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1. What do you mean by De Stalinization?

Ans. De-Stalinization was the process started by Nikita Khrushchev, of discrediting and then
reforming the policies of Joseph Stalin.
2. When did De-Stalinization begin from?
Ans. 25th Feb, 1956
3. Give the Significance of De-Stalinization?
4. What do you mean by ‘detente’?
Ans. Détente” is a French term which means release from tension.
It is the relaxation of strained relations, especially political, by verbal communication.
5. When did détente begin from?
Ans. 1971
6. Give the Significance of détente?
Ans. Trade and cooperation increased between USA and the Soviet Union and the signing of the
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) treaties took place between the two countries.
7. During whose period did détente start?
Ans. During US president Richard Nixon and Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev.
8. When was Israel formed?
Ans. 14th May, 1948
9. Mention two reasons for the deterioration of Arab-Israeli relations?
Ans. The partition of Palestine and the creation of Israel became the main reason of contention
between the Arabs and the Jews. The border dispute between the two countries.
10. What do you mean by the Suez Crisis?
Ans. The Suez Crisis was an invasion of Egypt in late 1956 by Israel, followed by the United
Kingdom and France.
11. What is the full form of PLO?
Ans. Palestine Liberation Organization
12. When was PLO formed? Who led the PLO?
Ans. 1964, Yasser Arafat
13. When did the Yom Kippur War take place?
Ans. 6th October, 1973
14. What was the significance of the battle of Yom Kippur?
15. What do you mean by ‘Yom Kippur'?
16. When and between whom did the Camp David Accord take place?
17. When and between whom was the Oslo Accord signed?
18. Mention the names of leaders who led the process of de-colonization in Ghana, Congo, Algeria
and Kenya. Which country, when was liberated from whose control?
19. Write the names of two leaders of the Civil Rights Movement?
20. What do you mean by the Civil Rights Movement?
21. In protest of what the Civil Rights Movement was formed?
22. Mention two examples of the success of the Civil Rights Movement?
23. When did the American Civil War take place?
Ans. 12th April, 1861
24. Who was the US President during the American Civil War?
Ans. Abraham Lincoln
25. Mention one of the causes of American Civil War, which is deeply rooted in the civil Rights
26. What do you mean by the Anti-Apartheid Movement?
27. What do you mean by the word ‘Apartheid' ?
28. Write the name of a leader of the Anti-Apartheid movement?
Ans. Nelson Mandela
29. What is Apartheid?
30. When did Apartheid start and end?
Ans. 1948 to 1994
31. What do you mean by the ‘second wave of feminism’?
32. Mention two names of pioneers of the second wave of feminism?
33. Why is the second wave of feminism called the ‘second'? What was said before this wave? (i.e.
first wave)
34. Write two significance of the second wave of feminism?

35. Who and When was the Comecon and Cominform created ?
36. What was the Warsaw Pact?
37. When and with which countries was the NATO formed? Where was it signed?
38. What do you mean by ‘Glasnost' and ‘Perestroika’? Who adopted these principles and when?
39. What do you mean by ‘Globalization’?
40. What is the full form of IMF and WTO?
Ans. IMF =
WTO = World Trade Organization
41. Who was Mao Zedong?
42. What do you mean by the ‘Long March'?
43. Who was Chiang Kai Shek?
44. When and under whose leadership was the People’s Republic of China formed?
45. What do you mean by Berlin Blockade? When did it happen?

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