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Scenes In Play

Scene 1: Doctor husband and wife, doctor checking husband , lallu comes in, doctor leaves

Scene 2: ( sound track door knocking) , doodh wala and wife, husband falling off bed scene, lallu helps husband ,
(kootnay ki awaaz soundtrack) lallu and wife

Scene 3: Beta and wife ( bicycle bell noises sound track) wife and beta leave

Scene 4 : Lallu comes in brooming and humming ,husband asks him to leave

Scene 5: Phone starts ringing ( telephone ringing noise soundtrack) husband answers

Scene 6: beggars come and ask for money

Scene 7: lallu comes to tell that friends are here , 2 friends come in ,

Scene 8: Lallu dances with broom (Song plays in background Humma ) Husband gets up and hits lallu and lallu

Scene 9: Beta starts crying again but in background wife comes to tell and then leaves again to get beta quiet

Scene 10: Lallu comes again, bima bechnay wala comes, husband throws slippers at him, bima bechnay wala leaves

Scene 11: ( all previous sound tracks play together door, cycle , telephone , song) husband gets up and leaves for

The end.

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