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Digestive and urinary system test

1. How do we call low content of free hydrochloric acid in gastric

a) achlorhydria;
b) hypoacidity;
c) normoacidity;
d) hyperacidity.
2. Increasing of erythrocytes number is classified as:
a) erythrocytosis;
b) erythrocytopenia;
c) oligochromemia;
d) hyperchromemia;
3. Normal values of erythrocytes count in women:
a) 3.8±1.0 x 1012/1;
b) 4.8±1.0 x 1012/1;
c) 6.8±1.0 x 1012/1;
d) 8.8±1.0 x 1012/1.
4. The tympanic sound of the percussion of a healthy person is
determined above the:
a) heart
b) spleen
c) lung tissue
d) muscles
5. The content of total protein in serum 106g | l, this:

a) hypoproteinemia
b) dysproteinemia
c) hypergammaglobulinemia
d) hyperproteinemia
6. In the urine of men leukocytes:
a) not contained
b) 1-2 in sight
c) 5-6 in sight
d) 6-8 in sight
7. In the Nechiporenko analysis of urine normal content of
erythrocytes in 1 ml:

a) 0
b) up to 10
c) up to 1000
d) up to 10,000
8. Vomiting that arose through 4-6 hours after eating is a
consequence of:

a) ulcer or cancer of cardiac part of the stomach acute gastritis;

b) ulcer or cancer of the stomach body;
c) ulcer of the pylorus or duodenum
d) Acute Gastritis
9. From what of the intestines segment begins deep palpation by

a) cecum;
b) the transverse colon;
c) appendix cecum;
d) the sigmoid colon;
10. Excretory anuria:
a) violation of urine formation by kidneys;
b) lack of urine because of constraints in the urinary tract;
c) daily urine output less than 500 ml;
d) urinary excretion of acetone.
11. How many urine samples are collected for Zimnitsky

a) 2
b) 4
c) 5
d) 8
12. Laboratory examination includes all listed except:
a) Blood analysis
b) Sonography
c) Urine analysis
d) Sputum analysis
13. The distance of the liver in the right anterior axillary line is
normally is:

a) 6-8 cm
b) 8-9 cm
c) 10-12 cm
d) 13-15 cm
14. With the feces of a healthy person stands out:

a) free bilirubin
b) associated bilirubin
c) urobilin
d) urobilinogen
15. Prothrombin is synthesized only in:

a) spleen
b) kidney
c) pancreas
d) liver
16. Normally, the prothrombin index is:

a) 20-40%
b) 40-60%
c) 60-80%
d) 80-100%
17. Oligouria is a daily diuresis less than:

a) 500ml
b) 1000ml
c) 2 liters
d) 5 liters
18. Signs of kidney edema:
a) blue, cold, dense;
b) blue, warm, soft;
c) pale, warm, soft;
d) pale, cold, dense.
19. The symptom of "Digiti hippocratici" is not typical for:
a) cirrhosis of the liver;
b) lung cancer;
c) "blue" congenital heart defects;
d) pneumothorax;
20. The normal content of hyaline casts in Nechiporenko analysis
of urine:

a) no
b) to 2-5
c) to 5-10
d) up to 20

21. In diseases of the hepatobiliary system, pain most often

a) to the left shoulder;
b) in the lower abdomen, in the thigh;
c) up, left, backward;
d) up, right, backward;

22. Bloody vomiting in liver diseases is most often caused by:

a) rupture of the glisson capsule;
b) rupture of varicose veins of the esophagus;
c) Mallory-Weiss syndrome;
d) rupture of the portal vein;

23. Bloody vomiting with copious amounts of unchanged blood

is more typical for:
a) stomach ulcers;
b) ulcers of the duodenum;
c) erosive gastritis;
d) rupture of varicose veins of the esophagus;

24. Hemorrhagic syndrome in liver diseases is a consequence of:

a) hyperbilirubinemia;
b) hepatocellular insufficiency syndrome;
c) hyperestrogenemia;
d) hypoalbuminemia;

25. Beer-colored urine (greenish-brown) is detected when:

a) acute glomerulonephritis;
b) acute pyelonephritis;
c) chronic glomerulonephritis;
d) hepatic jaundice.

26. The cause of hemorrhagic syndrome in liver diseases is:

a) violation of protein metabolism;
b) violation of fat metabolism;
c) violation of carbohydrate metabolism;
d) a decrease in the synthetic function of the liver;

27. Not observed in liver diseases:

a) jaundice;
b) itchy skin;
c) "dagger" pain;
d) urticaria.

28. Fever is observed in all of the listed liver lesions, except for
a) acute cholangitis;
b) preicteric stage of acute viral hepatitis;
c) chronic viral hepatitis, exacerbation;
d) congestive liver with right ventricular failure

29. The appearance of pulling, bursting, dull constant pains in

the right hypochondrium is associated with:
a) spasm of the sphincter of Oddi;
b) spasm of the gallbladder muscles;
c) spasm of the gallbladder sphincter;
d) stretching the glisson capsule of the liver with its increase;

30. As evidenced by itching of the skin in liver diseases:

a) the presence of a duodeno-gastric reflex;
b) an increase in bile acids in the blood against the background of
severe cholestasis;
c) violation of the protein-forming function of the liver;
d) heart failure against the background of concomitant myocardial

31. Typical for autoimmune hepatitis:

a) advanced age;
b) the predominance of males;
c) a slight increase in the activity of aminotransferases;
d) frequent development of extrahepatic manifestations.

32. What complaint is not typical for esophageal diseases?

a) dysphagia;
b) vomiting;
c) diarrhea;
d) bleeding;

33. The peculiarities of skin coloration in patients with hepatic

jaundice are:
a) flavinicterus;
b) verdinicterus;
c) ruvinicterus;
d) melasicterus.

34. A feature of skin coloration in suprahepatic jaundice is:

a) flavinicterus;
b) verdinicterus;
c) ruvinicterus;
d) melasicterus.

35. Soreness when tapping with the elbow side of the palm along
the costal arch in the projection zone of the gallbladder is a
positive symptom:
a) Ortner;
b) Vasilenko;
c) Zakharyin;
d) Murphy;

36. When palpating the abdomen, it should be started:

a) from a painful area;
b) from the area symmetrical to the painful one;
c) from a painless area;
d) from the epigastric region;

37. Palpation characteristics of the normal sigmoid colon are:

a) smooth, painful, displaceable;
b) bumpy, painless, not displaceable;
c) smooth, painless, displaceable;
d) smooth, painless, rumbling.

38. The bimanual method of deep palpation of the abdomen is

used for palpation:
a) sigmoid colon;
b) the cecum;
c) the transverse colon;
d) the ascending colon;

39. "Dampf" by the method of VP Obraztsov allows:

a) to reduce abdominal pain;
b) eliminate spasm of the pylorus;
c) to provide relaxation of the anterior abdominal wall in the
palpation zone;
d) restore the passability of the gatekeeper;
40. With deep palpation of the abdomen, a skin fold is formed:
a) parallel to the axis of the organ being palpated;
b) perpendicular to the axis of the organ being palpated;
c) at an angle of 45 ° to the axis of the organ being palpated;
d) depending on the position of the patient;

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