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.I. /‘hp. Chem. So/i& Vol. 48, No. II, pp. 1101-1113, 1987 (X)22-3697/87 $3.00 + 0.

Printed in Great Britain. 0 1987 Pergamon Journals Ltd.

Department of Applied Science, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973, U.S.A.

Corrosion and Protection Centre, UMIST, P.O. Box 88, Manchester M60 IQD, England

Abstract-We review stress-corrosion cracking (SCC) with an emphasis on recent developments in this
field regarding the transgranular form of cracking. Evidence is presented indicating that transgranular
SCC occurs via a series of discontinuous microcleavage events. Each event is typically 1 pm in extent and
is triggered by a thin film of several hundred nm in thickness which has formed around the crack tip owing
to an anodic process. This mechanism of SCC is called film-induced cleavage and we discuss its operation
for many metals including stainless steels, Cu-Al alloys, a-brasses, and pure copper. Analytical
calculations are presented which support the concept of film-induced cleavage.
The compositional dependence of SCC in Cu-AI and Cu-Zn alloys is shown to correlate exactly with
the compositional dependence of de-alloying the less noble metal element from these alloy systems. The
selective dissolution process is discussed within the general framework of percolation theory.
Keywordr: Corrosion, de-alloying, stress-corrosion cracking, fracture, dislocation, cleavage.

1. INTRODUCTION 1.2 Intergranular stress-corrosion cracking

Intergranular SCC is often related to the existence
1.1 Stress -corrosion cracking of some chemical heterogeneity in the grain bound-
Stress-corrosion cracking (XC) is defined as the ary, such as a segregated impurity element, that can
growth of cracks under the combined influence of a provide an electrochemically active path for the
non-cyclic tensile stress and a reactive environment. corrosion process to occur. Normally a good
Usually the environment is an aqueous solution, and correlation can be obtained between the rate of
for the purposes of this review we shall restrict intergranular SCC and the rate of anodic reaction on
ourselves to metals. All SCC failures have in com- a bare metal surface [3]. There are a few cases of
mon a macroscopic appearance of brittleness, in the intergranular SCC where the grain boundary corro-
engineering sense that the ductility of the material is sion rate is far too low to account for the observed
impaired, but the degree to which they involve cracking rate: Newman et al. [4] identified the
microscopic cleavage or brittleness remains unclear. existence of a substantial mechanical component in
The rate of SCC can vary from lo-” to 10-r m/s, but the intergranular SCC of sensitized 304 stainless steel
normally lies within the range of 10-‘0-10-7m/s. which accounted for the unusually high cracking
SCC is a formidable engineering problem, especially rates they observed in their study, and similar
in the nuclear power and chemical industries. observations were reported in the Ni-P system by
There are several processes that can contribute to Jones and Danielson [5]. In other systems inter-
the growth of stress-corrosion cracks, including granular SCC seems to be a continuous process
anodic dissolution, film growth and hydrogen effects. except where hydrogen is involved.
These have often been expressed as a “spectrum” of
behavior ranging from obvious anodic dissolution
control to obvious hydrogen embrittlement [l]. 1.3 Tramgranular stress -corrosion cracking
Examples of extreme behavior include the inter- Transgranular SCC invariably has a brittle,
granular cracking of mild steels in nitrate solutions cleavage-like appearance. The most well known and
(anodic dissolution) and the cracking of high- important practical example is the chloride-induced
strength, low-alloy steels in chloride solutions cracking of austenitic stainless steels, which has been
(hydrogen embrittlement). The position of trans- reviewed by Latanision and Staehle [6] and more
granular SCC in this spectrum has been unclear for recently by Theus and Staehle [7j. Cracking has been
some time, but current thinking is converging to the observed at all temperatures between 50” and 350°C
view that intergranular SCC is continuous and and all conceivable cracking mechanisms have been
transgranular SCC is a discontinuous brittle process proposed at one time or another. It has been known
121. for many years that hydrogen is produced in the
1102 and R. C. NEWMAN

cracks [8], but no conclusive role of hydrogen cleavage, and this will be reviewed together with new
embrittlement has been demonstrated. The sus- material on the special films that can nucleate
ceptibility of stable austenitic steels adds consid- cleavage in ductile materials.
erably to the difficulty of building a case for hydro- Over time-scales relevant to the SCC process, most
gen embrittlement and an alternative brittle ambient temperature reactions between a metal and
mechanism is almost certainly required. its environment are limited to a surface or near-
Hahn and Pugh [9], working with a stable surface effect. (Hydrogen absorption is an obvious
austenitic steel, found strong indirect evidence for exception to this statement; however, as noted
discontinuous crack growth on (100) surfaces in earlier, hydrogen can often be ruled out as a cause
increments of about 0.5 pm. They showed, by mark- of SCC.) The reaction product is usually a thin
ing the fracture surface with load pulses, that the layer or film with different chemical, structural, and
crack remained in one position for a critical length mechanical properties with respect to the bulk metal
of time before a load pulse would cause it to substrate. Some examples of relevant films are
advance. Hydrogen diffusion was suggested as the oxides, chlorides, nitrides and porous metallic layers.
rate-controlling process, although more recently The concept introduced by Sieradzki and Newman
Pugh [lo] seems less sure of the role of hydrogen. We [16] is that thin films can induce microscopically
have developed an alternative line of reasoning based brittle (cleavage-like) behavior in intrinsically ductile
on earlier evidence that a spongy layer is formed metals. Recent results of molecular dynamic simu-
within cracks in susceptible steels [1 11, and we have lations supporting this notion are reviewed by Dienes
shown that this is not an oxide but a de-alloyed and Paskin [17]. The concept of film-induced
metallic layer consisting of an Fe+Ni alloy of con- cleavage is further supported by analytical calcu-
tinuously varying composition through its thickness lations [16, 18, 191 which define relationships which
[12]. Chromium hydroxide is precipitated within must exist between film and substrate in order for
the pores of the layer, and this misled earlier this mechanism to operate. The main film and
investigators into identifying the layer as an oxide. In interfacial parameters affecting material behavior are
view of the evidence for de-alloying-controlled the following:
cleavage in other systems (see Section 2), this finding
should help end the controversy regarding the role of (a) lattice parameter misfit;
absorbed hydrogen in chloride SCC of austenitic (b) elastic modulus mismatch;
steels, since there is much other evidence against a (c) interfacial state of coherency;
critical role of hydrogen (e.g. lack of correlation (d) degree of interfacial bonding;
between SCC and austenite stability; small effect of (e) geometric shape of film surrounding crack
temperature in the range of 1%3SOC). There are (determined by growth kinetics);
many other f.c.c. metals and alloys which display (f) porosity;
transgranular SCC in which the role of hydrogen can (g) intrinsic brittleness or ductility of the film.
be neglected on thermodynamic grounds. Perhaps
the most well known of these is the cracking of In Section 3 we will show how suitable combina-
alpha-brass, which occurs in a wide variety of tions of some of these parameters can induce
environments. Newman and Sieradzki [13] demon- cleavage-like behavior of intrinsically ductile solids.
strated that this alloy cracks discontinuously in a The propagation and arrest of microcleavage events
sodium nitrite solution. Periodic electrochemical are considered in Section 4.
current transients were found to occur simulta- We propose that the presence of a film at a crack
neously with acoustic events to within at most 1 ms. tip can modify the local deformation in such a way
The sizes of the current transients were consistent as to initiate cleavage. In this respect we are con-
with the crack advance distances measured metal- cerned with the film’s effectiveness in changing the
lographically and the number of transient events balance between cleavage and dislocation emission.
corresponded to the number of crack arrest marks on In Section 4 we shall also describe the physical
the fracture surface. There is also strong evidence for conditions under which a cleavage crack can propa-
discontinuous SCC in Au-G alloys [14] and in pure gate a significant distance in a ductile metal before
copper [151. coming to an arrest. Processes of this sort are not
rare and are not confined to SCC. For example, the
1.4 Film -induced cleavage initiation of cleavage in carbon steel is just such a
This paper will focus on the transgranular form of process. McMahon and Cohen [20] observed that a
SCC. This is particularly appropriate in view of the carbide served as the site of crack initiation, and
close relationship which we feel exists between trans- under appropriate conditions the crack propagated
granular SCC and other topics in fracture to be through the carbideferrite interface into the ferrite.
addressed in this special issue, such as the In some cases the cracks arrested in the bulk of the
brittleductile transition. Sieradzki and Newman [ 161 grain, but more often cracks were stopped at the
have recently proposed a new model of transgranular nearest grain boundary. If we imagine that a new
SCC based upon the concept of film-induced carbide is formed at the arrest position of the crack,
Stress-corrosion cracking 1103

then this would represent a process by which com- 2. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN
plete fracture of the body could occur. The rate of DEALLOYING AND SCC
crack growth would depend upon the rate of for-
mation of the carbide, and if this were finite a form 2.1 De -alloying
of intermittent brittle (or cleavage-like) cracking De-alloying (selective dissolution) occurs in solid
would result. In SCC the reaction of the metal with solutions or intermetallic compounds where there is
the environment produces a film which is the ana- a large difference in reactivity between the com-
logue of the carbide. ponents. Good examples of alloys where de-alloying
In the next section we will discuss the relationship might be expected are Cu-Al and Cu-Zn where
between de-alloying and transgranular SCC within copper is the more noble element. Cracking in these
the general context of porous films. Our emphasis on systems has long been known to display a marked
de-alloying (selective dissolution) arises because sensitivity to the alloy composition, and it has been
some of the most clearcut transgranular SCC systems shown that no transgranular SCC occurs when the
involve rapid de-alloying on fresh surfaces. However, solute (Zn or Al) content is less than about 20 at.%
other forms of transgranular SCC occur in pure or [25]. The conventional view of this behavior is that
nearly pure metals such as copper [l&21] or low- it relates to the effect of the solute content on the
alloy steel [22] where de-alloying is obviously not stacking fault energy in these alloy systems. As the
involved. In these cases we proposed that other solute content is raised the dislocation distribution
forms of reacted layers can nucleate cleavage. These changes from cellular to planar, and this change
can be oxides (copper in nitrite solution [IS]) or occurs at approximately the composition where these
nitrides (steel in anhydrous ammonia [22]). More alloys become susceptible to transgranular SCC.
speculatively, we have suggested that a carbide or However, the transition has now been shown to
carbon hardened layer is responsible for trans- correspond identically to the onset of de-alloying [26]
granular SCC of steel in CGCO,/H,O solutions (see Section 2.2).
[23]. Finally, copper single crystals can be made to
crack in ammonia solutions were dissolution is 2.2 De-alloying and percolation
occurring to a low rate and no chemically distinct Recently, Sieradzki [27] has offered a new
film can be present [21]. Here, as discussed briefly in explanation of the compositional dependence of
the next section, a porous zone similar to a de- de-alloying in which the significance of the 20%
alloyed layer is formed and may nucleate cleavage. threshold becomes clear. The selective dissolution
The film-induced cleavage concept has unified process is believed to involve an atypical form of the
many disparate pieces of information in the literature notion of percolation. Consider an A, B, _-x alloy
on transgranular SCC. It used to be thought that an- immersed in an aggressive aqueous solution in which
odic (metal oxidation or dissolution) processes could the less noble element (say A) is selectively dissolved
account for the rate of cracking without mechanical out. We believe that de-alloying can operate without
fracture, but in order to do so it was necessary to bulk solid-state diffusion of the more reactive com-
postulate unrealistically high reaction rates and crack ponent if there are continuous connected pathways
tip strain rates. The brittle fractography was also a of the A atoms throughout the structure of the solid.
difficulty. With film-induced cleavage the propor- The existence of such a connected cluster of A atoms
tionality of the cracking rate to the anodic reaction (termed an infinite cluster in percolation theory)
rate can be explained, since the anodic reaction depends in a statistical manner on the composition
produces the cleavage-initiating film [23]. However, of the alloy and the geometric packing (crystal
the improbable reaction rates and strain rates are no structure) of the solid. In f.c.c. structures the site
longer required, since the anodic process is only percolation threshold occurs at approximately 20%,
responsible for N 1% of the total crack advance, and so that in our A,B, _-x alloy we would predict that
the fractography arises naturally from the micro- x should be greater than 20 in order for selective
cleavage process. dissolution to progress more than a few monolayers.
It is an open question as to whether transgranular The selective dissolution process is sustained by
SCC could occur without cleavage. Most probably it the surface diffusion of the more noble component,
could not, as there would be too much chemical and which allows the aggressive solution to penetrate
mechanical blunting of the crack. Certainly all trans- through to the connected paths of A atoms. If the
granular SCC is cleavage-like, and in most cases alloy components are sufficiently different in reac-
it is possible to detect crack arrest markings tivity, then the alloy parting limit will be quite close
corresponding to the individual cleavage events [2]. to the site percolation threshold. The parting limit is
Transgranular embrittlement by hydrogen or liquid loosely defined as the limiting composition at which
metals sometimes shows similar markings on the a particular alloy system will be de-alloyed in a given
fracture surfaces, but can also reportedly grow in a environment. The variation in the parting limit and
discontinuous fashion involving extensive micro- de-alloying tendency from one alloy system to an-
plasticity [24]; no evidence exists for similar processes other due to the varying reactivities among the!
in SCC. constituent elements in the alloys. Specifically, a


more reactive element will be able to dissolve from I

more highly co-ordinated surface sites at a given

electrochemical potential and this in turn can be
related to the difference between the corrosion
potential and its equilibrium metal-metal ion Cu-A
electrode potential. Normally the site percolation
threshold sets a lower limit on the parting limit of the
alloy, but if one element is extremely reactive then
selective dissolution may proceed via second-nearest
neighbors leading to a slight lowering of the 20%
parting limit.
Dissolution of the reactive element from highly
co-ordinated sites permits exposure of more of these
atoms by surface diffusion of the noble atoms. Little
or no selective dissolution can occur near the per-
colation threshold if the dissolution of the reactive
element is restricted to low-co-ordination sites such
as kinks. To obtain de-alloying in such systems (e.g.
Au-Ag, Cu-Au, Fe-Ni-Cr) the concentration of the
more reactive component(s) must be increased to
about 70% [28]. This view of alloy corrosion is quite
different from the classical view developed by Pick-
0. I
0.: 3


ering and Wagner [29], which relies upon bulk
diffusion of the reactive component and has always Fig. 2. Effect of alloy composition on the thickness of the
de-alloyed layer produced in 18 s on Cu-Zn and Cu-Al
required unrealistic room temperature diffusivities of alloys.
metal atoms [30]. The percolation model of de-
alloying with surface diffusion accounts for all of the
experimental observations including the extremely de-oxygenated 15 M ammonia with 0.05 M cuprous
sharp parting limits which are inexplicable in terms ions [Cu(NH,)t], added as Cu,O. The dependence of
of bulk diffusion models. de-alloying on solute concentration is shown in
Figs 1 and 2. The depth of de-alloying cannot be
2.3 De-alloying and SCC calculated directly from the charge passed without a
Sieradzki et al. [26] have recently obtained data on knowledge of the concentration profiles produced.
the selective dissolution and stress-corrosion behav- However, in order to give an estimate of the depth
ior of Cu-Zn and Cu-Al monocrystals tested in involved after 18 s of de-alloying, we have assumed
in Figs 1 and 2 that the de-alloyed layers are
completely depleted in the solute elements and all the

solute is replaced by an equivalent volume of poros-
ity. The results are in the 20-50 nm range and are
consistent with our earlier theoretical prediction of
cu.-Al 200 atom layers for 7S30 brass [16]. The occurrence

of cleavage-like SCC was found to correspond iden-
tically to the parting limits found for de-alloying, as
shown in Figs 3 and 4. Based on the crack growth
rate and the spacing of the crack arrest markings, we
have shown that the crack is advancing about 1 pm
by cleavage after forming a de-alloyed layer about
20-50nm in thickness, i.e. the anodic process
accounts for only a few per cent of the total crack
growth. The results for the Cu-Al alloys show a
parting limit of approximately 14%, which indicates

that dissolution may be proceeding along chains of
Al atoms which are second-nearest neighbors
(second-nearest neighbor site percolation threshold
in the f.c.c. lattice is 13.6%). This is consistent with
the very high overpotential for dissolution of the
0. I 0.2 3 aluminum atoms in Cu-Al alloys.

Fig. 1. Dependence of the de-alloying charge density on 2.4 Morphology de-alloyed layers
alloy composition for Cu-Zn and Cu-A1 alloys. A very interesting porous microstructure results
Stress-corrosion cracking 1105

I I I cleavage-like SCC under electrochemical conditions

for which no film is present, i.e. the copper is
undergoing active dissolution [21]. This is not to be
confused with earlier work on the cracking of copper
single crystals in sodium nitrite solution in which a
cuprous oxide film is known to form [15]. In the
film-free condition a fine-scale porosity developed on
=I the specimen surface, provided that it was under
dynamic strain and within an intermediate range of
strain rates (Fig. 7). The porosity is formed by a
selective dissolution process which occurs at
- I/
emergent points of mobile dislocations. At low
enough displacement rates the corrosive attack
reverts to the normal crystallographic etching pro-
We do not yet understand how a porous film
nucleates a microcleavage event. There seem to be
1 0.1 0.2 0.2
I _e
several possibilities:

ATOM FRACTION OF Zn (a) The porous layer could undergo high-speed

ductile tearing which could initiate microcleavage.
Fig. 3. Dependence of the de-alloying rate and average crack
propagation rate (using the longest crack) on Zn concen- Hancock and Cowling [31] have discussed the occur-
tration in Cu-Zn alloys. rence of such a process on a more macroscopic scale
in steels.
(b) The mechanical behavior of the fine-scale me-
from the de-alloying process. Assuming constancy of tallic ligaments comprising the porous layer may be
volume within the corroded material, the solute significantly different from that of the bulk material.
removed from the de-alloyed layer will be replaced In sufficiently thin ligaments, dislocation sources may
by an equivalent volume of porosity. Since the attack not be present and the deformation mode may be
follows pathways of initially connected material, the significantly altered. If the ligaments fail by homoge-
porosity takes the form of a fine skeletal or branched neous shear, a mesoscopic cleavage-like process in the
structure with numerous inter-connected pathways. layer may ensue which may then continue into the
The branches initially have a diameter of a few nm, bulk metal owing to dynamic effects.
but as the film grows in depth the skeletal structure
coarsens in a manner analogous to Ostwald ripening. The mechanical properties of porous structures are
The driving force for the coarsening is the overall currently under study in our laboratory and we hope
reduction in the surface free energy and the kinetics
are controlled by the surface diffusivity.
Our electrochemical measurements of the de-

alloying kinetics [13, 16,261 indicate that only a few
hundred monolayers of film growth occurs during the
time interval (10-60 s) between microcleavage events.
We believe that during this time interval only a slight
degree of coarsening is possible. The porosity which
develops in such thin films has not yet been detected

owing to the very high spatial resolution required to
do so. Nevertheless it is possible to resolve the
porosity developed in thicker films; Fig. 5 shows the

porosity developed following the de-alloying of Ag C

from a 80-20 Ag-Au alloy in 4 M perchloric acid for

8000 s. Figure 6 shows the porosity developed after
40,000 s. The size scale of the porosity has increased
by a factor of approximately 2 in 32,000s.

2.5 Role of porous layers in XC

We are convinced that a layer of fine-scale poros- 0.1 0.2 0.;
ity, formed by de-alloying, triggers the microcleavage ATOM FRACTION OF Al

events during SCC in many alloy systems. A related Fig. 4. Dependence of the de-alloying rate and average crack
(though at first puzzling) observation is that an propagation rate (using the longest crack) on Al concen-
oriented single crystal of copper can undergo tration in Cu-Al alloys.

Fig. 5. The morphology of a 8&20 Ag-Au alloy de-alloyed Fig. 6. The morphology of a 80-20 Ag-Au alloy de-alloyed
in 4 M perchloric acid for 8000 S. in 4 M perchloric acid for 40,000 s.

to have some of these issues resolved in the near radius of a dislocation in the film, (b) the shear
future. modulus of the film, (c) the surface energy of the film
In the next section we consider film properties and (d) the surface or interfacial energy associated
other than porosity which may allow for the devel- with fracture in the substrate. Here we assume that
opment of film-induced cleavage. These parameters the film-metal interface presents no barrier to dis-
may be expected to dominate the situation for films location motion; however, in the usual situation it
of little or no porosity. will strain harden the near-crack-tip region. This case
will be considered in Section 3.2.
Consider a crack coated with a film loaded in
3. ANALYTICAL MODELING OF FILM longitudinal shear as illustrated in Fig. 8. The force
In this section we will consider the manner in which
a thin film surrounding a crack can induce brittle
behavior of an intrinsically ductile metal. The par-
ameters which we investigate are the elastic modulus
mismatch and the lattice parameter misfit between
film and substrate. The basis of our approach is the
analysis developed by Rice and Thomson [32] in their
study of the stability of an atomically sharp crack in
a solid against blunting by dislocation emission.

3.1 Elastically hard jilms

An elastically hard film is considered to be a film
with a shear modulus greater than that of the
substrate. Consider a film-free crack in a metal which
under sufficient loading is unstable to dislocation
nucleation, i.e. the crack tip can spontaneously emit
dislocations. Sieradzki [33] has discussed how the
presence of an elastically hard film surrounding the
crack can alter the stability of the crack tip. The
main effect results from the modification of the image Fig. 7. The porous morphology developed during tensile
testing of a monocrystal of copper in a 15 M ammonia
force owing to the presence of the hard film. The solution with 0.3 g/l dissolved copper powder. The strain
following parameters enter into determining the rate was 1 x IOm5s-l and the tensile axis was 2” off (1 lO>
dislocation nucleation criteria: (a) the core cut-off This sample underwent severe SCC.
Stress-corrosion cracking 1107

and is given by

f,= -fi$ (3)


u = e312to 12,

-= sin e cos fp,
and &, is the core cut-off for the dislocation in the
film. The critical distance, t,, at which a straight
dislocation is in unstable equilibrium is given by the
condition f,,, =f, +f, +f; = 0.

Fig. 8. Geometry of the dislocation crack configuration

loaded in longitudinal shear. +if

2y h2”_

per unit length of dislocation due to the applied load

--- - 1-
rFI + [
7K0’<2+LXr x5 0
is given by
provided that l, < k.
Figure 9 shows the results of calculations for 5,
using values appropriate for iron (yFe= 1.975 J/m’,
bFe= 2.49 x lo-rOm pLFe= 6.92 x 10” Pa) for
(2np)“Z different values of ;he ratio p,/p, and varying film

1 thickness h. The results predict brittle behavior for

values of h greater than 2 and ratios of pfflpL,greater
than 3.5. As the value of 2y, is reduced the range of
stability of an atomically sharp crack in the p,/p, - /I
where field is increased. If weak interfaces exist in the solid
in close proximity to the crack tip, elastically hard
G =Q,, 5 =plb films would tend to promote fracture of the solid at
such interfaces.
3.2 Ductile films
1 Suppose that the film which forms over a metal as
- = cos e/2 sin rp.
0 a result of a corrosion process is intrinsically ductile.
We are interested in determining whether or not the
Here b,,, = b sin cp, 2y, represents the work required deformation mode of the film could be altered by the
to reversibly separate an internal interface, and p is film-substrate system in such a way as to result in
the shear modulus. The subscripts f and s refer to the initiation of a cleavage cracking mode. In general
film and substrate respectively. the film will have a lattice parameter, a,, different
The image force on a screw dislocation in a film from that of the bulk substrate metal, a,. The lattice
surrounding a crack is given by [33] misfit and the film thickness combine to determine
the nature of the interface and the coherency strains.

h=$ -++;“g,n2_:;,h)2
(2) ’
The lattice misfit is given as

3.2.1 Cleavage nucleation by coherent ductile films
of positive misfit. Sieradzki and Newman [16] have
discussed how a crack surface and a planar surface
differ in the manner in which coherency strains are
and h is the film thickness in units of b. accommodated. For a/ c a,, coherency strains within
The force due to the ledge left behind during the film are tensile while on the substrate side of the
formation of the dislocation results from the normal interface they are compressive. This situation allows
component of the Burgers vector to the crack plane, the interface to serve as a barrier to dislocation
1108 and R. C. NEWMAN

yin,= I .975 J-t-ri*

// h=50




' I.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

Fig. 9. Results of calculations for yint = 1.975J/mZ.Values of l, less than 2/3 indicates ductile behavior.

motion. If the barrier is strong enough, the near-tip value of the stress intensity for the film. The main
strain hardening will transform the dislocation emit- contribution to _Y comes from dislocation-crack
ting crack into a cleaving crack. The geometric interactions and in the stress-corrosion problem
blunting which the crack tip undergoes during the there are four primary sources of dislocations:
hardening process is inconsequential to the trans-
formation process. Paskin et al. [34] have suggested (1) The grown-in structure present in the annealed
that the geometric blunting of a crack by several crystal. These dislocations are geometrically homoge-
lattice spacings has a negligible effect on the near-tip neous and will not contribute to the shielding term.
stress fields and so the cleavability of the solid. This (2) Dislocations produced under load at sources
is because at an atomic level the crack tip other than crack tip. If the sources are driven by the
configuration affecting the near-tip stresses is deter- crack tip stress field the antishielding components of
mined by the lattice crystal structure. the dislocation are attracted toward the tip and the
In general, coherent films of positive misfit will shielding components are forced away from the tip.
induce a stress intensity, k,,which will tend to open For sources located on the substrate side of the
the crack. Sieradzki and Newman [16] have shown film-substrate interface the antishielding dislocations
that the induced stress intensity is given by will tend to accumulate at distances of approximately
twice the film thickness from the crack tip. The
k/= 2~,(1 - vZ)f.t1’2, (5) contribution of these to 9 is balanced by shielding
dislocations resulting from the arrest process as
where t is the film thickness. In order for the crack discussed in (3). Within the film itself the absolute
to experience stresses induced by the film, t should number of active dislocation sources is low (owing to
be greater than the microscopic crack tip opening the thinness of the film in SCC) so that this con-
displacement. The total stress intensity, k,,acting on tribution to LZ’can be neglected.
the crack is given by (3) In Section 4 we discuss the production of
dislocations at the crack tip during the crack arrest
kr=k,+K+g, (6) process. The shielding portion of these dislocations
will dominate geometrically in the immediate region
where K is the stress intensity resulting from the surrounding the crack which is to become the film.
applied loads and _.Yis the stress intensity resulting The spatial arrangement of these dislocations is
from the shielding effects. The fracture condition determined mainly by the dynamics of the crack
may be expressed as k, > k/c, where k/Gis the Griffith arrest process. Their structure is frozen in by the
Stress-corrosion cracking 1109

corrosion process and will not vary substantially Equation (7) is solved for N using an iterative
during static loading. algorithm. The position, 5, that the first dislocation
(4) The crack tip embedded in intrinsically ductile emitted from the crack takes up is equal to the film
material serves as the dominant dislocation source thickness, h, unless friction is too great to allow the
during static loading. Dislocations produced here dislocation to reach the film-substrate interface. The
shield the crack from the externally applied stress. force at 4 = &,, the position of the incipient dis-
We shall assume that the external loading is such location (assumed equal to the core cut-off distance
as to maintain k, at a value equal to k/G [equation of a dislocation in the film), is continually examined.
(6)]. Dislocations nucleated at the crack tip will When F(&) = 0 a dislocation is nucleated there and
pile-up at the film-substrate interface located a moves away, eventually taking up a position deter-
distance h (h = t/b) from the tip. The pile-up will mined by equation (7). Finally, after N dislocations
exert a force on an incipient dislocation opposing have been nucleated, F(&) remains negative and no
nucleation. As the pile-up grows it becomes in- further nucleation is possible for k, < k/c. At this
creasingly difficult for the crack tip to nucleate the point cleavage in the film becomes possible. In this
next dislocation. Eventually the local k required to analysis we have neglected the contribution of the
nucleate the (N + 1)th dislocation is greater than k$ ledge terms.
and the emitting crack undergoes a transition to a Using parameters appropriate for a-brass we have
cleaving crack. Lin and Thomson [35] have also evaluated equation (7) for the number of dislocations
discussed the occurrence of such a transition. Re- N, required to affect a deformational mode transition
ferring to Fig. 10, the number of dislocations in the as a function of the film thickness, h. The results are
pile-up, N, required to cause the deformational mode shown in Fig. 11. If N is greater than the interfacial
transition is given by the condition that the sum of barrier can withstand, interfacial integrity breaks
the forces acting on the incipient (N + 1)th dis- down and ductile behavior ensues. If the interface
location is zero, i.e. can support a pile-up of N dislocations, a cleavage
crack is nucleated. The maximum number of
Ftotal=o dislocations that a film of thickness h and misfitfcan
withstand is given approximately by [16],
= k/,(b/8nt,)“* sin rp cos (p/2 cos rp
N,_ =f .h. (8)
-pb/4n<j-a,b +pbb/2x

Using equations [7j and [8], coherent film parameters

x 5 (5i/5j)"*(tj- tile'. (7) for microscopic cleavage in a-brass are summarized
i=l in Fig. 12.
3.2.2 Cleavage nucleation by incoherent$lms. Equi-
The first term is the force on a dislocation at cj (in librium considerations indicate that the maintenance
units of b) resulting from the crack tip stress field. of coherency becomes difficult as the product f .h
The second term is the image force on a dislocation increases [36]. Most films will lose coherency with the
at t;, and the third term is the frictional force. The substrate by forming a network of misfit dislocations.
fourth term is the force on a dislocation at <, These misfit dislocations can harden the near-tip
produced by all the dislocations at &, i #j. region in a manner similar to dispersion hardening.


Fig. 10. The geometry of dislocation, crack and film-substrate boundary.
and R. C. NEWMAN


l/8 = sin 4 cos(f$/2) cos *.

The outwardly directed component of this force on

the slip plane is

1 kb

As shown in Fig. 13, p = r cos 0 + t and r = l/2,

where 1 is the spacing between misfit dislocations
given by


Using these substitutions, eqn [lo] may be written as

I cos e
de. (12)
0 5 IO 15 [cos e + (2t/Z)]“2
Integrating we obtain
Fig. 11. The results of numerical calculations using equation
(7) and values appropriate for a-brass. The results indicate
the number of dislocations required to shift the balance 1(2t/l), (13)
from ductile to brittle behavior in a-brass as a function of
the thickness of a ductile de-alloyed layer surrounding the
crack tip. where the integral

This effect is possible for films of positive and

negative misfit.
Z(2t /I) =
s +n/2 COST
_n,2 [COS e + (2tp)p

is expressible in a standard form as a sum of elliptic


We examine the situation by assuming that all of

integrals of the first and second kind.
the coherency strain is accommodated by a network
The inwardly directed component of the line ten-
of misfit dislocations. The relevant question is
sion may be expressed as [37]
whether or not a dislocation formed at the crack tip
can be transmitted through the dislocated interface at
a k value less than kfG. Qb2 2-v ln8r (14)
4w ( l-v > e2y0 ’
The crack geometry is illustrated in Fig. 13. Our
approach is to consider the balance between the crack
Combining equations (14) and (15) yields an expres-
tip force and the line tension of the curved dis-
sion for the value of k required to push a dislocation
location. We assume that if the crack tip force is
sufficient to allow a dislocation to reach the saddle
point configuration (semicircular geometry) it will be
nucleated and pass into the substrate. Under these
circumstances the interface may even serve as a
source of dislocations (via Frank-Read multi-
plication). On the other hand, if the k value required
to push a dislocation into the saddle point conlig-
uration is greater than kfG cleavage crack nucleation
is possible.
The crack is under mode I loading. The stress field [ 0311 i yherent\\ 1
produced by the applied load yields a normal force on
a dislocation segment of length ds given by

dF = (a&) dr I IO IO2 IO3 IO4

1 kb Fig. 12. The misfit as a function of film thickness required

=_- (9)
/3 (8np)~~2 *, for crack initiation in coherent and incoherent ductile films.
Stress-corrosion cracking 1111



Fig. 13. The geometry of dislocation, crack and incoherent interface with misfit dislocation spacing 1.

through a film of thickness h with an interfacial instant immediately following the dislocation nucle-
dislocation spacing 1: ation event. As the dislocation moves away from the
crack tip the cleavage cracking continues. It is
interesting to point out that if this crack were loaded
quasi-statically it would continually emit dislocations
and blunt. In the case discussed by Dienes and
where 1 = i/b. Owing to the r-L’z stress dependency Paskin (Figs 16 and 17 of their paper) cleavage
at fixed k and I, the closer the interface is to the tip cracking continues owing to purely dynamic effects.
the easier it will be for the crack tip to push a As the dislocation is emitted from the moving crack
dislocation through the interface. Hardening is facil- the local k falls below k, for the material and the
itated by small 1 and large h. If &, > kfG cleavage crack momentarily stops its forward motion. Even
crack nucleation is possible. though the crack tip has stopped its forward motion,
We have evaluated equation (15) as a function of the local displacement rate of atoms in the vicinity
film thickness and misfit using parameters appropri- of the tip remains extremely high; on the order of
ate for a-brass, and the results are shown in Fig. 12. 0.2 vL. Thus the crack is shock loaded and its motion
Examination of this figure indicates that very thin is re-initiated once the dislocation-crack interactions
(~50 monolayers) ductile film on brass can initiate permit. We believe that the cracking behavior de-
cleavage only if it remains coherent and has the scribed here typifies the cleavage-like crack advance
required misfit. For thicker films a deformational which occurs during the SCC process.
mode transition may occur for proper combinations Crack arrest can occur in semi-brittle or ductile
of misfit and film thickness regardless of the state of metals for a variety of reasons:
coherency between film and substrate. We assume
that even if coherency is lost the integrity of the (a) restraining effect of unbroken ligaments con-
interface is such so that a high degree of bonding necting the surfaces;
exists between film and substrate. (b) encounters with pre-existing or deformation-
generated defects;
4. CRACK ARREST (c) crack bifurcation;
(d) exhaustion.
4.1 General considerations
In previous sections we considered a number of The restraining effect of ligaments is generally
ways in which films surrounding cracks could initiate considered to be the most significant in arresting
cleavage-like crack propagation in intrinsically macroscopic cleavage cracks [40]. For the micro-
ductile metals. In this section we take up the question scopic cleavage situation in SCC the effect of liga-
of how far the cleavage crack can penetrate into the ments seems limited for three reasons:
ductile matrix. This issue is obviously related to the
brittleductile transition which is known to occur for (1) In some cases (e.g. brass) the ligaments are
a variety of materials as a function of temperature themselves extremely crystallographic and are only at
and strain rate. As a simplification we assume that most tens of nanometers in height.
the crack will not undergo a decrement in velocity (2) Owing to time retardation effects, only a small
traversing the film-substrate interface. portion of the ligament can assume a role in arresting
There is some experimental [38] and theoretical the crack.
[39] evidence indicating that dislocation generation at (3) The crack arrest markings observed micro-
the moving crack tip is concomitant with the cleav- scopically are continuous across many steps of
age process. In the simulations described by Dienes widely varying height, which tends to suggest an
and Paskin [17], the moving crack stops for an arrest process intrinsic to the dynamic crack itself.

We expect that in some cases crack arrest will occur r, is the core cut-off radius of the dislocation, and r
at defects such as slip bands. If this were the case, is the smallest relevant macroscopic sample dimen-
then as the defect density increases the cleavage or sion. Applying the conservation of energy
crack jump distance should decrease to an approxi- A( W - U) = A( T + ED + Es), (18)
mately constant distance limited by the maximum
defect density attainable. Alternatively a crack trav- where W is the work done during the crack jump by
elling at high enough velocity may bifurcate, leading the external loading, U is the strain energy stored in
to rapid arrest. the system (U = nut 1=/E), and Es is the surface free
energy term (Es = 27,). We will ignore the Es term
4.2 Estimation of crack arrest distance and also a force times distance work term done by the
As an estimate to the upper limit of the crack jump crack on the dislocation [16]. These terms contribute
distance in SCC, we have analyzed an arrest process a negligible amount to the energy balance in com-
resulting from exhaustion. Consider a dynamic crack parison to ED.
which has just crossed the film-substrate interface. It The work, W, done by the external load during a
carries with it a kinetic energy [41] microcleavage event will always be zero owing to the
following argument. At the instant the crack starts to
move in a cleavage mode elastic waves radiate from
the tip and move out toward the external boundaries.
The amount of time required for the external load to
where 1 is the crack length, E is Young’s modulus, sense the crack motion is given by, t = r/uL x 10 ps
eG the nominal Griffith stress for a crack of initial (rL is the longitudinal sound velocity). The total crack
length l,,, and K is an undetermined constant. The jump time, t*, is given by the v,/x where v, is the
quasi-static assumption made by Mott in deriving crack velocity and x is the crack jump distance.
this expression has been criticized by a number of Assuming that the microcleavage crack moves at
researchers [42]; however, Freund [43] has remarked speeds of at least 0.1 uL, t* z 10 ns for typical values
on the general validity of Mott’s description and the ofx-lpm, t* is x3 orders of magnitude smaller
only difficulty comes from defining the value of K than t which means that by definition W = 0 for such
which determines the terminal velocity. Here we a microcleavage process. Similar arguments regard-
adopt a value of K corresponding to the terminal ing microcleavage apply for the restraining effects of
velocity taking on the value of the Rayleigh wave ligaments.
velocity IJ~. When the moving crack emits a dis- Substitution into eqn (18) yields the following
location it loses an amount of energy equal to 1441 expression for the change in crack velocity, au,, per
characteristic crack advance distance, 61,
‘,,I (17)
ED=8~(l+p)b2 ro’ &J, = -

x ($~ln~)~6N], (19)
82 = (1 - U;/u’,)“‘,


Fig. 14. The crack jump distance as a function of the velocity of the crack as it leaves the film.
Stress-corrosion cracking 1113

where 6N is the number of dislocations emitted 11. Seamans G. M. and Swann P. R., Corros. Sci. 18, 983
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We have discussed how the film-induced cleavage W. W.), p. 187. AIME, Warrendale, PA (1976).
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R. H.), Proc. NATO Workshop, Bad Reichenhall,
discuss the process of crack arrest and show that
F.R.G:, June 1986 (in press).
arrest from an exhaustion mechanism is consistent 24. Lvnch S. P.. Acta metall. 29. 325 (1981).
with experimental results. 25. Ohtani N. and Dodd R. A.,‘Corrosion 21, 161 (1965).
26. Sieradzki K., Kim J. S., Cole A. T. and Newman R. C.,
Acknowledgement-This research was performed under the J. electrochem. Sot. 134, 1637 (1987).
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