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LESSON 1 Understanding Instructional Resources

Guided Practice

A. Preliminary Activity: Find answers to the following questions.

1. Does the school have library facilities?
Yes, the school has library facilities.

2. Does the library contain textbooks and other reference materials?

Yes, the library contains textbooks, math books, English, history and
other reference materials.

3. Do teachers and students have access to the library resources?

Yes, both teachers and students have access to the library resources
and students take permission from his/her adviser first before he/she
can borrow books from the library.

4. Do teachers have a copy of the K to 12 curriculum guides?

Yes, they have a copy of K-12 curriculum guides.

5. Do teachers have a copy of the teacher's guide?

Yes, teachers have a copy of the teacher's guide.

6. Do teachers have access to the Internet?

Yes, teachers have access to the internet in school.

7. Do teachers have access to technology tools?

Yes, definitely have access to technology like printers and TVs.

8. Does the school provide training of teachers in the use of varied

instructional resources?
Yes, the school provides training for teachers in using varied
instructional resources.

B. Request permission to conduct an interview with teachers. Identify the

instructional resources used by teachers in teaching and learning.
1. What are the types of instructional resources used by teachers to
motivate learners about the lesson?
Most of the classrooms have television, a laptop is also used and
sometimes the modules and teacher-made activity sheets video
lessons, and some Math applications are through phones.
2. What are the types of instructional resources used by teachers in the
delivery of the content of the lessons?
The same instructional materials are mentioned above, but in terms of
content alone, she prepared PowerPoint on the laptop is commonly
3. What types of instructional resources are used by teachers in the
assessment of students' academic performance?
She uses activity sheets and sometimes mini-boards for group quizzes.
If applicable to the specific section, an online assessment will be done
through a cellphone.
4. What are the types of resources used by teachers in practical
In her Math class, the board is enough to do some board work aside
from their individual notebooks.


Review the data you have gathered carefully. Answer the following questions:

1. How essential is the use of varied instructional resources to teaching

and learning?
Using a variety of teaching resources is essential to good teaching and
learning. The term "variety of instructional resources" describes the
wide range of supplies, equipment, and techniques that teachers
employ to help students learn. Based on the data I collected,
instructional resources have a great impact on students because not
only students can benefit but also the teachers it will improve the
teaching and learning process together with the relationships matter.
Moreover, varied instructional resources provide opportunities to
address these differences, ensuring that the needs of visual, auditory,
kinesthetic, and other types of learners are met.
2. Aside from the K to 12 Curriculum Guide and Teachers' Guide, what is
the most essential instructional resource?
Apart from the K–12 Curriculum Guide and Teachers' Guide, one of the
most important teaching aids is a good textbook or set of learning
materials. In order to enhance classroom instruction and give students
the information and direction they need, these resources are essential.
3. In the absence of available instructional resources, what is the best
thing that a teacher should do to support teaching and learning
Learning materials provide a structured plan for substitute teachers in
the absence of the regular classroom teacher. They offer a guide for
maintaining continuity in instruction.


Write your reflection by completing the following statements:

 I realized that instructional resources are important to students who

enter classrooms with varying levels of prior knowledge and skill.
Varied resources allow teachers to differentiate instruction by providing
materials that offer different levels of challenge or support, ensuring
that all students can access the content.
 I believe it is essential to recognize their diversity to fit what
instructional resources I will give to them. For the purpose of
developing a dynamic and welcoming learning environment that caters
to the various requirements of students, a variety of instructional tools
must be used. It promotes differentiation, increases interest, and
creates a more thorough and significant learning process.

 From now on, I am determined to enhance these resources by

incorporating a variety of instructional strategies, technology, and
additional materials to create a rich and dynamic learning experience.
However, learning materials can serve as a foundation for the creation
of additional instructional resources.

LESSON 2 Educational Researches and Literatures

Guided Practice

A. Preliminary Activity. Look for research journals and literatures that can
be used as instructional resources for your chosen field of
specialization or major. Write down your answers in the columns
provided on the next page:


Name of Author's Year Published Title of the Publisher City of

(write N.D. if Book Publication
there is no date

Name of Author's Year Published Title of the Publisher City of

(write N.D. if Research Publication
there is no date

B. Request permission to conduct a survey. Request teachers to help you

identify resources where you can access education research and
literatures. Write down your answers below:

“According to Ma’am Pelegrino, the school has a library and computer

laboratory but due to conveniences, they do not opt to use mobile phones
and do some research on Google, YouTube, and some other websites like
Brainly and Chat GPT”.
C. Find answers to the following questions:
1. Do teachers use educational research journals and literatures to
support the teaching and learning activities?
The teacher stated that sometimes she lets them search for the
assignment and performance tasks like trivia, etc. Other activities also
can serve as their reference not to totally copy the output of that
video/journal but just to support or give them ideas on what to do.

2. What are the challenges faced by teachers in using educational

research and literatures?
She mentioned that maybe the student's lack of research skills and
knowledge leads them to a wrong interpretation, answer, definition, and
output. Another is the number of students who can only access this
kind of support and some students who lack of initiative to find a
solution to this gap can’t access it because there are many ways to do
research even without money and a phone, it’s just their passivity to in

3. Does the school promote the use of research-based materials and

textbooks to support instruction?
Yes, the school promotes the use of research-based materials and
textbooks to support instruction. It helps them to have a quality
education and it is beneficial for their students.

4. Are the teachers' instructional plans informed by research?

Yes, the teacher's instructional plans are informed by research. Doing
research can improve their instructional methods.


Review the data you have gathered. Answer the following questions:

1. How do educational research and literatures help improve the content

of the lesson?
You can become more strategically aware in your teaching and
leadership by understanding the local, regional, and national
professional and policy environments through the use of educational
research and literature. Besides, research literature informs educators
about the latest advancements and best practices in teaching and
2. How do educational researches and literatures differ from other types
of instructional resources?

The nature, goal, and intended use of educational research and

literature are different from those of other forms of instructional
resources. Instructional resources are created with the intention of
being used directly by students and teachers in the learning process.
They are often designed to be accessible, user-friendly, and aligned
with curriculum objectives.

3. How do teachers benefit from using these types of instructional

Teacher benefits from utilizing these types of instructional resources
through more advantageous and capable of handling and facilitating
the students. educational research and literature serve as foundational
knowledge that informs educational practices and policies, while other
instructional resources are tools and materials directly applied to the
teaching and learning process.


Write your reflection by completing the following statements:

 I realized that the use of educational research and literature is to inform

instructional practices. It may draw on research findings to implement
evidence-based teaching strategies, understand learning theories, and
stay informed about trends and advancements in education. The more
we engage in educational research the more we learn new things that
will help and gather information through these resources.
 I believe it is essential to embrace and adapt educational research and
literature because it fosters the materials and tools used for teaching
and learning. During the teaching and learning process, instructional
resources are directly utilized. They are used by educators to organize
classes, present material, direct exercises, and gauge students'
comprehension. Students use these resources to practice and learn
new skills.

 From now on, I am determined to engage with educational research

and literature because a dedication to lifelong learning is necessary for
both teachers and learners. It equips educators and leaders with the
knowledge and skills necessary to make wise choices, adjust to shifting
educational environments, and support ongoing systemic
enhancements at all levels. However, educational research
emphasizes the importance of data-driven decision-making.
LESSON 3 Digital Media Resources

Guided Practice

A. Preliminary Activity. Conduct a survey of digital media used by

teachers in teaching and learning activities. Write your answers below.

B. Perform the following activities.

Based on my experiences in creating a short video clip about Factoring

Polynomials using my mobile phone, I experienced the quality of the camera too
much lighting, and the full storage of my phone, and not satisfying the result.
Besides, makes a hard time for me to edit my output because it's too hard to
touch and lag. It was a satisfying experience to make this video. In addition to
giving me the chance to try out some new teaching techniques, it gave the pupils
an engaging and unique educational experience. Students' grasp of ecosystems
deepened as a result of the lesson's vivid presentation made possible by the
incorporation of ICT tools. In upcoming classes, I'm excited to investigate ICT's
potential in more detail.
1. Create a short video clip about a specific lesson using ICT tools. Write
your experience in creating the video in the space provided below:
2. Prepare presentation slides regarding a specific topic using PowerPoint
or other presentation software. Describe the process of creating
presentation slides.

There are various processes involved in creating presentation slides, and the
process might change according to the audience, content, and purpose. The
process of creating my presentation slides are the following:
 Determine who your target audience is and then create content that speaks to
their needs and interests.
 Describe Your Content in Brief.
 Select a Template for Design that is visually appealing and choose
appropriate slide layouts.
 Presentation of the Topic/Title then after revealing the objectives.
 Content slides make clear and concise language.
 Providing the target audience an examples that met the learning outcomes.
 After, I do rehearse, review, and edit my presentation.
 Lastly, I seek feedback from my friends then finalize and save. Present with
This process will help you build a visually beautiful and well-structured
presentation that will effectively convey your content to your audience.

3. Visit the DepEd Learning Portal through Check and observe how the
learning portal is designed. Describe your experience in accessing
information from the portal. Write down your observation below.

I can’t be able to access the link given, it says that “This site can’t be reached”.

4. Using Google or other search engines, look for Open Educational

Resources online and try to download an e-book. List down the
websites where you downloaded the materials below.
These are the websites where I am able to download the materials:

Review the data you have gathered carefully. Answer the following questions:

1. How does digital media impact student learning?

It has a big impact on us as students it can increase engagement in
digital media and more learning gathered. Additionally, a better
foundation for teaching kids with conditions like autism and ADHD can
be found with digital learning. It makes for a far more adaptable
atmosphere where students can still receive their full education even in
the event of changes. Hence, technology provides students with instant
access to a vast amount of information and resources.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using digital media in

teaching and learning? Write down your answers below:

Advantages Disadvantages

 Quick and easy access to  It may be distracting to

information students
 Helps in making PowerPoint  it may make cheating easier
Presentation  Prone of addiction to digital
 Provide immediate feedback media
 Offer interactive learning  Creating fake accounts and
experiences sending threats or bullying can
 Produce smooth communication ruin the mental health of
and collaboration with other students.
people  Some websites can be harmful
 Learners use of materials can or risky for students
be monitored  Digital devices can be a
 Flexibility for academics source of distraction for
 Ease of uploading/downloading students
materials needed for the  may lack the face-to-face
teaching and learning process social interaction
 Standardized learning  access to electricity can
 Develop extra knowledge disrupt the learning process.
 Very effective for learning  Spreading fake information

 More appealing over traditional and misusing multimedia

work platforms

Other comments:

Digital platforms enable adaptive learning experiences, allowing educators to

tailor content to individual student needs and pace. Regardless matter where
they are, teachers and students can interact and communicate more
successfully thanks to digital tools. Students' social skills are developed,
teamwork is encouraged, and the learning process is improved through this
collaboration. Always remember to use the right tools or digital media
resources that provide meaningful learning experiences for students and can
lead to the right learning goals.


Write your reflection by completing the following statements:

 I realized that usage of the internet and digital tools allows students to
explore various subjects, conduct research, and access educational
materials that may not be available in traditional textbooks. When used
properly, digital learning resources can increase student interest, help
teachers create more engaging lesson plans, and facilitate
individualized instruction. Hence, it also aids in the development of
critical thinking abilities in pupils.

 I believe it is essential to be a creative and skillful educator in terms of

presenting materials or activities that are attractive and can relate to
your learners. Basically, there are some benefits of using digital media
it sharpens students' problem-solving by watching tutorial videos,
increases collaboration, allows them to meet new friends online, and
better communication.

 From now on, I am determined to take seriously in creating PowerPoint

presentations and in using digital media properly and effectively. By
doing that you have a safer and more productive learning environment,
which will lead to a harmonious relationship between the teacher and
the learners. Moreover, with the use of digital tools that mirror real-
world situations, students can gain hands-on experience and get ready
for the demands of their future employment.
LESSON 4 Graphic Organizers as Resources for Visual

Guided Practice

A. Find answers to the questions indicated in the following forms of

graphic organizers.
1. Tables can be used for brainstorming and the assessment of learners'
prior knowledge about the topic.

Topic: Graphic Organizers

List anything that comes in your mind about the topic:

 Integrating both visual and text from the learning experience of the
 Represent the relationship between concepts, ideas, or information
 There are various types such as mind maps, Venn diagrams,
concept maps, and flow charts.
 It can be created on paper or using different digital tools and
 It is planning and organizing student's insight and understanding of
the given situation or topic.

How will you use graphic organizers in teaching?

 By letting my students share their ideas and thoughts about the
specific topic.
 I can use it in the teaching field across various subjects and grade
levels to improve understanding and organization.
 When guiding students through the process of addressing problems,
use graphic organizers.
 By summarizing the main points after a lesson or reading assignment
to help identify key concepts.
 When assessing the understanding of students of a subject, use
graphic organizers.

What do you think are the benefits of using graphic organizers?

 Letting them take notes while reading or during lectures by using a
graphic organizer.
 They can easily understand and find the important details of the
 Assist students in drawing comparisons and contrasts between
ideas, concepts, historical figures, and other connected topics.
 Organize your thoughts, ideas, information and concepts.
 Support students in putting their ideas and thoughts into an
organized framework, which helps them comprehend a subject more
clearly and coherently.

2. Using the Venn diagram below, identify the advantages of using

graphic organizers compared to other forms of instructional resources.

Advantages of Graphic Organizer

 Increase reading
 Facilitate cognitive process
 Improves critical thinking
 Improves creative skills
 Compare and contrast ideas
 Expand vocabulary
 Enhance organizational skills

Draw a concept map about graphic organizers. Identify the benefits of using
graphic organizers in student learning.

Comprehension Promotes Inquiry-
Based Learning

Organization ORGANIZER Develop
Study Skills

Facilitate Critical-
Promotes Active

Concept Map


Write your reflection by completing the following statements:

 I realized that it is essential to use a graphic organizer as a resource
for visual presentation, it helps students see connections, relationships,
and patterns. Aside from we can benefit from it which will help anchor
information in the mind and aid memory retention.

 I believe it is essential to use graphic organizers in the classroom can

improve student learning in general by increasing accessibility to
difficult content and encouraging a deeper comprehension of it. By
using graphic organizers, students learn how to approach and
comprehend various topics and become more conscious of the ways in
which they think.

 From now on, I am determined to apply graphic organizers in my

methods of teaching because it will improve the reading
comprehension and writing skills of my future students. Allowing
students to use it when taking some notes about new information in a
lesson to organize ideas. Moreover, help young people with narrowing
their attention so they can write, plan, and make decisions.
LESSON 5 Teacher-made Instructional Resources

Guided Practice

A. Conduct a survey of instructional resources developed and produced

by teachers. List down your answers below.

According to her, she hasn’t been so active on her YouTube channel for some
Math content and she’s also part of the TVBI in the DepEd Davao de Oro in which
she prepared and produced video lessons in Mathematics subject. Another is the
teacher-made activity sheets, summative tests, and PowerPoint for everyday

B. Describe how teacher-made resources are developed.

Well, first of all, based on her by knows and analyzes the audience as well as the
context and then defines your goals and objectives. Organize the flow of the
content, develop, and design materials/activities that are suited and accessible to
the learners. Evaluate the materials after and change if there is some trouble or if
is it convenient.

C. Identify the challenges faced by teachers in developing and producing

teacher-made resources.

The very common challenge she thinks of as a Math teacher is the way we input
all the formulas and solutions technically. Another is the design of the materials if
it is attractive enough to encourage the learners to view and use them. Moreover,
the last challenge and the very important one is the effectiveness of the materials
you need to think ahead about the results of using them.

Review the data you gathered carefully. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the primary consideration in developing and producing teacher-

made resources?
I think is the aligning teacher-made resources with student needs and
learning objectives is the primary consideration in their development.
To ensure that they improve student knowledge and accomplishment,
teachers' materials should be directly aligned with the curriculum's
goals and results. Besides, ensuring that the resources align with the
established curriculum and educational standards.

2. How do students benefit from teacher-made resources?

Teacher-made instructional resources are valuable because they allow
educators to customize their teaching to address the specific needs
and interests of their students. These materials are dynamic tools for
efficient teaching and learning since they may also be modified and
improved in response to continuing evaluation and feedback.

3. How will you promote the use of teacher-made resources?

Promoting the use of teacher-made resources involves creating
awareness, showcasing their benefits, and providing support for
implementation. You may foster a collaborative environment where
educators are inspired to take an active role in developing and utilizing
their teaching resources by putting certain tactics into practice.
Encouraging a culture of creativity, teamwork, and ongoing teaching
and learning is the aim.

Write your reflection by completing the following statements:

 I realized that being a teacher you must be strong and motivated every
day to influence the students or even your co-teacher with the good
vibes you have. As a future educator, you often create detailed lesson
plans that outline the objectives, activities, and assessments for a
particular class period or unit. These plans guide the teaching and
learning process to have a better instructional procedure.

 I believe it is essential to know everything in what you instruct and

discuss with your students because when they have a question or they
don’t understand the topic you already have a response to their query.
One thing important is that you are ready and well-prepared before you
enter the classroom.

 From now on, I am determined to be a more efficient and effective

teacher in the near future. I will ensure that my students will absorb all I
have taught and the good advises I have given them. Additionally,
engage students in the process of developing and accessing resources
created by teachers. In addition to offering insightful criticism, this gives
pupils the confidence to actively participate in their education.

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