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Copyright 0 1987 by The Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy Sections of the
American Physical Therapy Association

Locomotor Biomechanics and

Pathomechanics: A Review

This review is intended to provide a working knowledge of clinical anatomy and

arthrokinematics of the foot and ankle. Primary functions of the foot, the gait cycle,
and pathomechanics will also be discussed. Emphasis is placed on basic
biomechanical considerations which form the basis for both static and dynamic
evaluations. Also presented are some of the most commonly seen osseous
deformities contributing to pathomechanics.
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Locomotion is the process or ability by which gruency of the ankle mortise is maintained by the
man moves himself from one geographic location strong ligamentous system, the capsule, the in-
to another.'' Biomechanics defined at face value terosseous ligament, and the various tendons and
is made up of two roots, bio and mechanic^.^' retinacula about the joint. Functioning primarily as
Copyright © 1987 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

"Bio" indicates a relationship to life, living tissue, a hinge joint, it allows for motion in 1'of freedom,
or organisms.24"Mechanics" is a physical science the sagittal plane. These movements are typically
dealing with the state of bodies and the action of referred to dorsiflexion and plantarflexion. How-
forces.20Therefore, locomotor biomechanics per- ever, the axis of rotation is described as passing
tains to the study of forces and the effects of laterally through the talus and slightly inferopos-
those forces on and within the human body while teriorly on the transverse plane.'* Since this axis
moving from one position to another. is not exactly perpendicular to the sagittal plane,
Familiarity with the biomechanics of walking is slight motions of abduction and eversion accom-
a prerequisite for an appreciation of the biome- pany dorsiflexion, and adduction and inversion
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

chanics of running since the same basic mechan- accompany plantarflexion. Most authors report
ics are present in both gaits. To further appreciate that functional range of motion for the ankle is on
the various types of pathomechanics seen in the the order of 10-20' of dorsiflexion and 20-30' of
runner, a good working knowledge of normal
plantarfle~ion.~-'~~'~ When these movements be-
locomotor biomechanics is necessary. This allows
the practitioner to identify abnormal biomechanics come extreme, the subtalar joint and midtarsal
present during running so that treatment can be joints contribute to the range of motion of the
based on a firm scientific basis rather than on an ankle joint.
empirical one.14 To support this statement, this
Subtalar Joint
article will include discussions on basic arthroki-
nematics of the foot and ankle, primary functions The subtalar joint is the articulation between
of the foot, review of the gait cycles, and patho- the inferior surface of the talus and the superior
mechanics. surface of the calcaneus. This articulation occurs
at two separate articular facets, a posterior facet
Arthrokinematics where the inferior concave surface of the talus
Ankle rests on the superior convex surface of the cal-
caneus, and an anterior facet with a convex talar
The ankle joint is composed of three joints: the facet fitting into the concave calcaneal surface.
tibiotalar, fibulotalar, and tibiofibular. The con- These facet surfaces are united by powerful liga-
ments that withstand the stress of locomotion.
The reported axis of rotation is 41-45' from the
* Director. Palo Alto Physical Therapy and Sports Injury Center. 913 horizontal in the sagittal plane and 16-23' medi-
Emerson Street, Palo Alto. CA 94301.
t Director, La Jolla Sports Therapy ally, when measured from a longitudinal axis pass-

ing through the midcalcaneus in the transverse dent of each other, but both depend on the posi-
plane.4~9~'0~'2~15This oblique single axis is oriented tion of the subtalar joint. When the calcaneus is
from a posterior, lateral, inferior position, to an in an everted position, the subtalar joint is pron-
anterior, medial, superior position.13 The oblique ated and the planes of the axes between the
orientation of the axis causes it to traverse the talonavicular and calcaneocuboid joints become
three cardinal planes, thus movement about this parallel. This results in increased midtarsal joint
axis will occur in all three planes. The term used motion by "unlocking" the j ~ i n t . ' ~Conversely,
to describe this type of movement is "triplanar when the calcaneus is inverted, the axes are no
motion." Manter15describes the overall movement longer parallel, and there is decreased motion of
of the subtalar joint as a combination of eversion, the midtarsal joint due to the convergence of the
abduction, and slight dorsiflexion of the foot. This axes. This convergence "locks" the bones of the
combined triplanar movement is simply termed midtarsal joint creating a rigid forefoot. The mo-
"pronation." The combined movements of inver- bility created during rearfoot pronation and the
sion, adduction, and slight plantarflexion are rigidity created during supination play a major role
termed "supination." The amount of subtalar joint in the primary functions of the foot.
range of motion reported is controversial; how-
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ever, most authors agree that the amount of Other Functional Joints
inversion as a component of supination is signifi-
cantly greater than eversion as a component of The first ray is a functional metatarsal unit con-
pronation when the foot is free.l4 The -normal sisting of the first metatarsal and the first cunei-
functional range of motion seen in walking is form bones. The first metatarsallfirst cuneiform
between 6 and 10' of motion equally divided by joint, and the first cuneiform navicular joint move
Copyright © 1987 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

a neutral position of the subtalar joint. The neutral together about a common axis of m ~ t i o nThe .~
subtalar position as described by Root et aI.l7 is axis passes anteriorly, laterally, and plantarly
that position from which the subtalar joint can be through the foot at a 45' angle from the frontal
maximally pronated and supinated, or when the and sagittal planes. This axis produces the tri-
subtalar joint is neither pronated nor supinated. planar motions of dorsiflexion/inversion, and plan-
Midtarsal Joint The second, third, and fourth r&s are formed
by the articulations of the metatarsals with the
The midtarsal joint or transverse tarsal joint appropriate cuneiforms. Each of these rays ap-
consists of the talonavicular joint medially and the
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

pears to exhibit pure sagittal plane motion.

calcaneocuboid joint laterally. Two separate ro- The fifth ray consists of the fifth metatarsal only.
tational movements with distinct axes are de- The axis of motion lies at an angle of approxi-
scribed by Manter.15 Both axes are positioned mately 20' from the transverse plane and 35'
obliquely to the cardinal planes; thus, they exhibit from the sagittal plane. Therefore, it has a triplanar
triplanar motion. The longitudinal axis of the mid- axis allowing movement in the directions of supi-
tarsal joint is directed anteriorly and superiorly nation and pronation.
15' from the horizontal plane, and medially di- The first metatarsophalangealjoint consists of
rected 9 ' from the longitudinal plane. It allows the articular surface of the first metatarsal head
pivotal movements of the cuboid on the calca- and the base of the proximal phalanx of the hallux.
neus. The axis passes between the first and It has two distinct axes of motion, a transverse
second rays, and allows motion of inversionlad- axis and a vertical axis. Pure plantarflexion and
duction and eversion/abduction of the cuboid. The dorsiflexion are provided by the transverse plane
oblique axis of the midtarsal joint is directed an- and pure adduction/abduction are provided by the
teriorly and superiorly 52' from the horizontal vertical plane.'*
plane, and medially 57' from the longitudinal
plane. The major actions about this axis are dor- PRIMARY FUNCTIONS OF THE FOOT
siflexion/abduction, and plantarflexion/adduction DURING LOCOMOTION
of the forefoot.
Though the description of the midtarsal joint The joints of the foot perform two primary func-
appears complex, the biomechanical function can tions during the stance phase of gait; they allow
be greatly simplified by recognizing that motion the foot to interface with the ground and they
perpendicular to the two axes may be indepen- provide a base over which the body can be pro-
pelled.' During ground interface at heel strike, the 27% of the total stance phase and is character-
foot becomes a mobile adapter. This allows ac- ized by hip joint extension and internal rotation,
commodation to terrain variances and postural knee flexion, lower leg internal rotation, ankle
deviations of the trunk, and assists in providing plantarflexion, and subtalar joint and forefoot pro-
shock absorption. Shock absorption is a necessity nation. The lower leg and foot are viewed as
since impact stress at heel strike may exceed functional units, the talus and lower leg function
body weight and may be increased to three times as one unit, the calcaneus and foot as another.
body weight during running.14 With closed chain motion, during the stance phase
Locking of the major joints of the foot trans- of gait, the talus moves in the same direction as
forms the foot into a rigid lever. This is necessary the lower leg, and the foot follows the calcaneus.
for normal propulsion during the late stance phase
At heel strike, the leg is externally rotated so the
of gait. These functions are accomplished by the
subtalar joint and forefoot are supinated. The
joints of the foot and ankle through the combined
actions and motions of the subtalar and midtarsal initial supinated position results from the contrac-
joints during pronation and supination. tion of the dorsiflexors and inverters of the ankle
as they prepare to decelerate plantarflexion and
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GAIT CYCLE pronation during contact. Controlled pronation oc-

curs, helping with shock absorbancy. A normal
The gait cycle is used as the basic reference in foot does not pronate beyond the contact period,
the description of locomotion. This makes it pos- and reaches its maximally pronated position at
sible to compare walking and running very easily. the end of contact (Fig. 1A). The calcaneus is
One full gait cycle is the interval of time from heel everted from neutral by approximately 4-6O at
Copyright © 1987 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

strike of one foot to heel strike by the same foot this point.l4*l8
at the next Therefore, there are two
steps in each gait cycle. During the gait cycle,
motion occurs in both open and closed chains. Midstance
Open chain motion occurs when the distal com-
ponent is not,fixed and the muscle contraction is Midstance follows contact and is characterized
concentric. Closed chain motion occurs when the by single limb support in normal walking. It con-
distal component is fixed and muscle contraction sists of the intermediate 40% of stance phase.
is eccentric. The gait cycle is divided into two The primary event occurring during this period is
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

phases, the stance phase and swing phase. the conversion of the foot from a mobile adapter
Closed chain motion occurs during the stance to a rigid lever for p r o p ~ l s i o n . This
~ ~ ' is
~ ac-
phase and open chain motion occurs during the complished as the lower leg begins to externally
swing phase. The stance phase is that period rotate, and closed chain supination occurs at the
which begins with heel contact and ends with toe- subtalar joint. The talus abducts and dorsiflexes
off. The swing phase occurs between toe-off and on the calcaneus while the calcaneus inverts.
heel strike. In normal walking, the stance phase During the first part of midstance, the subtalar
consists of approximately 60% of the gait cycle, joint is supinating as the rearfoot moves from a
and the swing phase approximately 40oO/ 14,17.18 maximally pronated position back toward a neu-
Since one complete cycle takes approximately 1 tral position just prior to heel lift. During the re-
sec to complete, and 60% of the cycle consists maining midstance period, the subtalar joint con-
of the stance phase, the foot is on the ground for tinues to supinate and the rearfoot moves into a
approximately 0.6 sec during ~ a l k i n g . ~ supinated position. When the neutral subtalar joint
To facilitate clinical observations of the lower position is reached, the midtarsal joint locks up
extremity during locomotion, the stance phase of
against the rearfoot. A rigid forefoot is produced
gait is divided into three periods, contact, mid-
in preparation for propulsion. This rigid state is
stance, and propulsion.
important to allow for the various tendons of the
leg to function around stable bony levers. During
this phase of gait, the trunk and lower leg move
Contact begins with heel strike and ends as the forward, and the ankle is required to dorsiflex to
forefoot becomes fully weight borne with the en- 10'. The knee begins to extend as the hip con-
tire foot flat on the ground. Contact accounts for tinues its extension from the initial contact phase.

Tibia# Fbi;

-- --
--- +- ---
I Calcaneous
0 0
Fig. 1 . Normal subtalar joint motion and the neutral foot. A, At heelstrike (HS) the subtalar joint is slightly supinated. Normal
pronation occurs through contact to foofflat (FF). At midstance, supination begins so that just prior to heel rise (HR), the subtalar
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joint is in neutral position. Supination continues through toe-off (TO). The neutral foot and lower leg is illustrated in this figure in
compliance with the criteria of normalcy.

Propulsion result of Newton's third law: for every action there

is an equal and opposite reaction. Other ground
The final 33% of the stance phase of gait is the reaction forces such as fore and aft shear, medial
Copyright © 1987 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

propulsive portion which begins with heel lift and and lateral shear, and torque demonstrate essen-
ends with toe-off. The body weight is shifted from tially the same patterns for walking and running
the lateral side of the foot to the medial side and gait, but the magnitudes of these forces increase
to the great toe. This is accomplished by contin- somewhat with r ~ n n i n g . ~ , ' ~
ued closed chain supination at the subtalar joint As the speed of gait increases, there is a pro-
as the leg continues to externally rotate. This gressive decrease of total stance time from 0.6
increases the skeletal efficiency of the foot as it sec during walking to 0.2 sec during running.
continues to function as a rigid lever. The ankle Therefore, all events which normally occur during
moves from its terminally dorsiflexed position of stance must occur approximately three times
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

10° to its terminally plantarflexed position of 20°. faster in running than in walking. This marked
The knee rapidly flexes and the hip continues to decrease in stance phase and the marked in-
externally rotate and flex. The final phase of pro- crease in ground reaction forces are the primary
pulsion requires the first metatarsophalangeal reasons given for injuries to runners.21
joint to be stabilized, enabling it to dorsiflex ap-
proximately 70° as the weight is being transferred CRITERIA FOR NORMALCY
from the first ray to the great toe, and finally to
the opposite foot. A normal lower leg and foot is one which, during
locomotion, places no undue stress upon itself or
CHANGES WHICH OCCUR IN RUNNING the proximal joint^.^' The criteria for normalcy,
GAIT described below, represent the ideal physical re-
lationship of osseous segments of the foot and
Running gait differs from normal ambulation in leg which should be present for maximum effi-
that there is an airborne float phase when neither ciency during loc~motion.'~ Seldom seen clini-
foot is in contact with the ground. This produces cally, these relationships represent a basis for
two primary changes in the running gait: an in- evaluation of the degree of deformity present.
creased magnitude of the vertical ground reaction Once the criteria for normalcy are evaluated, any
forces and a progressive shortening of the stance deviation from one criterion constitutes deformity
phase of gait.7914.17318321 or abnormality.'
As the speed of gait increases, the vertical The criteria for normalcy are as follows: the
ground reaction forces increase from 70-80% of distal one-third of the lower leg is vertical or in the
body weight during walking to approximately sagittal plane; the subtalar, ankle, and knee joints
275-300% during running.14 This occurs as a lie in the transverse plane parallel to the ground;
the subtalar joint is in its neutral position, neither when supination should be occurring during lo-
pronated nor supinated; bisection of the posterior comotion.18 Normal minimum pronation required
surface of the calcaneus is vertical or inverted no during walking locomotion has been shown to be
more than 3-4" from the vertical; the midtarsal 6", with maximum values averaging 9.4" and a
joint is locked in its maximum position of prona- standard deviation of 3.5°.3,'8,21Excessive pro-
tion; the metatarsals and plantar surface of the nation can then be defined as 13" or greater.
calcaneus lie parallel to each other in the trans- According to S~botnick,~'the most common
verse plane; and last, there are no rotational or cause of foot pathology is abnormal compensa-
torsional influences present in the lower leg. Fig- tory pronation because the foot is abnormally
ure 1B illustrates this ideal physical relationship. unstable in a weightbearing situation. This leads
During locomotion, all normal criteria should be to hypermobility, subluxation, resultant micro-
present just prior to heel lift. Deviations from trauma, and Causes of abnormal
normalcy in the biomechanical system may cause compensatory pronation can be intrinsic or extrin-
abnormal motion and stress to occur during the sic to the foot. This paper focuses only on the
stance phase of gait. This may, in turn, be mani- intrinsic causes. They include subtalar varus, fore-
fested in the form of a stress injury.' foot varus, forefoot supinatus, forefoot valgus,
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and ankle joint equinus.

PATHOMECHANICS Abnormal supination is excessive supination, or
supination that occurs when pronation should be
As defined previously, locomotor biomechanics
occurring during normal gait. Normal values for
is the application of mechanical laws to living
supination have been shown to range from 6-
systems in motion. Pathomechanics can then be
12°.'8,21 Compensation for a forefoot valgus,
Copyright © 1987 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

defined as the mechanics of living systems in

plantarflexed first ray, or equinus deformity can
motion resulting in, or leading to, dysfunction or
cause abnormal supination. Pathology may also
injury. The remainder of this article is devoted to
occur when motion is restricted or when it is
the pathomechanics of the ankle and foot includ-
insufficient for normal locomotion. Disease,
ing common intrinsic abnormalities, resultant
trauma, contracture, or congenital coalition may
pathological states, and treatment options.
be some causes of these problems. The following
In order to understand the pathomechanics of
are descriptions of common intrinsic abnormalities
the ankle and foot, one must first understand the
of the foot.
concept of compensation. Compensation is de-
fined by Root et al.'' as a change of structure,
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

Subtalar Varus
position, or function of one part of the body in an
attempt to adjust to a deviation of structure, Subtalar varus, as illustrated in Figure 2A, is an
position, or function of another body part. More inversion deformity of the calcaneus due to an
basically stated, compensation is the counterbal- incomplete derotation of the posterior calcaneus
ancing of any defect in structure or f~nction.~ from its'infantile position.'' In childhood, the cal-
There are two types of compensation, normal and caneus derotates 3-4". If this derotation is incom-
abnormal. Normal compensation maintains bal- plete or does not occur, subtalar varus re-
ance and produces no abnormality or pathology. s u l t ~ . ~ .Compensation
~~'' for this deformity during
An example of normal compensation is the ad- locomotion requires calcaneal eversion to vertical
aptation of the foot to variations in surface terrain. at heel strike in order for the condyles of the
Abnormal compensation is an adjustment for ab- calcaneus to reach the ground. The foot remains
normal structure or function of the body which, partially pronated at heel lift not allowing the sub-
upon repetitive demand, may lead to pathology. talar joint to supinate to neutral in early propulsion.
In the foot, both types of compensation, normal The first ray is not adequately stabilized by the
and abnormal, result from pronation and supina- peroneus longus muscle and hypermobility is
tion of the subtalar and midtarsal joints. When present. Increasedload and shear forces are pres-
bony or soft tissue deformities of the foot or lower ent beneath the second metatarsal headT8.Once
extremities are present, abnormal compensatory the heel is off the ground, the normal forefoot
pronation or supination may result. Each is dis- supinates in an attempt to become a rigid lever.
cussed below. Abnormal compensatory pronation occurs only
Pronation is considered abnormal when it is in during the time the abnormal calcaneus is in
excess of the amount required, or when it occurs ground contact (Fig. 28).

Fig. 2. Subtalar varus. A, Subtalar varus deformity is illustrated as seen when in the subtalar joint neutral position. It is an inversion
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osseous deformity of the calcaneus in the neutral position. 8,Abnormal compensatory pronation begins at heel-strike (HS) and
continues until heelrise (HR) when the abnormal calcaneus is no longer in contact with the ground. The foot supinates late after
heelrise (HR) in time for propulsion to be fairly normal. (Abnormal cycle shown in broken line.)

Abnormal compensatory pronation for a sub- ity. The first ray is hypermobile and the second
talar varus may result in pathology. Plantar kera- metatarsal takes most of the force during propul-
Copyright © 1987 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

toses beneath the second metatarsal head may sion.

develop due to increased shear, inflammation, and Figure 3B illustrates how abnormal compensa-
hyperplasia. Soft tissue lesions may also develop tory pronation occurs throughout stance and pro-
such as peroneus longus tendinitis due to insuffi- pulsion in a compensated forefoot varus. This
cient first ray stabilization, posterior tibialis tendi- results in more destructive pathologies in the soft
nitis due to excessive deceleration of pronation, tissues and bony tissues mentioned previously
or Achilles tendinitis due to excessive active su- with subtalar varus. The pronated position of the
pination. Articular lesions may develop at the pa- forefoot during propulsion can also lead to fore-
tellofemoral joint due to the antagonistic state of foot pathology.
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

maximum pronation and maximum knee flexion Predisposing factors to the development of
not occurring sim~ltaneously.'~'~~~~ forefoot pathology are the amount of first ray
hypermobility and the congenital angulation of the
Forefoot Varus longitudinal axis of the metatarsals to the rear-
Forefoot varus, as illustrated in Figure 3A, is a foot." Hypermobility of the first ray during pro-
fixed congenital osseous deformity of the forefoot pulsion results from the inability of the peroneus
in which the plane of the lesser metatarsals is longus to stabilize sufficiently. Hypermobility can
inverted in relation to the calcaneus in subtalar lead to subluxation of the first metatarsophalan-
joint neutral position. Forefoot varus is caused by geal joint.
a failure of the head and neck of the talus to fully Subluxation in the transverse plane can result
derotate from the infantile p o ~ i t i o n . ~It. ' ~is the in hallux-abductovalgus (HAV) deformity,8918 Sub-
most common cause of abnormal compensatory luxation in the sagittal plane can result in hallux
pr~nation.~~ limitus deformity. The determining factor in the
The pathomechanics of compensated forefoot development of HAV or hallux limitus is the con-
varus are much more destructive than subtalar genital angulation of the forefoot to rearfoot. The
varus. Once the condyles of the calcaneus are on more adducted the forefoot, the more likely a HAV
the ground, the subtalar joint must continue to is to develop. Conversely, a more rectus forefoot
pronate in order for the first ray to reach the would more likely lead to a hallux limitus.18
ground. The calcaneus then everts past the neu- Forefoot supinatus is a reducible, acquired soft
tral position and at heel rise, the foot is in maxi- tissue contracture at the midtarsal joint resulting
mum pronation. The forefoot remains in pronation in supination of the forefoot.' Supination contrac-
throughout propulsion resulting in severe instabil- ture may occur about either the oblique or longi-

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Fig. 3. Forefoot varus. A, Forefoot varus is an osseous deformity of the talus in which the forefoot is inverted relative to the
calcaneus in subtalar joint neutral position. 6, In order to get the inverted forefoot to the ground, abnormal compensatory pronation
occurs. Pronation is excessive and continues from foofflat (FF) throughout the stance phase of gait into propulsion. (Abnormal
cycle shown in broken line.)

tudinal axis of the midtarsal joint. Forefoot supi- Abnormal supination occurring during mid-
natus about the oblique axis results in forefoot stance can lead to pathologies related to lack of
Copyright © 1987 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

adduction, plantarflexion, and slight inversion. shock absorption in the upper leg, but also to
Clawing of the toes may result from the transverse development of plantar lesions beneath the fifth
plane instability caused by the relatively abducted and first metatarsals. Abnormal pronation occur-
position of the phalanges to the metatarsals in ring late in propulsion can lead to hallux subluxa-
oblique axis forefoot supinatus. Supinatus about tions previously discussed for forefoot v a r ~ s . ~ ~ ' ~
the longitudinal axis is difficult to differentiatefrom
forefoot varus. However, it is attributed to con- Equinus
tracture or spasm of the anterior tibialis muscle
resulting in dorsiflexion of the first ray and forefoot Ankle equinus is a fixed limitation of dorsiflexion
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

supination rather than talar pathology seen in at the ankle joint to less than 10' when in the
forefoot varus. Abnormal compensatory pronation subtalar neutral position and with the knee ex-
is the result of either forefoot supinatus and re- tended.'' Compensation takes place at the sub-
sultant pathologies including those previously talar and midtarsal joints in the form of abnormal
mentioned for subtalar and forefoot varus.18 pronation allowing dorsiflexion of the forefoot on
the rearfoot. Abnormal pronation is present during
Forefoot Valgus propulsion resulting in hypermobility of the first
ray. Resultant pathologies are those noted previ-
Forefoot valgus, as illustrated in Figure 4A, is ously for abnormal pronation occurring through
an osseous deformity of the forefoot in which the propulsion including keratoses and hallux deform-
plane of the lesser metatarsals is everted relative ities, but symptoms seem to occur earlier in life
to the calcaneus in subtalar joint neutral position18 and are resistant to conservative manage-
Heel strike is normal with forefoot valgus, but the ment.10,22923
forefoot is prematurely loaded. The first ray is
stable, and abnormal compensatory supination CONCLUSION
occurs at the subtalar joint resulting in absence
of normal pronation during midstance and late Ankle and foot biomechanical abnormalities
pronation at heel-off to allow knee f l e ~ i o n . ~ , ' ~may occur independently or in combination. An
Forefoot valgus can take the form of a plantar- understanding of normal and abnormal locomotor
flexed first ray or a total forefoot valgus. Figure biomechanics is essential for effective patient
4 8 illustrates the absence of normal pronation care. Once normal mechanics are understood,
during stance with forefoot valgus as well as late pathomechanicscan be identified and the etiology
abnormal compensatory pronation. of patient complaints postulated. It is necessary
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Fig. 4. Forefoot valgus. A, Forefoot valgus is an osseous deformity of the forefoot in which the forefoot is everted relative to the
calcaneus in subtalar joint neutral position. 6, Abnormal supination occurs as the forefoot is prematurely loaded after heelstrike
(HS). Pronation is insufficient, then occurs late in stance at heel-off (HO) to allow knee flexion. (Abnormal cycle shown in broken
Copyright © 1987 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

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