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Where are you from?

In the arduous landscapes of Afghanistan, I spent my formative years navigating

through the challenges of a low-income environment. Eventually, life brought me to
the United Kingdom, where I sought new opportunities and embraced the identity of
a British citizen.

The transition was not without hurdles, especially the language barrier. However,
with unwavering determination, I dedicated myself to learning English, allowing me to
assimilate into the UK's diverse and thriving culture.

As time passed, I found myself integrating both Afghan values and British customs,
creating a harmonious blend of identities. The experience instilled in me a profound
sense of gratitude for the enriching journey that led me to this point.

Becoming a British citizen offered me a world of possibilities and a chance to build a

fulfilling life. With resilience and hope as my allies, I forged ahead, never forgetting
the lessons learned in my homeland.

Today, I stand as a testament to the power of adaptation and the growth that
emerges from embracing change. My journey from Afghanistan to the UK has
shaped me into a more mature and appreciative individual, ready to embrace
whatever the future may hold with a steadfast and grateful heart.

Why do you want to study this course at this college?

I would like to give myself another challenge rather than work long and difficult shifts
and I know that the business and tourism course will benefit me as it will teach me
about different businesses and enhance my knowledge.

What are your future career plans?

I have always had high hopes of one day owning my very own successful business
and studying more about the business concept will definitely help me achieve this

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