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Q1: What is the function to get website url in wordpress??

a None

b get_site_url();

c get_url();

d None

e None

f get_website_url();

Q2: Is the NULL value treated as 0??

a True

b None

c None

d False

e None

f None

Q3: In Linux, the priority of a running process can be changed using which command??

a None

b None

c passwd

d renice

e priority

f ps -A

Q4: Which of the following variables is not a predefined variable??

a $get

b .$post

c $request

d None

e None

f $ask

Q5: What are meta-tags??

a Meta-tags are codes and scripts used to display website or page information.

b Meta-tags are keywords and description used to display website or page


c None

d Meta-tags are special tages and function used to display website or page

e None

f None

Q6: What is the difference between characters \034 and \x34??

a None

b None

c \034 is hex 34 and \x34 is octal 34.

d None

e \034 is octal 34 and \x34 is hex 34.

f None

Q7: Which relational database does WordPress use??

a Oracle

c None

d None

e PostgresSQL


Q8: In HTML, onblur and onfocus are:?

a Event attributes

b Style attributes

c None

d Text styles

e HTML elements

f None

Q9: Which of the following answers refers to a Linux command-line command used for
configuring network interface parameters specific to the wireless communication??

a networksetup

b ifconfig

c net config

d iwconfig

e None

f None

Q10: If you execute the command `umask 0002`, what will happen?

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

c Next time when we create a file using the chmod command, the permissions of will
be 664

d None of the mentioned

e Next time when we create a file using the chmod command, the permissions of will
be 666

f Next time when we create a file using the chmod command, the permissions of will
be 002

Q11: Which of the following encoding an XML parser assumes ??

a UTF-64

b UTF-8

c UTF-32

d None

e UTF-16

f None

Q12: Which value of Socket.readyState atribute of WebSocket indicates that the connection
has been closed or could not be opened??


b None



e None


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