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Fomat Review Journal

Nama/NIM Ummi Khaira / 153114264

Tanggal 04 Oktober 2018
Topik Review of marketing strategy journals

Penulis Vikash, dan Vinod Kumar

Tahun 2017
Judul A Study on Consumer Perception Toward Online Shopping
Jurnal Journal of Business and Management
Vol & Halaman Vol:19
Halaman : 32-35

Landasa Teori The theoretical basis of the research in this journal is that there
are several studies conducted by Aggarwal (2013) found that
online shopping is directly affected through various factors
like age, gender, education and income and shows that there is
strong relationship between age and attitude towards online
shopping. And Azadavar (2011) studied that many factor have
influence from online shopping. The causal model explains
that Trust and customer service have greatly positive impact
on online shopping and security, price, information, trust, and
convenience are very important in online shopping.
Metode The present study is descriptive in nature as it seeks to study
the consumer perception regarding online shopping in
Kurukshetra of Haryana. In the present study, a sample size of
100 consumers has been taken from Kurukshetra and primary
data has been collected through structured questionnaire .Data
has been analyzed with the help of factor analysis.

Subyek The subjects in this study were kurukshetra consumers

Manipulasi/rekayasa -
Instrumen -
Hasil From the results of the journal This research is an attempt to
find out people's perceptions of online shopping. Because the
survey results concluded that customers see online shopping
with a positive frame of mind. Various consumer perceptions
on the basis of factor analysis indicate the emergence of
various factors related to online shopping. The first factor that
emerges from that statement is quality. In online shopping,
customers cannot touch and view products before buying.
Therefore, the quality of purchasing products through online
shopping is a major concern and marketers must ensure that
the quality of products delivered to customers is in line with
customer expectations and must fulfill what they promise. The
results of the study supported that the customers perceive
online shopping with positive frame of mind and show that the
emergence of various factors pertaining to online shopping.
Kekuatan dan Kelemahan Strengths:
- The journal explains clearly and completely starting
from the introduction or background to the conclusion.

- do not use instruments or analytical tools in the journal
so that this journal is less efficient

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