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My dear Stephani;

I hope you find it very well, more than today, I writing to you with a purpose, to tell you about
me. I'm a strong woman, determined, and desire superation but in have many things that
better like to be the way to see much moments of “negative aspect”. I say that by seeing the
reality of things, I am realistic. Sometimes I am very direct when speaking with people and that
causes me occasionally problems. Not everyone likes frankness, I have to learn to be more
careful. When read this I hope already graduated and become you have wanted to learn
English your dream since child. It's hard for me right now because the teacher said I should
improve my speaking English for what is required in level one, I feel very sad 😭 and
disappointed but I do not give up, I will work hard to pass the class and see myself to the end
in level 4 that is my goal. But it does not end at level 4 my goal is to graduate and be able to
teach English and I have faith that you are already there teaching English to those who can not
pay to learn this important language. We will see each other there with the same perseverance
that has characterized us.

I love you!

You from the pass.

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