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Q1: You are logged in as a normal user and you see a file with 444(-r--r--r--) permission.

Can you delete it with the `rm` command??

a We can't be certain, it depends on the permissions of the parent folder

b Yes, can delete it without a problem

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

e No, we don't have the proper permissions

f We can delete it only from the GUI but not from CLI.

Q2: To create a combo box (drop down box) which tag will you use??

a <select>

b None

c None

d <input type="dropdown">

e <list>

f all of above

Q3: Which type of database management system represents relations using tables??

a Relational DBMS

b None

c Network DBMS

d Hierachical DBMS

e Object Oriented DBMS

f None

Q4: How to delete all pods in Kubernetes matching the awk pattern1 or pattern2??
a None

b kubectl get pods -n myns --no-headers=true | awk '/pattern1|pattern2/{print $1}'

| xargs kubectl delete -n myns pod

c kubectl get nodes -n myns --no-headers=true | awk '/pattern1|pattern2/{print

$1}' | xargs kubectl delete -n myns pod

d kubectl print pods -n myns --no-headers=true | awk '/pattern1/2|pattern2/{print

$1}' | xargs kubectl delete -n myns pod

e kubectl print pods -n myns --no-headers=true | awk '/pattern1/2|pattern2/{print

$1}' | xargs kubectl remove -n myns pod

f None

Q5: The most common way to display the network settings of network interfaces on a Linux
system is by using which command??

a ipconfig

b None

c ifconfig

d show ipv4

e None

f ipconfig/all

Q6: Which of the following is used to set cookies??

a setcookie() function

b None

c None

d $_COOKIE variable

e isset() function

f $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS variable

Q7: Systemd replaced which Linux command for mounting and automounting file systems??
a None

b None

c /etc/ftab and autofs

d /esc/fdtab and autff

e /etc/fstab and autom

f /etc/fstab and autofs

Q8: Which key combination can yank a line in vi??

a yl

b yy

c yc

d None

e None

f yw

Q9: Which command is used to copy file across different system??

a None

b scp

c mcp

d ncp

e rsync

f rcp

Q10: How to mark a node called my-node as unschedulable in Kubernetes??

a None
b kubectl off my-node

c None

d kubectl cordon my-node

e kubectl down my-node

f kubectl stop my-node

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