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永金 112 中模 1-4

1. More and more teenage aware, negative masseage of sociate internet has cause
they serious emotion.
 teenagers n. 年輕人
 aware / conscious adj. 意識到的  be aware / be conscious
 massage n. 按摩
 message n. 訊息
 social media 社群網路
 emotion n. 情緒 / emotional adj. 情緒上的
 mental adj. 心理上的
 burden n. 負擔

 More and more teenagers are aware that negative messages on social media
have cause a serious mental burden for them. (訂正)

2. However, Despite reading that words will led to depessure, they will without
control looked some harmful words.
 even if reading those messages
 led  lead to v. 導致  cause  bring about  result in  give rise to
 depression n. 憂鬱
 cannot help + Ving //// cannot help but + VR 忍不住 // 不得不
 remarks n. 言論
 harmful  hurtful  mean  abusive

 However, even if reading those messages would lead to depression, they

cannot help but read those harmful remarks. (訂正)
如何把 ChatGPT 換成其他的字 學會換字
 AI /聊天機器人/ 程式 / 工具 / 機器 / ………/ 應用程式 / 軟體 software

(原句)With the technology, development trend, ChatGPT extend in the world.

 With the development of the technology, ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence
chatbot, extends in the world. (同位語)

(原句)We use the ChatGPT in studying, such as finsh homework and paper.
 We use this convenient AI chatbot in studies, such as finishing our homework and

(原句)ChatGPT can give a inspire with us, made we can wirt shot words.
 This software can give us inspirations, making us be able to write short articles.
 inspire v. 啟發 /// inspiration n. 啟發
 give us inspiration = inspire us
 使役動詞 (make have let) + O + VR(原 V)
 article n. 文章 /// writer / author n. 作者

(原句)In the past, we would sufer in internet seeken ansure.

 In the past, we would surf the Internet for a long time to seek some information.
 surf v. 瀏覽
 seek 尋找
 answer n. 答案 // information n. 資訊

(原句)Now, we can ask ChatGPT any problem, it can fast to resopn our like really
people in the smartphone behind.
 But now, we can ask ChatGPT for any problems, and it can give us response like
real people immediately.
 response n. 回覆
 real people n.
 immediately adv. 立即地

(原句)ChatGPT let we collocet resour become faster and convenient.

 ChatGPT let us collect resources much faster and more conveniently.
 collect v. 收集
 resource n. 資料
 faster and much more conveniently. (副詞)

With the development of the technology, ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence
chatbot, extends in the world. We use this convenient chatbot in studies, such as
finishing our homework and papers. This software can give us inspirations, making us
be able to write short articles. In the past, we would surf the Internet for a long time
to seek some information. But now, we can ask this application for any problems,
and it can give us response like real people immediately. ChatGPT let us collect
resources much faster and more conveniently.

(原句)I thing student can use ChatGPT finsh homework and paper.
(原句)Because it can give us many suggest let we paper become perfect.
 think v. 認為
 I think it is reasonable and accessible for students to use ChapGPT to finish their
homework and papers.
 suggest v. 建議  suggestion n. 建議
 reasonable adj. 合理的
 accessible adj. 可取得的
 It can give them many suggestions and let their papers become more perfect.

(原句)ChatGPT can modibies some mistake. with our homework, such as English
words and mistake resowre.
 modify v. 修改 /// correct v. 訂正
 vocabulary n. 單字 // composition n. 作文
 In addition, it can modify and correct some mistakes of homework, such as English
compositions or articles.
(原句)If we didn’t copy the word, ChatGPT will a good study tools.
 If we don’t copy words by words, ChatGPT will be a good studying tool.
(原句)If we can strike a balance between copy and learn.
(原句)ChatGPT can better help everyone to learning anything.
 Therefore, we should strike a balance and make proper use so that ChatGPT can
better help everyone learn everything.

I think it is reasonable and accessible for students to use ChatGPT to finish their
homework and papers. It can give them many suggestions and let their papers
become more perfect. In addition, it can modify and correct some mistakes of
homework, such as English compositions or articles. If we don’t copy words by
words, ChatGPT will be a good studying tool. Therefore, we should strike a balance
and make proper use so that ChatGPT can better help everyone learn everything.

With the development of the technology, ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence
chatbot, extends in the world. We use this convenient chatbot in studies, such as
finishing our homework and papers. This software can give us inspirations, making us
be able to write short articles. In the past, we would surf the Internet for a long time
to seek some information. But now, we can ask this application for any problems,
and it can give us response like real people immediately. ChatGPT let us collect
resources much faster and more conveniently.
I think it is reasonable and accessible for students to use ChapGPT to finish their
homework and papers. It can give them many suggestions and let their papers
become more perfect. In addition, it can modify and correct some mistakes of
homework, such as English compositions or articles. If we don’t copy words by
words, ChatGPT will be a good studying tool. Therefore, we should strike a balance
and make proper use so that ChatGPT can better help everyone learn everything.
excel v. 精通
retrieval n. 糾正
critical thinking n. 批判思考
problem-solving skills n. 問題解決能力
integrate v. 整合
creative thinking n. 創造力
stifle v. 窒息 // 阻礙  curb
ethical adj. 倫理的
independent adj. 獨立的

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