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Although climate change has been relentlessly proven that it

exists, still many people say and believe that climate change is
not that big of a deal or even that it is not a real thing.
Environmental issues are a real threat for humanity and for our
planet, and here is why.

First of all, my own experience has taught me the opposite. In

the last few years I have clearly seen the weather become quite
unpredictable and way more radical than before, the strange
succession of extraordinarily hot and severely rainy days cannot
be normal.

Additionally, data provided by many organizations also

corroborates it. Every day those facts reach us through the news
and social media and remind us of the ongoing global warning.

So, to sum up, yes, climate change is a real thing, and we

already can see its consequences and if we do not stop it soon,
the aftermath will be huge. Every person that states the
contrary is one, uninformed, or two, bought by petrol

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