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SESSION:- 2023-24

Practical file
XIi - Computer Science

Guided By: Submitted

Mr. P L Sahu Neeraj Thakur

This is to certify that Mast. Neeraj Thakur

has duly completed the Computer File
towards the fulfillment of class XII practical
examination 2023-24. He has done his
project under the guidance of Mr. P.L.Sahu,
PGT(Comp.Sc.) of the Vidyalaya.

Mr.P.L.Sahu Mr.Girish Babu Kustawad

PGT (Comp.Sc.) Principal

I express my deepest gratitude to

Mr. P. L. Sahu, PGT(Comp.Sc.) who guided me
throughout the session to complete the
Practical file & clarified all my doubts. I would
also like to sincerely thank my parents for
providing me financial support and my friends
for their moral support. I also express my
sincere gratitude to Principal Sir and school
authorities for providing the facilities for the
completion of file in stipulated time.

Neeraj Thakur
S.N. Objective of the Program Date

1. Write a Program to accept an integer and print its square.

2. Write a Program that accepts radius of a circle and prints its area.

3. Write a Program that inputs a student’s marks in Five subjects

(out of 100) and print the total marks and percentage marks.

4. Write a Program to compute area of square and area of triangle.

5. Write a Program to compute Simple interest & compound interest.

6. Write a Program to read two numbers and print their quotient and

7. Write a Program to find whether a given number is even or odd?

8. Write a Program to find largest and lowest among three integers.

9. Write a Program to check whether the year is Leap year or NOT.

10. Input a list of elements and search a particular element.

11. Write a Program to display the name of the month depending

upon the number (between 1-12) entered by user.

12. Write a Program to enter two numbers and an operator from user
and display the result based on the operator.

13. Write a Program to check whether an entered character is a vowel

or a consonant.

14. Write a Program to print first n Natural numbers and their sum.

15. Write a Program to calculate factorial of an integer using while


16. Write a Program to check whether the given number is palindrome

or not.
17. Write a Program to print multiplication table of a given number.

18. Write a Program to print Fibonacci series. i.e. 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 …

19. Write a Program to print following 1

patterns on screen using nested loop.
** 12

20. Write a program to swap elements at the even location with the
elements odd location.

21. Write a Program to compute the greatest common divisor and the
least common multiple of two integers.

22. Create a dictionary with the roll number, name and marks of n
students in a class and display the names of students who have
scored marks above 75.
23. Write a menu driven program to count number of consonants,
vowels, digits and special characters in a given string .

24. Write a menu driven program in Python to demonstrate the use of

dictionary.(Addition & deletion of elements)

25. Write a program that stores n values in a tuple and find maximum
and minimum values in the tuple.

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