind of crime, people will get used to a minor one and there
will be a possibility that in the future individuals will commit more severe ones.

Secondly, new materials don't appear, resulting in a worse experience as a consumer. For example,
without receiving a sum of money as expected, due to copyright infringement, creators don't will
to produce new materials. As a result, the end-user has a worse user experience. All in all, no one
has benefits in a long term with such an approach, neither copyright owners, nor individuals who
commit such a crime.

To conclude, it's a real challenge for our society to address the problem of unauthorized usage of
music, books, and films on the internet. I am convinced that such an issue is a bad thing and hope
that with the appropriate attitude from governments as well as from individuals this problem will
be solved in the nearest future.


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