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112 公私立第三次

1. ambiguous : having or expressing more than one possible meaning, sometimes
 adj. 含糊不清的;引起歧義的,模棱兩可的;不明確的
 His reply to my question was somewhat ambiguous.
2. concrete : clear and certain, or real and existing in a form that can be seen or
 adj. 確定的,確實的;具體的,有形的,實在的
 They think she killed her husband, but they have no concrete evidence.
3. obligation : the fact that you are obliged to do something
 n. 義務;責任;職責
 If you have not signed a contract, you are under no obligation to pay them
any money. 如果你沒有簽合同,你就沒有義務付給他們錢。
 : something that you must do
 n. 必須要做的事情
 I don't have time to do his work for him - I have too many obligations as it
is. 我沒有時間幫他幹活兒——我自己的事還多得做不完呢。
4. specify : to explain or describe something clearly and exactly
 v. 具體說明;明確指出
 He said we should meet but didn't specify a time.
5. exceed : to be greater than a number or amount, or to go past an allowed limit
 v. 超過,超出(數量);超越(規定的範圍)
 She was found guilty on three charges of exceeding the speed limit
6. shrink : to become smaller, or to make something smaller
 v. (使)縮小,(使)變小
 The productivity improvements have shrunk our costs by 25 percent.
生産率的提高使我們的成本下降了 25%。
 : to move away from someone or something because you are frightened
 v. 畏縮,退縮
 The child shrank behind the sofa as his father shouted at him.
7. monitor : to watch and check a situation carefully for a period of time in order
to discover something about it
 v. 監控;監測;監視,密切注視
 The new findings suggest that women ought to monitor their cholesterol
levels. 新發現顯示女性應當密切關注她們的膽固醇濃度。
8. eliminate : to remove or take away someone or something
 v. 排除;消除;清除
 We eliminated the possibility that it could have been an accident.
 : to defeat someone so that they cannot continue in a competition
 v. (比賽中)淘汰
 He was eliminated in the third round of the competition
 : to murder someone
 v. 消滅;幹掉
 A police officer was accused of helping a drug gang eliminate rivals.
9. inferiority : the state of not being good, or not as good as someone or
something else
 n. 下等,劣等,劣勢
 His ill treatment as a child had given him a strong sense of inferiority.
10. superiority : the fact that one person or thing is better, stronger, etc. than
 n. 優越性,優勢
 The Australian team soon demonstrated their superiority over the
opposition. 澳大利亞隊很快在對手面前顯示出優勢。
11. optimism : the quality of being full of hope and emphasizing the good parts of a
situation, or a belief that something good will happen
 n. 樂觀;樂觀主義
 There was a note of optimism in his voice as he spoke about the company's
future. 談到公司的未來,他語氣裡帶著樂觀情緒。
 They had cause reason for cautious optimism about an improvement in
her medical condition. 他們對她的病情持謹慎的樂觀態度。
12. primitive : relating to human society at a very early stage of development, with
people living in a simple way without machines or a writing system
 adj. 原始的,早期的,遠古的
 Primitive races colonized these islands 2,000 years ago
原始種族 2000 年前開拓了這些島嶼。
 : Primitive living conditions are basic, unpleasant, and uncomfortable.
 adj. 無現代設施的,簡陋的
 Early settlers had to cope with very primitive living conditions.
13. masculine : having characteristics that are traditionally thought to be typical of
or suitable for men
 adj. 男性的,男子氣概的;適於男子的
 a masculine appearance/voice 男性外表/嗓音
 : belonging to the group of nouns, pronouns, etc. that are not feminine or
 adj. (名詞、代詞等)陽性的
 The French word for "sun"' is masculine but the German word is feminine.
14. provoke : to cause a reaction, especially a negative one
 v. 激起,引起(尤指負面反應)
 Test results provoked worries that the reactor could overheat.
 : to make or try to make a person or an animal angry
 v. 激怒,挑釁
 He was clearly trying to get at me but I refused to be provoked.
15. regulate : to control something, especially by making it work in a particular way
 v. (尤指使按照某種方式運作而)控制,管理,調節,調整
 You can regulate the temperature in the house by adjusting the
thermostat. 你可以透過調節恆溫器來控制室溫。
 Her mother strictly regulates how much TV she can watch.
16. resolution : an official decision that is made after a group or organization has
 n. 決議;正式決定
 to approve/adopt a resolution 批准/通過決議
 : a promise to yourself to do or to not do something
 n. 決心;決定
 I made a resolution to give up chocolate. 我下決心不再吃巧克力了。
17. revision : a change that is made to something, or the process of doing this
 n. 修正;修改
 These proposals will need a lot of revision. 這些提案需要進行大刀闊斧的
 : study of work you have done, in order to prepare for an exam
 n. 複習;溫習
 She did no revision, but she still got a very high mark.
18. resignation : the act of telling your employer that you are leaving your job
 n. 辭職;辭去(職務);放棄(工作)
 There have been calls for his resignation. 一直有呼聲要求他辭職。

克漏字 1
1. evolution : the way in which living things change and develop over millions of
 n. 演化;進化
 Darwin's theory of evolution 達爾文的進化論
 : a gradual process of change and development
 n. 發展;演變
 the evolution of language 語言的發展
2. conduct : to organize and perform a particular activity
 v. 組織;實施;進行;處理
 We are conducting a survey to find out what our customers think of their
local bus service. 我們正在進行一項調查,了解顧客對當地公共交通服
 : to lead someone to a particular place
 v. 引導;帶領;指引;給…帶路
 May I conduct you to your table, sir, or would you prefer to have a drink at
the bar first? 先生,我帶您去餐桌呢,還是您先在吧枱喝上一杯?
 : If you conduct a tour of a place, you take people around the place and
show it to them.
 v. 爲…導遊,帶(遊客)遊覽
 A guide conducts tours of the cathedral every afternoon at 2.00.
 : to direct the performance of musicians or a piece of music
 v. 指揮(合唱團、樂隊等)
 The orchestra was conducted by Mira Shapur.
 : to allow electricity or heat to go through
 v. 傳導(電或熱)
 Copper conducts electricity, but plastic does not.
3. conduct : behavior
 n. 行爲,舉止;表現;爲人
 bad/excellent/disgraceful conduct 糟糕的/得體的/丟臉的舉止
4. transmit : to broadcast something, or to send out or carry signals using radio,
television, etc.
 v. 播送,發射,傳送(信號)
 The information is transmitted electronically to the central computer.
 : to pass something from one person or place to another
 v. 傳遞;傳播
 Cholera is transmitted through contaminated water.
5. acoustic adj. 聽覺的
6. signal n. 信號
7. migration : the process of animals travelling to a different place, usually when
the season changes
 n. (動物應季節變化而作出的)遷徙,移棲
 Christmas Island is known for its annual migration of 50 million bright red
land crabs from the forest to the sea. 聖誕島聞名於世的奇觀是島上的五
 : the process of people travelling to a new place to live, usually in large
 n. (通常指大批)遷移,移居
 There was a mass migration of poverty-stricken farmers into the cities.
8. breed : to keep animals for the purpose of producing young animals in a
controlled way
 v. (為育種目的)飼養
 Terriers are bred for their fighting instincts. 交配繁殖梗狗是為了保持它
 : (of animals) to have sex and produce young animals
 v. (動物)交配繁殖
 The blackbird, like most birds, breeds in the spring.
 : to cause something to happen, usually something bad
 v. 招致,導致
 Favoritism breeds resentment. 偏袒招致怨恨。
9. breed : a particular type of animal or plan
 n. (動植物的)品種,種
 a breed of dog/cat/horse/sheep/cattle 某個品種的狗/貓/馬/羊/牛
 : a type of person
 n.(人的)類型,種類
 Arletty was that rare breed of actress - beautiful, sexy and funny.
10. hemisphere n. 半球
11. collaborate : to work with someone else for a special purpose
 v. 合作;協作
 Two writers collaborated on the script for the film.
 : to work with an enemy who has taken control of your own country
 v. 勾結;通敵,叛國
 Anyone who was suspected of collaborating with the occupying forces was
arrested. 任何涉嫌與佔領軍勾結的人都被逮捕了。
12. investigate : to examine a crime, problem, statement, etc. carefully, especially to
discover the truth
 v. (尤指為揭開真相)調查,審查
 Police are investigating allegations of corruption involving senior
executives. 警方正在調查對高級管理人員涉嫌貪汙的指控。
13. dynamic : having a lot of ideas and enthusiasm
 adj. 思維活躍的;活潑的,充滿活力的,精力充沛的
 She's young and dynamic and will be a great addition to the team.
 : continuously changing or developing
 adj. 不斷變化的;不斷發展的
 Business innovation is a dynamic process. 商業革新是一個不斷變化發展
14. region n. 區域

克漏字 2
1. frustration : the feeling of being annoyed or less confident because you cannot
achieve what you want, or something that makes you feel like this
 n. (因不能滿足需求而)沮喪;令人沮喪的事物
 I could sense his frustration at not being able to help.
2. clone n. 複製品
3. artificially generated adj. 人造的
4. synthetic : Synthetic products are made from artificial substances, often copying
a natural product.
 adj. 合成的,人造的
 synthetic fibers 人造纖維
 : false or artificial
 adj. 假的,造作的
 She criticized the synthetic charm of TV hosts. 她批評電視節目主持人矯
5. ethical : relating to beliefs about what is morally right and wrong
 adj. 道德的;倫理的
 ethical and legal issues 道德和法律問題
 : morally right
 adj. 倫理學的;道德學的
 ethical practice/trading 道德準則/貿易
6. prohibit : to officially refuse to allow something
 v. 禁止;阻止
 Motor vehicles are prohibited from driving in the town center.
 : to prevent a particular activity by making it impossible
 v. 阻止;妨礙;使不可能
 The loudness of the music prohibits serious conversation in most
nightclubs. 大多數夜總會裡音樂聲嘈雜,根本沒法進行嚴肅的談話。
7. legal framework 法律體制
8. in place adv. 適當地
9. unauthorized : without someone's official permission to do something or be in a
particular place
 adj. 未經授權的,未經許可
 Unauthorized personnel are not admitted beyond this point.
10. likeness : the fact of being similar in appearance
 n. (外表的)相似,相近,近似
 There's a definite family likeness around the eyes.
11. damages n. 賠償金
12. recognizable : easy to recognize
 adj. 可以認出的;可識別的;可認識的
 The Eiffel Tower in Paris is an instantly recognizable landmark.

1. time capsule n. 時空膠囊
2. architecture : the art and practice of designing and making buildings
 n. 建築學;建築術
 to study architecture 學習建築學
 : the style in which buildings are made
 n. 建築風格
 Roman architecture 羅馬式建築風格
3. cobblestone n. 鵝卵石
4. lava n. 熔岩
5. rut n. 車轍;車痕
6. stain : to leave a mark on something that is difficult to remove
 v. 沾汙,染汙;留下汙跡
 Tomato sauce stains terribly - it's really difficult to get it out of clothes.
 : If a material stains, it absorbs substances easily, causing it to become
covered with marks, or colored by a chemical.
 v. 易染汙;易著色
 This carpet is ideal for the kitchen because it doesn't stain easily.
 :to change the color of something using a chemical
 v. 給…染色;給…著色
 She stripped the floorboards and stained them dark brown.
 : to permanently spoil something such as someone's reputation
 v. 敗壞,玷污(名聲等)
 Several important politicians have had their reputations stained by this
scandal. 好幾位重要的政界人士都因爲這宗醜聞而名聲受損。
7. stain : a dirty mark on something that is difficult to remove
 n. 汙漬;汙點
 a blood/grass stain 血污/草漬
 : permanent damage to someone's reputation or character
 n. 汙點
 His solicitor said, "He leaves this court without a stain on his character."
8. sewage : waste matter such as water or human urine or solid waste
 n. 污水;汙物
 Some cities in the world do not have proper facilities for the disposal of
sewage. 世界上的某些城市沒有適當的污水處理設施。
9. drainage n. 排水系統
10. be lined with v. 排列著
11. pedestrian : a person who is walking, especially in an area where vehicles go
 n. 行人,步行者
 A few pedestrians sheltered from the rain in doorways.
12. gutter n. 排水溝
13. curb n. 路緣石

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