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Transfer of Training:

According to crow crow:

“The carry-over of habits of thinking, feeling, or working of knowledge or of skills, from one
learning area to another usually is referred to as the transfer of training.”
Types of Transfer of training
Positive transfer:
In this case, the past learning of one subject or activity facilitates the learning of another subject
or activity. A sportsman playing football plays volley-ball as nicely. A bus-driver can drive a
truck also equally efficiently.
Zero Transfer:
When learning of one activity neither facilitates or hinders the learning of another task, it is a
case of neutral transfer.There may be zero transfer between language and mathematics.
Negative transfer:
When learning of one task makes the learning of another task harder- it is known as a negative
transfer. For example, Left-hand drive vehicles hindering the learning of right-hand drive.
Bileteral transfer:
Where the learning of one skill is transferred from one limb to the other e.g. a footballer learning
to pass with their left foot when they have previously learned this skill with their right foot.
There are two modern theories of Transfer of training:
1.Theory of identical component:
E.L. Thorndike has developed this theory According to this theory learned response in one
situation may benefit the learner in another situation, if there are common elements in it.
Examples :
1.Car Driving Bus Driving
2.A student who acquires good expression and style in writing in one language can be as good a
writer in another language he learns.
2.Theory of Generalisation:
Charles Judd has gone a step further in propounding this theory. He accepts the common element
theory but gives further explanation that transfer takes place because the pupil learns to acquire
some broad principles or generalisations which he applies in a number of situations with
common elements. The attitudes, skill and abilities are transferred only when these are
systematised and related to many situations wherein these can be utilised.
Example : a child may be tidy in the school for fears of punishment, but he may be untidy at
home. Transfer can take place from school situation to home (or vice-versa) if the child full
grasps the principle of tidiness, and gains a complete view of the principle.
The factors that influence the transfer of training are:
1) the trainees’ Characteristics, such as cognitive ability and motivation to learn;
2) the training design, such as training content and instructional method; and
3) the work environment, such as Supervisory and peer support, and organizational culture.

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